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BACH k ABEL 20 MAIN STKEET, Buy largely of Manufacturera and Importers, and excltoively for casb, and invite the inspection of the closest cash tade. OXTR STOCK OF LABIEL i)KB GOODS Will be fbund large and attractive, etubracing many new styles - Black Silks and Lyona Poplins at very Low Trices. BACI1 & ABEL. FIFTY PIEOES BLACK ALPACAS Just received. We shall make a SPECIALTY of these goods, and will makO prices lower than ever offered befbre in this city. BACH & ABEL. 50 PiecesWamsutta Bleacli. Cottons 50 " Lonsdale " " 50 "Hill'sSem.Idein" " At lower prices than thty have been sold for ín the city in ten years. BACH & ABEL. I Our Cloth Department ís very complete, consisting of Englisli, French, aud Germán Coatings and Snitings, with many of the best American branda. We give especial atteution to this branch of our business and invite an inspection of tbegoods. BAOU&AHEL. Felt and Embosscd Skirts. We liave the Ctílcbrated " Pouson " Cloaks, and Clotli (the Best Luported.) BACII & ABEL. Wti are agente in tliis city foï the ceiebiated BARRIS' SEAILBSS KID GLOVES, and liave iu store a Full Assortment. BACH & ABEL. THe Clieapest mul Best Fire Department in the World. Ocer One Thotisaiid Actual Fire Put Out WITH IT, AND MÜitE THAN $10,000,000.00 Worth of Property Savcd Fiotiï the Flames. THE 1 gA B0OC( ■■■■■ ....-..... I FIRE ; 11 è ' Tl JlXTINGüISHEÍI Babcock Sclf-Acting Fire Engiue, For Slills, City, Town imd Villuge Use. It is ohvjiv rcady to use instantly, and ia morr effBCtive tliiiu n stc'am ttrc Slflne, bccanse it is mmer bnmpht into action and thxowsa pdWerfttl treaiti of water impregnatcd with carbouit acid fur xuy ltíní?th of timo. It dispenses wlth complex niachinery ; flre corapanies, reservoirs and suctlon hpae. Ciirbonic acid gas is both the #drklnK aod cxtiiiL'uNhing agcut. No steain to be raised -no tire1 tobe kinrlU'd- nu hose to be luid, lidiarle company to be mdsterm! The time thns BitTed is a bmldlttg wtvfl. Ir w.ll throw 1 or 2 sll'enma ut il Unid, nnd one cyüpidsr can be re-chargctwmle the other ia .tVorkiiiL: Itsav-'s froin destruction by water, wiiat the iire haHspured ; it mnotheis, bot does not ilelue. It is in dailv usfi in Chicago, Cincinuati, St. Louis, Mdbile, Pbllaiiei phia and other Fire Departmeuts eend for thclr recolé, Good aRents wanted. El ï'. BAItNÏIM, OMtifHii, US Woodward Aye., DetroitMannfacturcr of iron, Copper and Brass Wire, Win Clolhi IVilting Cloth, Barr MUI Stones, Broom Wirc nd Twinc, Copper Weatbei Vanea, Wliu Counter Hailing, Wire ïeucing nnd Orunmontal VVire Worki I41ü3rrl T IVE ÖEESE FËATÜJiRS tonetantljouhand andforsnltby RACE f ABEL, V il "Sft l)or f'"yi AíCTlU antedi A : citbór sex, young or old. inake more moncv af wnrk for lis in their spare moment dr all thé HTiie, tliaii at auytliing tl.-c. 1'ilrtifcüWrs trié. AiUrcíj U. btiuson ft Co., Vortland, Rliiftie. ÏARMERS' STORE AT We will sell all of our ïaUnd Winter stock oí Dry Ooods! ÍKCLUDINO ösjoois; FRINGES, GIMPS, LOftTG & SQUARE SHAWLS, CARPETING! AT REDUCED PRICES Until all are sold, as Hiey raust be sold before Spring tradu opena. We ure uow reociviug 30riECESOÏNEWSHADES CASHMBRE & EMPRiSS ]'CLOTHS[ AND FRINGES TO MATCH. PLEASE CALL SEE Our goods and prices before makinf? your purchases, uii we cuu show you the VERY BEST ASSORTIMENT! Of Dresa Goods that you ran find in this city, and fcne Btoclc ïnu&t be eold, And No Humbug. 2 BUTTON KID GLOVES ron. si.oo. Wo haVe the best stobk of BLACK SILKS' AND 1K1SH POPJL1NS, G. W. IIAYS Supt, Jaauary 10, 1873. 8m:i STÏSABWS' COCO-OLËINE, A perfect hair dressing- not a ayo - nor a reBtorative, but a dressing, elegant r-1 and economical. STEARNS' COCO-OLE1NE is cooling to the soalp, imparts a delightful senne of itaüty I and Eoitness to igl th(i halrSTEARNS' ÖOCO-OLEINE, BTeetly perfumed and limiid, renders the hair supple and J- - ■ drcsses it in auy I I desire! forra. W STEARNS' COCO-'OkEINE, entirely vegetable oil, prevent that dryness of scalp w h i c h t j causes dandrufl r"-r-[ t0 accumuíate. """ """ i. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE containsilionclarge bottle more oil and more perfume - - s than any other -l , h a i r dressing C_3in market, and I ' "IbesidesiS eolil twenty-five per cent, lesa than most others; STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE brightens blondo hair, darkens aub . , urn hair, reuders lustrous brown and black ' hair, lcssens the harshness of coarso hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE 18 MADE ONLY BY TEEDÊEIOK STÉAENS, - CHEMIST, f BETAOÍÍ, íttlCn. Sold everywlierei Be surc and get the enuine Coco-Oleinei Let no one palm off on you a bottle of lomo cheap and worthless imitation of CocoOleiue. There are more than twenty counterteits of it now sold, put up asnear lite the genuine aa til makerd daré and evade the lawi 1ESÏ TÏÏING IN THE WEST. Atchisoiij ïopeka & Santé Fe II. II. rHREE MiLLION ACRES BitUHtud in and noar the Ark.insas Valley, thó l'intiöt Portion of Kaniib ! Eleven yenrs' Credit. Beren por Cent. Tntcrest. 22 per cent. ruducliou tu settlers who ïmplOvö. A ñU PASS TO LAND BL'YEBS. XltE f AC'tfS rtboHtthisírrant.ire- Low Trices, li)UK Cfedit, and Ket'ate to ettler ef í'ea-rly onefourth ; a llúlh Soil, and típlemlid Oliroató ; short and mild ínter; early planting, and no interini? oí Stock; pleuty ni' Kninfiíll, umi iust i't the ri(f ht easoii- Óoul. Stone ild Briol ontbelltie; (Jliéap Rales un Lumber, Cokl, So. ; rio toada owned by fcipeculiiIbrs- HorrtestbMclHiid l're-cmptioii now ubunnant; a arjl'öttM Eailroad on tlie line of a great Through Huufc ; l'roducts will riiy for Lamí and ImproTeIt is Ule bost opportunity cver offered to the jmbllo, tluonfíh the recent completlon of the Hoad. Tor Circulara aud Ueucral Xul'iimation, Addresa A. E. TOUZA.LIM, Al anacer Land Dep't. 1410mo3 Toi'EKA, Kansas. A4ILL10NS OF ACEES Nebraska Lando! Fdlt SALÉ ÉÏ TIÍE Burlington & Mo. River RE. Co On ïcn Ytari Credit at C er cent Interest. l'rodlicta will pay for the land and improvementi muoh within the limit of this R-enerous credit. ii... i innna ém inf. nffprofl n nel nrobablv nevel' Wlll Circulars Riving full particular, gratis ; culi foi' all thiit ore winti (1 to read and nirculate. (Jume WNt ""! tlit'ive, Friundswill follow. A Sectiqnal Map, howing the exact loiïition of Lmv.i lunas is Bold nt 30 ci-nte, uud of Nebrubka lunds ut sumo piüic. For Ciriu!;tra and Map npply REU, S. HARRIS, Luna Commissidnit, m 1 incl", lewa. na. And piense say in what papÉl' thi3 advwttaement ra seén. Hljw TEAL ESTÁTE FOE SALE. THE VOLNEY CHAPÍN HOMESÍKAD, Nenr tlio nortti east corner ofthe Court lïou?e ftí'.nre This pjoperty wil! bo snlil at rcaeonahle nrice In lot ultable tor HrfsWcnco. or furbuainewpnrpoaes. Ataolot onMiller Avenue cast of TóuiB'yi'neii houo. Alsoa Farm of 160 Acres, Well watored and f"ii-cd. with good orchnrd and fnir buiUlinirs'. wltbin aírate oí tho Co'.irt House in St, Johns, Nüi-liisj.iti. (toaseyorál hnndred acre ol pliia and oák tinibercS laude n Saglnaw Coünty Ml'liiü'in. iDÜtfltent w w c.HF.KyrR(,,r i:i;inm0 C. A HAPlS.


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