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In The House, On Monday Last, Mr.

In The House, On Monday Last, Mr. image
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JÖUTLER, ni beüall ot the Judiciary Commitlee, submitted a report " in tho matter of iuipoachment arising out of the Credit Mobilier Committue." ïho report took the jjosition that the only two impeaohabl persons or offioers involvod were President Coli'AX and Jam a BkoOKS, not as a moiuber of Congress but as a govornment director of the U. P. B.; and tho comniittee hold that tho acts complnined of wero oommittod bei'orc Mr. OOLFAX was Yice-Presidont, he is not impoachablo therefor, and that as the term of office of Mr. Brooksbs director huving expired impeachment of him would bo impracticable. The comraitteo also conolude that the othor mernbers of tho Iiouso involvod oan not bo expelled, tho allegod offenses having beon committed before the beginning of their present terms in Congres.". Mesara. Potter, WtLSOJT, of Indiana, and Goopiucii, of tho oommittoe, did not ooncur in the oonclusions roaohed. The former deelinod to adroit that an officer could not be irapoaohed or expelled for aots dons before he was in office; but, 39 undor tho present oireumstances impeachmont oould not bo followed by trial ho w mld not roommend it. Mr. GooDEicn as.i: ried the right of both impoachme; t and expulsión and recommendod it. 80 far as Mr. Colfax is coneorned the report of the oomrnitteo ignores the faot that the greateefc of the crimes of Mr. Colfax -if there be any criminality attaohing to him - were comrnitted while Vioo-President and pending the investigations of tho Credit Mobilior Committco, and thia pleading tbe statuto of limitation in his behalf is but a confession of his guilt. If Mr. Colfax bought Credit Mobilier stook and profitcd by dividends on it, it was while a member of the House and not while Vice-Presideut. This we concedo. But ifhe bought sueh stook and reaped such profits that defcnse will not answer, for he waa Vioo-President when he bore false witness beforo the Credit Mobilior Comruittee, or in other worda when he added perjury to his previoua niisdemeanors. And may not an officer be both impeaohed and criminally proseouted for that crime ? If Mr. Butler is a íriend of the Vice-Presidont that officer may woll oxclaim, " Lord dcliver me from my frionds." - ■ After some sharp discuseion between Messrs. Butleb and Banks tho O 'nsideration of the report was postponed until Wednesday. And now comea iiie llcarih and Hot e and " gets up on its ear " over what it ohooses to cali " half-way postal roforni.' It is pleasod with the proposed reduction of letter postage ; oqually pleased with the proposition to make thu newspaper publishera prepay the postage on their entiro ciroulation ; but don't relish the continuanoe of free cireulation to the woekly press within the county where published. lts argument in Lavor of prepayment ia. " The statistics of the Postoffice Department show that whilo the legal postage upon the nowspapers carried annually in the mails is about three millions of dollars, the arnount actually colleeted is only ono million. Under our oxisting system, in other words, twothirds of the newspaper postage can not be collcctod at all, and the dopartment loses two millions of dollars overy year in consequence. This wero reason, cnous;h if there were no other, for the proposed change, and the sooner it shall be made the better it will be." "Which is all the morest bosh, that ia unless PostniasterGenoral Ckeswell's subordinates are a pack of thieves. The present postal laws prohibit any postmaster from delivering any mail matter taxablo with postage until the same is paiJ. A very small per centage of postage is probably lost by thoremoval of subscribers and neglect to take papers from tho office. But if the departinent loses two-thirds of the legal newspaper postage, sixty-one of the sixtysix per cent. so lost is stolen. "Will the Jlearlh and Home guarantee that the postage paid by publishers will not be stolen in as largo a proportion as that now paid by subscribers ? Will a simple change of piying parties make postmasters honest i That's the quèstion. As to the freo county circulatton we will join the Jlearth and Home in a demand for perfect equality ; and that wil] be a ecalo of ratea graduated by both weight and distance. It is not neither honest nor just to fix the same rato of postage for delivering the AiiGUS to the adjoining town as it ia to bricg tho Hearth and Hume from New York to the same office. Let the city press " talk turkey " to their country cotemporaries a part of tho time. That famousor infamous capet-bagger Kellogg is Govornor, of Louisiana or we should fay is acting as such. Ho owes his position not to the vote of tho peoplo, but to the arbitrary andunjustaction of Judgei DuiiELL, who enjoined the oleetion board and by illegal orders foreed honors and oíHce upon his protege. Ilis usurpation was such that even tho most radical oí' tho Kadical Senators are foreed to condemn it. Mr. CARPENTEn, of tho Senato Committeo on tho Louisana outrages, indorsod by Messrs. Logan, Anthony, and Ai.coen wrotc : " Viewed in any light whieh your Committee can consider tlicm, tlio orders and injunctions made and granted liy Jud'o Durell in tKis causo are most reireheiisil)]e, erroneous inpolnt ai l;iw and are wholly yoia for want of jmisdiction ; and your Committeo must exprdBB their sorrow and Inaiuliation that a judtje of the Unit States should liare jiroecrdcd in such flagrant disreyard of hiê dttty, and have soj'ur overstepped lite liiiiils of Federal jurisdietioíl." Yet President GltANT rocognized the Kellogg govornuient, theroby indorsing the Durisll outrages, and the Senators eleotod by the so-callod Kellogg Legislature are cheek-by-jowl with the Itadical majority in tho Senate, and more than likely to be admitted to seats. - Tho Presidont's message on Louisiana matters - see another column - should be road in tho light of Senator Carpenter's declaration above quoted. The Marshall JEhrpound&r of Thursday last annourieed the death, at 11 o'clock on the preccding evening, of its publisher and proprietor, Chastain Mann, of inflannnation of the lungs. Mr. Mann has been connected with tho Expounder, eitlior as solo or part proprietor, continuously sinco 180-1, and despite niany and unusual disadvantages has always maintained for it an honorable position in the ranks of the pross of the State. It has been our fortune to onjoy but a slirl t aal acquaintanca with ljiir, begii - n ng, however, boi'oro liia prcpriotorship of the Expounder, buttbat slightaoquairitance bad bred aa adiairation t'or bis many good qualities. And now that Lo Las beon suddenly stricken down in t'i e niid3t of bis labors and usefulnofs o r sympathies go out to his bereavod i'amüy --a widow and sister. Tui) POLAND, Crodit Mobilior Committeo report oarno up in thu Houhc, on tay, the special order being tho recommendi'd rcsolutions espelliug Mcaars. AmL8 and BrooiÏw. The ball was opened by Mr. Pcland who defended tho report and recornmondations in a long speech, being frequontly intorrupted by inquisitiva niembers. Following the dpfonse of Mr. Ames, a lengthy, ingenious, and shrewcl document, was rcad by tho Clerk, aftor which Messrs. Farnsworth, Mekrick and othera spoke, tho fbrmer against the pending resolutiona, the latter in favor. The disonssion was continned tho wholo of Wedncsday's session, Messrsi. Btjtleb, VOOBHEES, SïEVKXSOX, BlliOHAJI, and Banks particpating. The vote wa3 to be taken yesterday, and the discussion does not indícate expulsión. Too many membera " under tho hay."


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