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Coukt House eleotion: to-morrow. - ciiU to-day : or the calendar 3 ou in its reckouuig. - Ti( i ■■ bb llerald acissoa thee Biev irès a " little tou freely. - Thfl ladios fthould be suie to order their visiting carN at the Arcíus office. Another paper l; ti be immediately started ui tliis county : this time at Saline. - At tliis writing - Thursday aöeraooa- Febvuary promisea U go out like a lion. - The Rot. G. L. F03TBB is to preack in the l'iesliyterian church ou Sunday next. - M.vclJo.N-VLD, t'HAi'i.v and (ouoh are the threo lecturers vet coming in the S. L. A. course. - 100 resolved seats wore sold for tlie PaitiJíabio concert within au hour ou Tuesday moruiug. - Patïison luis taken up the lease of the Ypeihmti Commercial- and röêumsd solé control oi tliatjoumal. - County Treasurer FAir-CHILD is reported recovering, and iá cxpeottíd to be ou duty ou Monday next. - _In tlic Circuit Court, ou Monday, the ap. pointmeut of John J. Iíobisos to be Deputy Clerk was ratiiied and conñrined. - The creditors of Hexi;y Goodyhae are referred to the Assignee's Xotice in auother column. There is a dividend aliead. TrwVY lV: Stiles is the name of a new fimi ngaged in general trade at Whitmore Lake.- "We recomnicnd them to the Aeöus readers. Washiugton's hirthday was not celebrated hereabouts : a greater than he- the " Beooud ■Washington" - now occupiod the White House. Prof. d"'Ooge gave au address or discourse bofore the Christian Association of the ty on Sunday evening last, in the M. E. church. _Did the lady junior assist actively at the re:eut exöcution of Physics, and tone down the after cxorcises at Kettioh's ? ïhat's the ques The Turn Verein gavo a niasked ball at Hungsterfer's Hall last eveniug. Tho programme was comioal : or tho getter up of it was mistaken. If any other seetion expericnced f our cold er or more disagreeablu days than Friday, Suturday, Sunday, and Monday last we dou't wish to emigráis thcreto. - Al. W. Ueykolds, a gradúate of the Univorsity and well knowii in this State, was one of " tíubáidy Pom's" agents in tho recent Kansas Buuatorial coutest. - At the Republican County Convention held on Monday last Gko. 8. Wheelee was noniinated for County Superintendent of Schools. He is now serving out his second term. - There was quite a fall of snow Wednesday night, but so drifted as notto niake niuchsleighiug. When the weather modoratea look out for more euow, aiid " six weeks' sleighiii!' in Marcli.' - A Co-operative Life Insurance company has been organizad at Manchester, with Joiin X). Van Düyn, President ; A. E. Hewett, Secretary ; and J. J. UoBisON as one of the Trustees. - Messrs. T. H. Johnson, C. H. Jameson, H. It. Pattengill and C. T. Lañe have been leeted editors oí the University Chronicle, vice Messrs. Komst', Williams, Rüssell and Sheeran, whose tenns of service llave expired. - The Iíev. HXNSY Wíiid B::echeb's portruit is displayed in all the show-windows about towu, mndwiched in between thoseof Patti and Mario. To such " tricks of tho trade " his temporary owners flnd it necessary to rosort pa cxAotï that 11.30 adraission íee. - We congratúlate the Chronicle on its severe strictures upon the recent burning of physics jow-wow. If report is not a terrible liar the performances both on the campus and at " Prof." Kettiuiíb weve exceodingly disgiaceful. We -are glad to 3ee the ChrunuU' denounce such dcinga. - Eoguiar exorcises at the Uníversity were suspended yesterday, it being the day for prayer ior colleges. A prayer meeting was held in tíie new chapel immediately after morning oxercises, and Dr. Cockee preached in the same room at ' ■o'clock 1'. if. - The Uhroiiicle is in doubt whethcr the suc■cessor to Prof. Tylee " is graudson, grand nephO'.v, or great fourth cousin" to Washington Iüvixg. As the digtinguuhed author naiued Tras oever m&rried ílieiT ought to bu no diñiculty in renderinL a verdictagainst the " grandsua " suggeñtion. - Daniel B. Dodge, of Ypsüanti, who has ÜTed in that city since 1 SóO and "was one of its ■best known citizens, died on t'ue 16th inst, aged 66 years. In tonner years Mr. Dodob was a Tery active Democratie politician . He filled and ■wcll-nlïed many local oífice3, and for scveral yeará was Depity Collector of the Port of Detroit imder Miciiael Shoemaker. - The lecture of Mr. E. L. Godkix, of the JVïth'oït, in the S. L. A. course, was largely attended on Friday eveniug last. The lecture was well written, and ably discussed the subject, " The Nobility of Moráis," but the verypoor voice and delivery of the lecturer made it impossible for muoh the larger portion of the audieuce to bekome iutorosted. We were sorry to notico BOme efforts at rudeness and insult - au evidence that Bome present were unable to appreoiate worth. - Empty declamatioH is the food of such. - A postscript to a recent business letter from Prof. say's : " I observe that in yeur last paper you speak of 'the late Prof. Tyleb.' Excuse me ; but, is going to N. Y. equivalent to going to heaven? Allow me to assuro j'ou, in the eloquent words ef D. Webstee, that '1 still live.'" "Equivalent to goiug to heaven:" that's good ; but it had n't struck us in that light. T'other plac might come nearer beingan equivalent. Howover, we are pleased to kiiow that the "late" professor in the University "still lives," and " long may he wave." At the República State Convention held at Lansing, on Wcdnesday, Judge Cheisïiancy, of the Supreme Court, was nominated for rc-election, by acclamation and without opposition. Over the Regents of the University thcre was a lively fight The candidates were "legión." On the fifth ballot Hon. E. C'. AValkee, of Wayne, received 103 of the 185 votes, aud hifi uomination was made unaaimoua. After four more ballets Andeew J. Ciacus, of St. Joseph County, a member of the House, was nominated, Trof. Büii, of the Agricultural College, and Dr. Thomas, chairman of House Committee on University and Normal School being faja principal competitora. We don't know anytliing about Mr. Climie, His god-father, Hou. B S. Eogle8T0N, said of him, "the candidato he preseuted wa, as he had heard, the gradúate of a saw mili. Be that as it might, he waa a man of sound knowledge and discrimination, one who could control weigbty interests in behalf of the Univeraity ; one whom the members of the last as wcll as the present Legislature know to be qualifiediuevery respect." The Frce Press correspondent intimates that he is in the Homeopathie interest, but we did n't know that " littlc 'pilla" come under the head " weighty." Those popula favorito The Lixoaeds are announced for oue oL thoir inimitable performances at the Opera House on Tuesday evening next. The programma consistas of "Aday aftor the Woddins" the " Xuw Lingard Skctc!.e' ' and Lmgaatf. Mw Comió Opera. Concerning a recent performance of this compauy in Detroit, tlie bree Press sayshumor dunng öe enhro progieBa of the nla-i of A hce Dunm,,,, Lingard na "lLlv tíabeV W. H. Lingard as Scarlet Fae," ijr y CnSpaÍ?. IlatV and A' Amo13 - itaisoneofLingard's t remarkabl


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