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JESIRABLE EEAL ESTÁTE Fon S -A. Xj IE I The subscritor, on account oí il health, offer fju 33 ACRES SPRING ! On tÍKnortheaat corner- formerly jpplied the BaHroad tanks with water. ITS ADVAIMTAGES Are as follows : Forcity purposes the Huron Kiver raaixndtr th sanie nomo 50 to 40 rods, and is port of the bet Water !PoTver On the Itiver in this vicinity, nnd the elcvution on h northeust corner is auöiciently liiffh and ampie to uuppl7 the city necesaitie for water nnd Ure pufost. THE WESTERN PORTIOIÏ On the rood is very appropriate nnd anünble for ti Public City Cemetery. The city has no such Kround now but aoust bave soon, and whatever groundi th city dieiiOteare to use, cnn be sold at anadviintago, ao rauch ao,that the eost of the Water Works ground and ( cfnetery, would be nierely nominal, lf the city áoes not want tbe eaine, the grounds would be íht&Iunble for FRUITS, LARGE & SMALLf there beirgsome 100 treeinow in bearlng Vegetables and Pasturage, And alao for MILKsapply.BLOODED STOCK, Horses, SUeep, And other nnimnls always in prent wnnt by mHT in the city and ïts vicinity. As city lots adjoininith noriliweüt cotiht of thia land aro now selling fTOm' tlire hundied to thrce hundred and flfty dóllariy thfse liinds would or could be sold in a short time tö ai good advuntage and to inuch proüt to the purcliaKil.' LIBERAL TIUVEE Wül be giren or the tnme wíll be oxchanged for Morchsutable goods or Drugs and Medicines, úi cash1 TRACY W. ROOT. Ann Arbor.Jan. 31,173. MUÍ 4 nWalTsTATEMENT " Foi the year euding December 31, A..T.'7%, tX the condition awi affairs of thft GERMÁN FARMERS' F.RE IKSlJRAKCB CO: Locnted' sí Ann Árbor, oig-vAized under the laws of tho State ot' Michigan, rrad doing businets ín th County of Washteaaw, m stiid State. JACOB RAAB, Presidont. IVm. Boss, Sec'y. MEMTOJEBÍWPS. Number of MeTnbera december 31y, of previous year, - 660 Number of Members jidded duiing tlisp-ttacnt year, - 6S Total, ... 623 Deduct nnmwr of merabers ivithdrawn during the year, 31 Numbex of mfemben now bo , longiug to company, - - W2 tttttí Amount of propeity at riík Duc. 3Ut, of previous year, $1,470,65-1 00 amount of riska auded during present year, - - - 171,225 00 Total, - - - $1,641,879 00 Deduct risks canceled, withdrawn or terminated, 118,314 03 Nct amount now at rihk by - - company, - $1,523,565 off RESOURCES. AmouBt of presium or deposit notes now in forcé, ------- Noae.Amount of cash premiums Cor assessments} actually ou hand. $1,442 0o Amount of oóUtauding asaeasments not cnnceled, - 27 60 Nature and anaount of all other resources, via : None. Total Resources, .... $1,469 60 LIABILITIES. 1. CIniraftfor fosees due and payable, - None2. Olainis for losses not matured, - - $l,L0t' Ou i. Claimt for resisted, - - - 1,200" 00 4. Nature and aniount of all other claims, None. Total .... $2,700 00 INCOME. Amount of premium on íépñ.f notes taken durinfr tho yeiir, - Noo. Amuunt of cash premiums reccived during the year, ------ None. Amount colleattd on assessaoemtB which ■were leviöd duriiag tlie present year, - $4,613 22 Amount colleeted this year on absesamente which -were levied in prior years, - 191 00 Amount received from mcmbership or policy fees, ------ None. Amouut received from percentage on incrcaaed or decreaed iiisurance, - - None. Inconie from all other sources, - - Non. Total Incume íot th yonr, - - $4,907 13 EXPENDITUBE8. Amount paid for losses during the year [oí which none oceurred in prior years, $3,857 Sí' Amuunt of lalary and fees paid to Otflcora and Directors aa per items in Sehed■ la A, 0 5J Amouut of all other expenditure duiing the yeur as per tóchedule B, - - 6 10 Totalipendiíurcs during year, $4,321 28 SCHEDULE A. NAME OF OFÍÍTtB OK DIRECXOB TO WHOM rilD. rresident, John Koch, .... $18935 becretary, Loui.s Iritz, - 26 36 Txeaaurer, Jacob Eaab, .... 184 81 Trcasurer, Jacob Kaabs special services reudered, 20 P0 Dirt-ctur, Aaron í'eldkamp, - 16 00 Director, Jacob Jedelc, .... 1400 Dirtctor, bimoa llirw .... 10 00 Total Sshodule A, - $460 53 SCHEDULE B. ITEMS OF "AiX OTHE-H KSPENSES." Coatesting claim of Joseph Davidter,witneBs íees, ■ " - 6 10 Total Schedule B, - $6 10 M1ÖCELI.ANEOUS QHEfiTIONS. 1. How many assessmenta have been made during the year! An. One. 2. What is the umouut of nH Uie asseusments mad during the year1! Ans. $4,(il3 M. 3. What íh %lie rate per eent. of such assessment on theproperty msuied ! Ans 2-5perceDt. 4. Wluit is tho rate per cent, oí stich asgessment on tlie piTinium or depoeïi notes ! Ans. No per cent. 1 WhaL ainount was be-assessed for ussL-ssments thnt were not paid ! Ans. $-'7 60. 6. Vhat amount oflosses are alloived to accumulata beforeanasseáment is levied Ï Ana. None. 7. Does tlie (JonYpany, in' making an assessment, provide thereiií for auy surplus fund over the actnnl losses accrued ! lf so, how rmich-ï Ans. Assesyments are not made to provide a suipIub, when a loss oceurs an assessment is made, and then so much only as is neoded t eover the lsss. 8. What proptirtion of the actual los sustained by a poUey-holder does the Compimy pay ! Ans. Full lo&s covered by policy. STATE OF MICniGAN, j s. County or Wíhemw. J Jacob líaab, I'resident, and William Bnss, Secrctary of said Ompany, do, and earfi for himsalf doth dlK)se and Srty, that they hare read the foregoing statement nnd know the contenta thereof, and that tliey have gtod retison to belioye, and do beliere, said statement to be true. JACOB RAAB, Tresident. 1VJI BÜSS, Sec'y. Rworn and siibscribed before me, at Ann Arbor, Ín said State and Cortntj-, tiis 27th dy of January, A. D' I8'3' CHRISTIAN MACK, Notary Tublic, Waahtenaw County, Mich. Commissioners' Nutice. STATE OF SIICHIGAX, County of Wnshtenaw, eg. The undersignod. having been appointed by th Probate Court for said eounty, Commissioners to receiTe examine and adjust all claims and demanda of all persons against the estáte of Philo Hitchcockr. late of said county deccased, bereby give notico that six raontbs from date are allowed, by order of sid PrbntCoart,for creditors to present their clitrms„t-ainst the estáte of said deceaaed, and that they will moet at the late residence of said deceased, in th township of Sharon, in snid county, on Satuiday, th nineteentt day of Aprii, and on Wednesdoy, the twenty-third dny of July, next, at ten o clock a. m. oí each of said days, to receive, examine, and adjust said CllDÏted, January 23, AWJ AJ-NABIL ELItíHA FHEER, UU fommissionars. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtennw, s. t The undersigned, having been appointed by tho Probate CoDit forsaia ouniy, Coimnissioners toieceive, examineand adjust all claims and demands of all. persons against the ostate ot John C.Buikhardt, Sen. hite of BS eounty, deceased, hereby give notioe tlint six mo.iths from date are allowed, by onier of said I icbate Court, for creditors to present tliclr elniir s against the estáte of snid deoeascd, and that they -will nfeet t the storo of Mack & Kehtnid, in the city of ■Ynn Arbor, in said county, on baturday, the nineteenth day of April, and on Thursday, the twentyfourth day of July, next, at ten o clock a . M. of eiuh of said y8, to receive, examine, and adjust sa. claims. Dated, January $L"&. scnMID, CHMSTIAtf MA-CK, 1(1jw4 C'omniissioBn.


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