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Local Brevities

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v anted : Aloney. - ThursJay evening : snowing. - Save ttrm: C. H. & Son. To-morrow: Washington' birthday. Next Wednesday is "Ash Wedneiday." - Toll your neighbor : to subscribe for the Argus. - Peiky cïiills havo intsrfcroJ with our local, i ing this week. - Lent begius on the 23th inst., aud continúes until Eister Sunday, April 13th. - Hev. Dr. Cockeb is to preach in the M. E. Chureh at Dexter, on Sunlay next. - For a few davs thU week oar stroets have been navigable, bat the flools have suteided. - The University l-20th of a mili bilí was íavorably reportad to the House on Weluasday. - We are indehted to O. A. Fitzmier, of Virginia City, Nevada, for late Nevada luid California papers. - Order your Biil-Heacls, Letter-Heads, Card?, Circulara, &c, at the Arous office, and you wüj bi sure to get first-class work. - Advertise in the Akgl'S if you have anything to sell, or wish to buy anything. It is the best ttdvertmng iuoüum in tlie couuty. - Tho Febniary term of the Circuit Court is tj comuience uext Monday, Judge Ceane preiding;. The jurors are to put in a.n appearance on Tuesdny. - E. L. Godkin, of the Nation, is billed for thia evcnin in the S. L. A. course. Subject: "The Nobility of Moráis," which opens a fine field for hi talent as a dissector of public men and acts. - C. H. Millex has taken CnAELiE into partnership, and their first bulletin appears in this week's Akgus. We congratúlate Charlie iu his promotion, mul wish the new firm abundant success. According to the real estáte " exchange " reporte in the Dexter Leader, trading houses and lots is about as lively a business in that burg as "swapping jack-kuives" at a country school recess or nooning. - Senator Stoddard is after tlie University with sharp sticks. He has introduoed bilis to prohibit sectarian teaching, to establish a Homeopithic Medical Department, also au Eclectic Medical Department. - A bilí authoriziug onr city to vote $33,000 towari the building of a new Court House, subject, we presume, to the conditions presoribed by the Cominon Council, passed both branches of the Legislature on Wednesday. - Chkib., charged with assaulting a woman in the streets, was convicted in the oourt of Justice Sessioxs on Tuesday last, and sentenced to 60 days iu the House of Correction. He took on appeal to the Circuit Court. - Report says that Prof. J. C. Watson has iu 'd Mr. Deal, of the Courier, for libel; the leged libel being a brief pavagraph in the Uut i.sue of that Journal touching the "scientiflc g :utleman," " insurance," etc. Some years a;.;0 Ueal sued Watsojï for libel. " Turn about is fair play." - 'I h ; proposition to build a new Court House - the couuty to pay S6G,000 and the city S'33,000 - is üauuting the red rag in the face of the bu.l yju know - the Ypsilanti Sentinel beinjjthe buil. It wants to know " not ouly how, but where the tounty shall build." Such iusaue local jealously must make a continuous and htavy demand for c xliug drinks and compresses at the home of our otemporary. - Leslik Iuvixo, Esq., of Xew York City, lias been appointed to finish the instruction in the department of the late Prof. Tylee for the current year, and we believe has a'ready entered upou duty. Mr. Ibving ia a lawyer by profos■ion, hm given mach attention to Eaglish Litr.iture, and is reportccl a fine scholar and lecturer. He is a son of Pierue M. Iiiving, who is nephew to Washington" Iexixo and author oí Ihis distinguished unc'.e's " Life and Letters." - The lecture of Prof. Tyleb on Saturday vening last was larely attended, and is spoken ot as inving been listt-ned to with interest - in nhort all Prof. Tïler'3 leotures are. In closiug ho made a few personal remarta concerning lus ■counectiou with the Uuiver.nty, and espressing ■hÍH regret at severina; sueh connection, as also his best wishei for the future of the institution. Troi. T. an.l his famify left for hú new field of labor ou Moudny, and we presume he ia now on duty iu the olïi 'e of the Chrittian Union. We vr.iih him u;ces3. Henky Wakd Beechee has started on a western lecture tour, to be absent two Sundays, snl leaving his brothSr, Rsv. Edwabd Beecheb, to care for his flock. Ana Arbor is one of H. V. B.'s f&Mfed points. Time, Marcli üth; place, Opera House ; subject - " Manhood and Money ;" price of admissiou, S1.000, with SI. 50 ior reserved seats. We are asked to help " WOrk H. W. B. up :'' - we dou't feel inclined to do it worth a cent, and the above is the best we can make out after a great struggle and with ou prolfered reward iii f uü view. And our coldnes comes from the fact that Mr. BEECHEB has placed himself iu the hands of lecture shysters. ycbpta Literary BureaiV The Bureau wishtd to sell him- that's the word, and fits well with H. W. B.'s subject- to the S. L. A. at $l,00ü a night ; the S. L. A. "couldn't see it," and so the Bureau peddles him out here on its own account and at a commissiou. Considering Mr. Beecher a party to such extortion and charletanay we :an not urge our readers to bleed for him or the Bureau. A quiet letting alone is what ia deserved. - In Chicago Mr. Beechek is selil at 12,600 for two uights. - The same Bureau asked $593 for Mr. Ccn118. That gentleman being corresponded with made it ïliOü, and expressed his pleasure that the S. L. A. "had botter sense thau to pay such a price." i m i - . - - - - jirs. oüott niDDoxa arew tne largest ana most fashionable audiencc of the season on Wednewdny eveuing. Her programme iucluded se'.eo tions from Shakespeare, TennysoS, and other uthors, opening with " Scènes from ' Much Ado About Nothiag,' " which were adniirably rendered both ia word and actiou. Her change of character displayed a wouderful control both of voico and facial uiuscle, aa well as a f uil appre ciation of the several parts. "The Bailad of Aune Hathaway," was fiuely done ; ' The SleepWalking Scène " from Macbeth, admirably acted, " The Courtship of Heary V,," the same ; an: also "The Jackdaw of llheims." "Lady Clara Veré do Veré," we did not count so great a suc osa, and the first jiart of the " May Queen " we thought overdone - a little too much over-excite xnent aud girlish giggle. Whittier's " Barbara Fritchm," was added to the programme and ren dered with fine spirit. Mrs. SlüDONS is at homo on the stage. We may be expected to say some thiug of her brilliant beauty, etc., but we leave a.11 that to one of the tribo of Jeukius - it migh make us trouble at home. me concutions the Corumon Uouncil have imposed upon the proposed $33,000 loan in aid of a Iiuw Court House, sre : "That in constructing such Court House a suitable room for holding a Pólice Court and for holding the meetings of the Common Council of said city, and a suiUible room for the offices of the Recorder and Treaaurer of said city, and with a vault or tire-pruof room adjoining said offices, for the safe keeping of the books, papers and records of said city, shall bo constructed in, or with snch Court House, and that the city of An Arbor Rhall have tho right to the exclusive us aud control of such rooms and vault, except that the Council Boom may be used as a grand jury Toom wherever needed for that purpose, by any court by which a grand jury lor said county, or any district includiug said county, may be eallcd." With these conditions and restrictions ■we fael diipoaed to advist our citliens to vote "Yes." Tho officiating cleitjrman at the M. E. ehurch on Sunday morninglast- who was uot the pastor- closed his serniou with au unusually pointeil and bitter- if not personal- denüu ciation of card-playiug, dancing, gossip.aud theater-goiug and at the montion oL the latter monstrous sin some of the more zealous- and, perhaps, official -inembers,- who never attend theaters except away froni home,- remembering that a few of their loss scrupulous and may be leas rightoous brothers and sisters had " departed," that is, heard Boom- with a poor support, at the O. II. the preceding Monday evening, clinched the 'very palpable hit " with fervent ameus. WeJl, Tuesday evening of this week camc, and then and there, f rom the same pulpit or platform, Mr?. Scott Siddoxs, " Quceu of the ötage" said the irogramine distributcd at the door, read ? recited ? declaimed ? acted ! that's the word, and with good support- herself, while sitting in the ews were those self-sarae "Amen" brothen and official memhers, - and some of them olïiciatiug as assistant managers of the entertainment - We suggest for discussion at the next mesting of he official board "the differeuce 'twist tweedie duin and tweecUe dee," and also sileut n:elit:ion upon a somewhat homely but truthfnl old aw, " as well eat the devd ta drink his broth." We might also add something about the comparativo sin of attending a legitímate and well-orlered theater or turuing a solemnly dedicated church into a promiscuous concert room and theater, but torbear. - As to dancing: it may be nu unpardonab'.e sin, deserving of anatliemas and excommunic ication, or the brand of " senseless and iu-lecent" br a pure and innocent girl to (!ance in the home arlor or in the parlora of her frieuds equally lure and innocent, anJ exceedingly Dice an.l itoper and saiut-like for her assoeiatea to rerain (ouder positive orders) and substitute tead tiio rough nul boisterous playa and gaines o commou al a!l gatherings of the youug in tousej whore dancing is absolutely furbidden. We oni'ess, howcver, that we prefer t see the danmg. Dancing may be made a dissipation and an vil, and wkat amusement may not 't The naional game of base ball and the ministerial game f croquet are curtainly not the exoaptioní. Ií a in per se and in ïact, onder any and all cirsumtances, let it be so proved and banued. Until it s, the thundering deuunciations hurled against t now and then from the pulpit, especially as jemiitted and enjoyed in our social circles, seem s disproportionate as would be the throwing of f milistones at the cherry birds in June. It ia not enough to say that a hundred or fifty 'ears ago no church member - especially no lethodist- would have thought of dancing, etc. 'ifty years ago no spire would have been allowd to point hcavenward from a Methodist church, 10 organ or choir havo been tolerated in one, vhile fresooed ceilings and stained glass wiuows would have been counted blasphemy. Fify years ago novel reading was denouuced as the oad to perditiou, and now every Sabbath School n the laúd has a circulating library of fiotion - and much of it mighty poor fiction at that. - Within thirty years we knew a venerable Methodist-the father of a present minister of the Deroit Conference - to withdraw from the M. E. Church because instrumental musió- a bass viol, violin, and flute- was intredueed into the choir. 3ut twenty-six years ago we took our seat in the most fashionable and wealthy M. E. church of one of the largest citiesof the country - a chureli without a spire - and created quite a stir by getting into the " wrong pew " - men and women and boys and girls not being allowed to be contaminatud by "promiscuous sittings." And at that same service the ministor "lined" bis ïymns. That same church afterwards ran the gauntletof the conferences before its families were permitted to sit together in its pews. Fif ty years ago no Methodist minister would have administered the sacrament to men or women '■ vvearing gold or costly apparel," ribbons and artificial flowers, etc. And so we ate, bat no more is necessary to explode that gumont against dancing. The world has moved , forward, and the very things our forefathers ( once considered sins are now toleratedor regarded as virtues. Kow ira never danced in our Ufe - exccpt to the music of the birch - and are iiot excusiug and defending our otra prácticos. But this question of amusement? - dancing being but a ' inore item or fraction - is a question oL to-day, a Uve question, one tliat comes home to every íather and mother ; and is as legithaately ' cnssed in the paper as in the pulpit. In all seriousiiesa, then, we suggest reasou rather than rant, regulation rather than restrictioa, liberty of aetion under an eduoated conscieace rather than denunciation aud discipline. In no other vvay can the church of to-day take or keop a hold upon the rising generation and save iUelf from death under the statute of limitation. On Sunday evening, Feb. 16th, Mr. and Mrs. Joirx Mitcuell, of Lima, passed frora earth to heaven, at the respective ages of 79 and 63. After having lived together for neariy 4u years, they were in their death divided only 30 minutes. On Tuesday afternoon, the funeral services were atteuded by a large coucourse of friends and neighbors, and the bodies of the deceased were laid in the grave side by side, in the grounds of their home and beneath its very windows. Mrs. lIiTCHELi-, after a sickness of only 23 hours, died just before her husband. Widely known in the commuuity, they were as widely esteemed for their worth as citizens and members of Christ's church. H. L. H. James H. Cíiapin, a gradúate of the University - Literary department - class of 18G8, since vvhich he has been on the editorial staff of the Detroit Free Pres, died on the 16th, aged 26 years. We kuew Mr. Chapín well. Duriug the last year or two of his college course lie was an almost daily visitor to our office - seeking some iusight iuto the practical and mechanical work of jourualism which he had then selected as lus professiou. Ahvays modest, unassuming, trustworthy- m college and out- he had laid the foundation for a successful career, and was esteemed and beloved by his associates. In our latest letter from J. M. Wheelek, Esq., the following paragraph, clipped from the Swiss Times of Jan. 22, was iuclosed : " Mr. Bandolph Kogers, the American Sculptor, has been elected to a professorship at St. Luke's College in Komc, he being the ttrst American Sculptor upon whom the distinguished íonor has been conforred. VV e congratúlate jotli Professor Hogers and the University ou the ppoiutment." The old townsmen of Prof. B.OQEBS rejoice with him in his new honora. Bro. McMillak, of the Dexter Leader, makes he following rathcr pleasant annouucemeut : The Leader will hereafter be ptlblished by A. ioMiUan & Son, the lattor having been adinitted into tlie firm on Saturday last. His princijal occupatiou for some time, however, will be ihewing milk, though he jnanifests no disposition tooe a si lont partner, and has already assumed control of the household deparlment. He is now studying up for an article on " What [ know of the Colic," also one " On Raising Catnip Toa." The great "Apocalypsc" at Hangsterfer's Hall, Thursday and Friday evenings, Feb. 20th and 21st. Matinee for the public schools, Friday atternoon, at -1 o'clock. Admission to matinee : chüdreu, 10 cents ; adults, 2.5 eents.


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Michigan Argus