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lili1 I O. I i Whon ttrst L. COLBY húng bis bign Oí C. O. U.- At No. W, And oflered Grocerics cheap for caen, Some people said, " he'a bouud to go to smasu. Vnd old-time Grocers would fainüy sinil.', ñ-ophe-Wg "Ci O. ü. will lMt bul little while; ín sixty days wë'll run him off the truck. And cali our wandeling custumors back. The croakera aaid and thought it trtie "He'll nurely tuil llefore iltt year u e■l! You can't ééll (iroceiies in this to-n And get vouvpay in Ki'nbiiüka dowü; Where drV goods irterchimls bn evevy etrect Wlth sük and satins, haiig dut cbickuná tö eAt j Where trade is mixed id pvély jtlilce, At thfl same oonitter ydü Buy Wlttte or luce Whert cieillt mld k'ss go lnud In hand. Mn Ci O. Ui büt u slini cnanoe will ataña. Lel ilrophcts and oroalcis liave their bmv, And aclis so cheap tor daily cash lie fea "o daBger of a smash. Aiul to his patrona all, and business friends, Tlu' greeting of the seaaon he exUmda, Tu voung md oíd, a glad Xew Yür, With hoatb of friends and lotb oí ckeer '. Oive him a cali, and from his sWrè Your tablna ipread with goad tullida mnre. At that plaoe you will nMnys tind l'resh new lirodTiea oi Ueat (juality andkind- Fvervttiluíí necdftíl fot godd chcer at home You can buy ut his counter whcnerer you come. 'l'he davs iir'e so hort this bitter ld wjnteri To nlenttón details WdUld eary Ihc pHntl í: lint así if yoit ehoose for anythini; eutulfle, You get it at oucé, iu qu;!lity uubeutable ! For imngry men who are weary and cold, He has dyslcis hot, Oystors thnt must besold- Oyaters p'ickled, Oyater stew, and oyster (í; Or Ovsters any other wny you cliooso t,o Iry. He :ill serve up Oysters at any Hdur ot cHl.Vi Am', thé bt-st of ciiíHls td anióke dn yoilr way. ■V tli-h of hot Oystorü will do you niueh good. And olicer ou whilc aelling your grain or wood. And with oash In hand lay in a atore Of Coflée, Te, Bngar, Flour and many inore, Of all thingJ aubatantial for daily uso, Ñor treat Ufe' uood things with abuse ; Crookery and OUshwhc and Frulta to put lu them, Nut, llakins, and Candy, for ohildrea wlio win them. vu! ve who nrc bleased with their hcautifnl fact Will ' [MI Ü1S best of all places, I'o buy a trille, to brins i smüc ov rinini; Inugn, Yonr pleoiure, than thi'ivs, will be Kieivter by huif- l'lieh 5o not fdrget to cill on Mr O. O, T):, And liuy of hl.n your í'rlüts, Sugitir, nud Toa Tlinnsli Ü)C big fj)fl rtny fall froni lts pliice, The . O. D: " toreis till on the mee. And doe not intond to Hy tïom the ccxirsë 'l'ill ovo.ikers of evil tdtB tttentaelresboane. Qroóeriea ris be sold ft randy puy. And Ij. Ool"fcjy hlls learnfd tho way : Fiold flvn times moic Ü he oxpccled- ■Ry O. O. D. froni loss prbteciiid: And the secret be is not af raid. fo teilKeep the best of uil tbint-s- with priues low- bo goca natiired, givö syood ine;isure, ynd yoi aio buund to sell ! 29! 89! L9! THSTRAY! , (irneintö the fncloBure of the subseriber nbout the l'li of Novoitihfr, 1S72, a two year oJd HEI FEÏl, wiih amall red ana whtta ppn's. The nwncr will Jirovc propéitv, pny chmgOB nnl take Bid "Wtty' JOHM LAYEB. '■e, Jnn. 20, is;3. HIOtvI A tfAL.SE REPORT ! THAT A. A. TËRRY nASGONEOÜTÖi" TRACE HE STILL LIVES, AílD HAS A BAKQE AND COM PLETE STOCK OF HATS & CAPS í ÍUST THE STYLEj ANDAT ÍHICBS 'iD SltT THE TIMES. aLSÓ A PULL LINK OF ÖËNTS' FURMSKING GOÜDS! DÖN'T PURCHdSE ÏOüft Fall and Winter OÜtFITS tJSÍÍL YOtJ O-I"VE HIM fiw. 3 Á.ú J-.. 15 South Main St.,Ann Aibcr 1381-tí. A NN ARBOB "" Mineral Springs House is beautifil! rèsort fór heAHh-'sectters Is nö opeh, wllh Ha IRON, MAGNESIA, AND SULPHUR WATERS Comniodionsljiiildiig fleated by üteam, aiid aiid ivell-ventlliitèd robma; WATER AND AlU BATHS, Of all temperaturen, also ShoWor, Vapor, Mcdicated and Electric Uaths are emplp'l il willi ndvantaxe iu the trefltnieut of.jjll formo öf chronic difleapea and dlsenses of feráiileS'. Spécial atteutioi. pakl to dit. , . ■ VVitli pleacant srlrronndinps.nnd sitfiated iu ono of the most heiilthy a,ni beantiful cities in the rndb' try,it portfiesñnR attractione foriuvalide or for pleaenre-pet'kers PRlHom follnd. The aryilysis of tho Springs will be Ininíshed on fttiplicatioii. Persóns deéiring circulars to pond to thMr frienrifi can procure them at the ofllceof lbo'foirielors on Huron strect, or ut the Springe. Addrcss al] letters of inquiry to MORIUS HALE, M. I)., Sopt. AiïN Arbor, Micn. Sutlierland and Wlieciou, l'rop'. Arm Arbor,, 1872. X HURRY ÜP ! IAKTIF,S wishing Wall Taper, Cloth nnd Paper Bhadm, Hfilliniis, Wlndow Kïxturce, Coifle, TappclH. Ai'., Jill Nriv Stvli'n. at 8atlfictorj Prifip, liy .1. It. Welsti-r A Co., Bjokeloro, ueartbc Ex)in e Office. - - -X


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Michigan Argus