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"We have received the Jamiary and February numbers oí thu .ildiim, a little late but uone the em v.elcomo. The Altlinc is u 2S pagB monthly, beautifully priftted on heavy tinted puper, superbly MustratSd the wood engravings itefm the best artista and gravers imarly equalling the steel prints of ertber periodicals. It is a model of typography, and it is cirough W süy óf its litery contenta thut it ia edited by R. H. Stoddakd, who has seoured tho services of a popular corps of contributors. The Jaiiuary numbeí has thirteen engravings : Aftcr the Frolic, a full pöge tint, by Johu S. Duvis; Chapel Rocks, Lakfl !ilperior, f all page, by Thomu Moran; The Cntics, full page, by Poter Moran, and the others uot so largo but of equally fine execution, " llcmiuisceii?5 Of an üld Man," after Durand, being n real gem. The contents of the nuraber aro of high merit and include : Lovc Songs, by Kobert Kelley Weeks ; Hal's Místate, by Julia C. Dorr ; Lady de Sade's Chaplet, by Wm. Percival ; The Lady's Jïoro, by Clara Guemsey ; The Pictured liocks of Lake Superior, Woodland Scenery, He ia Late, Etou College, etc., by thu Editor. TIn; February number has twelve cngraVings: Puucheon Ivuu Falls, iull page, Stilea Falls, Goshen Pass, and a Headpiece, all illustrating scènes in the Old Dominion, and all by J. D, Woodward ; An Atfcvck in the Itear, very lifelike to all who have seen boys snow-ball, by J. G. Brown ; The Little Angler, by John S. Davis ; Bust, full page, by W. M. Cary, concerning which Stoddard teils a stöiy, in rhyrtie rivalling Bret Harte ; Woariness, by Jessie Curtis, in connection with which is Longfellow's poem by that title and a uumber of other beautiful child poems ; Pfalz Castle in the Ehine, Up in the Trees, Temptation, and Gustav Eichter's Neapolitan Boy. The text is very attractive- with story, poems, sketch, etc. $á a year, with two beatitiful premium chromos. Jas. Sutton & Co., 58 Manden Lañe, K. Y. Ifot for sale at news depots. We have also the premium Chromos for 1873, "The Vülage Belle" and "Crossing the Moor," aftcr J. J. Hill, the eminent English painter. Eaeh picture is 14x20 inches, and is printed in oil colors frora 25 piates. They are executed in tlia best style of the art, and are in color and tone are f tic símiles of the origináis. One wonders how such a magazine and such pietures can be furnished for $5, but one does not wonder at the encoimums frecly bestowed upon magazine, pictures, and publishers. Go'Jeifs Lady's Dook for March comes to our table ahead of all the magazines. The einbellishments are numerous, inoluding " Farewell to Home," " Christ Bles3ing Little Children," colored fashion piates, extensión fashion sheet, marking sheet, etc. The literary dèpartment is full of good things from the Godey corps. $3 a year. L. A. Godey, Philadulphia. _ Godey, " Our Darling "- a beautiftil chromo, and the Aeous for $-4.50. The concert which was to have been pven at the M. E. Church on Wednesday evening nest, under Mr. Wilsey's direction, haa for the present boen postaoned. Notice will liereafter lie given of time and place of its occurrcnco OtTiX1 in another column, advertisement about Ijjjlj lu-.i t mul Ncbrnaka LauilKi VoffetSne is now presciibed in cases of Soröfilia, and otlier diseases of the blood, l)y ihaay of the best phyaicians, owing to ils great success in curintt all diseases cf this nature. H1S Patttnt- ' Doctor, I have a terrible cough , i.nd my children are all lowti sick with coughs, sore tlirouts undcolds. Wlat shnll we do ! " Doctor-" Take Dr. llansora.'a Hive Sjrup and Tolu, or Honey Syrup. Xhis will very soon relieve and cure you and all the cliildren. It is an excellent family medicine. Full direotions are on the bottles. You can get it at any drug store for thirty-üve cents." Gat tïké Sick Heatluche anft Neuralgia 7 take Dr. Miller's M:if;netic Biilm and get well. It will cure as if by mugic. Only 25 ets. per bottle. öee udvertisement in this paper. H13 Wliat Did lt?is no longer the queBtion ?ince the introduction of the Centaur Liniment. When ■we meet an old friend who luis been heivad with rheumatism, or see a person mangled underneath ö rail c ir, iind restored to shape and comelinoss, we now know that it is the Centaur Liuiment thut does the work. No otlier article ever did porform such miracles. ïhere is no swelling it will pain it will not eoothe, or lameness it will not cure. Ciiüdrcii cry- for Pitcher's Castoria. Itreg' nhitea Ihe stomach, cures wind colic, and canees natural leep. lt is a tubstituie for castor oil. llliwï pjTlTi in another column, advertisement about ÖJLjXj twa iiid JN'ebraska LiHudttt


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