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Pa Y wliat thou ow est. _ A.lvortiaH in the Árgus. _ Bootii is to visit our city a.íáiii in M.iy. - Is winter's back broken t We pause tot a _ Order your Shipping Tags at tilo AkgI'S oHice. - X. S. Heñios, late of the firm of Hexion tt Gott, has located t Bay City. - Ai.lex Bagi.ey, of Ypsilanti, has obtained letters patent tor a "self-locking rail ftnee." Messrs. 1'. Coojí and Hobatio Builen have bought the Goodyear House at Manchester. - The Marshal has notified the dogs to put on muzzles rr iii default be iliot (utí on sight. - The Juniors burn Mechanics this evening : &ud a grand pow-wow and "bust-up" is anticip&ted. - At the latest advices Gov. Felch and daughter were in Texas, both improving in health. - "VVhen your neighbor borrows this number of the Anais suggest to hun that he ttught lo subscribe. _ Ex-Mayor Paetridge is (Sldsing up his business, and internis settling in Texas or at San Diego, Cal. - In Ball, Party, Visiting or Wedding Cards the Asgus office can beat uny other concern in the county. - SlawsOU & Sos are victittls of tho Day City iever, and offer stock of goods for sale and store for rent. - Do- in the Fifth ward dog? are shot with 6 beoadax ; the up-town policeman goes at them with strychnine. Prof. Ttleb ha been lecturing each afternoon of this week, in the law lecture-room, on English Literature. - McVickek saj'S he never saw such a jam ai that which crowded the lobby of the Opera House on Monday evening. The University juniors haw issued tickets for a Promenade Concert next Wedilêsday even-" ing, at the Gregorj' House. - Lawyers should oi-dcr their Briefs and Records at the Abgus oflice. Special attentioii given to that class of work. Booth's receipts on Monday evening frere 91,467. W ho says fii-st-class amusements are not -appreciated by our citizeíií ': Prof. Tylek will lecture to-morrow even'iiig, bcfore the S. L. A., in the M. E. Church. Subject: "Old English Bailada." - The Senate Normal School appropriation bill passed the House on Monday lost, Mr. Luce, of Hillsdale, alone voting against it. - Dr. Wischell ni inaugurated Chancellor ■of Syracuse University j-esterday: that is if ithere was no "break in the connections." - Manchester -wants its charter amended, and Eepresentative Cook introduced a bilí on "Wednesday having that object in viov. - In the House, on Friday last, Mr. Noyes ■introduced a bilí to amend sections ons and two of the revised charter of the village of Ghelsoa. - The February tliaw caught a severe cold on ■ï'iMay evening last, and siuoe that tlm woather lias been, well, "you know how it is, youi-self." - is St. Valentine's day ', the birds are 6uppcsed to be selectin.g their mates, and the "winged cupids ma king sad havoc among hearts. - Teil your neighlior ; that he can get the nArqus and the Free Press for S3.Ó0 a year. Viiat botter inv6tinHit can he make of bis money f - The last Chmnich goos for the Studente' Xiöoture Associatiou: for alleged uucourteous treatmeiit of, and discriniination against, Dr. ■Bbioiiam. - Xot a Seríate votfed ag&iust the University Hall ajipropriation bill, and only two Ropresentutives : Messrs. Lockwood, of Alpena, and Luce, ■üf Hillsdale. - We regrcttoír.ytliat Hiere is ïïö truth in the report curreut in our State exchanges tliat tx-l iov. Felch is preparing the atlj kistory of Michigan for publication. - Tlie GoodyöW Bleek at 'Maivln-.-tiT boa Immb sold to the Messrs. Co.vki.ij;. Th Assi; - nces, with the active ussistance of IIexkï-, are lt'St d(irg up their trust. - The yomig staiesmen f ur tíX1 íiigh hooi have a re.iotetioa pcoifii for disdussion, tloclarinj; tlmt Conress shoald foster commercé ïather Hun manoftotoxen. # - E. A. Cooi.EV, wn i Judpe Oooi.kt of thte vity, and his " right-hand man," lias dëcided to cck his tortune in Bay City. fi.e goes ïü.to tlie luw office OÍ Mr. Scofield. - In the House, 011 Monday, Col. Gkaxt pre euted resolutions of the Common Council of this city, backcd by a potitios, skig ertaia aniendments to our cit}r tkartèr. - FM the convnience asd accommodation of otir sfi)sCi'ibers along the line of the Detroit, Tlillsdale and Indiana RailToad.v-i; give the time table of that ro;id plice hl our column" If 'eggs had been as high-priced when Colt'mbus (CHKisTOrnEK) was in his prime as now, that worthy conldn't have sliown niuny courtieri bew t make one stand on its HOT end. - Is it either necessary or proper for the en4ire pólice forcé of the city to be on duty at the "Opera House every time. there is a concert or performance there f i ?. iestKm ftvquently put - Edward SrAi'POED, of AVjolwy Plata, Cal., arrived in this city on Monday evening of Jast week, for a short visit to his old home. He Heft tliis city for California iu 1852, tliis being his first return, - We noticed a man taking an " uneasy est " in a sleigh on Main streot, Monday afterBoon. "Surfaoe indications" )m1 us to concludc tfoat he had imbibed a little too freely of contraband beverags. Lucius KxrGHt, of this city, a gradúate of the lav department of the University, class of '72, will soon enter upon the j)ractice of hifi profesaion at tho village of Ovid, with a tirm name of Denxis & Kxigiit. - Judge K. SÍ.J8 that a lafge number of BooWi's audience, Monday evefting, didn't pet it into their heads that " Hamlet " was tragcdy instead of comody or farce, oud laughecl and cheered napxropriately, - O. J. Camfdell, a gradúate of the class of 1S70, literary department, and a merfiber of the senior law class, has been appoiuted Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas at Cleveland, ühio, and has left college to enter upon duty. - Me.ssrs. Cooi.EV, Clements, and TKil'p, ei the Board of Directors of the Toledo, Ann Arboi and Northern Railroad Company, left for the east on Taesday, to negotiate lor the ironing, etocking, and operating of tho road. - A " Masonic Dance and Festival " is to be RÏven at Costcllo's Hall, Dexter, next Friday ■eveniug, Febru&ry 21st, under the auspiccs üf Washtenaw Lodge, No. 6a. Tho oommittee of reception is oliairman-ed by Judge Cbane. - The financial committee in charge of the entertainment given to the legislators on th occasion of thoir rceut visit to our city, had a large surplus lcft after paying all thair bilis, and declared a dividend of 32 por cent. That comïnittee had bcttcr he voted a standing committee. - Mrs. Scott Siupoxa is bvillctined for dramatic readings before the Student' Lecture Asociation on Tuesda,y evnÍKg next, the lSth 'uut. Mrs. Siddons has long enjoyed a well-won reputation both as actress and reader, and we are confident that those who hear lier will enjoy a rare treat. - There wis a big naad dog scarc on Honday afternoon, and report has it that somewhere in t lie vicinity of 50 dogs - more or less- were bitten in our streets, and also that gettóng out of town cattle and shecp were attack'ed and bitten. The mad (log belonged to A. Ierz, of the Fifth Ward, and is reported killed. And dog is Evvr in order. - S. B. McCuackkx charges, in a lengthy memorial he has sent into tho Legislatmv, thal too much sectariau religión is taught in the University. Te say religión of ftüy kind to Macis equivalent to cryiug small-pox or mad-d..g ifl our Btreets al)out these days. He is afraid ol the very name - lic is. - On Friday evening of last week the lltttó daughter of John O'Haba, of t!ie township oi Ann Arbor, upset a burtiing kerosene lamp, tod her dress eatching fire was so severcly bantod that she die'd the asxt mandag. She was 12 years ohi, and our informant says wus a teáa' tiful and lovcly child. - Hexey Wauu Beecbeb is annomioed for a western lectora tour, and his list of stops includesAuu Arbor: time, March óth. We doli't know under whose or what anSpices he come?, but we hope that no associatioil or society has been foolish enough to pay hirn the Ï1.000 understood to havo been his priee. - The Schato bilí ttppropriating 126,000 to finish Uuiversity Hall mid 13,008 for düoionUh in utnmt onpenses of the year, pMtfd the House on Monday. As (Jov.Baoley's nignatur.! is assured it may ba consdered a law. And uüw ai soon as the weather moderates we shall ex poet to see work commence. - It is toiil tlutt ouö of the legisla tors declarad, during the recent visit to our city, that "Lu would n't vote for the l-'iÜtK of a mil! biU " in aid of the Univorsity, " no, he would n't vote to give it 1-lth of ti mili." We commend him to a mathematical losgon bom the scieutifio editor" of one- either one- of our city eotemporarieK jlr. Gbaxt introduced a bilí into the lloiue on Tucsday, Mnending tho charter of thia city. If it accords with the ai'lion of the Coiiucil lieritofore noticed, it iiicorporates the licenso ordinaïice in the charter- or provides that such all ordinance shall be maintaiued, and abolkhea the tlirce colleotorn, duvolving their duties upon tha trtftJlürefi - The Grand Encanipmcnt and Grand Lodiro - Odd Fellows- are to meet at Bast Saginaw on Monday evehihf,' next. Tho delegates from this city are : To the Enoampment - David Almaxdinoee and Gilbebt Bliss ; to the Lodge - Jas. E. Caeb and Axnnuw R. Sckmid. Jonathan Sfraoue, P. G. M., and C. Kkapf, P. G. P., will also attend. - About 9)i o'clock on Simday veiling last, the firo alarm was souuded. The tíro ivas discovered by J. G. Hoffsteïtek, and was in the closet under the stairs, second floor of the building occupied by J. C. Watsox & Co., among a lot of waste or rubbish, and must have been the work of an incendiary. It was extinguished before much daniage was done. , A " Citizens' Astsoeiation " has been organized at Ypsilauti, which condemns the " liceuse " system, and has resolved to run a " temperando ticket at the ensuing election." Which muans that the impracticable meuibcrs of the "Oitizens' Association " strike hands with the liouor selléis and favor continuing the prohibitory logislation, but another name for free trade. - Edwin L. Godkin is to lecture in the S. I . A. courso on Friday evening noxt, Fubruary 21st. Subject! "Nobility of Moráis." Mr. Godkin is the editor of the IS"ew York ttatmn, and by his trenchant articles in that journal has made himself familiar to the more scholarly class of politicians, and dreaded 6y all tlie corrupt politica! rings, by whatever name called, by whateTK legislative body chartered, and to whatever politica! or#anization attached. - In response te au iuvitatioil by tho Legislature, Dr. Anoell delivered address on educational matters in the hall of the House, on Tuesday evening, which the correspondents of the Di.U'oit journals speak of in very COmpli menfciry terms. It set forth the work and the wants of the University - the crowning institution of the educational system of the State- in such tenns fts should make "friends in need" of every legislatcr who heard hiiïk - Complaint is made that tliere is a litt.le too free conimunication with the small-pox hospital established by the authorities in the Sixth wiml The building itself is in a neighborhood too thickly settled, and we trust that th respon.üble authorities vrill see that it is eloscly quarautinod, and that the attendants use the greataet cure in their communioations with the outsilc world. Medical studcnts shoüld nút he pernuttedto visii the hospita!; going from tiiore to lectures and t'ieir boatding places, and our citizens will not bo satisfied anless al! but medical attendants and nurses me rigidly excluded, and they should use all necessary caution to prevent spreading the. i i-iasi'. This is the only method ot ollaying cxcitenieut. Geö. VM. Curtís was sreoted bj a largo ai dience on AVednesday feveniog, Ilis subject was "Charles Dickexs," iustead of "Women in t!ie Old Time and tlie Xcw" iis previously announced. In opening he defhied the position mul work of the novelist or "storyteller " as equivalent and parallel to that of the historian, the biograpliers, or the author in any other dt;iartment - in faut we inight condensé tbia p irtion r,i his MvbjEct by allegiug that he considerad iietien as the ïiatuml aliment of old and young Boiriiüúng with and paying a glowing tributo, to W&IiTza Sootï, he passed in hasty review the prominent writers of tíction, wtwther hl prose or poetry, uiitil he carne down to Diceexs, whose M4n h 'chaïacterized as attacks upr?n sham, njpicssion, ad wrongs, in govornment or in society--in clim'ih or state. Many of Dickexs' chaïactera ürëie r.amed and their missions pointed out. The lechürer ïefeiTèa to the fitst Visit nf DlCK ens to this country, to the grand ball given him at Iuv York - " regardless of expense ; " to the gorgeous get ui of tho distinguished visitor ; to his subsequeut travels through the country - with C3Tos and e:trs open ; oud to the "American Notes," frem which greweo much ill-feeHng, but fot writiHg and publifhing which he had the lecturer's thanks. Also to his last visit, and his last reodiAga and farewcll. The lecture was full of liie, humor, wit, and iiistruction, and was finely deliverod. His recitations froni Tom Hood, and Iiis readings from " Edwin Drood," the last, uniinished work of his subject, wero capital. Mr. Cuittra was listened to iutently throughout, and was frequently enthifsiaetically Spplaudod. EdwíI EïJötb wás greeted on Mondsy evening last with much the largèst audience ever convenftd in Hill's Opera House. Every soat in the body of the house was sold and oceupied; tickets to gallery weré sold durittg the day to the extent of its capacity and the sales closed ; and then after tho doors had been opened long enough to dispose of the jam, chairs tbr aisles, standees, etc, were sold. The performance of " Hamlet," the play se lectcd for the evening gave great satisfaction. Booth as " Hamlet " retlined the hold on his old admirers, and those who had never lutard Mm before found their expectations realized. He was in good - and what actor wouldn't be with such au audience - and threw his soul into his part. The support averaged good, but : we leave each hearer to criticise the various . pait3 for himself. We especially odmired Mr. Lanaqan as " Pollonius." - When M.r. Boom comes again we hope that such an announcement will be given of the hour of opening the ticket sale that every eligible scat will not be gobbled up before citizens anxious to hear him are advised and give au ec[ual chance at the seats. After the lecture y Geo. Wh. Curtís on Wednesday evening, that gentleman was giveu n reception at the house oi llr. Day, on " Piety Hill," wherc some oí the faculty and others had the ploasure of meeting him for a short time. At 11 o'clock Mr. Curtís surrendered hhnself into the hands of the Peninsular Clmptor of Alpha Delta Phi, he being a distinguislitji! memhor of that frateniity and one of its most fjiithf ui silpporters. A banquet had been prc?païsd for the honored guest, as vvell :i for MosEB COIT Tyi.ek, who is also a member of Alplia Delta Phi, and has now severed his connection wilh the L'niv.;rsity, by the proprietor of the üiegory. It is eaid to have lieen the (inest eu1 t rtaininent cf its kiud ever given in this place, wfaioh speaks v.ell tor Mr. McXkal. Distiuguished gentlemen trom Detroit and Ypsilanii wi'Vf present, mnong them Kegent Estabeooií. A letter was also recèivecl trom Hegpnt Wai.kkr, of Detroit, cxpresshis hisregrel at np( hofeg ab"t to moet with thn su ictv n honor of Mr. Curt ! :iiifl Prof. Tylee. The company lid uot fcreak I up uutil Rn eiu'h houi in the moruxpg.


Old News
Michigan Argus