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Vice-president Colfax

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l'rom tuo iiutialo Commercial Advertiser. A reeolution authoiiziug the. Judiciary Gomniitteo to bring in articlea of inipeachment against tho Vioc-Prosidont was defeated yeeterday. The temper oi the House, however, was evinced by the fact that it immediately passed a resolutiou to the same effect, but leaving out the Vieo-President's name. In a dispatch to yesterday's seoond edition, our Washington correspondent snid that the VioePresident was losing bis friends and that there is a preVailing impression that he had been guilly of "perjury and inalfeasencc." What a melaneholy termination to an evcntful und honorable public lifo. We do not want to soe him impeached. The attempt to do so would be u farce, as he goes out of offico in ubout ten days and the present session of Congress expires in tho samo time. Ho! Lot Mr. (Joifax bear with him into private life the crushing load of disgrace and humiliation. At one time the most honored and popular of our public men, he onds liis eareer an object of profound pity. The public can not feol indignant at him. Tliey aro to merciful to despise him With all their heart they pity him, as a man whose good name is ruined and whoso fair fama is disgracofully tarnished forever. POOE COLi'AX. From the New York Evening Post. Wu are sorry for poor Mr. Colfax. If he wants the innocenco he has tho weakness of a child, but of a child to old to imbicile to learn. The pity we feol for him is akin to that we feel for idiotcy. It is provoking, and ono's handst almost itoh to iiifiict deserved punishment, but there is so much of inanity in the committal of the faalt that pity for him who persista in committiiig it is the predoininating feeling. As to argument or oxplanation, Mr. Coli'ax's case, liko Mr. Pattersou's, is past all that. It does not in tho least matter what he sayg. He may have a new story for every day, and a new version of that story every hour ; he inay bring as witnesses to their truth all the ladieu with whom he is acquainted and who havo basked over so long in his smiles ; he may cali upon the parents paternal as well as maternal of all the young Hchuyler Colfaxes, who outnumber in tho western States by many hundreds tho young üeorge Washingtons and Benjamin Franklins. In vain. What ho says is not 'of tbc slightest moment. The only feoling vo can possibly havo about his case is a mild and feeblo curiosity as to what be may say next. Tliey have just had an earthquako in Oregon which ehook up tho people a good deal. One loving husband who had " just stepped out to eee a man on business," rushed home with a billiard cue, that he had forgotten to replaco, in his hand. A snow drift has cut off all railway communication west of Ciuebec. Somo of the trains have been snow-bound in out-of-the-way places. A four days' it orín coased Tuesday, tho severest experienced in many years, Many lives are [aared to have been lost in tho country parishes.


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