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9 O O YJBV m"" Or Tnatilrss-Coatcfl, Coiicontrated, Root a 11 il Herbal Juicc, AntlBlllons Gramiles. Tin: " i.ittle QIANT" C.1TÏÏAKXIC, or MuJlt--i i 11 Parvo PUysic. O Tno novelty of modern Medical, Chemical and fharraacuiitical Scicuce. No use of any ioitger takin' tho large, repulsivo and nausvons pilln, composed of che:in, cnide, mul bulUy ingrediente, vlum vre caa by a carelïil applicatioii ot entunica! pciefico, extract all tho cailmriic ml iHlier medl,'inul proporties lïom the must valiiahle rooi? and hcrb.-i, ana concéntrala tlioiu into a iBlmito Granulo, Hcarf ly liirscr (11 a II a niuHtnrd Ncud, Uiatcan be rpadlly swallowed ly thope of tliu mustsonsitlvo ptomucha and fastidious tat-tea. Eaclilittle Purualivc l'clict repreMnt, ina most concéntrate.! fornl, o lunch cathartic power as is atnbodlsd in any of t!io largo pilla fonml for palo in the drug Bhops. I('nm thetr wondeiful cthartlc power, in pro-iortion !o tnelr fizo, peopla who havo not tried tliem are npt to puppote that thev aro harjli or driotlc m effect, lut inch ie not nl all tha caao, tho different active medicinal priuclplaaof which they ure compoeed Uein" so harinoui.ed aud modified, one by the othere, aa to prodnco il moKt senrcliiiijf and ihor 011 Kli, vet gcntly aud liiudly opcraiing cutliartic. $500 Rrwanl i licrchy oiTercd ly tho proprictor ot' theso Pellets, to" any cheruist who, upon anslysis, wlll flnd In them any Calomel or otlicr foruio ol' merenry or any other mineral poisou. Ileinc cntlroly partituur care is roquired while uatng them. They opérate without dlBtarbancfi t Uia r.oiiHtituiion, diet, oroccupation. ï'or Jaoucücc, Headaolio, CoiiNtipniioii, Impuro ICIood, I'aln in the s!niul,lf:s Tlgbtlleaa ot tlio Cliost, UizziiivsN, nuiir Uriictatiuns of tlio Moriia h. Had taaie in moutli, Hilloui nttacks, l'ain In región of K 'm! iwj'k, I iitrrnal Forer, Bioatod ïfcliiia; abuut Moniacli, HuhIi of EII1111Ú to IS. ad, liiU C'oU ored Urine, I iistxiiibiiiiy and Oloomy Forcbodings, take Br. Pierre's Pleaiant Piirsativo Pellets. In explanatlou of tlio remedial power of my Purfitivo l'elleta over eo great a variety of diaeapeg, wUh toBiiy that tlieir actiou upon the nniinal econamy is universal, nota f land or tissue cseapiiijf tlieir saiiaive impresa, A doea not impair them; their coating and bcing encloeed in glaps bottles preserve Oicir virtuea unimpaired for any length of time, in any climate, 80 that they are alwaye iVesli and ïeliable, which is not tlie caso vith tho iiills fonnd In the ding etorea, put up in cheap wood or paste-board boxes. lïccoilect that for all diseaes where a l,:ixi(l', Alterative or IMirffative ia indicated, these littlo Pcllct vill (rive tho most purfect satisfaclion to all who utse them. They aro sold by all enterprlsíug DruggisiH at - reut a bottle. Do not allow any drnffglBt to Induce vou to talie anything; else that'l e may say is just ad ;ood aa my Pellets becausc he maliën ft largei proflt on that willen he reeommends If your druift cannot Bnpply them, encloee L5 cen'a and receive them by return mail from 11. v. rïisitcii, ju. i) , j-opv, BCFFALO, N. X. fio Pcrson can lakc ilicsc Bitters accordInff to dtrectlOQfl, and remain longunwell, provided their boocs are not destroyed by mineral poison or otlier nieans, and vital orgaas 'wasied beyond tüe point of repair. Dyspenala or Imligcstton, Ileadache, Tain In the Shoulders, CuukIis, Tlgbtoess of tlie Chest, Dizziness, otir Ernctations ot' the Stomach, Kad Taste in the Moutli, Biliona Attacka, I'alpitation of tlie ïleart. Infiammation of the Lnntrs. l'ain in the región of the Kidneys, anda hundred other painlul Bymptoms, are the otr-sprinjrs of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of ita menta than a lenfffthy advertiseinent. Por Fcuinle Complniiits, In youn or okl, married or sinjile, at the dawu of woinanhood, or the turn of life, tliese Tonic Bitters display so decided an iniluencc that improvement ia soon perceptible. For Iiiünmmntory nnd Clïronlc Rheuiiimm'sih and Gout, Hilious, Remittent and IntermUtent Fevrs, Dieases'oX the lilood. Livor, Kidneys and Bladder, these Hitters have no equal. Such Diseases are cansetï by Mtiafccd Blood. They are a gentle Purgativo ns well as a Tonic, possessinp: the mcrit of actinR as a powerful ajient in relievinj; Congestión or Iuflammation of the Liver aud Visceral Organs, and in Biiious Diseases. Tor Skin Diseases, Eruptiona, Tetter, Sa!tRhemn, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, PustOlea, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-wonns, Seakl-ilcad, öore Eyes, Erisipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Uiscolorations of tlie Skin, Hiimors and Diseases of the 8kin of wliatever name or nature, are literall.y dug up and carried out of the system i,i a short time by the use of tüese Bitters. Gruteful Thoiisamls pioclaim Vineoar Bittekh the most wonderful Invigorant that ever BUBtained the sinking svstptn. K. H. ÍIcUONAI, &, CO. Drapgists and Gen. Aeis., san Francisco, Cal., & cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., N.Y. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIiTS 4 DEALERS. Dr. Cox's Hlve (Crnnp) Syrup bas been known and used by the medicfu professwB over 100 yearp, and as a remedy for Cold and Conghs has an OIder and better rcpütation than any other Coiigh medicine ever offered to the public. It is known aa the Compound 8ymp of Sqmllf, and a formula may bc found Ín every medical dippenatory. Br. Kanom'N fïïvc Sj rnp and Tola, Ín addition to tlie iiiirredients for Cox's Hive Syrup, contains lialsam of Tolu, decoction ol SkunkCabbage líoot and Lobclia, a combination that must commend it to every one aa a nuperior icnietly for Croup. V!ioiin CoUirl), VsMtiïiiij Bïroiuliiti, CoiisrliN and oíd, iiidued for all affectionti of the Throat and Laugö where a Cough. Medicine ia necessary. ThlH Syrup ts EarcfuHy Prepared onder the perBonal directlon of a regular l'hynician of over twenty years' practice, whoBü signaturu ia attached to the directions on the bottle. lts tasto is very pleasant and clnldrcn likc Every family hould keep Has a ready reniedy for ( rou), 'olas, etc., among the children. D. Ransom, Son & Co., Propr'a. Buffalo, N. Y. DR. J. R. MILLER'S RC AGNETIC B ALM. Tliis medicine may witli i)''l)1"let'. called an " Universal Bimcdy," as it ia fast Buperseding all othere :is n general family medicine. It cures, as if b.v MAGNËTIC 1NFLLENCE, Neuralgia Mid all pain. and is thorefore vcry properly tcrnicd "Magnetic Balm." It is jiurcly a vegetable preparation. It h:is 110 eqiuil as a remedy for Cholera, Cholera Morbus. Diarrlian, Dysenteri, ('olie and all liovil (.otnjilahtis. lts timcly se will cura Calda, Cioup, Diphthcria. Qniusy, nnd all Throat affections. U li. n properly sed, Fevcr nnd Agüe, and otlier comploints incident to our western and southern climatcs, are easily broken lip. Nervou Pain Sick-Headnche, nnd Rhenmatïsm are cured by thin medicine when all others havo fulled. Toot hache. Eurechc, Burns, Chilblaina and Bruises are relievetl at once by its use. Tbc genuiitc U:is D. Haiisom .V Co.' private Revenue Btamp on Uu outside, and Dr. J. KMillcr's Magnetic Bitlni lilown in the bottle. Examine closely, aud buy none hut the genulne, Sold by all Druggists. I'rice Ï5 cents per bottle. D. Kahsom, Son & Co., Propr'B, Bufl'alo, N. Y. BOOK-s. BOOKS. il J. B. WEBSTER & CO. NEW U00K ST0KE NEAR THE . " EXI'UESS OFFICE." LOOK T0 ÏÜUB IXTEUEST AN1Í CALL. I BOOKS. THË GOODYEAR ñM FOR 8ALE. IIKN11V (JOODYEAR, of Slmron, huvingasRifrned all lii pro]iorty to us for the beneiit of his erediiors, we now ooei the propeïty for sale in pneols to luit pUTObftsent. The tanda ftj 8 fint cIühs - nonu bd i' in the Stute. Over one thousünil acres of improved land in h body. I't.TSdns buyin eiin assume mortffagt i fot a part of the parohnsfl money. All having claims agaixmt the ■ola Goodyear ure requested to present them to the issipnees. iatetl, September. ÜGth, 1872. 11.8. BMTTR. W. U. Í'ALKIN". l3 JUS. MtMA.iïOX. vyiLEKE TO BUY BLEACHED COÏÏOHSI &1ACK fe SCKITSD Have juut reeeivud a hirge stock of tbs BEST A-D MOST POFULAP. ..... _._.... .... New York Mills, Wamsuttas, Utica, Nonpareils, Tusearorns, FHU1TGF THE LOOM Lonxdalc, Uills Sempcr Idem, Calote, d-c. AL8Ü, IN [R0W CÖÏÏÖÏS! As wt-U a in other lincs of our g-oodn, we are enablod to ahow the Largest and Best Assortment Iu thecily, tit the LOWEST PRICES. 110!) GIDLEY Successor to COLGROVE k SON. BRlttT ANÜ Cmï IN COOK'S NEW nOTKL, No. 12 E. HURÓN STEEET, DKALKR IN IHUCS, IHEDICIftES, SI 1U.M il, HSTROESTB, PIRE WMCS AM) MQlOftS, TFOR MEDICAL PURPOSES ONLY.) Fancy Goods, Pertumcry, PAINTS, OII.N, V ASÍ IMIIOS, ;i. A SN AND PUTXY, PHYSICIAXS' PRESCRIPTIOjVS Cnrefully compounded at nll honrs. I PROPONE NOT TOBE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHOFURNISH AS ÜCOD A AB.TICLE. K. it. (.tiSi;ï. ïsaTtf yy.W. WACNEK IS NOW BEAPY FOR TISE FUL TEADE Huving Reccivoda Lnrge Stock of r ALL 01 liJIIlift G-OODS, 1NCLUDIKG OLOTHS, CASSIMERE8, VESTINGS, &C. o; the BEST STYLES and QÜALI IES, wniCH Hl WILI. MAN U F AGTURE on terms to suit. AIso a fu 1 1 line of READY-MADE OLOTHING AND Gents' FUKNISHING Goods. BEST STYLE, ALSO LADIKS' AND GENTS' MOROCCO SATOHEL? No.21 South Mnln Street,- EaetSIde OALL AND SEE THEM. WIl.I IA3I AVAGKIK. Ann rbor, Octobor st '.S7-2 VIOTHERS! MOTHERSÜ MOTHERb !'.! DmH fall to procure HIKS. WIJISLOW'S SOO'11II!(J Sïltll' l'ült Th!s vnluable prcuaration hae been ïiicd with NEVKlt-FAILING BDCCtSS IN T1IOUSAN1JS UK C iSKS. It nut ouly relieves ti child from iiain. but ïnvigoraten the eionJ'Ch and b wrt. corractf nciüit v, and ;ves tone and envtgj lo the wliulu system It wi.l als iustanlly n.';ic;vi; QrtplDgin Mie Bowels and Wind ('olie. VVebelk-ve itthoBESl' and 8UBE8T KEMKDV IN TUK WOKL1), in all caso oi UYSKNTEKY vNI) DIAHItlKE.v IN CTUILUaKN, whethir arlsni": I'rom teuthiug or nny other DBe, Dapeudaputi iimutheiB, it wili glv rest to yoar. selvee. and Itclief and Health to Yonr Iufunts. Be cure and cali for "Mrs. Winsloiv's Sootliini? Synii." Havlnu tbe (ac-nmlle o "CURTÍS i PFRKI.:-' n tlio tm'idc wiapper Süld by Druggistii tluouthout the world. ly A Rare Chance TO I-.ET_ A largo and modern nèw Grocery 2torc ín Buchoz rtlock, P.etro t Streek ünd abtedly thebefet ïocation in that iwrt of ;he city for said Ihiídí'íííí. a good lnre cellar and new barn attflebed hihe prcïniacs. The rent ís $:i00 yoiirly, to be taken in yrocorieü for my famin use. Als i i line new Heat Miirket, till complete, johnnjr my blo 1ï, with molcru iinprivenunts, marl Ie tai le Séc , large new smokc house, lare brtek dstorn nnd pellar ïiow barn and nll re.idy for me, with three fiimily rooms above. Store rf nt for $-5') yearly ; tak'-n iïi inc.!, for my ftunily ne. AIho n mii:iU store in my bl ick, honses, rooms, &c, to let. POR ALE- Three (food large carriajre or fnrm horaei, one fine new oirriage, bugtest wagons, larmInjí lonlH. Aleo three good cown HCOtf Iüciuireof h. U. BtT(_'IIOZ. iP ?K L M v Jp'TtTiTnfff'fl J TEN REASONS WHY Na Family should be ivitkout a bottle of WHITTLBSBY in the house. Ist.- It will relieve the worst case of BMlOUi Cholicor Cholera Morbus in 15 minutes 2di - It will cure the most obstinate case tl Dyspepsla and Indigestión in a fe weeks. 3d. - Tt is the best remedy in the worltl f'ï 6ick Headache, as thousands can testily, 4 taken when the first symptoms appear. 4th. - It is the best diuretic ever put l'eforf the public; curing those distraning compllMBtlt, Diabetes and Cravel and ether Urinary tl iftlcultles. 5th.- It is a most excellent EmmenaCogua, and to the Voung Clrls muidlo aged Women, and at the Turn of Life, thia remedy is of incalculable valué. 6th. - It will remove wind from the bowels, and henee a few drops in some swectened water civen to a bnbc is better than a dozen cordials tö Relieve and mako It Sleep. Coouining no ano dyne. 7th. - It is a sure relief for aduits and cliildren affected with Worms and Pin Worms. It will bring away the worms. 8th - It will cure the PI 168 and Hemorrliod lal difüculties. 9th.- It will cure COnstlpatlon and keep the bowels regular. It will al:.o cure ihc worst case ofSummerComplalnt.indDysentery lOth. - It will cure Sour ttomach, Stlmulate tho Llver to lenlthy action. Relieve Heart-Burnand actasa general Regulator of the ystem. Whcn taken dilute the dr se with Pugarand Water toa vVIne-Ciasafull and yuu have a pleanant tonic. Whittlcsey (Dysyepsia Cure) $1.00 per bottle. Whittlescy Agüe Cure 50c. per bottle. ' Whittlescy Cough Granules 25c. per V'Ottle. Sold by all druggists and wnrranted. WUltUcsey Prop. iled. to., Tokdo, 0. ÍITÍlll t jv i_x -gr y HATTER ! HAS KECEIVED HIS Pil & WINTI STOOK Hats and Caps, IN LATEST STYLES, LADIES' FURS, CESTS' FIKSISI!JX OODS, ETC, VVIIICIl I!R PROPOSES TO RELT. AT PRICEt. WHÍCU UBPT CO.Ml'ETITION. 7 South Main St., Ann Arboi. WISIIART'S PINE TREE TAI CORDIAL! NATURE'S GREAT RE3IKDY FOU THE iHKOAT AM) LUNÜS. It Is gTfttlffegto Mi'to inform tho pnblic that r L' Q. . Villfrtte Pine Tice Tar "oriül, for Tliroat and Lunji Oificascfc, has jíained mi eüvifiblc re])iitation from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast, and from thence to some ol the first fa m lies of Europo. nol t rongli tlie preFS alone, bot by pereona thronhout thu Stfitcs actuülly beuofited and cured at hw office. White he publishea lea, po ayonr reporters, he ia onable to supply the demnud. It gaius and holds it b rcputation - First. Notbytt ip'ngcongb, but by looseniog an ftSiíitftinfí nature tü throw off the uiiliealthy matter coIIccH'd iibont thethroat nmlbronchial tubes ichnh caWAS irritation. Sccond. It removcts the cauces of irrHatÍ4)n (whicïi produces couglO of tlu: inncoLif mrmbrane ar.á bronrliiai tubfH, Afidst the lange to set and thmw off the unhc-althy secretions, and pnriftVs tho blood. 'ihiid. It is freo fr m sullla lobflia, tpeeftcasd oplojn, of wblcbmo&t throat and Un. remedies are cmiiposed, whfch allïi; cougta only, and dis jr,ranize the stomach. It has a eóotliii!; tfíect ou the Btormch, acts on the liverand kidntys, iud lym pathic aud . rvous región, thus ri aoblsg to every part of thesystem, and iu its invigoratin a:.d pur ifyintí eQVctfs it luis ffflíued a r putatiou which it must hold above all others in the laarkut. NOTÏCE. THE PINETREE TAR CORDIAL, GBEAT AMERICAN DISl'El'ÏIA l'ILLS. Ai IJ WORM SUGAa DROPS lïe'nr tmder sny inimediHato dSrecttcn, tliey nhal notlouHe their curativo qualitits èj the uee o cbeap and m.pure arti .leö, HEMIY II. WISHART, PROHRIKU'OIt FREE OF CHARGE. Dr. L. Q. C. Vih:iri's Office Parlom nre open on Mondayf, Tnesdnys nd Wednosdays from n A. M to5l M., for couiiiltutlon by Ur. Wm.T. Hsge. Wliti him e aasocluted two cpofnltlng phyelclani Of acKDowledged ubility. Thi oppo tvmlty is not olTeri.'d by any other Instftntlon in the city. All letters mut lc adilrrssetl to L. Q. WISHART, M. D., No. 232 W. f-ecoml St., PHILADELPHIA. HP."iu(i ARGUS BULLETIN ! WANTED 2000 NEW SUBSCRIBERS WANTED. Moro Merchants and Business men, who knowing their own interests will advertise in the ARGUS. GET YOUR BALL CARDS, BUSINESS CAEDS, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, At the Argus Office. GET YOIIR BILL-IIEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS, At the Argus Office. GET YOUK LAW BLANKS, LAW BRIEFS, LAW RECORDS, PROGRAMMES, AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. New Type, Best Presses, (Jood Workmui, AND REASONABLE PRICES ! IST" A WOED TO THE WISE. For Seroftilo, ScrorT ii Diüieascs of JjJ the Eyes, or Scrofujl la in any form. sm- Any disease or eruption w J of the Skin, disease of the nT Liver, Rheumatism, PitnX pIes,OldSores,IJIcer8,BrokS' en-down Constitu t i o n s , 4( Sypliilis, or any disease decQi pending on a depra ved conjOjgk dition of the blood, try jmS DR. CROOK'S m SYRUP OF f POKE ROOT. 3M0 It lias tiie medicinal propJBll2a crtj of Pokecombined with jljy apreparation oflronwhich HJy goes at once into the blood, Mh perforniing the most rapid rf a"d wonderful cures. Aak your Druggist for Dr. Crook'a öompound Syrup of Poke Root- take it and be healed. VI7 111TM0BE LAKE. Hnving recently refittcd and fnrnifhed the CLIFTON HOUSE! I nm now irepired to rcceiye and entertain pleasn n'. lisliiiig nd dandng partías, at one of the most attractivc, picasant audhealthy wateríiiir placee il) the West. Myboats are new. l(iri;e and ommodions, and welliulauted for the use of pleainra eken. AiifíU-r will flud a ful] and complete eiiuiprnenl nlways on hand. Spt'cial atcention ffiven to tne wants and com fort of those who wi-li to spend a few weeks In -ccre-ition dnrin the warm nummer moiiths No pniiiR will be spared to make WHITMORf ■,AKK, In the future as in ihc past, a fav.iritc snmmcrr0'rt' D. F. Í5MITU. ÏSortgfrge Sale. EFATJLT having been made in tho conditions of LJ a cuitain mortgtiye duleu tirst day of Blaren, V. 1). lötoi, muüe and executed by John Diehl und tforguretta biehl, of the eily of Ann Albor, ilichV:im, to llfiiiy l,. james, oí Willüunsburgh, in the siuiiMtt M.obbachuaettflT und reeorded in the office of the ttegurter of Deed lor the County of Viu-iiiemiw, ttichigon, on the Unid da y of ïluroh, A. l). L8ti9, 111 llber üi' of niurtiüies, at pase í');í.', trhich End mortage was un th twenty-sixto day of December, A. l. Lb7,Boldund ttaaignfcd by auid Uenry L. Jam a to Leonora Gruuer vhicfa Baiu tisHignment waa on the thiitieth day of Jtmuury, A. D. lS;;j, reoorded in theotü09ol the Register oi Dueds aioresaid in lihjpi;l of afwunment 01 mortgages, on pogö 604; and, theie iw due and uun-aid on said mort gage at the date of luis notice the ftum (it twenty-six hundred dollar ($2tiU0.U0j and n tnii i.i proceeding tl luw ha been inytituted to recover the B.noe or any part Lbere■f. NoUce is hereby given that on Monda y , May twelfth, A. D. 1S7-1, at 12 o'clock noou of that day, at the front duor (öoulh side) ot the Court House, in ihe city of Ann Arbor, WushtiTiaw County, .MichiL'an, by virtueof the power ot Bule eontuineti in said inoitetige, Ishull iell ut public uucüon. lo the highest bidder, the preraues desorib d in s.iid mortgnge. or o mueh theroof aa may Beceseary to ttatiefy the umount duo on tmid mortgage at the date of this notice, witli interest, and ihe 0Ot and expcnsi s allowed by law, and aiso m attorney tee ot Í3U.U0 as provided in fs;ud xnortgage. Tbefollowing is a deocnption of the land and premisos as given in sald morlgage, and to Ijl' MM In puiMiance ol' the abovc notice, to wit : All these cerlaiu píeoetoi pajeéis of land sitnated in the city of Ann Arbor, County of WaahtenftW, und Btate aforeaaid, known, bounded und desenbed as 'ollows, 1,0 wit : Being lotsnuiiibers tive und mx (5 :ind 6) ín blode nuniber nine, in OrntBDy and PageM addition tothe villaje (now city) of nn Arbor, and aUo that purt of lot number eight in sald bloek, lyinff soutb ot r direct line frota the easttsorne oí' said lot five to the ROUtheaftt corner of s:id bloek BUmber niue, with the appurtenanoes thereunto beknging. Uated, Ann Arhur, "ebruaiy 3, 1873. LEONAKü UUUNER, FiiKDERiOK PiBTomuft, Assignee. -itLoriiL-y fOT Asinee 1413 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been mode in the condition of ;i certtiin mortgage, made and sxecuted by Kdward Uyan, of NorLïilk'ld, County of Washttiliaw, and Suite of Michurau, to William F. Barry, of the same place on the fiis'. day of Augnat, A. 1). lSb(i, and ree.ord-.-d in the of tl.c Llegístür of Deeds tur s;tid County of Wiishtonaw, on the fourth day of December, A. IJ. 1886, ut tive o'clock A M. of said day. in líber 37 of mortgayes, on pnge 228. whicb said mortRage, was duly assigned by aaid William B. Baxry t Lutlier Jurrifs. oí' the city of Ann Arbor. Coumy nd State aioresaid, on the ïourth day of December, A. I. 1866, and recordecl in the office f the Regüter of Dtiodü lor said County of Wa,slitcnaw, on tltetotirth day of December, A. 1). 1806. at tive O'clock 1' BI. of said day, Inïiber Wi ot morf-gages, onimpe234, and thdt theie ia cluimed to be. dne at the daie hereot, the su m of six hundred and ñfty-wven ilT-l'O dollars; aleo an ittorneys' fee of thirty dollars shnuldany proceeding be Itad io foredosi! feae ame, and forther inxtalmentH to bfconio due on said mortgnge, and no nit ut proceedings it law or in equity hnving been had to recover the debt secured by said mortgtige or any p;irt thereof. U bereby giren, that by virturé Of the power of sale in said mortgnge contained, I shall seil at public auction, to the highest bidder, on thetwenty-ninth day of March A. l) 1873, at two o'cloek in the afternoon of that day, at the hont door of the Court House, in tlie city of Ann Arbor, m the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, the premisos desoribod in said mortffaire. as all thoseoertain pipcea or pareéis ot' land deaoi'ibed as follows, to wit: The wst half of the northwest quarter of si ction twenty-ei;rht and tour acres Of the nut hall' of tho northwest qimrter of said section, heretofore deded by said party of the ftrst part to said party of the second part, all bei n te in township one south of range six ensti In sald township of Northficld, ín the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan. Duled, Jaanuary 3, It73. LUTHBK JAME8, John N. Gott, Assignee uf eaid Mortgage. Attorney for Assignee. 14O7td SherifTfl Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coun'yof Washtenaw, ss. O líy virtue ol a writ of execution issued out of und ander the mal of the Circuit Court lor the County of Waahtenaw, and to me directed and delivered, aainst the gooda, chattebi lundi and tenements oí William M. lïrown.O. W. Brown, X. Granger, and A. Conklin, I havethi-; tweltth diy of December, A. X) 1872, seized and levied apon all the rif-'httitle and ititetept ij. W. Brown hua in and to the ioftowipg lanas, to wit ; A piece of land commencing twenty roda west of the corner ot BeetsoK twent -nine, theneewcst on the south line of said seciion fourteen roda theuee north parallel with the eaft line of said eection twenty-nine to the south bank of the river Bain, tlienue flong said aouth bank in n northeasU-rly direction lo ii point twenty roda west of the east line of BttW aectioDf thence Bonth parallel with the ent line of Raid section to ihe pldce of beginning, ountninuip one acie nnd oue-tliird of bind, be the saine more or les, alo the followinii describedpieoe of bind on whieh a Üoiirinr mil] now stands commenciiiir at a point twentyrive and one-half rods nortli ol thfi south line nf baid seotion twenty-nine and twenty rods west f the eairt line of said section, thence running north parallel with ihe east line of said AectiOfi eleven rods. thence east parallel with the south line of said secLion nine rods, thence south parallel with the east line of said sec' ion eieren roda, thenee wesl parallel wilh the south line of sai;] riection rune rods to the place of begkining, eoiitainiu ninty-nine rods of l.'ind be the same inore orless; all ot the above desr-iibed property being situtited in the townahip f Sharon, County of VHsntenaw, and of Michigan, whicli above described property I sliall exposé for sale t public auction to the highesi biddei at the south door of tlie Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, on the twelfth day of March, A.'l). 1878, at ten o'clock, A. M. Dated, tfaia 3d day of Janunrj A. D. 1873. 1407 MYÜOX WEBB, Sheriff. Sberififs Sale. .TATE OF MICHIGAN, Ci.unty of Washtenaw. ss. By virtue or one execution issued out of and under theseal of the Circuit Court for the CVunty of Washtenaw, tome directed and delivered, against the ijoods, L'iial (-l.s, iitr.ds and t(;nemeritH of Charles C. Ohurch. ariö for the want of gnods and rliattels to satisfy the Mme, I ctid on the lOth day of ugusU A. I). 1872, seie and ilevy upon aH the right, ti'le and Intereat Charles C. Ch rch bas in the following deuríbed real estáte, to wit : Lot nuniber :U in R. S. Smith'biirst addï'ion to the city of Ann Arbor. topreiher with all the impruvementn and tenementa thereon. which above described rt-a] estáte being situatedinthe city of Ann Arbor, County of Wofthtenaw, and State of Miohiran ; which abovedesci ibed real estáte I shall sell at the outcr s"iith door oí the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, al public auction to the hiffhest bidder, on the eleventh uay of jiarch, A. D. 187S, at 1 1 o'clnck A. M., of said day. Dated. January löth A. I). 1S73. MYRON WEBB, Sheriff. 1Í10 By JoiiTix Fobbes, Under Sheriff. SheriíTs Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CouMTI of Washtenaw, as. - By virtue of a writ of executioo issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtcnawfand to me directed and delivered turaras) the goods, cbuttles, lande and tenements of Mosës Marks, and for tlie want of gooda and ehattles to satisfy aaid execuüon, I did, on the twenty-firyt day of January, A. D. 1873, seiüe and levy upon all the right, title and interest Mose Marka bas in and to the following described lands. to wit: Lotsnumber two ('S) four (4), six (6), eight (x), and ten il ), in block (Ivo north, range four east in the ei'y of Ann Arbor, County and State aforesaid Which above described propeity, I ahall expose for sale to the highest bidder, at public auciion at the south door of the Court House, in the Cty of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, on the second day of April, A. D. 1873, at one o'clock P. M. of aaid day. Dated, this 7th day of Febriïary, A. P. 1873. MICHAEL FLEMING. Sheriff. 1413 ByMTBON WEBB, L'nder Sheriff. Commissioners' Notice. CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wnshtenaw, sa. O The underaigned, having been appomted by the Probate Conrt for aaifl cuunty, Commissioners to receive, examine, mu adjust allchuniá and demanda of all persons aguinet the estáte of George Toung, Senior, late of said county, deceased, liereby give notice thataii montlia froiu date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditorsto presentí heirclaima aaaiust the estáte of said deceased, nd that they will meetatthereaideuce of Thomas Younif, in the township of Lyndön, in said county. on Satuvday, the ten th day of May. and on tÑiturday,theninth day of Aupust next, al ten o'clock a M. of each of said days, to receive, examine, and adjust said claims. 'Dated February lOth. -v.D. 1873. KI.NATHAN" 8KTDMOBK, WASHINGTON BEAMAN, 1413w4 ConimissiontTS. DK'SWiNEOFTftB a. 10 Y E ARS á PÜBL.C 7T tfclHas proved To liiïio more 9 ,kj _er tlian any Sé:S-2 liosi ovor liored Ilie publio. Tt is rieh In the imeiüoina) Hialilii'SoCTar. wi' miqnal1 ior diMa)-s of the Throai and I.UHKS. performiüg the most remarkable cures. Coughs, Colils, ('lironlc Cougü. It efíertiinlly cures tliem nll. Atlitiia and lironcliiti }I;iü ciired so many oweo it li.ig been pro4f"ji nounced a speciflo lol these coniphiints. t'or pains in Breast, Side a Back, Gravel or Kiilney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jatindice or any Li ver Ccniplaiut, It has noeqnal. It is also a superior Tonic, ltestores tlie Appetite, Strongthens the System, Ilestores tlie YVeak and üebilitated, Canses the Food to IHgest, lteuioves Dyspepsia and Indigestión, Prevents Italarions Fevers, Oiives tone to your Systeii. f in. 49A PPr díly ' Agonía wantod! All p.i 10 í-íU éhisses of worklng pi-uple, of cither sex, youug or old, makc more niuuoy at work for us in their spare moments or all tne time, thau a aitfthiug elso. 1-articulars tree. Addrete G, Stinsoa k Cou I'ortlaad, Maiue, Estáte of Miitthow Schaible. QTATK OF MICHIGAN, Connty oí Wushtenaw,st; K? Ata sesslon of the Probate Court for the Couniy of Washtenaw, hulden áttao Probate office, in tho city of -Mm Ai-bur, ou rTburfeday, the twvnlj ibltd dy r .iíinuuiy, La the yuar Oiití thouaand cicht hundred und eeventy-three . Present, Ifoab W.i b over, Judge of Probate lutliu maiteroi the estutc of Matthew Schnible, deceaaed. John G. Veldkamp, Admiulfcrafor, of aid eatate, coinés luto ourt ttud represen thai ig üow pnpartd to rendar bis flnui account as uch Admití int ra tor. Tbermipoi) Utsordered, that Monday, the t-entyfourtü dny oí Febrnarf next, at ten u'clock in the foreuoon be iissineu1 for examlping ainí alUmins Buch account, und that the belns at law of Mid decoasd, and l1 1 other per so ni interesUd m s;iid estáte, are reqnlred to't-ar at a aesslou ol' fiud Court then to bu holden at the Probate Olliu-, in the City ol Aun Arbor, in unid connty, aiui show caneo, lf any therebe. why the said inruimt ehonld notbeaïlowed : And it is furi hei 'i Men il, that nald Admliitstraior give notice to the persons interested in said estattf! ol the pen. denct o! said account, and the hearing thcreof by capsliiga eopy of thie order to be publuhed in the Uithigan Argut, a tiewspnper prinittf nnd circulatinr in sairt County , three auccessiive weeks previoas tu unid da y ol hem iiii_' f A copy . j NOAH W. C1IEFVFR, 141V loducol Probate. Estáte of Electa 8. Abel. TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, 8. Notice ia hereby given, thut by au order oí the Probate Court for the County ofWaahtenaw, made on the twciuy-lhiTd day of.Janmuy, a. D 1873, six months from that date were illowed for ereditori to present their claims agahwt the estáte oí' Electa S. Abel, latí' of said county, deceased, and that uil creditors of aaid deceased are requirad to present the claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Albor, ïor examina tion und ullnwance, on or before the twenty -ihird day oi July next, and thitt sueh claims wlll be heara bef ore smd Piobate Court. on Katurday, the mneteenth day of April, and and (n Wednt.sday, the twenty third day of July next, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon oí each of thuse dim. Dated, Ann Arbor, Junuary 23, A. D. 1873. NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1411 Judgeof Probate. Corumissioners' Ktice. JTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of ij The undersigoad, havinfr been appointtd by tlie Probate Court foi siid county, t o rn misionera to reeeive,examine and adjust all claims and demanda ol all persons aguinst the estáte of Philo liitchcock, hite of said county deceased, hereby prive notice tbat six Tnonths from date are allowed, by order of id Probate Court, for creditors to preiwnt their claims i-ainst the estiite of said deceasod, and thal they wil] meet at the late rañdenoB uí said deceased. in the township oí' Sharon, in said eounty, on Suturdny, the nineteentli day of April, and on Wedneaday, the 1 wenty-third duy of July. next, at ten o' doek a. m. of each of aaid duy, to receive, examine, and adjust Raid claims. Duted, January 23, A. I. 1873. EMEKHON A N NABÍL, ELIbHA EIÏKKH, 1411 CommisaioneTB. Commi&sioners' Notice TATE OF MICHIGAN, Countv of Washtenaw.s. The undersisrned, havfng been appointerl by the Probate Court for said county, Coxansswairft toreoeive, examine and adjust all claims and demands pf uil persons offainat the estáte of Julm C. Bmkhurdt, Hen., late of smd county, deceased, hereby give notice tbnt six montbs from date are allowed, by order of aid Piobate Court, lor creditors to present their claiir.s I agaiasi t)ie estáte of said deeeased, and that they will im et at the store ot Mack & rchmid, in the city of Ann Arbor, in a4d county, on Saturdny, the niueteenth day of April, and on Thursday, tlie twentyfourth day of July, next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said days, to receíve, examine, and adjust anid claims. Dated, January 24th, D 1873. PREDKR1CK SCIIMID, CHKItiTIAN VACK, Hl 1 v4 Commissioners. Keal Estato for SaJe. STATK QF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. -ín the matter of the estáte of Mary Lnick, Emanuel Luiek, Amelia Lukk. and i-ydia Luitk, minors. Notice i# hereby giren, that in purniüince ot an order grnntcd to the tnidersigned, Gnnrdian of the i state of wiid minurB, by the Hen Judge of Probate tor the County of Washtenaw, on the twentieth day of Jannary, A. D. '873, tbere will be sold at public vendue, to the higbeat bidder, at the bouth door of tlie Court Jluuse in the city oí Aun Albor, in the . County of "WanhtenHW, Ln snid State, oi' tbe nineteouth ditvof Mmch, A. I). 1ï73, at ten o'clock iu th foreuoon of that day {subject to all encumbntni,es by mnrtpii' (jv otherwlse exutln; al the time ot the snlu, and iiImi aubji ot to the rwljt of dower of the. widow of lïeiny Luick, aeceaeeü, therein), the fullowingdeBcribed re;il etfatef to wit ; The undirided (4-í} fourtüilisof the nortbeast q nart er of the southeapr quitrter ol Bection thirty-four, nnd the nndivided fourflftli-i of the west halt of the west half of the -west half of the outhweat quarter of section thirty-five, in townshïp two Routh of ranpe flve east, in said State, costaïning sixty acres, more or let-B. Dated, Jaiiuary 20. 137:1. AUGUST nUTZEL, 1411 Guardián. Real Estáte for Salo; STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washteunr, ss.- In tlie matter of the e tate of Hurriet E. liordiue, Levi Bordine, uid Lovina Bordine, minors. Notice i iiereby givc-n, tïiat in pumuance of an order granb d to the undersúened, Gundi:in of the ebtute of said minor, by the Hou. Judffe at' l'robuie lor ihe County of Washtenaw, on the sixth day or Junuary, A. D. 1873. tbere will besold at publit vendue, (o the hignest bidder, at tne homestead on the premise hereinafter describtd, in the i ounty cf "W'asbtenHw, iu said Stilte, on Wedsesdny. the" twtlith day cf Mwrch, A. I). 1S73. u ten o'elocï in the forenonn of that day (subject fco uil enoDmbranees by wuotftmft or otherwjse exteting ut the time of snlc].'thv loiiowirg desciibed ren] esxate. towft: The nnrlivided threeelevenlhs (3-11) of the east trnty-five acres of the northettsi ouaxtei oí m etion tliirtythree. the wesi h;If of tbe norlh'-iist quaiter, and the northnxst qnartet of tbe Boulhwest quarter of bteticn thirty-iour, nd the northwent quarter ol tbe northenst qvarter of sectinn tlmiy-livc. ill in township fonr sotith of rnnpe seven east, containinfr one hundred and eighty-five acres, more orleiw, )n said State. Dated, January (ith, A. D. 1878. ASA M. DARLING. H10 Guardian. Beal Estáte for Sale. DTAT33 OP MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw. w, IO In th mftttex of tlie estáte of Ueorye E Goodinp, deceased. Notice is hereby giren, that in puiPunnctf of an order graiUiï to the undersjaned, Executiix oi tbe last wül and testament of said deeeaaed, by the liun. Judge ot Trobute tor the County oí WnshteDaw, uu the twentiet)) dy or Minuaxy, A. D, 1SÏ3, tbere will be sold at public vendue, to the bigbest bidder, at tlie dveUiag houite on the irt mi - in the County of Washtenaw, in xA State, on the twelftb day of Marcli, A. Í) 1873T ftt one o'clor-k in the titemoon of that dy (subject to all encumlianees by moitgage or htheinise exisiing ut the time of the death ot n:nd deeea&ed) tht folloiring desciibed real est.-itt', to wit : The seuth fivfeighth of the west huif of Ihe sovtkeast ■uarter of HeotiOD twt-nty-nine, in township two sootb of ronge geven Past in said State, and also the east halt ot' the southwest quartei of said section tfrenty-niue, lexcepting ten acres out of t';e Qortheast corner of iiid las described parcel oí land in the foim of a partlielogriim tbont sixty rods in lenpth trom norib to southj, contaimng in all oue hundred and tweuty acres, more or 1 ss. Dated, January 20, 1873. ANNIS S. H. GOODING, 1410 Executrix. Keal Estáte for Sale. TATB OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, bb, ■ In the matter of the estáte of Henry McPhillip, cteeeased. Notice is hereby given, that in pursanceot nn order granledto the wnlenñraed. ndministratrix of the estáte of said decéased, by the Hon, Judge oí Probate for the County oi Witshtenaw, on the 13th dtty of Jiviiuary, A. 1). 1873, there wijl be sold at public vendue, to higbest bidder, ut the srmth dnor of the Oouri House, in the city of Ann jlrbor. in the ('ounty of Washteuaw, in said State, r-n AVcdnesday, the 5th day of Mnrch, A. Y. 1873, at 10 o'doek in the forenuon of that day (subject to all eneumbrttnee by mortsrage or otberwise exmting at the tnne oi th death of suid deeeased and also subject to the rijiht of dowerof his widow, therein). the followiiif? describecï real estáte, to wit : All of the cast half of the northwest quarter of section twenty-fow, in township one soulh of range íive east (exeept a strip ninp riiains and forly links iu wicïth at the nortb end nd nine chams and ttiirty-seven links in widih at the sonth end extendüig along the west uide of said enst half of snid northwrrtt quarter), containing forly and ÜC-1DO itmes. more or less Alo, all that part of the east half of the nouthwest quarter of said seetion twenty-fonr, which lies east of tbe land in iid secfion wliieh wa heretofore set off ;tnd paititifined f o Kllen F. Lnteon, under the decree of the Circuit Court for the Connty of Washtenaw, in Chnncery. and north of the lands of said nectioa eet off to "William C. Latson, by snid decree. beinf? twenty ohains andsevrnty InikKinlenplh and ten Chaina íinrt 26 links in width, and eontnirinff twenty-one and 24-10 acies, more or less, all in said" State. Dated, January 13th, A. D. 1873SiAKGAEET McPHXLLI?8, 1409 Adininistratrïx, Keal Estáte for Sale. TATE OF MKII1GAN, County of WnBhteriaw,SB. In the matter oí' tho petate oí Philip Kidinp, deceased. Notice is hereby given, thnt in pnrsuance of an order granted to the underaijrned, Administrator of the estáte of said deceaned by the Hon. .luciré of Probate for the County oí Wasntenav on the et-ond day of January, A. 1'. 1873, tbere will be sold :it public vendue, to the higbeat biddet. at the south door of tlie Court House, in Ann .Arbor, in the Cotinty of Wastitenaw, in sitid State, on AVerincsday.thetwcntTsixtb duy af Fi-t'i iiary, A. I). 1873, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that d:iy (subject to all encumbr.-mces by nsortgageor otberwise existing ;tt tbe timof the deatli of sitid dec'&ist'd), tin following describí d real estáte, to wit : Lot two, blork tour, range one east in Williiim 8 Maynard's addition to tbu city of Ann trbor, m ssid County. iM'erl, Junuary 2, A. D. 137:2. JOIÏN KECK, 1408 Adminjstrntor. Chancerv Notice. TATR OF MICHIGAN, County of "Washtenaw, ss. - The Circuit Court tor the Connty oT Washtenaw : In C'haneery. Francia M. Battles vs. Wilson Battles. It satisfaetoriïy nppeHrinfr upoii due proof by attid;iit tha' llie deffiidant. Wilson Battles, is not a resident of the Ktate of Michigan, but that he resides tt Bpringfleld, in tlie Sftate ol Obso : On mot ion of R. E. Fraasr, solicitor forcomplainananti it ík order ed that the dëfendant, Wüson Battles, cause his ppearanoe to dp entered in this cause within tlneo muittlis from the dme of this order, and that in case of bis appearanoe he cause his axswer to the complainnnt's bilí of complaint to be til tl nd n copy thereuf to be servid on tbe comphunrV olKirnr witbin twen ti days after serviee of a copyol s.dd bill nnd of tbifi order, and on drfault theieof. that the said bill be taken is eou'Vvsed hy the saW defendant, Wilson Batí Il. And it is fiirther ordezed. that within twenty days the said eompJninant cause a cpyof this order tobe publiahed in Michigan Argw, a pnbÜe newspaper pnntext and published in the City of .Ann Aror, WnshteniTw County, Mlchlfran, nnd that such poblicntion be eontinoted in aid paperonce in each week foi bíx successive wí eks, orthai sbe eause a copy of this order to be personally served on the said def ndint, Wil-oii Battlee, ;it least twenty days before the time above preseribed for his nppen ranee. Dated, Ann Arbor, Jan. 81, 187. J. F. I.AWRENCB, lï. E. VïiA'.Kn, Cireuil Couri Commissioner, Bolicltór foT Washtenaw Connty, Michigan. pl:iinmit. 1-112 A GENTS WANTED FOB BOOS! NEEDED BY ALL FARMERS! The best book? publishod on the Horte and the Con Liberal term-. ni".v ma&erafidlf by Ageuts ] inctheBC books. Send for rircu lr . rOKTER & COATES, rtBUfKFEf.. rbiUdeljihia.F


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Michigan Argus