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quote it to show ihe jround taken by tlic cbrical teachers of tlie Suiith in dufence of i iie rijihtfulncssof Slávehojdihg'. NEW TESTAMENT SLAVERY. f Thero werc masters and alavés in the Apot-tolic churclirs. 2. Chrisiian mnslcrs of Christian slaves. 3. Christian masten} of Pagan slnvcs. 4. Christian slavej of mnsters not Cljritians. ö. Tlie New Testament does not prohibii this relatioti. 6. But ihe New Testament onjuius slavca to abide in slovcry. 7. Yet encourages them to use freedom if Ihey rrlny obfain it lawfully. 8. For tlie New Teslanrpilt enj Tins obëdi ncetothc íaws existirigfui the vernment of tlie land where we live. Those churches ore our exutnples. What was not proliibiied to them rs not prohibited lo us. What was enjoined on them is obliga lory oh us. This, howfivcr, does not obligo the propagation and extensión of sluvery. or otligè ín to Imve slnves. tl does nol forbid. It tolérale, it sonctionp, it restrnins, it regúíátes. It does not enjoin or forbid, btit tolernlcs emancipntion, wiili ör without iiidptnnity, not without the conenl óf boih partios, nnd öf the tliird pnrtv, (He Inibi. 1. It neithor enjniiia slavcry nor forbids it. 2. It neillicr enjoins emancipa'tion nor foibids it. 3. It loler.itea, sanctions, legnlizes, and rrgu latos slavery. 4r Ú tolérales, snn'ction?, legalizo?, and regulatcs cmar'cipntioii. All of :his it does, in hnrm'ony willi the recognilion of hnm'in poülico, civil jiirisiirudenc. Il leaves the xvhol'e matter out of the diureh, and refers it to 'he woild. It ireats slavery, war, coninierce, Sec, only ■eligioutJy, not civillj, nut polüiciulv; or i: reots t'iem individunlly, sociuHy, penerally: lot nalionally, or ercfcsiusticaüy. Any int re "erence will this inslitutipn by any churcli liauthorized. and without exarnplc or sanción in ihe New Teáiamont. Such interfc-r euce, thercfore, is unsciiplurnl and i an." i We oppruhend their lest rule tvooM nol i eir exntninaiion. For instjince: "Thoe 'apostolic] cliinclies are our example3. Whal ivos nol pohibited lo them is n"t prolubi'ed to is.'1 Ganiblinj, dtmein. nitnprlliiijf. and lor yery werc ni)t prohibitcd Ly he New TeslnneiH lo ihe.-e cherches: therefore, l'iey aremu im'iiiui i -ei ui na, i urit; un1, "nuy 111 rference vit!i" ilicse p roe tices 'ly any clairch unnuihoriznri, mui vvíVhóbt exnmple or snnc(I]f on iii tiie No'v Testnmi-ní. Such iuterjer cr, llicrcforo, b vnsctipluntl and ubsurd!!" nt onr readers wlll not ttíulik Uá Cor urguin ■ ) plain a mailer. (l uní , LEGAL OPINIÓN. There hS been for some-tiinc a difficul■.(■■! ' nmong the managers of the Female va: íornl Reform Society, nnd ilie porties Vi ave finnlly appealed lo lhe lnw lo setlle Ol)! ier conflicting clnims. The fuüovviug ca' atice of the decisión will interest imny i ,''■ lii' our readers, on necount o trie prmciles laid duwi), which npply to all ( ry nssoeiations not incorporated: M ( "It has been decidni by I Ion. Roben ry I. Morris, Judge Edimnds, F. Lord, dp: 'heodore Sedgwicli, John D.roér, nn'd her rrqtially eminont Inwyors, i lint" Mrs. {,k oatty, the exc-ommtinicr;iel treasurec, is ■ . I ihat isléftof the late Moál Reform '" ocioly - thnt the olher poTtion, by sub:ribing to a new conslituiioti, nrario lo "" eet the emergeney to which they hnd "e íduced ihemselvps by an undúe slietch I1:1 j power, committed willVtl Miicidc-p. and ní orse than all, fhey imVe not (u]v los! (rl ie control of the íund.s, hut have ninde Se lemselves Hable for tho dV-.bts enntrncted ,, rider the idea of pnying fhViri wilh ihosc j rnds. Tlic atixiliftry societirs should he notice of this decisión. - Vi Y. Eve. "' íirrof. 'v (tThe ar'biti'ntors lav down thesr '!} . , the "inciples: ci "Ol 1. Socielies, nol iricorfiorated, aro erely partnerships. W'hat is called the onstitution of such society is Co-partirship] and t'he mémbers are partners. tC. ach member is perisorrally responsible nbi ir the debls of the Sociefy. 50 2. Meinbers of such sociefy can only ""c1 ! bonnd by procedings in st'rict conforto ity to the Constilution - tlieir articíesof uni 'reetnenf, or by the DnanimoOs consent of ' nll the members - all the partners. If members of tho society créate debts p, í in accordnnce witli the Constitution, ey become pcrsoVially nnd individually ible for such debts. The society is not s"" .sponsibíe." '1 ■ Of I IEPUBLICAN ANP DKSPOT1C ""3 CRUELTY. !o ' Thero are two narratives on the first ceir ge, illustaating tho practical opernlion ... , , , ' ' vou military nnd legal Despotism. Rend nt em both. [lb( OC?" The en si of tJie Pcople va. Soyet eve?, irkJiced for the miirdei of Afred D. j elps, of í)exier, wos (lütennined lust week a verdict from líie juty of Not Gmliy. - ey wero absent abotn fiCteen minutes. - e bndersíffjíd that the testimony will be jliílied in the Aririis nexl week. r I"Ve are requested t s'nie tliat lhe reoen' val of the body of a cliild from the grave to ich n correspondent reíerre.d last week, itT sfnctorily pxplnined. The body was revver vc by lhe friends of the deceated. wee four rhe Oceola brought doa-n from WashinfrMni nnd put on board the ship Roanoke, one mov idred nnd forty-seven blacke, men, womon T children, designed to be trnnslated to Liibr 1 in, by the Colonization Society. These and jAe were libcroted by will by two estates in on v ginia, Iliet of Beckua and Huoo. They mov e well provided witb clolhincr and agnculn tr 1 mplements. The Roanoke will probaded fnil to day,- Norfolk AVu Era. tectThe Union, the orgnn of Mr. Polk and of the Democratie party, at Washington, advertises n man for sale, to be sold bV authority of the United States. Heisnot to be sold lor any crime, or because he is a slitve, so far as it appenrs, but lopayhii jnilfeesf As snme Democrats are unwilling lo believc tlint the United State3 noto sanction suoh a piece of barbarismj we annex the advenisement entire. NOTICE.- Will besold, at the jarl of Washington county, D. C on FrüJoy, the 7th of November,'l84.r), at 10 o'clock A. M. a negro man, coimnittedns a runawny, who c.nlls himself John Smilh. Ho is a dark mulatto, about 6 (eet high, and nbout 28 or 29 years of oge. Had on when commilted, a slriped summer coat and pnntaloons, a black fur hat, and has other clothing with him principally home made. He says he is a slave, and be longs to a Mr. John Smith,who livps n Henrico coiinly, bel ween Petersburg and Richmond. Me hasa scar under tho left eye, Jxnd one on tho under lip, and sivs ihat his master's nearest neighbor is Mr. John Richardson. The owner or owners of the above de se r i bed man are hereby requesled to comeforward, prove him, and take him awnv, or he will be sold lor his prison nnd other expenses as the law directs. ROBT. BALL, Jailcr, for Á. ïlunler, Marshal, D. C ÍIÍLLSDALE COUNTY Tlie Liberty men of the County o( Hiílá lale are rcqi:o5tcíl lo meet ia tho vülnge of fl.illidale, on Sniimlny, the 6ih of December, it 10 A. AJ, for iho pnrpoee of nppoinlin lolpgatas to f e State Anti Slavcrv Society, vliicl) w hiel) will meet al Marshall, immedi itely aftcr tho ndjoiirnment oftlie Stale Tempranee Society. It is nlso iiighly neerssary i.&t meásurcé then be loken fur a ihorfiöffh ml rflic ent or(ñTit)h of iho pnrty. Tliere baiin dn en'. ir? viini of etieïgy nnd activty tlurid ün? Ia 11 campiig.n, t he rosult of vliich is soen in óur (lirjVini.-hfid Vote Let i thon projitt'e for nn nclivé uinier campaigrï iy raiiinnr nieans Ut procure nnd ciroiilate anUl.iverv pnblica'ion. and sectirinj the" servies of Lpcturrr.-s. Evcry friend of t Ut cttcsn 3 earnestly tequpsleil to nttèntl. See i) nnotliur plnce. DA Vin M. DAGLEY, (han. o" Co. Ccm. 'ö tuk uurcnTY mk.n op hillsD ALK COUNTY.A'io'lirr clecii'ii lm-? imvd, and yn aro o'jjibly nun'e tiiel t hn re.-ulted Itjoat i n- r;rir.u.-]y for the ciuse uf Liberty nnd Eq:ia l)is in lliis County. Yuii have renson tnr .urn over ihr reil', s iniiiipicions tn t.'ie of o;ir cinso. anJ ilie more soy fron e lact, lliiii the fit rl ure to incrense' tur vot e or two Inmdreil nbovo tht of last fa1, s tiritan froin ilie culpil-íi; npitliv of yourvcp. Ymi did iiot fow, yon did nol dil:?. :e tlie plnts df Liliori) ! IIow then rouli! u rx;Pc: to rt?ri) im ;il)iii)d;ii)t liarvest? N-r :erprio, hpWaver goöd my bo it nbjct. 11 rrolper ivilnout t!io aiii óf' ita friendx.- rd wlien un onierpift'.í'" vet in its infnnry inor jrrcnl o!ij 'e's l acrmnoplisii, is sar- iiüled mul DtlaV-ke'tJ by vast rn-jliilüdes of plar::ilde rnrmie-, il ia clenrly vliirn., tlint b ftrong i fforti: of nil ils f. k;nds is noersifflusutitnin it, and carry it forttard la i(g stinntion. Ap tur as I cnD' loar, Hiere va scarrrly n ort nituFp Vu nn"y town for tfi onwo of ft1m. No (iclëgatns pij nppoin'd by thi" unty t nitpnd she Snat'orinf Convcntinn,d with all my G$rts1bbt(i by Vvrítjuj aml ríon.'ili'nq'iirv, Í was unible to iearn the me ot' ilie SiMi-ttnra imninntt'd by ihe Ij-n;ee Cornil; CiMivnnion iifttUl tho Séiittónf forOclcCinn. fiad our .Coiinty app 'inlcd :nnlornl !e!prrais nt the Cmin'y C'nvnn l.eld as Jn!y, wo sbould have boen nrtlie morlificiiion of joini' into' the fi'-l}' ihont o InHticftvt. O'n'r tidcols were ino-tpeni into thö eévcrnl toWns, by' poíitic'i Í poiïeiit?, ns but fevv Liberty rrftn ctllod foY" ?m. It niny liave resníred'as wpII, but 's iï t altogellicr saTer fur the Liberty mrn of the' eral towns to seo that sonVc one of theif mber cali at nn earfy day to obloln' tho' kets for their respective towüT The prob1üty is thnt our vote in this courrty, i front to 75 less than íist ypar, vhcn1 vte hnd tho' rnendons efforfs of tlie pro'-slavety ptfrlica


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