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__ Ín (lio wonrterfnl mediolne to irliicli tha nfilii'.ted aro above rini?i for rolief, tho (lia. covorer lielierps lio lias comliined ín harmomj more ni JVature's mnst Boverstpi curativo propertios, ivliich God lins Ingtillea tato tlio íegec table ldiifrdora for beUing tbs lok, (lian woro ver beíbre combined in ono meolclne. Tho KklTOcc of ibis fact ia fonnrt in the greac Vanety of most obstinate disrases vliicti it Iia3 tM'PTl fílliiifl tn rniiimup Tn +1. o.t.h ' !.-..._ c-lutlB, Stïcie foslis, nncl tho om-I y stages Sf Consuinpllon, it has stonisbcil tlio medical lacmty, and ermuont pbygieians premewmoe it the greatent medical dtscovery of the ags. TVbile lt euros the sevorest Conghá, it strengthens the system and purifica lie blood. By iis proat and thnroiiRh blood pnrifying properties, it cures all Humor, from 1ho worat .Srrulala to a comreon Blotch, Pimple or Krnptloii. Mercuiial diReasp, iliueral Ppiaona, and thpir effect are eradicated, and vigoroua henlth and a sound conntitution establislied. Kryslp. lus. Snit Klirum. Fevcr Son s, .Scniy or Itnuli skin, tncbort, ril tbc nnmovonsdia-asoscausod by bad tlooa, ro csnqnered by tliis poweriul, purifvILg r.nd icvijiorating medicino. Il you feei dull, drowgy, debilitated.'bave low color of skfn, or yollowish brown Fpcits on tice or body, freqner.t neudnehe or dizzine$s. bad tate in mouth, internal heat rhills, altcmatcd ivith bot fliishoi, low npirita, end gloomy foroliodinM, Irrc-rnlar nppetite, and tongne coeted yoa are Biitt'ering from TTorpid JLivcr or "ISlHnasiiosi. In many cases of "Civer Complaiut" only pnrt oí theee eymptoius re experienced. As a remedy for all rach cases. Dr. Pierce'8 Galeien Medical DiccoTory bas hq eqaal, as it offsets ])erfect curca, leaving tho Hter 6tren!rh;Mil aiul hcalthy, Fr the cuie of Bla&ituiU Cousti pation cl the bowelu it id a liever tailiu remedy. end those wlio liave' ueod it for tliis purposo nro loud in its praise. The pmprictor oüvrs $1.000 nnvard for a rnedl. cine tïjat will equal it for the cure of all the dis. ea-"C3 for which it is reeomniffnded. BilA by druirijists at $1 per bottle. Preparcd by R. V. Pieie, JÍ. D., Sole Proprietor at hia Chemt caI Labor-atnry. 1S3 Séneca ptreeL öuüalo, H. ï Seud addruea lor a piunphiet. VineRar Bitters are not a vile Fancy Drink,, made of Poor Rum, Wliiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please tlie taste, ctlled "Tonics,"' " Appetizers," "Restorers," &c, tliat ]ead tlie tippler on to drunkermess and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made froni tile native roots andherbs of California, free fyo'm all Alcoholic Stiniulants. Th ey a-re the Great ïïlood Puritïer and a Life-giving Principie, a Perfect Renoyator and Invigorator of the System, carrymg oiT all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to B healthy condition, ennching it, refreshing and invigorating both mitid and body. They are easy of admiuistration, prompt in tlleir action, certainin their results, safe and reliable in all forms of disease. No Penon en takt Ihcn Bitter acenrdlng_ to direclions, and remain ]nng unweü, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison orother means, and tlie vital organs wasted beyond the poiut of repair. Oyepepsia nr Indigestión. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tlie Chest, Dizliness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpit.ition of the Heart, Inflammation of the I.ungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidnevs, and a hundred other painfn! symptoms, are the oflsprings of IJyspepsia. In these complaints it has no eqtial, and one bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits tlian a lengthy advertisement. For Fetnnlc Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life. these Tonic Bitters display so decided au influence that a marked improvement is soon perceptible. For Inflnmniatory nnd Chronic H.icumatism and Gout„Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Bilioas, Remittent and I-ntermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Biood, Liver, Kidneys a-nd Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by V itiated lilood, which is generally prodliced by derangetnent of the Digestive Organs. Thcy are aGcntle Purgntive na wel! as a Tonic, possessing also the peculiar merit of actiimas a powerful agent in relieving Congestión or Indam, niation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and in Bilious Diseases. For Skin títtmaatm, Ertlptíoní, Tetter, SaltRhetim, lllotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils Carhuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head. Sore Eves. sipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of llie Skin, Humors and Diseases of llie Skin, of whatever name or nature, are hterally trog up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of diese Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most iücredulc-us of their curative effects. Clcausc lic VHiafeil Rloort whenever you fmd its impurities bursting thrmigh the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstrncted and slttggisli in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul ; jour feelings will teil yon-when. Keep the blood pure. and tlie health of the system wil] follow. GrateAil Ihonsniids proclaim Vinegar Bitters the inostwonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the Bmkine system. Pin, Tape, aixT ollier Wornn, Inrking in llie system of so rnany thouMnds, are effectually destroyed and removed. Says a distmguished physiol. ogist: Thcieispcarcelyan individual upsn the faceofthe earth whose body isexeinpt from tlie presence of worms. It is not npon the healtliy eiements of tlie body that teorms exist, hut pon tlie diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of Medicine, no vennifuges, uo anthelminities, will free the system from wormi like these Bitters. Meclimilenl Dlscnses. Persons engaged in Paints and Mineral, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in l:fe, wil! be subiect to paralysis of tlie Bowels. To guard against thts take a dose of Wai.kkk's Vinkgab Bitters once or tv;ce a week. as a Preventive. Bllious. KemUtcnt, nnrt Tnlcrmitlmt ïc verSy which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great nvers throushout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cinnberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos Rio Grande, Pear], Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and inany others, with their vast tributarles, throughout our entire country during the Slimmer and Autumn, and vemarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are always more or Ies3 obstructions of the liver, a weakness and 'irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treatmei'.t, a purgative, exening a poweiful influence upon these vanous organs, is essentially necessary. There is yo cathartic for llie puipose cqual to Dr. J. Walkrr's Vinegar BlTTBRS, as they will s])eedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the hver, and generally restoring the healthy function of the djgestive organs. ScrofuXa,. uc Kins's Tïvll, White SwelnriM, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swclled Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous Inflammalions, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, üld Sores, Eruplions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc, etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Siseases, Wai.kes's Vinegar üitteus have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. Dr. AVlker's California Vinegar BW ters act on all tírese cases in a similar manner. ïiypurifying the Blood they remove the cause, and byresolving away the effects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the aiïected parts receive health, and a permanent cura is effecled. Tlie proporties of Dr. Wai.kfr's Vinecaü Ditters are Aperient. Diaphoretic and Carminativo, Nutntious, Laxative, I)iuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant. Sudorilic, Alterative, and Anti-Bilions. Tlie Apcrient and mild Laxative properties of Dr. Walker's Vinhgar Iïitticrs are the best safegrtard in all cases of ertiptions and malignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, and soothing properties profeet the humors of fauces. Their Sedative properties allay jiain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, either from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc Their Counter-Irritant influence extends throughout the system. Their Dittretic properties act on the' Kidneys, oorneetihg and regulating the flow of urine. ■ Their Anti-lïiiious properties stimulate the liver, in the secretion of bile.and its discharges throughthe biliaryducts, and are superior to all remedial agents, for the cure of Bilious Fever, Fever and Agüe, etc. Forllfy tU liorty nsaiitst iiisrnsc bypurifying all its fluids with Vinügar Bitters. Ño epidemie can take hold of a system thus forearmed. 'I'he liver, the stomach, the bowels, tlie kidneys, and the nerves are rendered disease-proof by this great avigoran t. Dircclfons.- Take of the Bitters on goin to bed at night from a half to ono and one-half wine-glatsfull. Eat good nourishing food, such as beef steak, inutton chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are composed of purely vegetable ingredients, and conlain no spirit. J.WAI.K1LR, Prop'r. R,H. SIcDOjVAI.D dt CO., Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal.. and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., New York. SOLD BYALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. jyO T I CE ! ThennhscrlberBharjeatthclr commnnd. ns n aCnirnl Mitng, frm Uve liundred to live thoimand dolars to lotm on flrst nnd lïrst clasi moit"iim' tituatp n the üounty oL Wafthtonaw,- time from threo to lyeyuars lerms liberal. Oltice opposite the Poet Jftlce.annatU. A.Leitor&Co.'B Druc Store No 1 ïdateyBlüCk' OurAb8tract -Uooksare posted np Anu Árbor, Mnj 30, 1S72. raoyw.root, KO0T&LEITER H48. A. lEUEK lï.Ctl WHERE TO EU Y BLEACHED COTTONS ! MACK fc SCHWiD Hnve just receivcd n Inrge stoel: of tlie BEST AND MOST POPULAR j BKANDS ! New York Mills, Wamsuttas, Utica, Konpareils,, FRUIT OF THE LOOM Lomdale, llllh1 Semper Idem, Cdbots, &c. ALfiO, IN BRöWlCOfTBl! As well as in otlier lznes of onr pooda, we are ennbled to aliow the Largest and Best Assortment In the city, at tlio LOWE8T PRICES. 1-109 ga B. GÏDIMY, Snccessor to COLGKOVE 4 SON. DBITGGI8T AND CDGIDST III COOK'S NEW HOTEL, No.12 E. HURÓN STBEET, , DEALER IN DRrS, i?IEDICISESr sircical Mmnmn, PURE WIÍES ÍÍI) LIQl'OltS, CFOR MEDICAL PUBOSES ONLY.) Fancy Goods, Peiiumery, PA1BTS, OII.S, VAHMSHES, GÏJM Al PFTTÏ, PUÏSICIAftT PBESCilPTIOKS Carefally componnded at all hoaw. I PB0P05E NOT TO BE ÜNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY "WHOFURNISH AS GOOD AN ARTICLE. IS NOW BEADY löK TIÍE FALL TRADE Ha ving RoceivedaLargeStocio-f Htt&mni GOODS, ITJCLDDING CLOTH8, 0A8SÏMEKES, VESTINGS, &E. oï tSe BEST STYLES and ftüALITIES, WHIOH HE WILI, mik%3 u r aotubu on terms tosult; Als a fall line rf READY-MADE GLOTHING Gtente' FOBKISHING Goods. ]Q:i3JST? STYLE3. AiLSGLADIES1 AND GENTS MOROCO O 8ATCHELS No.2lSon1h Main Street,- Ea&tSid e: OALL AND SEE THEM. Ann Arbor, Octobor lat, 1872. MOTHERS! MOTHESSÜ MOTHEES ! ! Dont tan to procure MS. TrilVSLOAV'S SOOTIiriVCÏ SÏKCP FOB ÚHIIiDREN TEEIHIKG. Thls valnablfi prepnration hn been nperl with NBVER-FAILINS SÜCCKSS IN THOUSANDS : Ot' C48E8. , It not only relieves th1 chlrl Croiwpnfn, butinvip:orates the siomach anti boweli. nnrrects acidity, and ' gives tone aud energy ta the whole syBtem. Itwill also Lnstantly reúeve Gripiti in the Boirels and TVInd folie. WebelievR it the BEST and SÜREST aE?ifET)T IN THE WORLD, in all of DYSENTKRY AND urARltlllKA IN CHILÜREN, whcthir arlsiuLr froni teething or any othercase. Depend npon it mothera, it will givercet toyourselves, and Relief and Health to Your Iufants. Be fmre and cali for "Mi-s. WinsloTT's Soothincr Sjrnp." Havlng tbe facsimile of "CURTÍS & PFRKIICS.' on the OBtiide wrapper. Sold by Drngists throahout the world. Jy .. - V Tl liOÜDÏlAR FARM FOR SALE. ITENIIT GOODYEAR, of .Shuron, hnviTi(aflined nll his property to ffl for the benefit of liis rrcditors, t we now oiïer tho property for sale in paroels to suit purohasera. The lands nre-tirst clnsa- none botter in ■ the State, Ovor ono thousand ucres of improved land . in a body. Persons buying osm aasviBe Tn.ntcjigfs tor a prirt of the pnro.hnse m(Mnj-. All h.iving eZ&ims RSuinst the said (ïoodyear are requested to preeent them to the asfinees. Iated, September 26th, 1S72. 7 R.8. 8MITH. V W. H. CAT.KTN". " 1393 JOS. McMAHOX, ' TEN REASONS WHY No Familr thould te luithmd a bottle of IIJTJLESEY in Ihe house. -is-.Itw!" rcI'eve the worst cswofBillOllt cg2 ,or Cholera Morbus in jS minute ■ia - It will cure the most obstinate case é Bpepsla and Indigestión in a fe 3d.- -It u the best remcdy n tne worM frj Biok Hoadncho, u thousnnds can tcstify.í taken when tlie tirst symptoms appear , t";It is the I'"' diuretic ever put oefort the piibl.c; curing ihnse distressing complainta. difflctilti3 Craï(l ndctlicr Urinary Oth.- It is a most excellent EmmenaBOgue, and to the Younp: Clrls. middle aged Womon, and at iheTurn of LlfO.this remcdy js of incalculable valué. 9V"' Jt w'" remove wind from ne wels, and henee a few drops in somc iwcefened waler given to a babe ís bet ter ihan a dozen cordial td Noliove and mako it Sleep. Containtag no anodyne. --7'1:""1.' 's sure relief tot dults nnd childrcrj affectedwith Worms nnd Pin Worms. it will Dring away the wornis. 8th,- Uv.ill cure the Pllosand Hemorrhodiai difficultiw. Oth - It will cure COnstlpatlOnnnd keep the bmvcls regular. It wiil also cure the worst rasc ofSummer Complalnt.-md Cysentery. lOth. - It will cure Sour Stomach, Stlmulate thO Llver to liealthy action. Relieve Heart-Burn and act as a general Regulator of the tyttern. When taken tiilute the dose witn üagar a n f water to a Wlne-Claesful and you have a pi e a sant ton ie. Whitt esey (Dysyepsia Cure$i.oo per bottle. J liitt esey Agüe Cure 50c. per bottle. Whittlesey Cough Granules ssc. per bottle. Sold by all druggists and Warranted. Whittlesey Prop. Med. to., Toledo, O, 1 1 jiinu H ATT ER ! HAS RECEI7ET) HTS ÍMÍJ & WINTER STOCK om Hats and Caps, IN LATEST STYLESV LADIE8' FUB8, CEÏTS' FIRXISHÜVG Í.OODS, ETC., wiucir nE propcses to selt, at prices WHIC1I DBFI COMl'ETITION. 7 South JVTain St., Ann Arboi. WISHART'S PINE TREE Til C6IIIAL! NATUEE'S GRET REMEDT FOR THE TI1KOAT Aií LETÍGS. It f frríitüying to ns to Inform the piihhc tlmt Dr Q. V. Wif hart's Pine Tice Tár Coraial, Cor Throat and Lung (lineases, tías gained an euvlable reputation from tlic Atkntlc to tfic Paeifle eoat, and from thence to sorxc of the first families of Eitropö, not tlvrongh theprejs alone, bul hy persíg ftroughout the. States acttially benefflrt nnd niTed nt his oi'ct'. While ho pnblislies les, w py onr repor;terer he is unable to snppty the demand. It gains anrl Iv-Ms its reputation- Pr?t. Not by stoppínfr coiiffh', Etrt by loosening ani aesisthiff nature to tlirow off th nnhcalthy matter ccilccteí abont the throat and bronchial tnbe which causes irritation . Second. It rcmovps the canses orifrif at!n (which produces congh) of the nmooiis mcmbrane and bronchiai tubes, amata the lnnsTp to act and throw off the ïmhealthy socretions, and piirifies the blood. Third. It is freo from squllls, lobelia, ipecac and opium, ol which most throat and lsfig-ïemedies are composed, which ..Hay couph only, and disarganize f.he stomach. It has a soothinp effect on the etomach, acts on the liver and kidneys, and lym pathic and nervoas repions, thue r aching to every part of the systcm, and in ts invigorating and purifyinp; effecti tt hao gained a'roputation which it must hold above all others in the market. NOTISm THE PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL, GREAT AMERICAN DISPEPSIA PILLS. AND WOESI SÜGAR DROPS Heing nnder my immedinntc ifrection, they shall notloopc their curntive qualitleg by the ose o cheap and iaotre articles, HEXRY K. WISHART, PROHRIETOK. FREE OF CHARGE. Dr. L. Q. C. Wl9ntl OfTicc Pnrlors aro open on : Mondays, Tnësdayi and Wednpsdays from i) A. M o 5 F. M., for consnltiition by Dr. ffm.T. Magee. A'ith him ure aesociated two conpulting phyelcians f ncknowledgod ability. This opportunity is not' ' ifTcrcd by any otberjnetitntion in the city. All letters must be nadressert to L a. WISIÍAKT, M. D:, SÜ o. 252 SS. Second St., PHILADELPHIA. 1401


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