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TPHE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN IBS JITY m ANN AKBOR! H. COHEAI DEALER IN IMÜllineryj &c. Wc Sell for Cash Only. H13tf 8 3 SOUTH MAIN STREET. T OR SALE AND TO EENT. SLAWSON fc SON OFFEB XHEIR ( STOCK OF G90DSFÖRSALE, { AND THEIIl STORE I I Cor. of ïïuron and Fourth Sta, . MFORMATION FUBNISHED ON PREMI8ES. 1413w4 SJLAWSOPl de SON. DETROIT, IIILLSDALE & INDIANA, AND DetHOIT, JÍE1, HlVEB AND ILLINOIS lÍAILItOADK. üOING WEST. - 1873 - GO1NÖ EAST. 8TAÏION8. Mail. AcC. STATIONS. Mail. Ace. A. K. V. M. X' At. Detroit, dep... 7:15 4:00 Logansport 7:45 Ypsilnnti 8:00 6:00 Denver 9:00 Mimchcster. ...10:07 7:45 ColumbiaCity. 10:40 Hillsdale 11:45 10:34 _ „ Iiankers 12:00 10:50 MBankers 2:27 4:50 ; MUiUadale 2:39 5:10 ColumbiaCity, S:i Manchester.... 4:25 8:25 Dunvcr 5:2') Ypsilanti , 5:410:10 Logansport O-Si. ... Detroit 6:45 11:30 Trains run by Chicugo time. All trains run daily (Sunciays excepted). ; EfelT Palaoa aleeping coaches are run on night expresá tnrms. H. O UOODELL, Sup't. Kcwert Rulie, Gen'l Ticket Agent. TMPROVED SAXON CEYSTALS, 8PECXAOIL,E8S AND EYE PJ&ESERVERS. Putronizeii and recommenderl by the most eminent Oculista and gentlemen of the medical pvofpsskm, na being of great traneparent refraeör jonlity, so conRtruct:d in to effect the utmost relieï and preserve the fnnctions of the eyes. Tho eight of tho aged greotly assisted; weaksightstrengtheueá, und periect sight pre&ervt'd. SOIiOMONS & SONS, Tracticai. Opticians, and Manufacturera of tho improved EYli I'RliBEEVINQ SPECTACLBB, ÜATARMJT LENS, CUÑCAVE (iLASSKa for near-sightcd persons. JACOB IIAILliR, Agent, lJ13m3 No. KEast Huron feit., Ann Arbor. VUANIED! We will give energetic men and women BUSINESS TBAT WILL PAY From $4 to ÍS per dny, can be pursued in your own neigliborhood, and is strictly honorable. Particulurs free, or samples that will enable you togo to woik at once, will be sent on receipt of two threo cent stamps. AdiUess J. LATHAJI & CO., 1413w6 292 Washington fet., Boston, Mass. SPECIAL, OT1CE! All of tho TANITE CO'S goods are directly made by the Co., at their own Factory and under their own Í iteuts and Procesacs. It ia eteapel to buv Standard Goods directly from well known Manufiifiurers thnn to buy of Dealers or get low priced or poor goods. The fullest information on all puints conneoted with Emery Whoels and Emery-Grinding-Maehinery will be fumished by this Compaoy. 1413m3 1 QQ PIECES NEW PRINTS, (SPRIJNG STYLE, 10Doz.LADIES'NECKTIES Just reeci'seil üy 1413wl J. H. IflAYNAR. CommiBsioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, coimty of Washtenaw, m. 'hc undersrgued, haring been ippninted by the Probïitc Cuurt lor lid connty, Commissioners to receive, examine, fina adjust uil claims and demanda of all persons against the estute of Georgs Younfr, Senior, late of said oouniy, deceased, hereby give notice thatlix mcmths from' dato ure allowed, by order of wiul Probate Court, forcreditors to present thoir claim s agahist the estáte of said Oteeeaaed, and tliat thiy will meet at the residenoe of Thonws Young, in the township of Lyndon, in said eounty.on Saturday, thetenth duv of May, ond ce Stunlay,thirninth Snj of Angrnst next, at teno'clock A.M.of eachof saiddaj,Unect:ive, examine, and adjust said claims. Dated. February lOth, a.d. 1873. Kl.NATHAN SKIDMORE, WASHINGTON BEAMAN, j413w4 Comraissioners. Sheríffs Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coüsty oï 'W.isihtesaw, O ss.- By virtue of a writ of excuion isaued out of and undei tho seal of Ore Circuit Court for the Connty of Wahtennw,and to nw directed and deliverihI airii'inst tho goods, chnttles, lans and tenements of Mosea Marks, and for the want of goods and chattles to sntisfy said execul.ion, I did, on the twenty-flvst dav of Januaiy, A. I). 1S73, scize and levy upon all the right, ÜÜ6 and interest Mnaei Kiirks has in and to' the followkig descrilied Innds, to wit : Lots number tww (1), for (4), six (li), elght (!), and' (1"), in block öve north, range four cast in the city sf Ann Albor, Connty nniV State aforesaid. Whiob abovo describwi property, I shiill expose for sale to the hiahest bidder, at pulslic anition at the south door oi the Court Iltruse, in the C'ty it Ann Arbor, in tbo County of Washtenaw, on ihe seconJ diry f April, A. V. 1S73, ut one o'clock F. M. of lid day. Dated, this 7th day of February, A. D. 18, 3. MICHAEL FLKMTXG, ihcrlff. Ha BrHTSON WEBB, VnderShori, TAMËs"McMAHON, Justice of the Peace, Office in new block, Nortb of Court Hotrae Moner collected and pTomptty paid over. INSURANCE AGENT. Triumph, assei, $T2T.9n3.11 Nort n Missouri, " 4'?t4!„ UiKtbS, " 350,000.00 RHTAt. B8TATK. I have 81 acres of land 'i oí a niilo fronï te eity ' imite, linely locnted for fruit or gardeu parpose. Also io acres. Ateo } acres, with honae and barn.and alivel gtream of waierrunning through the bars yaid. 60 acres, a mile oïrt. 1 wil! eell nny or all the above cheap, or exebange for city uronerty. 1S74 JAMES McMAHON. . . ♦ - l L.C.RISDOWyS ADVERTISEMENr. Now is the time to buy PARLOR & HBATING ; STOVES. I will sell them at COST until furthcr notice. l ïo. 31 S. Main St, Ann Arbor. H i lOTICE STONE MASON8! i Is hereby givrn that pealcd bids for the stono work on the new Congregational .;hurch In Ann Arlxr, wiil be received imtil tlie Ist day of Match, 1S73. The f wull of the chnrch aie to Vo of rough stoue, drossed j and lairt m accordance with the Arohitect's , lions whidi can be seon by Consulting with the Superintendent, Mr. A. R. llaniniund, to whom bids are to ooaddressed. lt is the imention to erect the walls and put on the roof during the coming season, and ( aids rtiould be inade with ihis fnct in view. All f xriakwillbefurnishedon the ground by theTrus;ces The right to ïvject any and all proposals is " order of the Trustees., Ann Aihor, llich.. Fcb. 3, 173. H12w2 j_ WASHTEHAW COUNTY. 1 SSSS k&E SS MMa ÖS 3BS S ljjii CONVEVANCER uITË i1 'kANNARBOR 'pV m liiilili.iiiMl'ii'.M'!.' ' :■ 'i'1 . i ■l'i'l;-'i'.'ill!l':'''lil!''.l'TI'i!'llliii OUR ABSTRACT BOOESf Vs partially indicated bove, are now posted' to dat. Dhey at once, in a eondensed or posted fórtt, show hc öria ual clmlfi and all new chains of title. Instance, met os AUDITOR GENEKAL'S DÈEDS, Known aa Tax-Tïtlcs, which are vcry numerous in tliii County, Decrees, Contracts, Deeds ï "WILIjS, ScC. Also, now as wel'l na all of the oM undischarged' Mortgages as fiir back as 18'24- which are legions, Tcraons taking titlc ormortgagea and Hens will re' member that Tux-Titles and o-tber colateral matter are not fonnd in tho usual mode of maren by Indexesat the Register's office. The books or libers in the Kegister's office have becomeso numerous and voluminous that long time ia neeessarily required even to1 make a hnaty and unreliable search. With our facilities we say to the public that we can show them title' and Title History, make Deods, Mortgages, Assignxnents, Discharges, &c, as correctly, quicker and in betteistylethanany other office in the County. Wer havö MONE7 TO LOAN! On Boud" and Mortgage en long time. REAL ESTÁTE Soldorexchanged. HOTTSES TO RENT. 33 acre opposite the Observatory for tiale in lotB to suit puichuaera. KOOT & LEITER, Eeal Estáte Agenta, No. 1. Gregory Block, Thacï W. Eott, aud opposite the roatoffice. ÜHABLES A. LeIIEB. Hit'tf T-JESIRABLE EEAL ESTÁTE FOB SAL EÍ The Bïïb3cnbcr, on account of iil health, offers hia 33 ACRES Tn the corporatioil for sjftïe. TliiR groünd adjoins Ihe" ITniversiti Obaervatory on the eatf oppoaite side of tho street. It has a most excellent SPRING! On the northeast corner- f onnerly silpjllied the Railroad tanks with water. ITS ADVANTACES A'ïe asfollows: For city purposes the Huron River meanders th same some 30 to 4U rods, aud is pait of the best lSTater Pover On the Ri er in this vicinity, and the elevation on thö1 northeast c orner is aufficiently hig-li nd ampie to snp. ply thecily necessitiea for water and liropurpoaes, THE WESTERN PORTION On tre road is very nppropriale and suitable for ' Public Cily Cemetory. The city has no such ground now but inust hn8 soon, and whaltver friuunüs the city does not care to use, can be sold at an ndvantage. so much BO, that the coat of the Water Works grounda' and Cemetery, would be aaerely nominal. Ií the city does not waiit the &ume, the groïmds would bc inval-' uaLlü for FEU1TS, LAEQE & SMALL, There beiog some 100 trees now in bearing Tcgctablcs and Pasturage, And afc fot MiLKs;pply,BLOODED STOCK, Hoises, Sftcep, And other animáis always in gïet wnnt by mnny i the city and its vioinity. As ty lots acljoming the northwest corner of tbis land Je aot selllng fr(jn tkreehundred to thiee hnrkífed aiul ütty dollars, 1hese lands wov.ld or could be sold in 'short tircfrto w good advantage and to much pront to the purchiiseis, Vill be given or tht Baniewi 1 be cxcliarr!;ed for M" chantable goods ir i ruga and Medidnos, at caB prices. TRACY W. ROOT, Aan Afbo, Jan. 31,1878. UU MICHIGAN CENTRAL BAILKOAD WINTER TIME TABLE. Passenger trains now leave the several stations, .i follows: ooisg met. , J ' M si I K & u % ; m i STATION6. W .tn , .1 . Jf 5__5_n_l!_ï_'_: iL 'a. m.a. m. r. m. r. m. p. m. p. m. Detroit . leave, 7 15! D 40, 4 00 [ 5 4.5 1 46 9 65 Vpsiliinti, 8 4.V10 47' 5 38: 7 12 t 6fl 11 0Í Aun Albor, 9 I" 11 06 6 02, 7 45 3 15 11 25 Dexter, 'J 48 6 3o 8 10 3 40! Chelsea, 9 M 8 30! 3 5S Sraaa I.uke, 10 9 00: 4 S3 a. m, Jackson, 11 0OÜ2 Ü0l 9 35 1 5 00 12 4 IV. M. P. M. ' A. M. i Knlnmnzoo, Ï ío % 5! 12 25J 8 OOi Ohicngs arjfTff, [ t M I'O 6 30; 8 00QO1NG EAST P. M. P. M.i A. M. A. k. Chicajo, lewre, 5 15, 9 00 A M 5 30 p9 Kalamazoo, % "ó 5 wJIll 30! 3 OS A. M-l MJackson, 12 40 4 4 8 05' 2 55 4 20 GrassLake, 32, J ": Chdsea, ; Dexter ! 6 9 15, 4 10 im irbor I 58 6 W: 6 55 9 45 4 40, 5 24 Defroit"arrive, 3 351 7 25' 8 45 11 SO C 25 6 4 TT7 HITMOBE LAKE. Havin" recently rcfltted and fnraliheí the CLÍPTON HOUSE! attractivc, pleasaat aud healtby waterme; placea ia th6 Mytoats are new, larae aDd ommodious, andt well adanted for the use of plossure-seeknre. An "lera will find a fu.ll complete equipment alWsred"lhaentíon give to the wants and comfort of those who wib to i-pewJ a few weeks io recrenUon durin the warm nummer m22""1TWOHB ' Nopainswillbe spared to make WnilMOHü. . AK B, in the future as in the pt, a favonte sum.nerreeort. D p gMITiI# OEEDS f SEEDS ! ! SEEDS ! ! ! TRIE TO NAME AND RELIABLE iiower So 'ds, 11 tód much to the beauty and enjoyEivciide Gardcns, Bmïhamton.'Broome Co, N. Y . liOcnio


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