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_ 'W&SHTE MAW COÜWTV:. IpiÖTAnYPUSUC' ! ANO ; I ._ j[ GEIÜIrtAL i IJ L I tt =m ü CONVEYAHCER BuiUJíUÉsJÍ r si . i OUR ABSTRACT BOOKS! As ]arliülly indieated above, are now posíed to dato. They at otee, in a Oóndensed or posted í'orm, show tíie orhjual cliainaml ullnew chaina of title. ÏMHttnGe, bucli as AUDITÖE GENEEAIS DEEDS, Known aa Tax-Titlns, which aro very numerous in tuis Couuty, Decrees, Contracis, Deeds ! Arpo, now as wcll as all of the old undischarged Mortgagea as far bark as 1824 - which are tegfona. l'ersoiis tatínjí title or mortgaeres and Liens vill remember that Tax-Titlía and other coUateral mattera are not f'ound hl the ufiul mode of soaieh by índexes at the Kegister's oíhoe. The buoks or liocrs in the RegiHttr's olücc have becomeso numcrousand voluminous that long time is uocessarily requïr&d even to tnake a liasty and umeliable soaích. With ourfacilitlea we say to the public that we can show them title and Title Hurtoxy, make Deds, Mortgages, Aasignments, IHsohmges, &c, aa correct. y, unieker and in betterstyifi iban auy other oiiice in the YVa have MONL7 TO LOAN I On Bond and Mortgagc en long time. REAL ESTÁTE Soldorexchanged. IIOUSES TO RENT. 33 acres opposite the Observutory for tiale in loU to suit purchaaerfi. ROOT & LEITEK, Eeal Estáte .agenta, No. 1. Giegory Blook, Tiïacy "V. Rott, and oppssite tbe Poítoíñce. Charles A. Leiter. 14U-tf Eeal Estáte for Sale. OTATE O3f MICHIGAN, County of Waihtenaw, O 6S.- In the matter of the estáte of Ilenry l.uiok, Emiiimel Luidt, Amelia Luick, und lydia Luick, miBOVS, Notiee is heixby givun, that in pursuance oí an order, grauted lo the undersigned, (ruar Jian of the estáte of said minors, by the Ilon. Judge of Probate for the County of Waahtenaw, on the twentioth day of Jauuary, A. U. 1&Ï3, there will be sold at public vendue, to the hiffhest bidder, at the üoutli door of the Court Houso in the city of Ann Albor, in the County of Washtimaw, in suld State, on the twellth duy of Jlareh, A. I). W73, at ten o-clock iu the foronoon of that day (subject to all en mimbrantes by niortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the sale, aud also subject to the right of denrex of the widow of Ileury Luick, deceascd, therein), the following described real estáte, to wit : Theundivided (4-oJ iourflfths of thu noitheast quarter of Üie southeast quartti of section thirty-foux, and the undividcd lourlifths of the west half of the west half of the west half of the southwest quarter of section thirly-üve, in townslnp two suuth of range nve east, umi State, containing sixty acres, moie or lesa. Divted, Januai-y 20, 1SI3. AUGUST HUT2KI,, 1410 Guardias Eeal Estáte for Bale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtpnav, ga.- Ia the matter of the e.-tate of Uarriet E. iiordine, Levi Bordine, and Lavina Bordine, miuors. Notice is hereby fiiven, that in puxBBunte óf an order granted to the ondoninnd, Guardian of the estáte of said minors, by the Hor. JiiJge af Trobate lor the County of Wa&htenaw, on the sixth day of J.inuary, A. 1. 1873 there will besold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at tlis homestéad oi the pimiee hureinafter desoribed, in tlie County cf "Washteu.iw, in said State, on Weánesay, tïe twelttli day of Uaroh, A. D. H78, at ten o'clock in thu foreuuon of that day (subjcot to all eucumbrances by mortgage or otherwiae enetiag ut the time of sal), the foÜowing described real estute, to wit : The undivided tlireeeleventlis (ü-11) of the east twenty-flve acres of the northeast quarter of aeetioa thüty-tla-ec, the west half of the northeast qualUr, and the northwtst quarter of the sc-uthwtst quarter of seetion thirty-tour, and the northwest quarter of the uortheaat quarter of section thnty-Hve, all in township tour south of range seven east, containiug ene himdred and eighty-üvo acres, ntorc or k'ss, m said Dated, Jauuary Cth, A. X). 1875. ASA M. DAltfN'1410 Uuardiaa. Eeal Estáte for Sale. ATE OP 3I1CHIU AN, County of Washtenaw, w. ia In the matter of the estáte of ciem-ge E Oeoding, deceased. Notiee is hereby givcn, that in pursuance of m order graBted to the undersigned, Exccutlix ot the last will and testament of said deoeaned, by tlie Hon. Judgo sf Prebate for the County of Wiishtena-w, on the twoutieth day or January, A. D. IMS, there will be sold at publio veudae, to tbe highett bidder, at the dwelling house on the premises-, in tho County of Wushtcnaw, in aid State, on the twolfth day of March, A. D 1873, at one o'clock in the afteruoou of that ilay subject to all eucumbrauces by moitgag or bllieiwise exug at the time of the death of said deeeased) thetollowiu" described real estáte, to wit : The BOUth livi-cighth of the west half of the sonthcast quarter of seotien twenty-nine, in towuship two south of rang scvurveast in said State, md al.--o the east half of the southwrat quarter cf said seciion twenty-nino, {exoeptinutfn acres uut of the noltheast corner of said lasi described parcel of land in the form of a parallelogram about sixty rods in langth from nortli to south), contamiüg in all one hundred and 4wcnty acres, more or less. Dated, January g_ =_ Q00T)ma ■ i4iQ Executrix. VT7HITJ10KE LAKE. Baring rccently refitted and farnifhed the CLIFTON HOUSE! I now prepared to receive and entertain plcasnre flshlng iiud dancins; parties, at one of the most .'itivmtive.pieasautaudheaUhy wateims places in Mjboat aoctcimmodious, and wellaSapted tor the om f pKasm-c aaeksi. Aii"Krs will flnd a.lull and complete equipment ?lve to the wants and comfort of those who w&hto apeada tew wsaka in tecreatton during the warm Hommer n1"";."";,,,.,, ,, Noualns-wlffbe pared to malte WHllMoRi. ,KI',inthefiltlu-e asin ihe pist, a favonte sumfli.rteaort. p gM1TII TStI AY! Cnmeintothe enclosuro of the s"11,"}'",":;' twsth of November, 1872. a two year old II !.I E ER, i [ , lli.-d and white spots. The owner will mLvS" HDd tato said ammi" aw!'JJOHN LATER. Saline, Jan. CO, 1Ü73. Hinw6 The Chenpest and Best Fire Dnpartineut iu the World. Over One Thousand Actual Fires Put Out WITH IT, AND MORE THAN $1O,OOO, OOO.OO Worth of Property Saved From the Flamei. -THE Babcock i FIBE i ExtingüisheR AT.SC, THE Babcock Sclf-Acüng Fire Engine, l'os Mills, City, Town and Village Vse. Itis alwav ready to uBe instantly, and is more' effective than a stcam Ure engine, because it is soon. er brm!:ht into action aMl throws a powerful slreani1 o.' water impregnated witVcarbouic acid ga fur au length of time. Ir dispenses with complex machinery ; fire companies, reservoirs and suction hoae. Caibonic aci #as ití both the working and extin;uihing agent. No steam to be raiseti- no fire tobe kiudled- no hose to be laid, no large company to be mustered. TüBtime thns saved is a building saved. It wllV throw 1 or 2 streams at a time, and one cylinder eau be re-cbargcd whlle the other is working. It savea from destruclion b-y water, what the fire has spared ; it smothers, bilt does mt aekge. It is in daily mo in Chicago, Cinciiiuati, St. Louis, Mobile, Philadet. uhia aud other fr'ire Departments send for their record, Good agenta wantedH. X. KAlt.'Vl .'M, Cíen. Jljreiit, lis Woodward Ave., Detroit. Mnnufacttircr of Irnrn, Copper and Brass Wire,Wire Clolh, Muiting Clotb, Burr Mili Stones, Broom? Wire mui Twine, Copper Weather Vanes, Wiio Counter RalHag, Wira ïenciag nud Ornamental Wire Work. 1410yrl Sheriffs Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Counly oí Washtenaw, ss.l'.v virtue of a vrrit of execution iasued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of Waahtenair, nnd to me directed und delivert-d, agamst tha Rooda, chattela landa and tenemsnts ef Willmm Al. Biuwn, G. W. Brown, N. Granaer, and A. Couk-iin, I lKivothistwüHthday o{ December, A. D 1872,scized and lovied upon uil , the right title nnd interest G.W. Bi-mvn bus in and to the lollowiiig landa, to wit : A piece of land commenoing twenty rods west of the southeast eorner ot sectiön twenty-nine, thence west on the south line of saitl sfation fouiteen ioiIb. theuco north parallel with the eas t line of said soetion twenty-nine to the soiltb. bank of the rivur Ruin, thenea' alon" suid south bank in a northeasterly dirtetion to a pomt twenty rods west of the east line of said bcc' tión, thence south parallel with the east lme of taid section to the place of begiuning, containing one acie and one-third of land, be the sume more ov les, also the foilowinifdescribcd piece of hmd on whieh a flouriuff ruül uo stands, eonunencintf at a point twentyiivc and oue-half rods north of the south lme of said seetien twenty-nine and twenty rods west of the enst line of said section, thtuee running north parallol with the east line of said section eleven rods, thenco cast parallol with the south line of said section nmo rsds, thence south parallel with the east line of said sec' ion eleven rods, thence west parallel wrth tho soulli line of ti.l section nine rods to the place of be-Kinninc, eontajoing ninty-ninc rods of land. be thoLme more or less; all ot the above desenbed property bein? situalcJ in the township of Sharon, Couuty of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, which abovo descril cl propertï I shall expose for sale at public auction to the highest BMd at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Art, on tha twelfth day of Mnrch, A. D. 1873, at teno'dock, A. M. Datog, this 3d dy of g)gg;Bhtrtg. SterifFs Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. ss. By virtue of one execation iasued out of . snder the seal of the Circuit Coiut for the County of Washtcnuw, to me directed and delivered, agamst theBoods, eliatttls, lands and tenements ot Charles O. Church. and for the want of goods and hattel tosatisfy the same, I did on the lOth day of August, A. D. lS72,seize aud levy upon all the nght, title and interest Charles C. Chi.rch has In the f lowmg desnibed real estáte, to wit : Lot number M in II. SBmith-stirstaddition to the city of Ann Arbor, toK.nher wilh aU the improvcments and tenements fhereon, which above descriicd rU estáte blM Mtuatcdinthe city of Ann Arbor, Counly ot W cnaw, and Stte of Miehigan ; which above desenbed real ttttel shall sell at the outer south door ot tho Court House, in the eity of Ann Albor at public auctum ta Whest bidder, on the eleventh day oL M-irch A D. 73. ot 11 o'cloek. A. M., of said day. Datcd, January thDBKBr.StalMS 14IO By JonTiN Fokbks, Uoder Sheriff. UATURE'S REMEDY. V fisinips The Qreat Blood PuRiFiErj VEU1.T1N Kis made duMvelj nxmthe juirpso i-,vlii, íl'í T-üt Kheum. SvphUitic Diseases, Canker, FknXÏ ak"thcKStomach;LH1 B di.c, that zn,e s„sr. a&'sgag, can uuly be effectually ciired throush tha blïJlTlcers and Ernptive Binases of the skin. Pos:l 'KirinsinSe back,KidnefcornpIainta Drop-y, n'rfrS!;usSei:rs"alfDof i tv VKGr V ONE acts directly npon tta .f these complaints. It invigorates and st .reng hen the whole vsteui, acts opon the secretive ornm, 1lays infiammation , cures ulceration and regúlales ih ""wSeatarrti nyspepsia.HahitiKiVCostivcness, PalDiUtlon of the'HwS Headache. Piles, Neivousne.-s the orgiins, apd possesses a controlhng power over the Nervous Syetera. _,,_,. tct'Tí'ttN'F hiv ered for the dl oases, and is the only reliablofricel.25. Sold by all Uruggists. 1 Rare Chance TO I-.ET. Th! rïto "üO yUrly, to be taken u grocenes to ml'mn Mt Markct, all complete, jolnfngk'Aiö!Siï1s;or'eb,houses,ro,Ins.,c, lnfw0UB" Al8 thrCC 8Tni"re of L. B. BUCHOZ.


Old News
Michigan Argus