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Victims Of The Credit Mobilier

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Tho terriblo and widespread ravagos of ;hat oxtraordiaary disease callod tho Credit Moi-iilier oro alarming tho whölo. nation. ïho cpizoötio was os mild, as the mcasles compared to it. Ik has already ïarried off raany distihguished victims, It did not coruo froiu Canada like tho opizoötic, nor from Asia liko tho cholera, nor from the West Indios liko the yello-tf fever. It ia. believed to havo sttfited soraówhere in l'ennsylvania, and meeting with a favorable condition of tha utmospherö in Washington, District of Column Ma, stajyd there, and was devoloped bjp reason of tho defectiva sanitary airangcments in tho political systcin of tho capital. Groat syrupathy ia folt for Mííswjchusette, BO many of hor distinguishod citisrens hare boon swept off. ïho subí oined liat of deaths will be rond with painful interest by the public. The no feos aro inserte'íl (contrary to otir usual custom) freo of eharge : Araos, Iloax, of MaBSachusette, diod of üredit Mobilierj (long and Hngering ill-' hotfi), iiged 60. O lof! y worth, whoso virtues wcroAmknown; ü shining light, whose glamor was unscuu ; Whosc latcst spasm of godliko work has showri Whnt men wcro not, but what thpy might havo been. Tliou told'st the truth, tho' hid 'neath many cloaks, O concentrated essence oí a Hoax. All stockholders of tho Union Pacifio Railroad who receivod a higher dividend :hau 750 per cent, üto cordially invitod o attond tho funoraj. MasEaohusetts papers picase copy. Alloy, John Jl., of Massachusotts, dicd of C. M. (not cholera morbus - was discovcred witli tho diseass too lato for the physio), aged about a century. Ter this sad wreek let rafuikind novcr dally ; Fraud knooked down evcry ninepin in this Alloy. This is nobody's funeral. Allison, John B„ of Iowa, diod Of C. M. 'an overdoso of dividends hastened Mi departuro), aged 50 years. Long dead to usisweet AUison, ïhe Iloax thou could'st not rally; If 60 soon done, why wer't begun, Thou íragrant son of Alley i Beraains will be cnibalmed. Bingham, John A., of Ohio, diod of CII. (supposed to have caught the fatal in'ection from Dawes) , aged 62 years. Moan for him weikin, ho'll wake yon no more With shouta against theft, Buckeyo Bingham, The dcath bella shall boom how he ganiered his store. And gentle Bon Butler will ring 'em. Announcemont of funeral heroaffer. Ohio papers pleaso copy. Brooks, Jim, of New York, dicd of C. M. (protesting to tho last that ho was well in health, no remedies were adminis:ered), aged 68. He chattercd chattered as he went To jom the great Salt Kiver ; Hoax might threat or Hoax relentj But he'd deny iorever. 'Slong well-filled "bmks" his way he pickedj With watered " Crcdits," ever MeComb might M dam," McComb convict, Jim Brooks deuied forever. His funeral will havo no politiéal si-nificanco. Colfax, Smiler, of Indiana, died of O. M. (the agonies of this poor victim wore intense ; to the last ho insisted it wqp something else besides Credit Mbbilier), aged 42. A beautiful smiler come into our midst, Too lively and fair to remain ; They strètehed hiin on rácks til 1 the soul of Coli'ax Fklpped up into heaven ngain. tfaytbe fato ai poor 8t3hnyler wam men of asmiler Who divídenos geta on the brain. Indiana papers rjloase copy. ttawes, Henry L., of Massnnhusettaj ïied of C. M. (he had the" reputation of tiaving apovverful constitution,but it was evidently a dolusion), aged 57. acher! Leader! Thou 1-ast left us ; Rylhouth Iiock thy los? wüj fel; For a pottage-mess bereft us, Okl Honesty is ausytspieJ. Funeral strictiy private. Ko wakej Garfield, James A., of Ohio, died of C. M. (strugglod hard against the dreadful epidemie, but it was no uso. Ho caved in unexpcetedly), aged only 42. Here resta hia head upon its lap of earth, A youth to fortune and misiortuiie known; Viobilior iiownecl upon his humble berth, And Hoax Ames henSeforth mai'kcd Jim for his ov.u. Will be buried át Congressional Ceaiekory, Washington, D. C. No cards. Eollej; Vviliiain D., of Pennsylvania, died of C. II. (too nuoh iron in his blood and too littlo proteution of himself mado' !iim an easy vietim to tho feil destroyo), aged 60. Weep not " pig ïron," public dctir, Ho is not de&j L, tho' aleoping here ; His thunder's hushed, his eyo is dim,Mobiuer put a head on him. His remains will bo "protected" in á uiotallic casket. A one-horse funeral announced horeafter; Patterson, Jumes W. of Kcw HafnpJ shire, died of C. M. (his sufferings dreW tears frem his friends ; he porsisted to thö end in supposing it was a difforeüt coraplaint), aged 50 years. Peaceful bo Uriah's slumber, Heep-ed hc iii burial low ; Thirty shares hi3 cc:ilin cumber, How it is Vuurself you know Mourning by Senators for thirLy days, A granito sarcophagus will endoso tho mummy. Scofield, Glenni W., of Ponnsylvania,died of C. M. (passed oiï quietly), agod 53 yoars, Iloax Ames, tho Ancicnt IvTariner, Stopped Navy Scoüeid blancl. Ho held him with his glittering oyo And with his skranyTiand. The Scoiield did a hèllish thiirg And it did work him wo Ilis ten shares clipped him on the wing And laid the Quaker low. Pcnnsylvfinia papera pleaso oopy. Pönornl at an early day. Musio by the band: "Down in a coíiI mine." Wilson, Henry, of Massachösetts, died of O. M. (groat hopos were catertainod of his recovery), aged 01. His 6imiings sore long time he borö, Like martyr on a rook, Till bad Iloax Ames, oí sinful games, Had cosed hiin of his stook. His "solo" had nc'er into the void boen Had he "waxcd" firm and stuck unto tas " last." Natick (Mms.) papers plcaso copy. Memorial cervices at Fanouil Hall. Nö Irish need apply. "VYilson, James F., of Iowa, died of C. M. (istonished everybody, he had hitherto enjoyed such cxcollent hcalth), aged 5 ■ years. Tears, idle toars,! he knew not what öicy mfianty But countöd them throe dollars fór a shan: ; They blotted ovrt a lifo T7c thnrtight well spent - Ah ! was hia eweetness notliing but a stufte 't Eov. Dr. Ncwman will conduct the pervices and preach the pancgyric from his campaign notes. Froe list ontirely


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