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The committee appointed by tke citizens of Ann Arbor ata meeting hek! at the Court House, on the eveniug of the Hth inst., to report at an adjónmed meeting to be held on Feb. 4th, next, a plan for supplying the city with water, would hereby give notice, that ah account óf the inclemency of tlwj weather they have not been able to complete their iwestigatioiis and surveys, and thexofore, will not .te jx-opared tó report at that time. The eówwnittee will endeavor to make their report at as early a day as a caref ui conaideratión of the subject will 'admit of. Oue notice will be giveñ vi a meeting to le held for that purpose. FÈANKLIN CATE, Chairman. Ann Arbor, Mich., Jan. :0, 1873. The February mimber of Scribnrr's Monliï; is a very ïidable number of an ttlways readable magazine. The opeig pnper, "The Tehuaiitj:pec Ship-Caaal," V-y A. S. Twombly is tinely illustratêd, and full ff interest ; " In aud Around Bangkok, by George B. Bacon, and also illustrated, O]ns new scenea ; "Litt'e Mies Frere," by Adoline Trafton, is a well-told story; "A Couit Ball at tho Hagas " is an interesting sketch ; " Siuce I Died," by Miss Phelps, is rathur visionary ; " Tlie Sop Hafael l'halanstei'y," by Noufo Brooks, is a biughable description of one of the many odd atteinptsat "community " life ; "How Men Learned to Analyze the Sun," by Jainfá lïichardsen, illustratecl, ia full of instruction ; "One Phase of Ma-rriagt Question" is'T)y Philip Gilbert Hamerton, the English art critio ; " Iïorrowinj as a Social Science " is ñy Juniiu Henri Browue ; "Art at tha Capítol," too good to be anonymous; and "An Archieological Breakt'ast," by&aöy Blanche líurphy. Holland givcs two inore chaptors of lúa capital story, "Artlmr Bonnicastle," and alao some very luggeetíve papörs in "Topics of the Times." Among the poems are : " Sheaves," by Mary L. Rittcr ; " Sly Valeutine," by Mary Shorman ; " One Niglit," by Amanda T. Joues ; " Covert," by H. H. ; and "A Visioh'of St. Eligins," ïp-y George Mac Donald." The several depurtments are well-filled. ScitmS-EP. & Co., New York. The Eclectic Magazine for February has a table oi coutents more than usually attractive. Ainong the more noticeable papers are : The Progress of Medicine and Surgery, froin the EdinUtrgh ; Thê Koyal .Fm-orites of Franco, translatèd from the Revue des Deux iloütkt ; Johuin Wolf. :in? Gthe and Mid lle - riiarch, both lilackwond ; The Chaldean Account oi the Deluge, a rejrtír through the Lonclon Daily News to George Smith's remarkable articlc; X)ogs whom I have met, Cornhill; The Irish Brigade iu the Service of France, Frazer'a Magazine'; and ftalleytand, Temple -liar. The editorial departments are well ftlled, anrt the illusttation is á fmè portrait of fhé lato W illiam HSeward. '98 a year. E. R. Peltos ifc Go., 103 Fulton street, New York. Arthur's Home Magazine for February has a number of stories with a moral, with several sketches and papers full of instruction, choice sèlectións oom well-known poota, f.d well-filled departmente. 'Jt is a magazine for the famüy circle. Ï2.50 . year; three copies, 86, with a beautiful premium picture, "The Christian Graces," to each subscriber. T. S. Aetiito & Sons, Phila'deljjhia. The February Chihlren's Ilour - a favorito fn every hóusehold into which it fiuds its way - is rhoek full of croód thiiiirs for the littlo folks- stories, versos, anecdotes, pictures, etc. $1.25 a vear; íive copies, $5. Acldress as above.


Old News
Michigan Argus