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BACH k ABEL 26 MAIN STREET, 3uy largely of Manufacturen and mporters, and exclusively for easli, ,nd invite the inspection of the clos:st cash tade. OTJR STOCK OP MI' 0KB88 GOODS iVill be found large and attractivc, ünbraeing many new styles - Black iilks and Lyons Poplins at very -ow Price3. BACH & ABEL. FIFTY PIECÈS BLACK ALPACAS lust received. We shall make a SPECIALTY of these goods, and will make prices lower than ever offered before in this cily. BAOH & ABEL. !) PiecesWamsutta Bleach. Cottons 0 " Lonsdale " " U " HiirsSem.Idem" " it lower prices thau thty have been sld tbr iti t'ie city in ten years. E ACH & ABEL. Our Cloth Department s very complete, consisting of En ;lisli, French, and Germán Coatings ,nd Suitings, with many of the best American branda. We give egpeial attention to this branch of our lusiness and invite an inspection of he goods. BAOII & ABEL. Feit and Embossed Skirts. IVe have the Celebrated " Püiison " Dloaks, and O!oth (the Beet Irnpoitjd.j B ACH & ABEL. We are agents in this city for the ceiebrated harris' mam kid gloves, and liavo in store a Full Assortment. BACH & ABEL. The Clieapest and Host Fire Departmcnt in the World. Over Olie Thousdnd Actual Fires Put Out VfïTlX IT, AND MOIÏE THAN $10,000,000-00 Worth of Property Savcd Froin the Flamea. THE gA BCOCK I FIRE ExtinguisheB AI.BO. THE Babcock Acting Fire Engine, For Mills, City, Towa and Village Uae. Itisalwaysreadv to uso instantly, and 8 more cfffCtive thnu a stcam Ure euuino, becimse it 8 non er brouht into action and throwsn powertul utreatn of water impregnateá with citrbouic acid for auy K'iitli of time. Itdispeusce wlth complex macmuery; nre comp.inics, rueervoire and sucti m hiwe. Carbonlc dd (unit both the worktng uud Bxtlncailng aent. No etcam ti be raised- no flre to he kiiulled- uo hose tobeiaid, no l:irt;e company to be muslcre.c'. The time thn naved is a building Td. It will throw 1 or 9 strenm at 11 time, and one cyliudnr eau be re-chargcd while the other Ie worklnif. ltsav.n from dcstructioi) by water, what the flre ha tpated It smothers, but doe not delude. It is iu daily u-io In Chicago. Cl odnnatl, Bt. Louia, Mobile, Phili)el phia and othar Pire Depaitmsnts seud for their recox'dt Good agent wanted. E. X. BAHNtim, Cien. Airent, US Woodward Ave . Detroit Mnnnfacturcr of Iron, Copper and Brasa Wire fireClolh, !!iltini;Cloth, b:irr Mili Stimes, Droom Wire anil Twlne, ('oiper Weather Vanen, Wire rounter Hailing, Wire Foncing aud Oruatnenta Wire Work. KlOyrl YyANTED! "We will give cnergetic men and TVotnen BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY Frnm $4 to ÍS per clny, cim be pnMBed in yourom neighhorhooil.und isstvictly lionornble. Partioulnr tree, or ampie ihnt U ennble you to ga to work at once, will bs eeut on rewipt of lwo tlwu cent atamps' Addi'ie J. ATM AM. & CO., I tUv6 30; Wuihingtoa Bt-i l!oton, !■. DAEMEES' STOKE AJSTIST AEBOE We wül oll all of our Fall sufl Winter took of Dry Coods! IKOHJDINO ERINGES, GIMPS, LONG & SQUAEE SHAWLS, CARPETING! . AT ' REDUCED PRICES Uatil all uru aold, na they raust be gold befóte Spring trnde opeus. Wo aro now receivilig 30HECE3OFNEWSHADES or CASHM1RE & HP1SS "CLOTHS[ AND FRINQE8 TO MATCH. PLEASE CALL SEE Our goods and pi ices before making your purchasea, lis we can show you the VERY BEST ASSORTMENT! Of Dress Goode that you can fínd in this city, and tne stock inu&t be sold, And No Humbug. 2 BUTTON KID GLOVES We have the best stock of BLACK SILKS' AND 1K1SH POPLINS. G. W. HATS, Supt. Janunry 10, 1873. ■' ...... STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, A perfect hair dressing- not a dye nor a re toratire, but a dressing, elegant p_- 1 and economical. l""""i STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE is cooling to the scalp, imparta a delightful sense of i Titality ,Ji and aot'tnesa to tho hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, weetly pcrfumed and limpid, renders tho hair supple and - dresses it in any ' ■ I dcsirci iorm. ."" STEARNS' COCO-OLÈINE, entircly vegetable oil, preventa that drjness of scalp w h i c h ( 1 causes daudruíl 1--1-H to accu" muíate. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINË eontains in ono large bottle more oil and more perfumo _ - w than any othcr - hair dressing C- 3 in market, and I I besldes is eold twenty-flve per cent. less thau most otbera. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE brightens blonde hair, darkensaub . . urn hair, renders lustrous brown and black hair, lessens the har&hness of coarse hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE IS MADE ONLY BT FEEDEEIOK STEAENS, - OHEMIST, f DETROIT, MICn. Sold everywhere. Be surc and get the Rennine Coco-Oline. Let no one palm off on you a bottle of ome clieap and worthUss imitation of Coco. Oletne. There are more than twenty countertcita of i t no-w sold, put up as near like the genuine aa th mAkera daro and evade the law. T3EST THING IN THE WEST. Atchison, Topeka & Santé Fe R. R. T ■ ATVTTia J riIRKK MILLfÖiV ACH ES Bituatfid iu and noar the Aikansas Vulley, thb l'iiiüst Portion of Kanbus ! Eleven yeara' Credit. Seven per Cent. Tnterest. 22á per cent. mluctiun to settlera vho impruvo. A FilES PASS TO LAXD BUYfiRS. TUK FACTS aboutthisGruntare - Low Priccu, Long Credit, and a BeDaie to settli'rs of nearly onet'ourth : a Itich Suil, and Splendid Ulimate ; short and mild Winters; eurly phinting, and no wintering of Stock ; plenty of Kiiintull, and just at the right season ; Coul, tü'one and ünck on the line ; Ckeap R:tea ou Luraber, Cunl, &c. ; no l;inda ownnd by Speculuors ; Huinestend und Pre-eraptions now abundant ; a ttrst-clabS RiUlrond n the line of a great Tnrough Route ; rruclucta will pay for Laad and ImproveIt is tht best opportunity eveï offetfetl lo the public, through the recent eompletion f the Koud. Fur Circular and tioueral Int'jrniation, Addresö A. E. TOUZALIN, Manager Land Dep't. 1410mo3 Topeka, Kansas. AilLLlONS OF ACRES Nebraska Lands! FOn BALE DY THB Burlington & Mo. River ER. Co On Ten Years' Credit ai 6 per cent Interest. Products will pay for tho land and improvemcuts much within the limit of this generoua credit. lietter terms ure uot offered, and probably nevcr will Circular giviuB full particulars, gratis ; cali for all tliat ure wanted to read and circuíate. Come West nd thrive, Friendo will follow. A Sectioniil Map, showiug the exact looation of lowa lands ia sold at 30 cents, and of Nebnska lauda at bauio price. For Circulara and Maps upply CEU. S. MARRIS, Land Commissiom-r, Burlington, lowa. B55l. And plenae say iu wliat paper thia advi-rtisemeut w; seou. H12w4 r EAL ESTÁTE FOK SALE. THE VOLNEY CHAPÍN' HUMESTEAD, Noar tho north cast corner of the Court Honf o pqnare This pjoperty wil! be snlcl at reasonable prices, in lutssuitahlü for n resideuce. or for busi ncsf purpuses AIbu lot ou Milier Avenue east ol Tunis' green house. AIho a Farm of 1G0 Acres, Wel) watered niul rencert, with Rood orchnrd nijd Mr bnlldlngs. withlnumile ofthai'oart llmseln St Juhns, Michigan . andaovural hnudrud ncreB ol plue and oak timbered luuds in 3agiuaW County, Mi'hit'an. Inquireor . w. CHKEVEK.ot U90m8 C. A. CUAFIK. I II ñ O. i WhPh flíst L. COLBY hung bis slgn Ot C, O. D.- AtNo.-.9, And oífered üroctries cheap for cash, Somc people said, " he's bound to go to stnasri; And old-time Giocers would faintly smüe, rrophesying "C. O. ü. will laat bul .Wtle whlle, In sixty days we'll run liim ott the track. And cali our waudcring custoiners back. The croakers said and thought it tvuo, "He'll surely teil bcfore the ycar is New ! You onu't aell Grticcrieis in tliis town And get youv pay ín Bfoenbnck djwn ; Wheredfy jood merchants on eveiy street With ailks and satins, huug out chickeiis to eat ', Where trudc is mixed in evcry plnce. At the same counter you buy but ter or lace ; WherB ciedit and loss go haud in hand llr. C. Ü. D. but a slim chiluCe will tand.1 Let prophets and cronkprs linve their say, _ L COLBYa.'Us OttOCK I K8 ouly forltEADT VX , And sella so clwup l'or daily cash He fcars in d:uigi'r of a snlash. And to his patoroM all, and business friends, 'l'hp greetmg of the iison he extuodl, T. youug and oíd, a i?lad New Tear. With hosts of ttlends and lots of choer ! Give him a cali, and from his store Your tablns spread with goud ÜlltlgS nlore. At that you will alway Hnd Fresh uew (roccries ot tiost quality andkmd- Fverythinir needful for good clieer at home You eau buy ut his counter whenever you come. The days ave 30 short thi bitter coW winter, Tomention details would weary the piinter. But ask if you choose f"r nnytliing eatable, You get it at once, in quality unbeatablc ! For hunifry men who are weary and cola, He has Uysters hot, Oyster that must besold- Oysters p'ickled, Oyster stew, and oynter fry, Or Oysters any other way you cho(se to iry. He will serve up Oysters at any hour of day, Aiul t he best of üiguri to smoke on your way. A diíh of hot Oyatefa will do you much prooi. And cheer you while selling your grain or wood. And with cish in hand lay in a storo Of Colfee, Tea, Sugar, Flour and many moro, Of all tbinpfs üubstantial for daily use, Nor treat life's (rood thins with ; Croekery and Glassw.ire and Fruits to put in thera, Nuts, Ituisins, and Candy, for children who win them. And ye who are blessed with th"ir bouutiful faces, Will flnd [30] the beat of all places, To buy a trine, tó bring 1 mnile or riníin? laigh, Your pleasure. than theira, will be nreater by half - Thfn do not foiget to cali on Hr C. O. D., And buy of hiin your Fruits, Suar, and Tea. Thogh the bis (i)fl mV tH from its place, The C. Oi D. 2 store im stillon the race, And does not iutend to fly from the course Till oroakers of cvil taïk thcnlsrlves hoal'be, Oroeeries Can be oíd for ready pay. And Ij. OoXloy bas laai ned the way : NoM Uve times more than he expec'.ed- Ry O. O. D. íiom loss proteetwl. And the secret lie is not afrald to tell - Keep the best of uil tilines- wlth pHceslow- be good nitured. Rive rood mensure, And you are bouud to 8611 ! 39! 29! 29! ■pSTRAY! Carne into thQ endosure of the aubKiribet abottt the 15ih of November, 1872, two yenr oíd HEIFEtt. with sm ill red and white spots. The owner wil] prove property, pay ehargea and tako snid animal away. JOIl.V T.AYEK. Faline, Jan. 2n, 1ST3. H10w6 A FAJL.SE REPORT ! THAT A. A. TERRY HASÖONEOÜTOF TRADE HE STI1L LIVES, AND HAS A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK 0P HATS & CAPS ! JÜST THE STYLE, AStt) AT I'RICES TO SÜtT T1IE TIMES. ALBO AFÜLLLtKEOF GENTS' FURMSHIXG GOODS! DQN'T PUKCHSE YOÜR Fall and Winter OÜTFlTB tTxN'TIL YOÜ Oí Ve üilvr jSi.OA.Ijj-,. 15 South Main St.,Ann Aitcr 1M1-U. TÑÑARBOa Mineral Springs House. U boiuttifiU tesort for hedUh-scekcre is now open, with its IRON, MAGNESIA, AND SULPHUR WATERS CrttnmödtotisbrtiUlii g heatcd by Kteam, and largo iind well-ventilated rooïtiBWATER AND AIR BATÏÏS, Of .ill tömpentiUe?, filo Shower. Vnpor, MedlCfttod anti Electric Batlis are cmi)loyd with atlvatitat'e in th tfoatment of nll foruH o.' ehnmlc dlsenses and (Useaees ot ferñales. Hpcclal attentiot. pnid to di''t. Witli pteasant fnrronudinírs,and situated in ont; of the most hpiilthy and boaiUtfulcitics la thu country, tt ponsessea Atiriictionsforinvalidsor Ibrplcaaure-si'eliL'rs pfldom fonnd. "tha annl.vsiiof the Springs wil! be lurulshcd ou appllc-'t'oii. Fisons üeslrinff circular in Bona 10 uieir frteuds cnn procure them at the oftloeof tUe l'roprlclors on Huron ntreet, or at the pringa Addrcss all letlers of Uiqtilry to MÜItlUS ItAtE, M. 1)., Supt. Ann Aruok, Slicn. sutUfrlimil niscl Wbedou, Prop'. Ann Arbor, Mlcli. June. 11, 172. HURRY UP ! PAItTIKS wishing Wall Paper. Cluth and Papar Shadas. Holluucs. Window Fixtures Coids. TusscLs, 4c, all New Styles, ut. 8atlfactorJ Pitees, liy J. K. Weboter Sc Co., BoK "tore, nearthe Expie-sOfflco. X X


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