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Wooden Collars

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Wooden oollars ore older thin the diccorery. of Ainorica, but have, neverthelo3s, never attained. popularity ; but a correspondent of the Maryland Farmer makes suggestions and givos factsv that may be of interest to our readers. They aro as follows : 1. The present huge collar chokes the horse in the Suramer, and chills hiui through. the lungs in Winter. 2. A collar made of white bass-wood or other light, tough wood, would never heat, gall, or chili a horso. 4. Experience has demonstrated that a hard wooden surface, polished and kppt clean, is the sai'est, best and healthiest collar ever usod. 4„ They will only weigh onc-third as muchi ae ordinary collars, and unite hames and' co-llir in one. No rough surfaces are worked up; no swer.t is ed to cook a scald ; fresh air passes aronnd the collar, evaporating the moisture and keeping the skin dry ; the hair is not chafed and fretted, and the horso's hestltli freed from the incumbrances of collar disease. As illustrations of the superior qoality of a hard, non-absorbent surface on a horse's shoulders, hc presents tlie following instances : Duriug tho war, it was fonnd necesEary to remove an e$uipment factory in the South, 600 miles. The number of collars for the teams employed was insuffieient by forty, which number was made of wood, polished, and tied on by ropes through each eatl. At the end of the tiresome journoy,. all the horses and mulos that used the ordinary collars weie sevorely galled - neaiiy ruined, and for a long time reumined unfit for service ; whilst those that ivore the wooden collars wero ungaïled and ready foruse, as usual. Sevor;ü planters, also,. being unable to procura coltars during the war, made thesa of wood, and condncted their business with success, and comfort to their. mules and horses. 5. The ox-bow and yoke are prooi' to the poinK. Iron bows are iu comuian uso. 6, Hard rubber has found a piase in horsa dollars.


Old News
Michigan Argus