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Estáte of Hatthe Schaible. STATE OP MICHIGAN, Couuty of W' At fi session of the Probate Cuurt for the County of Waahtenïw, holden at the Probate oftice, in the city of Aun Arbor, 011 Thursday, the tweuty third rtuy of Jannary, in the vent o thousuBd eight hundred and sevcnty-three. Present, Noah W. Chcorer, Judge of Probate. Id tbc matter o ('the estáte of Mattheu Schaible, deceased. John G. Peldkamp, Admiuistrator, of said estáte, comea into ('onrt and rcpregen's that h is now pre pared to reDdcr his final account as such Aduvinisirator. Thereupon it is orderetl, that Monday, the twentjfourth day oí February next, at teu v'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for exsmininc and sllo-nmc siith account, and that the heirs t law of said deceased, and all other persons luteiested m said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court then to be holden at the ProlinteOSice, in the City ot Aun Albor, in eaid county, and show ca-use, if ííuy therebe, why tlie saidau'olMit .shmild nutbeallowi-d : And it if furthef ordered, that said AdmiDistrator give notice to the persons intereeted in said estáte, oí the pendency of said account, and the hearing tbereof, by causiuga copy of this order to be pnblrshed in the Michigan ArfL, a ncwspaper prluted afld ctrcnlatn in said Couuty, three succcssive. weeks tï'tnie COBV.'j " KOAH'W. ("HEEVEIi, j4U .Indte ol Probate. Ëstato of Eleeta S. Abel. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, sj. Notice is hereby glven, that by au order of the Probate C'ouvt for the County of WnsHemnv, imde on the twcBty-tUkil day of Jaauary, A. 1). 873, eix mnths from that date were nllowed for creditors to prt9ent thcir claims ngainst the estáte of Eleeta B, Abel, latoofsuid couivty, decoased, and that iül creditors of said deeoiiscd ara myiiTod to present their claime to said l'iabato Court, at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbc-r, ft' eimmatifm and allowance, on or before the twenty-lhird day of July next, and that such claims ivill 'be heard before said Probate Court, oii Katnrdny, the mneteenth day of April, and and on Wedni-sday, the twenty-third day of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoou of each of those Da'ted, Arm Arboi, Januarj 23, A. T. 1873. KCAU W. CHEEVER, Hl! Judgeof Probate. Eeal Estáte for Sale. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Washtonaw, ss.- Tn tüe matter of tlw estiïls f)f Mnry I.uick, Emnnn ÏMtdl, Amelia Luiek. nd l.ydia l.uick, roinc-rs. Notke ia hereby mven, tlmt in pursuance of airotdftí granteá to the udereágnedj Ganráian of the eslate of Baid rataon, by tbc Ilon. Judge of Probata fot the Cmnily of Wash'enaw, on the twentitth day of Jwinury, A,D'. 1WS, there wil] be old ut public vendaie, tntliu kniest bidder, at the soutlidoorof the Com-t IIoe in the cily of Ann Arbor, in the Coantj at WashtenaWi in Baid Btate, on the mneteenthduvof Mai-ch, A. D. 1878, ut teu o'olock in the forenoon of d ïy (subject to all ennumbrunces by mottgag? or othern ih existing :it the time of the sal, imd alpo subject to the right of dover of the -widow of llcnry Liiiek, deceaMd, therein), the follo-itig: deecribed real estáte, to wit : The umlivitlcd (4-,) tourfifthsof then-theistf)u:irtii-of tin sontbeaat quaf terof seclion thirty-four, anl the uaamded fourflfthsof tliewest huif of the west huif of the west half of tbe southwest quartei. of eeotion thirty-five, in township two soutli of range live east, in said State, containintr sixty a(res, more or less. l,atcd.Januavv2U,7:í.irGKTiirT.i.u HU Guardian.


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Michigan Argus