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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. -..'■' NB.COLE, Dealer lo Col. Office w'thFEi-cii . A Qkant, nvcr .-laws'.n & Sons' Store, Ci.r , Fotirth and liaron St. EIHSTÜS THATCHKR Áttorney and Counselor at Law, No. 5 East Huron Street, Aim Albor, Mieh. 1386 MF. FASiUEÏ.kE, M. . Offlcc over . ferry's Store. Rcsidence Washington fetreet, fonr doors east of Sta. ir.T3yl A TH A(U JIIMiBAl S-pUtKIftS. Morris Hala. M. I)., 8upertntondent. Ollice n úuildinur, corner Manu and Weit Huron Strcets. WtF.S & WORISEV, 20.Jouth Msiu street, Ann Ar or, Mich-, Wholesale and retuil dealfcrs iu Ui y U'-niis, Curpets and Rroferiee. SUf M1CK éc SCHEID, Dealers in Dry Goods, (ïroceries, ürockery,c. No. 54 South Main ëtret. WM. JACKSOi Dei}tiBt,sncces?orto C. B. Portor Oülcecdrücr Main and riuronstreets, ver the etore of R. W. Kllis & Co, Ann Arbor, nesthelic8administercd if reqaired. Y7( J". JOHXSON, Dealer in Hats and Caps, Jtj Pars, Siraw Gouda. Gents' Kuruiahing Goods, fcc. No 7 Soutii Milin -treet, Ann Arbor.Mich. SUXHKIttiAiy & WHKDOSj Hfe and Flrelnanrunce Agente, and deálefSin Real Estáte, iílce on Huron Street. BACH A: ABi:i, Dealers in Dry Goode GroCfries, ie lËcXo 26 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. SJjAWSON A; SOS, drocers, Provisión and (Joinuiission Merchante, and dealere in Water i:ne, Land Piaster, and Piaster Paris. No. lti East fiaron street. SStfnHmOT, ffttótetale and Retai! Dealer o Re.idy ..latle Clotblng, Clotha, CaBsimeres, f istlnïs.aiddeni'S Furnislling Go"ds. No.9Soath Bain Street. W!W, WAUVCK, Dealer in Rcady MdeCloth Lég.Olotbs. Cassimeres. VeetiBgs, Hat, Caps, Í"ruuk!,.'ariit?; 1' a, &c 'Jl oiltli Main street. ( ll.nttÓ.f'j üc tflSKE, Booksener audStaVTtiours Medical Law and Uolleaü Teït Books, johool and Miscellaueous Books. No. 3 North Main itreet, Greory Block, Ann Arbor. AJOAH W. OHEEVEK, ATTOEÍÍEY AT LAW ! Öffle with E.W. Morman,, Ride.of Courtllouee Bqure. 33l JT,r. SCHAEáEBLB, Caceocrof Mnsic. a!"tfcinstruction on the PIANO, VSOUN AND GÜITAR, itliis office, No. il South Statu slrcet, tMoore'e iildiu"j,oi-at theresideaceofthe pupil. PIANO TUNIJXÖ, nade a spcciaüly and saHsfaction guarauteed. i:!34yl nKOCÉEK? GLASSWARE & GÈOCERiES, J. & P Ionnelly Have in store a Urge Stock 'ifrookerj-tiiapaware, atei Ware, ''ntlery' vlrqcenea. Sic, se, all tube oldat unannnlly law pr'.-.-. No. 12 Sast Huron Street, Ann Arbor. lltt JT. c P. O?ÍKÍl!tL,Y. TÖHN ö. GALL, XÏBA.ijEïi I3ST FSESH AND SALT MEATS, LJR, SIJSAC;KS, Kc, OracresolicitedaudpromptlyJIIled with ttieb'est neatB in the msrket. tl Baat Washington street Ann Arbor, Sept, 16th, 1S69. 1385tf ManiíTíictnft'f ci Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, ANDSLBIGUS, of every stylo. radde of the best ittiterial, and warranted. Rcpairiiifr done promitiv and prices reasonable. Detroit .-treet, near II. R Deput, Ann Arbor, ..licH. fW4yl. TR. CA. LEITEK CONTINÚES TO FÜT VP AND FILt Pliysicians Prescriptions, At all hours, at Na. t Gregory Block. C. A. LETTER & CÍ3. Ann Arbor, Dec. 22d 1871. ISM 1QR.Ü.B. PORTER, DE2STTIST. Hüein theSAVINGS BAKKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. Ml Operaiions on the Natural Teéth PERFOHMBD IVITHCARB. 57NSTJIÍPASSED FACIIilTIES AND EXPERIENGE SEÏÏI ARTIFICIAL TEETB, TO GIVE EACH INDIVIDUAL, Oenturei ofthe proper site, ekapcolorJirmnessand na ál cxprctsion. 1344 HURRY UP ! PAKTII1S wWhing Wnli Paper, Phades Hollaadö, Window Fixturen, Cordfi, Tassels, Ac, all New Styles, ut rfntisfactorj Pdcés, bj J. K. Webster Ac Co., Book Stort', near the Expíese Office. LOVEJOY, TOBACCONIST ! Ieals iá boíh FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuif, Pipes, ábc., AT JÍO. 7 EA8Í' HÚnOS STEEET, Sext to the Express Office, ANN ARBOR, Mlf.'ir. 1345tf TTOITSE FOB SALE ! -,T!ie reii'leriee of the suUoribei on TJorth strcol' Poëiloh fiveo iiMTTiiintcly. Alsè, the benutiful tniil.Un site oh the Jiill just east ot (Jol. G-rant'a ronidence. Terms very c3y. A göoil im-'giúiV con be made Inquire of Zina 1'. KlMO. 5?. C, 'j'yr-ER. Ano Arlxr, Jan. 23, 1873. 1410


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Michigan Argus