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Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Human Magnetism

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- candidates wouhl be called oul and piiüüslied in the papers; nnd the ptl 'es wou ld go lo the polls and vole fof thiaci m' tliat cartdidále Cor Judgp, hecause he wn n" oirluajty pledged ío decide in tkis or Üu. ie marnier on Ihe question tijen i.en.üng. l 'r' ihis ivny the importofit qu'stiin helor Dl i ho legal tribunal would be dsciisoi, va ted upen nnd decided by tlie peupíe t fin polis before t could even be presentid i S the Court! The seníonce of the Judgi ' wouid be a mero repctition ot his previ ïs ousíy expressed sontiments - a fulliüint a of h3 previous pltdgf1!. Or suppase oUr Railroads to haebeeii sold out to a compnny, and ihey wish te buy a strip of land tur líieir road as wide e gain as that sold them, nnd tliey insist thlat thoir charter gives tljcm fhcf right oí taking all tlie land they want bv pa ing í'ov it the damngos that a jnryshall assess. This s denied and opposed by those irtterested, nnd the qiifsiion is coming before ' Judges about to be elccted. The question would be discussed in all the papers, and would at once become an important politica] element n the eleclion. So also of an other question of uifiident magnitude. Besides, thñ argument that is urered infnvor of elecling the Judges, that t would render them more keenly sensitive tothe opinions of the people, is thought by some 1o bc n powerful reason ïigainst their elec'.ion. To do jusiice, the Judges should be removed ns iar as possible from every infiuence, wliether of Uto peoplc, the E.xccutiveor the Legislatura. Henee thair pay should be from the State troasury rather than from the parties, their ternis sliould be long, and their salaries ampie. Whereas their election by the people would be one effectual blow towards destroying that independencc by which ihey otight to be characterized. We have thus stafed the argtunents we have heard nd vaneed on each side of the question; and they are so nearly balanced that we are unnble to give a verv decided opinión respecting the uiility of the proposition. Were the Judges selecfed fo ndminisler Justict insteadof Law, with full chancery povvers, we should be in favor of their election; but under the present legal system, by which precedents must be strictly followed. the plan ol electing them would be of doubtfoj utility. One important effect, howevcr. would inevifably result from it. Tlie Judge?. says Blackstonp, are the living exponenfs and oracles of the Law. Their dfcisions are law. Henee the eleciion of these expounders nnd oracles by the people would -place the icholc legal sysfem Mf.ry lar gel y under their control; and when the people had taken charge of it, it could never be remanded back to be subject enlirely to ancient forms, prececienfs, and usngps, but would be altered and moriified, from time to time, to .cuit the spirit of the age and the genius of the people.But we think the election of the Judg7 es would much better be vested in boih ei [Iouses of the Legislnture, without thp b; concurrenceofthe Governor, than in the Governor and Senate alone. VVere ihe 'l Legislature twice as large as it now is, k (as it ought to be,) we think a verrj objecC tionable man could 'not be appointed to the office of Supreme Judge. Intrigue and management would have fnrless efc. feot appointménts to fhat office than r ihey now have. h ,, CENSUS OF YVASHTENAW COUNTY. 6 We lisve rcceivrd Trom Mr. Howe, the Marshal uf this Couuiy, the Census, os folC1 low: P AnnArbor, 4,M3 h ypsilunti, 2 651 ei Sco, 1,737 t!Salem, 1,421 b Vork, J,3!2 ei Manchester, ,279 a Superior, 1,267 ei Freedom, 1,222 fl Pr.lsfield, 1,197 " Lodi, í.lat B Bridgewater, l,n73 al Norllifield, 1,070 ll Limn, 9ü6 Webster, 950 ' Sylvan, . 805 f(! Sliarcn, 800 f' Dexter, 775 T Lyndon, 703 Cl Augusta, 795 !- fir tí.D7'J ti, Ar.n Aibor, rf,( .)!) ,,f Ypá.innli, ,4i)U j Dex'er, . :,ál of 4.970 . TEMPERANCE LUCTÜP.ES. "" Mr. Charles D. Church, of Sandy ill, New York, has given to tectures ;:j our villager to large nudienees on the w ibject of Teraperance. His style s novt1( . He intersperses his reinnrks willi cá n8f"g - illnsfrates his posirions with onplo dotes - all ofwhich iscnlculnterl to ntest a very lare portion of his he.nrers. iul respectable number of names was obi,u incd to the pledge, and it i believen -, od was done. ■ i ■ fl,.lf? Süüuld the "Hnlïvcs" maintnin a eeparat j' piïlüica! identity in 1813, their nction ma; iscriyiiily lifecl ilie clmncei of tlie Presidea I lial píc0iiíí; A few ihodsund votes cast b; 6 theiñ i" N w Vork utu' Peíináylcarilá may dé "'itemiie ififi elfctorul votes of tliosc grea e ! Sia'cs tiJ thereHy control Ihë Presidcftlia t olettion. S The pref-ent nnmb%r of the Notivea wi rjliave no m -ans f ) 'Mljvin nccnraiely, bn rJ ■ presume 'hrfy iri' ()"■! i Hie Uniipd Slatoi t, from 150.1)00 t 100 OcO vo:rs. Their vol I in Pfri)iisy!'j) for Cinul Coinmissioncr r. cteued 2i."0. In Mnnchse'ts, iheir can i'idate for (ïovenior, Uemy Slmw, receivet 15 9 M votw. ín Bos.ttin, liis vote w;is 1,3(1 ir ' .-i buiit 10,000 volos. We learn from the Vineynrd. lfi? Nntivc r puior i-f Detroit "thst ilie old Jt fiersoniui; : llopublicans of YViisIjtenaw are buchüir? oí: i o t rboir ártniír, and Imve rntorcd npon the dist ciisiion and ndvocicy of the principios of the Amkrica.v pnrty wiih a commsiidüble epiiit ! and Priergy. TJiay design nt n !istnn dar,


Signal of Liberty
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