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BUSINESS DIRECTORY.' NB. COI.K. Do:lor in Conl. Office wlthPra1 A Grant, ovrr Slawson & Sous' Store, Cor., Ponrth and Hnrnn SC IJRASTTS THATflIER, Attorncv and J Oonnsnlor at Tjhw, No. 5 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1386 MF. FASQtlÈI.IvE, IW. B. Offim OTer A. A. Curry1 More. Jïesidence Washington Street, fonr doors east of State. 1373yl AN1V Alln! JIIiVKttAt SïKIr;S. Morris Hule. f. U., Superintendent. Office n baildimr, corner M;inn and ü'est Huron Streeta WIXKS Sc WOBDE1, 20 South Main strcot, Ann Ar'Kir, ïï i c h - , vhoU'sile and rctall dealtrs in Dry Gouds, Cárpete aud örocerïcs. ïsaitr MACK A: SCHMI, Dealers In Dry Goods. Groceries, Orockery , &c. Nó. 54 SoQtb Maiu Stret. WH. JACKSO1, Dontlst.encc.esportoC. B. Porter. Otïïce corner Main ftrtd tfnron streets, íver the store ol' R. W. i:!iisfc ('o , Aun Arbor, ïllch. inêSthetlcsadniinistered if reqnired. EJ". .TOIINSO?r, Dealer in Hats and Taps, fnrs, Struw Onoda. Qents' Fnrnishing Ooods, Sc. N'ó 5 SDSth MfiinMfeet.Ann Arbor, Mich. CTlIEItr.AVÖ Sc tVItKDOJi, Life and kJ ' FirelnfuMntv Aaoiits. and dealertin Keal Eatate. 3fnceon linrón Street. tl ACH Sc Alll:!,, Dealers in Tiry Goode OroV ceries, ie &c.,No 26 South Main .Street, Ann Arbor. SLAWSOS & SON, Grocerp, frovlslon and Commiuion Merchante, and dealers in Water lme,Land Piaster, and Plasler Paris. No. 16 East lliirou street. SHi.ïtlit.Tt, Wliolesale and Ketai] Dealer . in Ready Male Clothing, Clotba, Cassimeres, Mtlnir,anilueiil'8 Farnishiug Gowds. tïu.'J iSouth .tin Street. Wyi. WA;i;it, Dealer in Eeady deCloth ing.'iluths. Cassimeres, vestihgs, Hats, Caps frnnks.Carpet liiigs, &c. 21 Poath Main street. GIL.!tOtt FISKJ3. Bookselleri andStaliimrs Medical Laí arid College Tejtt Books, School and HleceHaaeods Books. No. 3 North ilaln Itreet, Oregorj Block, Ann Arbor, NOAH. W.OHEEVBK, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! Oii5e!lhK.V. Morga!'.,KaetsideofConrtItonee Bqa're. 1S3I J"_ ï. SCHAEEERÍjE;, Teacher of Music. GTee intrucüon on the PIANO, ViOLIN AND GUITAR, hth)ë oflce, Ño. 67 potfth SÍRÍh ét&ëi, tMoore'a ■ -tildiug), or at tftfi fpfeldare of the pipil. PIANO TUNING, badea speciftlity and satisfactlon euaranteed: n & O Ö S Elft Y OLASSWAUR & (iROCËRÏES, J. & Dotinölly itnvpiintorc ularjenockof CrocKerj, Ctiasfftnre, fitld wr,Oiitlery 8rqcone, &c, ftc. all tobe ! ïildiit unuHUftlly low price's. No. 12 tíast Tíuron Streñt, Ann -Krbor. Uüátf J. A l. DOSSKLLT. tOHIÍ G. QALL, 33E!A.r,Eïl I3ST PRËSÏÏ AND SALT MEATS, LRD, SATSAGES, E(c, ÖrdérBsrtHcitecliinilpriJIHpHy flllsd witli tliebest heat in the rtf.rtct. 31 Kast Washington Btreet. Aim ArhoT, Sept. Ifith, 1869. 183.Hf "Vi AKKSEY, 0 MannTacturer of Oaitiages, Buggies, Wagons, ANDSLEIUHS, 1f erystylo. made of the best m'Uerial, nnd vt nrrnntír!. Hrpniriii); done promptIt aud pricf s reascinuble. lietroit ?tret, near H, S Dop. t, A nu Arbor, Mlch. 1384yl. TQR. C. A. LEITEÜ CONTINUE1? TO PUT ÜP AND PILL Physiciaiis Prescriptions, At all hoilrs, at fío. 1 (Jregory Rlorft. C. A.LEITER & CO. Ann Arb-or.Ödc. 2!d 187Í. 1354 J)R.O.IJ. PORTER, DEISTTISf. cein tteSAVINGS BANKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. All Operatïons on the liatnral Teeth PF.RFORMED IVITH CARB. fflTSURPASSED FACILITIES AND BXPBRIENCE nnm artïSal teetc, TO QtVE EACH INDIVIDUAL; BlHturttoflke froptr tie, thapt ,r.olor, ftrmnoeand e al ëxprtteivn, 1244 HURRYUP! T Hook Storu.near the KxpiosB Offlcc _ LOVEJOY, TOBAOCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKDÏG TOBACCO, Snuif, Pipes, &c, AT 0. 7 EAST IIÜROX STREET, Next to the Express Office, AIVN ARBOR, JIICII. U45U JIOÜ8E POE SALE! " Term ycry ea qr. A good 1 ar jain t„vïï „,v. &nn Arbor, Jan. 23, ur, M' Q "-


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