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"the Best And Cheapest Hotel In America."

"the Best And Cheapest Hotel In America." image
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There a great mauy hotels in this country whose proprietors, with a senso of confldenoe, lat is tmly touching, will believe that the above Reding refers to their particular hotel, and no other. If these proprietors vero all assemblcd in a body at the certain time und place, and a trompet was to sound the above quotation, wouldn't each and every proprietor there cry out 3 if with one voice : " ïhat's ïny house 't " We ay, "Xo ! " But our "truvuliiig correspondent," vhose perainbulations extend through overy uarter of the globe, says, it is "Alas, too true ! " nd we tiubinit to his superior j udgmcnt. "We mean, however, to speak of New York lotels. There is one hotel on Broadway, that ertainly is the largest, bost and cheapest firstlass hotel in that city. AVe wish to say, and experience "vvill boar lis ui, that when a guest receives an elegantly omished room, with meals, at his command, roin early breakfast every hour till midnight, vith a perfect parlar on tpheelê for an ele vator, 0 carry him from one floor tu another, and all 01 $-i.00 per day, we thiuk the pro}rietor of hat hotel may come forward and claim the above ïüe for his house. The Grand Central Hotel, n Broadway, upon which has been lavishod early two millions (S2,ÜÜO,OÜ0) of dollars, is hat hotel. lts proprietor, II. L. Pov.'EES, ju.iciouily diserhninates between the upper and ower floors, fixing the prices at $3.00, $3.50 and 1 .00 per day, according to location. The O rand Jentral is th ouly hotel we knoiv of, that does )usines3 on this system. The Circuit Court opened on Monday, Judge Cüaxe presiding. The Calendar coutained '9 ssues of fact, scveral of whioh on first cali were narked " continued," discontinued," "not proprïy noticed," " notice withdrawn," " settled," se. We note the following business, asicle fi"om motions, up to yesterday noon : The Germán Farmers' Fire Insurance Company, rs. Jacob Jhons. Canias. Discontinuad without costs to eithcr party. ?he People vs. Jacol) Jhons. Xol. pros, cntered. Wm. Gr. Chaffee vs. Iionry Goodyear and llarvey Blackma-.i. l'Iea witlulrav.n andjudgment forPl'ff. D 135.26. Constant E. l'ond vs. WiqI. Brown and Geo. W. Brown. Plea witlawn and judgment ioi-ri'lï. Daniages, J138.37. rJ"nc People is. Iiunry Williams. Information for assault with intcnt to kill. Axraigned and plead not guilty. The People vs. Iliram Allen. Information for embezzlement. Arraigned, picad not guüty, and reoognizanoe cntered: Joseph Follmor and Onmin S. Burt, sureties in $700 cach. John K. Barnard - AUmitted to citizcnsliip. Hcnry E. Watsun vs. Ilannah E. Wntson. In Divoree. Decree prunted coinplamant. L'ho l'eople vs. Daniel Miles. Information for Arson. Eecognizance of prigonei: John Costelloand Israoi Baily, BUretios in ÏJOO oaoh. Chu Peoplc is. Chris, Hillman. Assault on a woman. Appeal. Coutinued. ppeal oí líus-scll Whipple, Adin'r, ontlu: estáte of Jetlcliah Wiuslow, against aiiowing claim of AmLviv Winslpw. Jury out. [nthe uiatierof tlio appeal oï Tiuhocca Smith from the decisión of the Judge of IJrobate ' wiug hei claim agednat EboneserBrnith, Uuardiiin of iíary J. ïSmitii, niinor. Trial progressing. The Eclectic Magazine for Mareh lias a very iiii; portrait of Bret liarte, and a table of con;entt variu;lT eatertaining and inistructive. - inong them are : The Issues Eaisod by the Pro:estant Synocl of France, Tlio Uisadvantages oí Living in a small Oommunity, The Two MaryBi by Mrl Oliphiuit, Tho Story of La Valliere, Herüditary Improvcmont- by Francis Ualton, The Oiiildrou of Lebanou - au Anicricau Idyll, The Ileceut Star-lShower and títar-SJiowersgcnerally, Víctor Hugo, Too tëoon - a Novel - by the author ;í Tatly, The Truc Story of the Juggernant, Litenuy and Art Notes, etc. E. lt. Pelton & Co., IOS Fulton strect, New York. The Catholic World for Maroh lias : Tho Eelation of the llights of Conscieuce to the Autliority of thu Stilte, Tlio AVidow of Xaih, Flcurane, ATuerii::ui Cftthoüoe ;md Parfcisau Newspaperg, Brussels, Siiyings of S. John Climacus, cu in the Nineteenth Gentury, A Peari , The Benefita of Italian TTnity, Sonnet, otions of tere Hi rmann, A D&ughter oí Inic, The ïaS ■ reaa of Preliisioric ■ V, A'.hintic Uriït, and ' rist, The Rolïj-iii Y..:..n ui the Barbaiïans. ïhis numher clu ' tn rolmne. 18 a yetir. io.n House, 8 W i


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