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pLUJ &tmtmwn$. VTTANTED. - Aix esperiencod grrl - TT colored or white- to do yeneral houso wofk. Qood roferenco requircd, and will pay liberal wiges. r. . BAKEN, I418w2 Ih'y GoodsMorchant, Jnefcson, MitÏJ. SaSH FOR BÜTTEEl Fsr a few wecka I want to buy and th nwney for uil the Ohoice Roll BUTTER OFFBBED. 1413v6 JOHN W.M AYNAR9 CAWÖÜMMÊR&SHAE?ENEE. A CBEAP, imple, nnk durable Machine- easily operated and muiiiug Wheelis trom SxL inches to 12x 1 inch. Frice of Machine, $15. Wheels with bevelleS, doiiMe twreUcA and round fnce trom $S.12 to $7.35, aocording to thkknese. Heavier Machines $7O und $9O, running Wheels up to 24 iuches in diameter. ï'or illustrated Pamphlets or Photographs, address THE TAWITE CO., lUSmt ijtroudsburg, Mouroe Co., Pa: Mortgage Salo. P EFjVULT having been made in the conditions of IJ e, ceitain mortgage dated the tirst day of Murch, A. 1). 1869 mude and executed by John Diehl and Mariraiottft Diehl, of the city of Ann Arboi, Midiigau, to lienry j. James, of ■Villiamsburgh, in the State of Mossachusetts, and recorded in the oflice of the Register of Deeds for the County of Washtenaw, látate of Michigan, on the third day of Mnrch, A. D. 18C9, in liber 3'J of mortgages, at pace 53, which siud mortgage was ou the twenty-sixth day of December, A. D. 1872, sold und nssigned by said Henry L. James to Leonard üruner, -which said ussignment was on the thirtieth day of January, A. D. 1873, reoorded in the otiice of the Register of Deeds aforesaid, in liber 3 of assiiinment of mortgflges, on pago 6Ü-1 ; and whereas, there is due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice the suin of twenty-six hundred dolliirs (Í260U.00) and no suit or proceeding at lsw has been instituted to recover the same or any part thereuf. Notico is hereby given that on Monday, May Iwelfth, A. D. 1873, at 12 o'clock noon of that day, at the front door (south fiide) of the Couït House, in the city of Ann Arbor.Washtenaw County, Michigan, by virtue of tlie power of sale contained in said mortgage, I shall soll at public auction, to the highest bidder, the premises describ d in Baid mertgngo, or so much tlieicof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage at tho date of this notice with interest, and the cost and expenses lloved by law, and also an attorney fpo of f30.00 as provided insaidmoitgage. The following is a descriptiou of the land and premisos as given in said inortgage, ana to be sold in puisuanoe of tho above notice, to wit : All those certain pieces oi paicels of land Bltnatea in the city of Ann Arbur, County of Washtenaw, and State aforesaid, known, bouuded and described ns follows, to wit : Beina lotsnumbers five undsix (5 and 6) in bloi'k ntunbei nine, in Ormaby and Page'a addltion to the villago (now city) of Ann ArLor, and also that part of lot numbei eight in said block, lying south of a direct line froni the east corner of said lot five to the eontheast corner of soid block number nine, with the appurtenances tilt-rcunto belonging. Dated, Ann Arbor, February 13, 1873. I.EONA1ÏD GRl"NET?, FïEDïBICK risTORIlis, Abaignoc. for Aísifiiee. JÜ3.


Old News
Michigan Argus