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Buying Poultry

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I seud the following which I haya obeorvcd for Borne years in purchasing poul try and wbich niay bo üf uso to soiihí o: your readecf wiivj mn.y jiot be familiar with thii age of poul try. Few honsekeepers, and fewer cooks, are as good judgci of tic n.? of poultry as tlioy ouht to bc. Wn all kuow Then poultry oomes on the tab! r it is tonder or tongh ; aul theíe shonld bo no difficulty ofknowirff ju-;i a oertaialy, whothoi' a ehicfce, rT'icir, {í-ooío, or turkay ia oíd of .01, ,;■ . w ir;, It í(= oíiSurüU for sale. Now the followiuj; 11 oíisred as a rale by which poidtry ojn bosaíblyjudgcd, whioh if read over for a fow tim-".;, und then laid away for ready referenco whon needod no person noed purohao oíd, tough poultry unlessfrom choree. li a ben s ït i ard, and tm scalos on the legs rough, Eho is iM, hflth'er you see hor head or not, but ti o üpd will corrobórate your obsorvatiou. If the ander1 bill is so stiff that you cannot beiid it down, and the comb thiok and rough, leavo her, no matter hov fat and plump, for some ono Jefs particular. A young heu has only tho rudimonts of r.purs ; the scales on the legs are smooth, lossy and fresh oolor."d, vhataver tii9 color may be ; tho clawH te adar and shoi+, tho nails sharji, tLe under bill soft, ar d tíio oomb thin and Btnoof'. An fil'l ben turky aas roupli ecalea on the lea 8, callositii on the colea c tke feet, and lontr r.ircnsr o'awa ; a youzig -M:e is tho reverse of aü tbet-3 msrka. When ;he featlitjrs are on, Üie old turkey-OOgk las a lonjf tuft or beard, a on i ag only a sjioutin# one ; and whon they are ofï, tho nnooth scf.les on the legj ctec'c'e ;he point, besides ;Le diroi-efTco-iu ai e he wattle3 of the nec'c and t!e elat tjo hoot upen thñ BOU An old BOOM wren arve is 'mown by he rough legs, the strength cf te wings, articularly at the pimo3ii tli" thick-.ess nd strength of the bill, tLo aneneas of the feaihera ; and when pbicked, "oy he lna, the tendernoss of ths Pkira unüor he wiügs, by tho pin'ons nA tb-3 HU and the coireeneris of ti.f skin. Duck are disticguisafid by the sano Jeans, but tfaero is this difterence - Wiat uckling s bill is miaoh larger in propertion o the broadth cf its haacl than i he old áuck. A. youug pigoa is uiscovored by its pale colors, smooth Ecales, tender, oollapsed feet, prul tho yellorr loug doten intersptíresd auioug its feathers A pigBOU iiat öy hasalw.ys reJ-uolored teen and no down, and is then too old for


Old News
Michigan Argus