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A Noble Sharper

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-When the troops oí -iving victor junuianuei envcrea itotae, a young Amürioan girl, ÏO company with her mothor, íhrew a bouquet to a dp.sliing young capt;.ia who led the first squaaron. Ho notieed the attsntion, and notioed also that the fair door was a foreigner. He was a marquia, and p. distant relative of the Princesa de Cisterna, wifo of Amadeus, ■ who had not then bscome King'of Spain. He -ieught out the yoanglady, atidfound by inquiry that s'ae was rich, which was just wl:at he '.vantotl, bui he saw also that her uiohaer hadan syo to the inain chance, and that he mitst ïaake il good showing 'for the time if he would succeed, so he represented his relationship to the prospectivo Queen oJiEpain aa much nearer ;than it waa, and talked about his Piedmontese estates. ïhe young lady's hand vas proraised hitu, but it bohooved him to haTö soiae ready monoy and presenta about him when he went to claim his priae. Tho young banker to whom ho stated his case advanced him ■ loan ot' 240,000 francs in money and somc jewelry, which he bïought with him to New 'York, and on the strenght of them -was ■married. The banker becamo alarmed when bïx months had elapsed and ho heard nothing about tho return, of the loan, and recontly on coming over was told by tho nobleman, snugly ensconsed ou Pifth avenue, to do his worst, which logally is nothing at all. A worthy deacon in a town somewhere or other gave notice at a prayer meeting the other night, of a church meeting that was to bo hold immediately after, and nn:consciously addod : "ïhere is no objection :to the femáis brethren remaining." rominds us of a clergyman who told in his sermón of a very affecting sceno, where "there wasn't a dry tear in the house." " Doctor, what do you think is tho matter with my little boy?" " Why, it's only a corrustified exegis anti-spasmodically emanating froni the germ of' the animal refrigerator, producing a proliflo source of' irritability in tho pericrauial epidermis of tho mental profundity." "Ah ! that's what I told Betsy, bat ehe 'lowed it was wurrums."


Old News
Michigan Argus