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Ann Allisoit, Thuksuay, Feb. 7, 1873. Arruta - G0c per bus. Butteb- 18u20c. Ukans- il. 5Usl.75 per1' as. j!ekp- from v-aguii, 5 a6 ets, per lb. by the quartcr CoitN- Brings -ibigöOc per bu. Chickenb - Uressed 10c Dkesbed IIh;s- Í4.25ÍS-1.3Ü per hundiod. EtHis- Uununand 25e. Hay - $15@16 per ton, uccording to quality. IlONF.Y- lll C!ip, fcOiot22c. Lard- The nuirket 8tiinds at 8c. Oats- 2S@3Oc POTATOBS- 8O(S90C. TUKKEYÖ - 12C. Wheat- "We quote White it$1.65@1.80; amber, 1.50@l."U. Detroit Produce Market. Latestquotatiün tor leadint? ;irt.icles of country produce- February 7th, are na follows : white, $l.S0l.M amber, $1.70. Baulf-y- $1.4001.75 per cciitul. Hye- G5(T2c per bu. OoiN- ií@Oo, Oatb- S7@88c. POTATOES- 7Ö@00. Onios-GSÍ5c. Duesskd IIir;s- $5.00@?5.. liUTTEH- 1K(&23C. Egi;s-18o30c. Lahd- "iu)8;3c. Detroit Live Stock Market. From Uic Detroit Frce Fraai. Michigan Central Yards, Monday, Feb. 8 The reccipts continuo active, despite the obstacles which the gi-eat snow storm threw arountl the lüi.nagement of railroads. In the Eaat the returning of stook cars was impeded hy the same causes, and in consequence the yards were filled to repletion by lots that are in waiting tu be shipped East. ïhe following receipts show the activity of the market for two weeks, onding Feh. 3 : Cattle. Ilogs. Slieep. Week cnaing Jamiary 4üS 2,112 2,r,40 Week endiof Februury i'J2 2,450 3,052 Total IB MS 5,592 TATTI.E. The stringency of tTie market írtill continúes, owing to tlie volume thrown upon the market f or a few weeka past in consequente of contracts which had been ontered into for choice lots baeed upon the former fircnness of the market These are also forced upon the market by the severity of the winter. Howgver, the quulity continúes f;dr. one lot o ,;iallv, which was securerl by an Albany operator, was very choice. Prices ruled is follows, the docline beiug about flfty cents per cwt. : Choice to extra, iiveracitig 1,200 and 1.500 in tsood flosli and simpe.. $4 50@5 00 Cuinmon to ehoice, uveraging 1,000 and 1 200 ia m dium ilesh and irregulur simpe 3 50 4 00 Liglit cattlc lor feeders 2 S0 3 00 HOOS. The demand has caused a steady increase in the price. For the past fivo weeks there has been an inecssant truggle betweon home and Eaitern buren to secure the lots brought into market. The quality brought to market shows that the choioest havo been used up, either sold last seaaon or dressed íor prívate sales. There were no sales allthe week, and the lots which arrived vvere mostly all shipped to Eastem markets, only a few being secured by home buyers at advanced rates. In the quaiity heavy hogs being eagerly sought f or. Sales were as follows : Lots iverKging 250 and ;100 lbs , suitable forpufcna $4 10,34 25 Lots avernging 160 and 200 Ifes, nke shnpe aad goud for btoro - 4 25 1 E6 BIIEEP. The derrmnd for sheep 13 confined to the best quiility. The stringency which characterized last week's trausactions is not removed. The immense volume that has poured into markets whicli rule the (irires has created a downward tendency. Farmers aro loth to suhinit to the decline, and handling sheeiJ has been very precarious for the last two weeks. Prices aro as follows : Lots avcnKins H to 05 Ra, choics grade, ttnd in excellent conihtion Í5 25 5 30 Lots avenging 85 to Ui Iba, mudiuin ginde nnd order 4 25 4 '0


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