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ARGUS BULLETIN ! WANTED 2000 NEW SUBSCRIBERS 'WA.TSTETy. Moro Merchants and Business men, vrho knowing their own interests will advertise in the Argus. GET YOUK BAIfL CAEDS, BUSINESS CAEDS, VI8ITING CAEDS, WEDDING CAEDS, At the Argns Office. SET TOUE BILL-HEADS, CIECULARS, LETTEE-HEADS, STATEMENTS, At the Argns Office. GET YOUR LAW BLANKS, LAW BEIEFS, LAW RECORDS, PROGRAMMES, AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. JVew Type, Best PresseSy Gfood Workmen, AND REASONABLE PRICES i t SSF A WOED Tö THE WISE. Mortfr.igo Sale. PSPAÜLT having beer made in the comHtlon of i l.'.iil.rl!c;l;,.i:ut,., hy !!,,,, „, Kli abetlj Goodyear, lila rife, bo thi undei ■ ned, fck Huson, bearin;date the thsi day .r Ootober A I). one thousand rasthi hundred and ixty-sevra knc of the Register of Desa of Waal lunuwCouiity, in the Stat ut Mölt.;;iKos, on page 681, on the tst day of I a. n 1,'ïi;,, bywhich defai.-lt. tho power of i Mm d m said mortgage has become ■■ there w olaimed by me to bedue on widmoi tho dato of tln.s notice the sum of tour thousarmïoui hundred ind forty-six dollars nnd sixty-sevcn cents principal and interest, andalso the som of flfty dol' lanas a reasonable Solioltorti orAttorney's fee on teJting these proceedingstoforeoli expressly provided inthe saine, and nosail ceeding atljw 01 'in ohaneery haying been testituted toreoOTerthedebt seeuredby said mortenge, oranj part thejeof, notice is therefore 1 rebygïven that bj Virtue oí the power of sale contained in said mortgage and oí tiu. statate in such case made and pr. said mortgage will be foreolosed by a sale of the mortgaged premuesat public anction to the highesi bid dor, on Monda y, ie 27th diiy of Januaiy ne'xt. ;1 tel ocloek in the torenooi, of that day at the sonth door of the CoortHotise in the City of Ann Arbor, in sak County of Washtcnaw, aaid Conrt House lieing the place of holding the Circuit Couil for said County ot Washtenaw. Tlie nremisesso to be sold are described nsaidmartgBM as follow, to-wit : All of the west halt oi the norlliwust qu alter of seetion twonty-five, east halt of the northeast quarterof acetion twentysix, and thesoutheaat quavter of section twanty-seven Hllin lowrmliipthieesouthinKaniietlireceast. Also the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section mneteen in Township three south of Boon fonr east; all in the County of Washtenaw and btate of Michigan. Dated Ann Arbor, Michigan, Xovember 1 et, 1872 FKEDEJttlCKHtrsON. FEi.cii & GnAKT, MortgaWe. Attorneys for Mortgagee. 1308td Mortgago Salo. DKTTAULT having been inade in the condition of a certain mortpage, made and executed by Edward liyan, of Northtield, County of Washteiünv, and State of Michigan, to William S. Barry, of Dio same place, on the tirst day of August, A. D. 186fi, and rocorded in thn office of the Hegistei of Deeds for said County of Washtenaw, on the fourth dav oí' Decenio Ijer, A. D. 1S66, at live o'clock P. M. of said day, in liber 37 of moiigages, on pase 228, -whieh said mortKajie, wasduly auigned by suid William S. Bairv to Luther James, of the city of Ann Arbor. County. and State ïiioresaid, on the. fourth day of December, A. D. lSGfi, imd recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds lor said County of Washtenaw, on the fourth day of December, A. D. 1806, at ne o'clock P. M. of Bflldday, in liber 36 of mort gages, on page 231, and that thcre is claimod to bo due at tho date hereof tlio sumofsix hundred and flfty-sevi-n 87-100 dollars; also an altorneys' fee of thirty dollars should au y proceeding be had to forecloae the same, and further instalments to become due on said mortgage, and no suit ur proceedings at law or in equity" having been had to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any pnrt tïiereof. Notice is hereby given, that by virture of the power of sale in said mortgage conUtned, I shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on thetwenty-ninth day of March A. D. 1878, al two o'clock in the afternoon of that dny, at the front door of the Conrt Hon, in the city of Ann Arbor, in tho. County of WnshtoTiaw, and State of Michigan, thü premisos described in said mortgage, as all those certain pipcos or pareéis of land desoí ibed as follows, to wit : The west half of the northwest quarter of section twenty-eight and four acres of the east half of the northwest quarter of said section, heretofore deeded by said party of the first part to said party of the second part, all being in to-ffushin ono south of range six east, ín laid township of NorthiiulQ, in the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan. Dated, Jaanuary 3, 1873. LUTHER JAMES, Joitn K. Gott, Assignce of said ÜUortpage. Attorney for Assignee. 14O7td : DR. CROOK'S W1NE OF TAR álO YEARS PUBLIC TEST Has proved Jr. Crook's „ ■ ï"o liare more jgfsajgfaw similar )ioj)ar:i &iBBÏsBseSÈ (ion eTeroifered tlic public. Tt is riel in tlie medicinal niialitiosof Tar, and unequaleii for aireases of tbc Throat and Ijlings, performicg the iuost remark able cures. Coughs, Col;. Clironic Congha. It effectnally cnros them all. Astlima and S.roiictiUis. Has cured so many cases it has been pronounced a speciíic for these complaints. t"or pains in Breast, Side or Back, Gravel or líidney Discase, Biseases of the Urinary Organs, Jaundice or any Liver Complaiut, It has no equal. It is also a superior Tonic, Restores the Appetite, Strengthens tlie System, Restores the Weak and ! DeMitated, Causes the Food to Digest, Removes Dyspepsia anö Indigestión. PrerentsMalarions Feyers, Gives tone to your System. A JÍA1.SE REPORT ! THAT A. A. TERRY HASGONEOTJTOF TRADE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LAEGB AND COM PLETE STOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT PEICES TO SUIT THE TISTES. ALSO AFÜLLLINEOF GENTS' FURMSHING GOODS! DON'T PÜRCHASE TOUS Fall and Winter OUTPITS UNTIL YOU GI "VE IIOVr ACAL1,. 15 South Main St„ Ann Arbei lsex-tf. t r Soroftala, ScrorT, uloiis Oiaosasos of S ! Eycs, or Scrofiik 1 Jsi3 forsa. t..-, -my aisease or cruption Vi erf the Ski, dieense of tlie Oy Livor, Kliomi) 'lism, PimX-fy plop,()lcl Sorps.T.'locrs.BrokOYgv en-dowu Coostitu i i o na, 0C Sypliilis, or my dise.isedeíáxO pending on adepraved conrSo iïb dition of the blood, try SSS DR.CHCOK'S (L?# SYSÜP OF 4 POKE ROOT. e?r-r ' 'lilst'le meiüpinal propW ert of Poke combi neef with fl jjy a preparation oflron which JUy goes ai ence 7:to (he blood, jt%r performing die most rapid V and wonderl'ul cares. Ask your Druggist or ]Jr. Crook's Jompomid Syrnp of Poke Koot - take .tand be healed. TAMES McMAHON, Justice of tlic Peace, Office in new block, North of Court House Money collcctcd and promptly puid over. INSTJKAlSrCE; AGKjSTT. Trinmph, iiseete-, $T27,903.11 NortB Jlissouri, " M5.41T.01 llibcrnia, " 35U.OO0.0Ü REAL K3TATK. I have 80 acres of land }' (f a müe frora the city imits, ñncly locatcd far fruit or garden purposes. Also 40 acres. Also 10 acres, with hout arj(rbarn,3nd a livcl Btreara of water running through the barn yard. i 60acrc6,a mileout. I will sell any or all the above cheap, or exchange propurty. 18U JAMES ÏIcMAHON. Chaneery Kotioo. lillies! Alendante above nnTe? but L??& k,""""'1 ÍS 'ho eopythereof tobese'rved on Lawronce L v ?! wmp ainanfs Solicito, ceorting "o ,V '",ƒ' ? WÊsmm IpIIlgg pcc'o0 timcabove f-'-1 ï55hS! Dec. 18, 1872. j t,,,, , „ .i, Coürt Com., WkAto; Mich. Chanoory Notice. In Ouen, liasina 'J'hemer v3. John ï heur "r ft Pünsa Mlnaaat John Ihnr, mum hL SSSbíS further ordered, that twcnty d'ya thi 15 Dated, Ann Albor, Jan 3 1S"3 plumant. MiohiRan. 1408 Estáte of Jamos B. Palmer OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cmmty of Washtenaw O At a session of the Probate. Court tbr the cJunt of Wajhtena, holden at the Probate Office in thï (Jity oi Ann Arbor, on Sturday, tile tentv-o1Bhth l'resent, Hiriim J. Bcakex, Judge of Probate decëa6edC.m"tter "' Üle ■CEt"te of J""'03 kalmer, On reading and flUng the petition, dnly veriHed of Rebecea A. IMmer , prayinp; that Mortimer L M Palmer, or some other suitable person may be an. pomted aamiiustrator of the estáte of said rk-ce ,sed Thereiyonit Ú ordered, that llonrtay, the twenty Mventh d,,y of .lannnry next, at ten o'clock in tl" fo L neón 'beaignea for de hearing of id pJïït ,ra, d thntthe hen-s at law of said deceased.and ril other p?rs ons intercstol m mu estate.are required to appearS a non ol raid Court, then to be holden at the Prol ate Offloe in tbc City of Ann Arbor, and show caise if any tl,ere 1, wty the prayer of the petitione? Zuid lot be granted : And it is furthcr ordered that said KtU.oncr iive notice to the persons interend in sa d estutc, ot thependency of s„id petition, aftd the Lear. (A tnio copy.) U1KAM J. BEAKES " ' Judge of Probate. Real Estáte for Sale. QTATB OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ,. C5 In the matter of tlio estáte of Henry MePhiHn eoeaeed. Kotico i-, herehy gjy, that in pursanceof ,ú order grantedto the undersijnied. admimstriitrix of the estáte of suid deceased, by tho Hon. Judgc of Prol ate for the County of Washtenaw, on the Mth áay tf Junuary, A, U 1873, there wül bc sold at public ven' due, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Cï! "sc. ln 'e 'y of Ann Arbor, in the County of aahtenaw, in suid State, on Wednesday, the Stil day of Mareli, A. D. 1873, at 10 o'ciock in ihe toréanos of that day (subject to all encumbrances br mortsrage or otherwise existin? at the time oí the death of Baidilerensed. anti also subject to the rightof dower of hia widow, therein), the followini? describr.l real estáte, to wit: All of the east half of the nortliwestquartcrof srtímnt-uxnty-four, in town.ship one south ot range flve east (except a strip nine f hainï and torty links in width at the north end, and nine chams nnd thn ty-seven hnïts to wldti at the south end extendmg- along the west skle of said east half of said nortbwest quarter), oontaining forty and 90-100 acres more or less. Also, all that part óf the east half of' the soutlnvcst quitrter of said sration tweutv-four which lies east of the land in said seclion which wis heretofore eet off and raititionnd to Eilen E. Lateon under the decree of the Circuit Court for the Countv of YV aahtenaw, in Chancerv, and north of the land" of Raid Beetton net off to -Willinn C. I,atson, by saiá decree, being twenty charns and sevenfy links in lonstb and ten chaint and 26 links in width, and con tain luit 'wenty-one and 24-100 acres, more or less, all in said Dated, January 13th, A. T. IST! . MAKGAHET MoPHUüM, '" Administratril. Beal Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, 8fc kJ I the natter of the Estáte of Daniel B. Oreene, iucsased. otIce is hereby giTerr, that in pursuancw Jtan order granted to the undersigned, administratoi? í esÍate,oi J111 deceased, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for tl,e County of Washtenaw, on the nineteenth day of Jebruary, A. B. 1872, thère will be solí at Pubhc endae, to the hrg-heso bidder, at the dweiling house on tbe premises hereiHafter described, in he County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Tucsdny, i ie eievemn aay ol J-ebruary, A. D. 1873, nt one o clock m tne "nfternoon of that day subject to all encunrbrances by mortuagre or otbeíwise ciisting ut the trae of the death of said deceased) the followimr dMcribod real estáte, t wit: The west half of the souiliwüsl. 'marter of sesliou eight ; the east half of ■ Iho east huif of the sontheast qmaiter of section seven ; vnd the west half of the northcast quarter of the southwest .marter of seeiion twenty, in township. thrce south of ranjre three eaet, in said State, eontaimiip one hundred and fort; acres more or less. Daled, November 25th, A. 11. 1S72 JSGBEKT P. HABPER, 14 '" Adiuinistrator. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of, IJ in tlie nwtter of the estáte of Philip Eiding deceased. Jotice ihereby given, that in piirsuance of an order granted to the mideisigned, Adminiatrator ol the estáte of said deceaeed by the Hon. Judee of Probate for the County of WahteBw, on the oeroud day of Jnauary, A. D. 1M, thtre will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the outh door of the Court House, in Ann Arbor, in the County of Washteoaw, in snid State, on Weduesday. thetwentysixth day of February, A. I). 1873, at ten o'clock in tneforenoonof tbal ilay isubject to all enoumbraneesby mortgage or otherwise exutiog at the lime of the death of' said deceased), the following deseribed real estale, to wit : Lot two, block four, range one east in ïlliam 8. Maynard's udditien t the city of Ana Arbor, in said County. Dated, January 2, A. D. 1872, JOHN KECK, 18 Administrator. Eeal Estáte for Sale. OT-ATE OF MICHIGAN, County rf Wa9htenaw-Bs ►J 1-n tlie matter oi t,he estáte of Jacob Bentier deceased, notic is hereby given that in pursuance of an order grantod to the untlersigned. Adininisirator of the estáte of said deceased, by the Hon. Jndge of Probate for the Couuty of Wanhteoaw, on the twentyiifth day of November. A. I). 1S72, there will be sold nt public vendue, to highest bidder, at. the dwellïng house on the ]renries herernafter describort in the County of Wwhtenaw, in said State, on WedDesday, the flfth day of rebruary, A. D. 1S73 at one o'clock in the iffernoon oí sáid day [subject to all encumbrances by mortgafe or otlierwise existing at the time of the death of said deoensedl, the folloiring desenbed real estáte, to wit: The South half of the Aortheast qnarter of the Southeast quarter of section twenty-six. in townahip three South of üance tour l'.a-t, coutHining tweuty acres more or less, iu Dated, November 25, A. D 1872 H03-td JUUN O. ANDRt, Administrator. Estáte of Jacob Cook. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, os. KJ Ís otioc ís hereby ven, that by an order of the Pro bate Court ■ for the County of Wwhtensw, mude oa the thirty-firat dayoi December, ti. D. lS72,six months fram that date were allowed for. fredi tors to prewnt their ctams against tlie éstate of Jacob Cook,, lite oí said county, deeeased, and that all crediton o said deceused are required to present their claims tosaid rrobute Conrt, at the Probate Office, in the (Jitv of Ann Avbor, for examiaation and allowance, on or W fora the iirst dny of Jnly next, and that sneb. claims will bc heard beton sairl Probate Court, on' Satmüay, the twenty-ninth day of Minsk, and on Tuesday, the hrst day of July next, at ten o'clock m. the forunoon ef each of thosednysV Dated, Ann Arbor, December 3Ist, A D 187' ,,„. .. H1UAMJ. BEAKES, I40'w' Judge of Probate. Estáte of Miohael Koarney. CjTATE OF MICHIGAN, (Jounlyof "SVashtenav. 8.. p Enticéis hereby given, that by an order of theProbate Court for the Cosnly of Washtenaw, mado on the thirty-lirst day of December, A. D. 1872 six months from that date vere allowed for creditors to present their claims ag-ainst the estáte ot Michueï Kearney, late of said eounty, dèceascd, and that alï creditors of snid deceased ure required to inesent their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Oüice, in the city of Ann Arbor, for cxnmination and allowanee, ott or bcforc the flrst dny of j„iy ncxt uid that BUh claims will be heard before .inid l'robnte Court, on Haturday, the twenly-ninth dav oí Maroh, and on Tuesday, the iirst day of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of eaeh oí t nose days. Qated, Ann Arbor, December 31, 1S72. HiKAM J. BEAKES, H07w4 Judg-e of Probate. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, con nt y ot WadlteMw. s„ Tho undcrsiKiicd, liaving been appointed by tí,I róbate ( ourt lorsnid county, Commissioners to re- ceive, examino, and adjust all claims and demnnd of lül persons against the estáte of Wilüam Hiseock,. late of eaid county, 'deoeued, hereby give notice- that, pix months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, forereditors topresenttlieirclaims ngainst the estafo of said decoased, and that they will meet atthe house of l.inus Hiscoek. in Superior, in aid county, on Batuiday, the tvaUth day of April, md on Tuesday, the 11 tcenth day ot July next, at teñí clock a. m. of each of eaid days, to receive. cxaioioe, md adjust said claims. Dated, Jauunry 15th, A.D. 1873. TRUMAN B. GOODKPEED GEDKOE THOÜPSON, 1404w9 Commissioncrs


Old News
Michigan Argus