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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. " NI. COL. E, Dealer in Coal. Office & Ouast, ovnr 81won Sb Sons' Store, Cor., !?ourth and Huron St. EaiSTUS THITCHKB, Attorncy :tnd Counselor at Law, No. 5 Euat Huron Street, Aun Arbor, Mich. 138G MF. FASQÏÏEI.IiE, in. D. Offico over A. A. f i-rry' i'tore. liei=idence Washington Street, foor doors east of State. 1373yl A1VN ARBftB MI NU AL. Slmx;s. Morris Hilo. M. O., Snparlntondent. Office & building, corner Mann and "estHurou Streettf. WIIVES & WOROEü, 0 Soath Mln strest, Ana Arbor, Mich-, wholfsale and retall dealers! Dry Goods, Carpcts and üroceries. 13Sltf MACK A SCHMID, Dealers in Dry Goods, liroceries, Crockery.Ac. No. 54 ?outh Main ötrvet. WM. JACKSOJÍ, DíMitlet.sncwsHortoC. B. Porter. Office corner Mainand Hurou streets, ver the store of R. W. Ellis & Co, Aun Arbor, Mich. Anestheticsadmiuistercd if reqaired. EJ. JOHNSON, Doalor in Hats and Caps, ff urs, Straw Gooí1.-. Oents' Furuiehing Gooda, Sic. No 7 Sontli Main -treet. Aun Arbor, Mich. SUTHEtttAS & WHEBOJT, Life and Pire Insurance Aírente, and dealere in Real Estáte, rïlce ou Iïuron Street. BACH & ABEL, Dealers in Ilry Goode. Grocerica, Ac, &c., No. '(t fc'outii Main Street, Aun Arbor. StAWSON A. HOTS, Grocor, Provisión and Commiöfiion Mercbanïs, and dealere in Water jimo , Land Piaster, aud Piaster Paris. No. lts East lluron street. t! ISXOHEIJI, ffholeeale and Retail Dealer 5 in Ready Made Olothiu?, Cloth, Caseimerfs, í.wtln'S.audGent's Filri'.'MiiUK ÖoodS. Ño. 9 South Halu Street. WM. WAÍJIVER, Dealer in Ready MadcHoth ing.Ciotbs, Casainieres, Ventings. Hats. Caps, Crunks, t-'arpct linga, &c. 21 South Main strcct. GILMORE fc FISKE, Bookscilers and Stationors Medical Lav and College TeStt Dooks, School and .ïccirmcous Books. No. 3 North Main itreet, Gregory Block, Ann Arbor. T"OAIi W. OHEEVEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! Ö1ceiitliE.W. Morgan, v:aet eideofCourtHouee J. F. SCHAEBEKLE, Teacher of Music. G'esinetrucllon on the P3AN9, VIOLIN AND GüiTAR, this odice, No. 57 Poiith Msin strest, (Moore's i-iildlag),or :it the resldóace of the pupil. PIANO TUNI&IG, Hade a speciality and satisfaction guaranteed; 13-24yl [ROCK EKY GL.iSSWAUE & GROCEIUES, J. & V Donnelly Itavoin itore ïUrgestock"fCiockef,ÖiaswaTei J tod Waru,' 'ntlery Groónos, &c, 4c,, all tobe " old at nuoïiiiaily luw prlCPG. No 11 Bust Ilurnn Streot. Ann Arlior. HÏStf J. fc V, BO'NKIilY. TOIIN G. GALL, FRESH AND SALT MEATS, LA, SAÏSAGES, Kt-., OrAoroHcitod andpromptly filled with tlicbest Heats In the market. 31 H:i?t Washington strret. Ann Arbor. Sept. 16th, lsSn. lttfl f T" ARKSEY, qL?3L%. HanaJactoret nf v Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, AND St.EIiJIIS. of ovary stylo, mode of the beet niterial, and warranted. RepairlnK done prompt ly and pricin reosonable. Detroit ttreet, near R, ít Dept, Ann Arbor, .ilich. iSMyl. tVrTc. A. LEITEK CONTINÚES TO PÜT ÜP AND PILL Physicians Prcscriptioiis, At all hours, at No. 1 Gregory Block. CA. LEITEK & CO. Ann Arbor, Doe. 22d 1871. 1MM "TJR.C.B. PO TER, DEISTTIST. Scein tHeSAVIKGSBANK3L0CK, Ann Arbor. ill Operaüons on the Natural Xeeth PERFOItMED IVITHCAKE. ÜITSTJRPASS3D FACILITIES AND SXPBRIENCE SETTISfl ARTIFíiÜAL TEET0, TO GtVE EACIÍ INDIVIDUAL; ífenturesoftke proper $izey skape,r,oloTtJiTmneseand na al r.zpreesion, 1244 KURRY üpT" PAKTIl'iS wlehing Wall P.iper, Phades Hollands, Window Fiitares, Cords, T8cls. c, uil .New Styles, nt S-uisfnctorj Prices, by J. U. Webster 4; :o., BookSt"rü,near the Expiess Ofllcc. : x LOYEJOY, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in botli FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuif, !Pipes, &c„ AT NO. 7 EAST HUSOS STREET, Ncxt to tlic Express Office, AIÏW AKROR, MICH. I345tf TTOUSE FOD SALE! ' Th, roiidenoe of the BulHcriber on 'WoTth Street PotHBtsion uiven immoiliiitelv. Alse, th beantifni building site on the lull just east ot Col. Örant's renideiiee. ïeiuis vory eaay. A good bnrgaln ean be made. Ann Arbor, Jan. 23, l70. U10


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