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ThU Cut illustratei the marmorof Uslng BM Foantaia Nasal Injector. IHffl Thwm3tTOmenti3Cspooially deslgned for th pori'ect applic-atiüü ofDR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. Itis tlio ozUy form of instrument yetinvcntod witb wblch Iliiiil mudiclue can be cnriicd high wv and pcrfvaii qgpUcdt? nll paría oí' the aiu-oteti nfisrtf pafRaoa, and lbocliiMnborsorcavitieacoro muniouting therowith, in wiiirh sores and ulcera frotueiitly exist, raid from Lícli citarrhii diacliiirgo frenorally prooreci3. Tho w;int oi' suoCC3B In triating cnt.nrh herotoi'oro hna orfscn lurgeiy irom tlioïui}oe);i!im.voi' pplviag riinodies ti theso caivitiea and cïiambui- by uny of tbe ovdlnary motboda. 'a'Siio obstael in tlie way of eitticti&g cuius is entirely orercorae by tbe Isreutiofi of tbo I)(.iicln). In nsiug this instrumer.t, tho f'uid Is carricd Ly lts own weMt (no snufiirg, fbrcinff cr pu:nprr being renuirctij) up ouo noBtril in a fiiU (cutly lluwius Btreum to tha hJfibcst portioD of tbe nr.sal passages, pusaea into and thorougMy cleansea 11 tho tubes and clmmbsra cciijuiud therowith, and flows out of Ihe oppaslts fiostril. lts nso ia pleuxaut and bo ■imple that a cülld can nnderstuud it. hall anti es.illc-StUi; ci,ïti:idacconipiiny eacbiüatrument. 'Whcn nsed vitb tiria Instrnment, Dr. Saga's C.itarrh Kemody cures recent attaeka of ".oldin iuu Ileofi" by a few sppllcatioaa. ■tyiLtpfoma t.4' iï( l'ipijueut beadocb. ".hux into tlirGot, Boinetimca jroi'nüd, Wuttiy, tuu-k Tnnrna, pnnt!itit, oiI'ohf-iv, a;c. Iu otu0)rs i dréneos, dry, watery, irsak ov iaiiomoQ eyft, atopphtje up or obatruction of ni i ars, deafnesa, ha iving and euoghiug irofit, ulcoratious, ncaba fi om ulcera, voico !:w. i, i.sil twaag, offenmve red or total de] il vat on of s,-nso of aroeli enti uefe, dizinraa, mental ilfprt-iiaioii, loas ulatxed tuuailn, fckliiig cmji Ij. tae. Uulyafw of tneae ayuiptoma aio lijicly to ue . o at .io timo. i)r. : .■;?' Hoj-vh IÍ. niec!}-, whcu nsed ■with : 1 ioukliojaud accoiupasaladith tbo cenetitutioiuil trpatmont wbich ia ïecoaijeiv. cil in tbo pairplilctlbat wraps oacb birttlc of tho. Kcmédy, is a pti-fert fiprpilic fortbis loiUJiBíttíe diHfaKo, niid tbo piopriötor oilors, in good liiith, '■'::■':' i'-wwi fr a caso bo cannut ci:ro. ïi. Bemedy U mild and pleamiut to ue, cuntalniBg no ttiong or caustio drua or poisou. TbeOatairii lictuedy ia nold at SO cents. Douche at ; ei ut, by :-.ii ï.Vat,itie, or oithor Will beiaailc-d bj prop; lotor on ïuuuipt of GO ccuta it. r. EiKlK:I0, M. D., StJe PropxietOT, WjyPALO. 5T. T. No Persen clin tiice these Bittors according to directions, and remain iong unwell, provided their bonos are not destroyed by mineral poison or other muans, and vital orgaus wasted bevond the point of repair. Dyspisin or Indigestión, Heartache, Pain in ihe Shoulders, Coughs, Tigiituosa of the Cliest, Bizzlit&R', Sonr Eractations of the Stomach, Icd Taste iu tlio Mooth, Biüous Attaeks, Palpitation of the Ilearc, Innaoimutioii of th'í Lunfrc!, Pain ín the región of theKii. neja, sudahaudrert otlier painfal BjrnptOEhs, are tlie off-sprintrfl of üyspepsia. One hotilewiil prove o. botter fntarantee of ita merits {han a en?thy advenLienieut. Fo Peniale Emplinte. ín ronnfr or oíd, raaiTied or sinrrle, at the ilawn of womanhood, or , the turn of lire. these Tonic Bitters display so decided an inftueuce that improvement is soon percepti'Hu. Fr Inflninmntory and Chronic Itheii' matisüi and (out, Bilious. Kemittent and Interrcitttent Fevors. Di?eiiaoa of the Blood, Ijver, Kidueys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Sut'h Diseasea are cansed by Yitiated Blood. Tliey nre a gentle Piiraivc as well as a Tonic, possessing ths n;eiit of aMiiif? aa a powerml aent iu relieving Congestión or IntlammuLiOD of the Liver aqd Visceral Organs, and in Bilions Diseases. Fcr Skii Diseases, Eniptions, Tettcr, SaltRhetim, BWteSos, Spots, Pintpïes, PQstules, lioils. Oaaboocles, amy-wonns, Soald-Hecd, Sore Eycs. Eryi Ij e!as, Heil, Soorfs, Discooratloi3 of the Skin, KuicoiTi and Discase oí the Süln of whatever naiiic or nature, a:e Uterally dag up and carried out of the Bystm in a hort uiiie by the use of these Bitten. Grntefnl Thousnnrts prociaitn Vinegar Eittrï i the most voDderlul 'jviguntnt that evei austaineu tHe : inlricp; eyatenj. R. H. BicltOMAÏ.a . CO. Draggists and Gen. Agts., fcan Francisco, Cal., & cor. of Washington and Cliarlton Sts., N.Y. SOLD BY ALL DRUGÜIófS c DEALERS. Cooa for Man.-Inflammation of all kinds, Diphtheria, Wounds, Bruiscs, Burns, Sprains Rheo. matisro, Sore Throat, Swelling of the Glands, In. ?3?í}üíaí10n tho Ees' Broken Breast, Froat Bitca, Chilblams, Piles, Bee Stlngs, and all Sores. _9?d ior Heast.- Fresh Wounds, Galls, Poll Bvil, Sprains, Bruises. Cracked HeelB, Bing Bono, Wind Galls, Spavins, Sweency, Foundcr, Lameness Sajid Cracks,, or Groase, Jlange, Uorso Dietemper. Thls trnly wonderfnl Ltntment wse fliscovered by HOMEK ANDKHSON, A.M., late ProJfesor of Chemistry and Mathematics in the Clinton liberal Institute, of Oneida County, N. Y. In expcrinenting for the purpose of niakin;; Prussic Acid. by Uniting the independent gaseous bodies of which it is composed, a residuum was left, which, on being ap- plied to bruises and inflamed parts, by the students of the Institute, was found to possesB the remarkable prorierty of cooling down and carrying off the inflammation and BOreness at once, and restoring the parts to Bonodness and healüi in a f ow hours withoat pain or irritation. It ín not a beatlng Llnlmcnt, bnt acts oy lts peculiar Bpeciflc or chemical qualitics in disBolving and scattering the soreness and inflammation of tbe injured part. By a f ree application, the red eurface soou becomcs cool,moist and natural, and is restored to natural healtb. without suppuration or destruction . A a Miii-iicnt for Horse Flcsh, for the cnreof all tho ailment named abovc, we challenge the world to flnd its eqnal. Prlce 25 de 50 eents per bottle. . f D. EANSOM, SON & 00., Propr's, BTIFFALO, N. Y. Seo noüce in local column. BOOKS. 1 ñ " - "! ' J. R. WEBSTER & CO. NEW H00K SViiRt IEAB TUE " EXPRESS OFFICE." LOOK TO ÏOUR INTEREST AM) CALL. ! BOÖKS. x ■ - x HURRYUP! J AKTII5S wishing Wall Paper, Cloth ■- and Paper Shadesi Hollands, Window Pixtures, Couls, Tassels. &c, all New Styles, t Saiislactorj Prices, by J.H, "Webster k Co., Buok Store, nearthe EipfoanOllicc. X X T yHERE TO BUY BLEACHED COTTONS 1 MACK c SCHMID Have juat receivod a Inrge stock of the BEST AND MOST POPULAr J BR ANDS j New York Mills, Wamsuttas, Utica, Tionpareils, Tuscarorae, FR9ET0FTHEL00M Lons&ale, HUW Bemper Idem, Cdbots, &c. BIWÏG0ÏÏ0IS! Ab well as in wther linea of our goode, we atc enabled to show the Largest and Best Assortment In the city, at the LOWE8T PRICES. non Saccoseor to COLGROVE 4 SOK. DRüGGisT Ai mm IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, Na. 12 E. HUEON STREET, DEALER IN DRUGS, IKESSCIlïES, SCRUISAL SlïSTRIJinESTS, PURE WliïES ASR LIQEORS, tPOR MKDÍCAI, PÜRPOSES ONLT.) Fancy Gooös, Periumery, PAIKÍXS, OILS, VAKNISIIES, I.ARS JllS'D PITTTY, PMSiCÏAÏS1 PIEgGUPTIOSS Carefally compoundsa at all honrs. I PEOPO.-E KOT TO BE ÏÏNDEESOLD BY ANY HEM IN THE CITY WH0FURKTI3H AS GÖÖD AN ARTICLE. e. fl. Gimfi - 1867tf ym. wacer IS NOW IIEADY FOR THE FALL lAüi Ha ving Receivod a Large Stock of f 111 & WINTER G-OOIDS, ÍNCLUDING OLOTHS, OASSIMEREB, VE8TING8, &0, of the BfSiTSTYLES and ÖÏJALITIES, WHICH HE WILL MIN U F AOTÜEE on terms to guit. Also a ful] line of READY-MADE CLOTHING AN Gents' FUKNISHIflG Goods, JQJEJST STYLE, AÚjYLADIES' AND GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS No.21 Sonth Main Street,- EaetSide OALL AND SEE THEM. WILLlAM WjïBJVtK. Ann 4rbor, (Wibbor Iht, 1S72 MOTHERS! MOTHERSÜ MOT IERS ! ! Don't fail to procure MUS. 1VI1VSLOtV'S SOOTHHVCi SYRUF FOR (JIIILSUL! TEETHING. Thls valuable preparation has been used with NEVER-PAILING SUCCKSS IN THOUSANDS OK CASES. It not only relieves thJ cliild from pain, bul inviLorates the Htomicli and bowels, correcta acklity, mul ives tone and energy to the wholo eystem. It will also instantly reüeve Griping in tlie Bowels and Wind Colic. Webelievc It the BEST and SÜIÏEST EEMEDY IN THE W0KL1), in all cases of DYSEKTKIiY AND DIABKUUiA IN CHILDKEN, whethor arlBing from teethiug or anv otbe 'C. Depend upon it mothers, it will glVe rest toyourselvoe, and Kelief and Hcaltli to Your Infants. Be snre and cali for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothlng Syrup." Flavitia the fac-simile of "CURTÍS PPEKINS' on the ontside wrapiier. Sold by DruggiBtB throuehont the world. THE GOODYEAR FARM FOR SALE. HENRY GOODYEAR, of Sharon, havingassignüd all liia property to us tor the btmefit of Iris creditora, we now ofter the property for sale in pjircels to auit purcliasers. The fonda ar; iiisf chws - uone better in the State. Over one thousand acres of improvcd land in. a body. Persona buying can mumc mortgugos for a part of th purchase money. All huving claims ftgainst thesaia Goodyanr are requeated to present thfcm to the arssïynees. Duted, September 2Gtb, 1872. R. S. SMITH. W. H. CALKIN. l93 JOS.MoMAaON. TEN REASONSWHY A'o rattily shouM without a èottle o WHITTLESEY in the house. _J9"- -twill relieve the worst case of Blllouf o2 ür Paciera Morbus in 15 minute - ":a' It will cure the most obstinate case it Dys pópala and Indlgtatlon iu a t weeks. _3 -!' the best remedy in the worlct Col IOK Hoadache, as thousands can testify.J lakcnuheri the .irst symptoms appear. 4tn.- lt is the best diuretic ever put beforf the public; curing those distressing complaints, D abetes aad Cravel and other Urina ry Sth.- It is a most excellent EmmenS' BOgua, and to the Young Clrls, raiddle ageo Women, and at the Turn of Life, this reineuy is of incalculable valué. ? wi" remov; winll fnm the bowels, and henee a few drops in some sweetened water1 pven to a babe is better than a dozen cofdials 10 Relieve and make It Sleep. Comain ng no anodyne. 7th.- It is a sure relief for adults and children Rffected with Worm s and Pin Worms. It will bnng away the tvorms. 8th,- It will cure the Pllesand Hernor-1 rhodlal difficulties. th.- Itwill cure COnstlpatlOn and keep the bovcls regular. It wirt also cure the worst case of8ummerComplalnt.ind Dysentery. lOth.- It will cure Sour StomaoH, Stlmulate the Llver to healthy action. Relieve He nrt-Bu rft and act as general Regulator of the sysfem. When taken dilute fhe dosc with Sügör and Water to a WI n e -Cl n sa fu I I and you have apleasant ton i o. Whittlesey (Dysyepsia Cure) $1.00 per bottle, Whut esey Agüe Cure Soc. per bottle. Whittlesey Cough Granules 25c. per iöftfc, bold by all druggists and tvarranted. Whittlesey Prop. Med. Co., Toledo, O. rraiññ HATTBR ! HAS EECEIVED DIS FALL l WINTER STOCK OF-J Hats and Caps, IK LATEST STYLÉS, LADIE8' FUR8, CiElïTS' FFBSiSHISG 0003, ÊtE„ WHICn nE PROPOSES TO 8BLL AT PKICE8WHICH DEPY COJ'i'ETITION. 7 South Main St., Ann Arbor. WISHART'S .FINE TïlEE TAH CORDIAL ! NATtRE'g GREAT REMEDÏ FOR THE THROAT AND LUJGS. It is gratilying to ns to inorm ths pubhc th'at Dr Q. C. Wlfhart's Pinc Tree Tar Corgiil; for Throat íind Lung DiseflPcs, hagained an envi.ible reputation from the Atlantic to the Pactflc coast, imd from thence to seme ofthefirst families of Enropofnot t rongh the prcps alone, bnt by persntts tSjvnghout the States actnally benofiu-d and c;iréd at Hl office. While he publishoe lees, po pay onf reporters, he is unable to fnpply the demand. lt fpiiiis t and bolds its reputación- First. Not by tolííJng conph, bnt by looppning ;an ! nseieting nature to throw off the nuhealth; mattiT collectod obout the throat and brouchial tubes which cantes irritatitm. Second. It removes the causes of irritation (which , .produces coughj of the mucons membrane and bron' chiai tubes, asbists th'e lungs to act and throw off the nnbealthy secretions, and parlfles the blood. Third. It is free from squllla, lobellai ipecftc and opium, oí which most throat . nd hing remedies are composed, which allay iough only, and disarganize the stomach. It has a soothiug effect on the stomach, acts on the liverand kidneys, and lym pathic and norvonn ■■.' ons, thus ri'aching to every partof the system, and in ita Invlgorating and purifying efl'ectsit has guiued a rcputatlon which it mast hold above all others in the market. K0T2CE. THE PlETREE TáCOROIAL, GREAT AMERICAN DISPEPSIA PILLS. A IV. WORM SUGAR DROPS Being nnder my ïm mediante dl reí t Ion, tliey shal not loose thoir curativo qiiüliticB by : use o cheap aud impuro articles, IÏENRY E. WISHART;, 5BÜHEIITOR. FREE OF CHARGE. I)r. L. Q. C. Wishart' Offlco Pariórs are open on Mondays, Tuesdaya' and Wednesdays" from 9 A. M to 5 P. M., for consuHation by ir. Wm'.T. Mageo. With him ure associated two Consulting phyaicians of acknowladged ability. This opjiertunity is öet1 ■ offered by any other u_itution in the city. All letters niust be addresscd to L. a. WISHAKT, M. D., JVo. 23 J. Secünd St., PHILADELPHiA.


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