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A Ssiall-Pox Kemedy. - An exchange saya tlio following prescription " has been used extensively and never knowu to fail. Wc givo it willi the commcnls oL one who has tcsted it, and knewwhereof lie polco. Hcsays:" ' I hercwith appotid a recipe, wliich has been used, to iny kuovrládge, in hunclreds of cases. It will pre rent or cure the small-pox, though the pittingí are íillinir. AVhcn Jenner diac.overed cow-pox ín Engíand, tlc World of scienco hurlad lii avalaiiche ot' ianio upon his liuatl, Imt when the most peientitic school of medióme iu the world - tiiat of Paris - published this recipe, as a pauac;a for small-pox, it passed uuhoeded. It is as unfailing as fate, and oonauen in every stauce. It is hannlcss when takeu by a well persou. It Hl Uso cura amulet tover. Here is tl.e recipe as I have used it, and cirred my children of scarlet i'over ; here it is ss I have usecl it to cure the small-pox; when learned physicians said the patiënt must die it cnrod : Sulphate of zinc, one grain; foxgloW-, (itigitalis) onegrain; half tea-spoonful of Eugar ; mix withtwo spoonfuls of water. Wheit thoroughly mixed, add four ounces of water. Take a spoouful every hour. Either disease will disappear in twelve hours. For a child, srpall dotes, aocording to age. If countries would compel thetr physicians to use this there would be no need of pest-hoiues. If you valué advice and expcriencc, use tlm for that terrible disease." A lady of this city lias also handed us the same prescription in writing, saying that her sister had seen it repeatedly tried in California, and with success, and that when used there was nevcr any pitting. We give it to oilr naden with this statement, knowing nothing about it personally. The Goldwater Reportar makcs favorable mentiou of Prof. D'Oooe's recent lecture in that city as f ollows : We eau scarce find words to express our pleasure at the rare treat afforded in Prof. ü'Ooge's lecture uu gatiLulrw evening last. It was one of thoio exceptionaj diBEOurses in which is g-jven the hedfe) htv more ttian was promisod. Tho subject - Four Weeks in Athens - was aptly choson, and the Professor showed that every moment of hi.s short residence in classic laöds Was well iraproved. His description of the voj'age up the Mediterranean and adveutures among the Grcek isles, were admirably drawn, while his narrativo of ii trij) from Athens to Mount Paruassus, almost made his hoarers think they were his companions 011 the journey. We have seldom listened to a moro grandly eloijtiont passage than liis description of the ruins of the temple of Apollo and the appearance of Moimt Parnassus. Tho Professor founrt more to admire in the (ireek charactiir than do most foreigners, very few of whom recur to their adventures among the desccndants of l'lato and Sócrates with much satisfáctioll. In entering upou a new volume on the lst inst., the Chicago ltdihvay Jieview comes out in a new form- ono more convcnient both for u?e and presei'vation. lts roading pages aro four columna wide, the advortising pages being but two columns. The new arrangement admita of a better classification of contenta, and pt u separation of aJvcrtiscments from the body of the paper. It is well pvintcd, iinely illustratsd, and full of important iTïiormatioii and discussion toucliing railí ading in all iti dspartmenfai We congratula'e our friend the publisher, D. Cj Tíkooks - a grad uatc at tlip. UllÍTOlBÍty and Étftor tïiat au Oflsistant professor and librarían -on hi6 success. ?y a )■■ _ i Qï1]? in ftnothPT f-Dliiinn, üflvtil isrmrrt -ibout OXliJ Ion-B nd .Tilraka I umi.


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