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Detroit Live Stock Market

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[''rom the Detroit Free Presa. Michigan Central Yap.ds, Monday, Teb. 24. Acontinuous falling olí' iu tho reoeipts stiU prcvails at these yards. The unfavorable prices di the past few wucks has undoubteclly produoed ihis inactiviíy. A comparativo ytatquicnt of the ['ocoipts for four wccks ia this month is giveu below : Cattle. Hogs. Shecp. Week ondin? February s 402 2,460 8,062 Weak endüíg Febroaiy 10 500 1,184 2,880 Weekenuingl'ebrni.iyl! 511 1 TíH 1,880 W%ek endingr February 24 '235 48U 4,050 Total 1,788 G.705 11,S32 CATTLH. The yards wcre mostly occupiod by Iota brought in hy local drovers, who were tcinptcd to venture by the unfavorable markets oï the previous weeks, but tlie indifferance mauiíested by butehers ai:d Bhippeis mado thom sonir.wiiat despondent. The same clobeness and liuggiiig to previous quotations was exliibited as on the week provious. Sellers, however, hung teuaciously to thcir priees, reserving theirlots, if uusold, for the market at lïing's cattlo yards. This aotion on tlio jn'cvious week brought bettorpricos íor who pursued that course. The cattlo displayed were of a fino class, ospccially some i'rom the western "part of the State. We find that tho choicest lots were unsold this moming and takeu to the other market. Prices run as foüowa : Otujice to extra, averaging 1,200 to 1,500 lbs., in good fleah und build . $5 25(Tfl5 50 Common to cholee, averaging 1,000 to l,SO0 ll.s , in medium iiusli and build... . 4 25@4 75 Liht Ciittle ior i'eeders Si 503 25 JIOGS. Th peiB sliow vory inferior lots lield for sale The sanio scarcity prevails, and prices rule acooTÖingly. Choico lots are never permitted to remain in owners' hands longor than sale can be fcffected. We quote : Lot nverngiog 250(300 lbs. suitablu for pookMi, $4 60@4 73 Lota averaging I60O200 lbs. nice shape and good lor store 4 60O4 CO SHEEP. Some of tlie choicest lüts of the season were presènted is tin; yards and bought by Easlin shippers. It bas boen noticod that the average of slieop fvom this State has been superior to any year for a decade. Two lote, long-wooled, averaging 110 to ïh) lbs., brought $6 12; and Lots of pretty good quality, but light, brought S4 úOííf 7ó. Sales altagether were mado Undol the following pricos: Lots ayeraging S0 to 00 lbs, choice grades and in exoellent coodltion $5 25@5 5 Lota ■■) To 'Ju lbs, medium grades nid order 4 25 4 7


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