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- Schuyler Colfax was in the benato on Tuesday and nsketl a committee to investígate the charges made againet him in connection with tho Credit Mcbilier stock. It was refused ou the ground that not being a Senator ho could only b tried by impoachment, and that iinpeachmont must be moved by the HouBe. Schnyler will kardly make the game of bluff work. , The Houso passed the amended bill abolishing the franking privilege on Monday, by a vote of 143 to 48. If signed by the President it will take effect on the lst day of July next, after which tho people will no longer be taxed to pay the transportation of members, old and new, clean and dirty, clothes, labeled "Pub. Doe- FREE M. C." The world moves. - The Board of EJuoation of Detroit having fixed thO salary of Secrotary Daty at $2,000 a year- raaking a salary ; as Superintendent and Secretary, of $5,000- that gontleman has declined the Superintendency ot the House of Correction tenderéd him by Mayor Moiïatt, wisely concluding to continue laboring in a familiar tield. "Let well enough alouo" ia a vcry good maxiin. - We are sorry to seo that our friend Hon. Hugh McCurdy, of Corunna, has been " putting his foot in it ; " that is he has boen into the public school and pounded tho teacher- Prof. Baggerly- severoly. He thought tho professor was punishing his son unmerrifully. His remedy should have boen in unother place and of another kind. - The Coinmon Counoil of Detroit was guilty of a very unmannerly and indecent act, at a meeting on Tuesday evening last, in rejectiug tho omination of Mr. Duaue Doty to be Superintendent of the House of Correotiou after that gentleraaii's letter declining the position had been laid before it : that is if we aro a judge of manners. The Lausing correspondent of the Detroit Union expresses very deop regret that Hon. C. M. Croswoll should set the rising generation so bad an example by remaining an old bachelor toso ad vaneed a period of his life: which causes thoso who know Mr. Croswell to givo a very broad grin. $50,000 was what it cost to get the farnous (or ti-famous) Credit Mobilier Charter fvom the Legislatura of Pennsylvania ; the New York Legislatura asked 300,000, and the New Jersey, $150,000. Peunsylvanians with an investigating tune of niind propose to inquire into suoh " oheap legislature." Olivar Ames, former President of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, has been before one of the Congressional investigating comniitteei, and testified that ho knew of ?126,000 being set aside to iuflueiice legislation at Washington. Oukes Ames had the spending of it.- What members of Congress " turned an honest penny " on that sraall allowance? - A Republican SUto Convention has been called to be held at Lansing on the 26th of February, to nomínate a candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court to succeed Chief-Justice Christiancy, and c:uididates for Regents of the University, to succeed Kegents Walker and Willard. A mistako : the current impression that the Congressional stocUholdersin the Credit Mobilier- Colfax, Wilson, Dawca, Garfield, Patteison, Kelley, Brooks, et al, Sfit for tb characters in the new novel of Edward Yates- "A Bad Lot." Samuel J. Bayarcl, the great leader of the OConor party in the late campaign- next in rank to Blanton Duncan and Charlie Woodruff- has "gone to his own place : that is he has joiued the Republicans. - The Allegan Jo'o-nrtïistootingabout a ship canal to conncot Lakes Michigan and Erie and make the suicker village a seuport. Doos the Journal remember how it slaughtered Col. Stockbridgo bj keeping him before the people. The Detroit Pretender : " such is the titlo the Jaokson Citizen bestows upon the Detroit Tribune. Artemus Ward never dealt out such " sarkasuin " as that, no, neyer. J.M. Bellew, the distinguished longlist eloeutionist, is spending a brief vacaron in this country. He was feted by the Lotus Club, H. Y., last Saturday evening. Froude is gwng to do (for) Anierioa, before English audienees. We wish better suceess to his cause tban h.e wou for bis cliënt before American audienees. The Kew York Court of Appeals has confirmed the convietion, of Foster the oar-hook murderer, and he has been sentenced to be tmng March 7th. 15,000: that is what ex-Gov. ney, of Kansas, was paid him ior witbdrawing from the Senatorial eanvass ia favor of Caldwell. Miss Emily Faitbfull was given a warm and hospitable reeeption at Steinway Hall, N. Y., on Saturday evening last. . The Georgia Legislatura has oraamed that the birthday of the late GenRobert E. Lee shall be a legal holiday. Xhe funeral of Lord Lytton took place on the 25th uit., at London, Dean Stanley reading the service. When the Kansas Legislature met in joint convention on Wednesday, to elect a. TJnited States Senator to succeed Senator Pomeroy, whos present term expiros on the 4th of Slareb next, Senator YOEK rose an announoed that at an interview with Pomeroy that gentleman had agreed to pay ?8,OOOfor his (York's) vote, the sum to be paid in threo installments: that he had already received 7,00' and taking out a roll of bilis, he 'clinched it by adding : " Here is $7,000 paid me by Pomeroy, whieh I now desire to plaoe in the hands of this joint convention." As soon as the commotion subsided a ballot va ordered and John J. Ingalls of Atohison eleotfid, " Old Pom." not getting a vote, though he had led all the candidatos in the separato votes taken by the two Houses on TaesPoitEtlOY was arrested immediately afforthe adjournraent of the convention, on'aoharge of bribery, and held to bail in the-sum of $5,000. Yoiuc was also ar. rosted 'öut disebargod. Pomeroy demed the charges in toto, and olaims that it is a " put up jpb;" - How mucb "better" diá Inoalls go is now the questóon.


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