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LC.RÏSDO ,S I AÜVBRTISEMENT. ; Now is tho time to buy PARLOB & HEATÏNG STO7ES. I will sell them at COST nntil furtber notice. ïo. 31 S. Main St, Aun Albor. ■I rpHE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE ITY OF AUN ARBOR! H. COHEN DEALEB IH 9 !Millinery &g. We Sell for Cash Only. HlStf Jo SOC1H MAIS 1TBEET. Or TnslelcBn.Coatpe, Concontrated, Koot and Herbal Ju lee, AntiBUloas Granules. THE 'HITtE CilAXT CITEIAKTIC, or F.Hultuiï in Parvo l'ïiyslc. O The ïiovdty nf modern MJIcal, Chcmicn! end riiíinHaconúcíü Science. No uc of any lon&er Utking tliu lan;'5, repulsivo and nanseona piF!, composud of cueitp, (rudo, and bnlky ingrediente, tvhen to can ly a carefal apptication of chemlcai ie, extract, uil Uio cathurtie p.nd othrr medicinal propertles from tbc moet valuable roof anti lisrbs, and con éntrate tiunt Into a minuto Granule, scarcoly laraei' Uinu si miistartJ tsüed that can bo reatlily ílvallo'.v(ld by tiloso oí tho most sensitivo ptomucha ftud fatttldlooB tastes. BaoblltUe Síi ruta? ivo Vel iet representa, in a most concéntrate I form, as much cafhartic power os is embodied In rny of the large pills fonnd foi balo in tiiii druii fthopA. I'juia thcir womierful catharttc powor, in proortlon to their eize, peapla whu havi; nottricd tnem nrc apt 1 enppoee tbai they are barah or (trantic :u effuct, but nch is not at all tho capo, tho different ariivo medicinal principie of whtch tbey are componed lein iï bo bnrmoiilEoiI aiul moiliflcd, one by tho others, as to produce a most senrcliliiK and thorousli, yct sant !y and klndly opcraiing catliartic. $300 Krtvaril v' hereby ofTercd liy tlio protirictor of tbcae Pellets, to ai;y cheiaist who, upon a&alysis, will flnd in theni any C'alomel or otlier fonu of mercory or any other minaral poison. jlBeliigcntlrPly voprctablc,no particular caro is teqnired wliilo uslng thera. They operate without diatnrbanca to tlíocoustitittion, diet, oí' oceupation. For Janudico, Kteitclaclic, Coustipaifton9 linpiirc lSlooct9 Pain Ín tho Slioulders, 'J'igrutiiens ot the Cliost, DizziucBs, Sonr Cructations of tlo Miimaiii, Bad tasto in moutii, Ullioiix atlckB, l'aln in roffion of Itidnrjs, lntcrnnl FcTfr, ISlontod fcclln;; abont Stonsacli, Ruah oí niood to Ilcad, Iííijíí C'olorod tritio, l'nsociability and looniy Forcbodings, take lír. Plorce's Plcasunt P réatlvo l'cllcts. In explanación of tlie remedialpowor of my Purfative l'elk'ta over po prcat a variety of dieaees, wlsh tosay that thcir actlmi npoii tho animal cconoiny 1 ni versal, nota fliiml or tiSHüo cwiiniíi); tjaeir sanaivo lmpreRS Age does aot impair themj thcir coating ana being encloscd in glae8 bottles preservo thcir virtues unimpaired for any lemrlh of timo, in any clima te, so that tUey are al trays fresh and reliable, vhicli iñ not the caso Wl& the pilla formd in the drug stores, put np in cheap wood or paste-board boxea. Recollect that fornll diseaseg where a I.aialiTc, Alterativo or Purgative is indicated, tkese little Pelleta will give tliuuiost perfcct eatisfactiou to all wiio use t'hein. Tliey are sold by 11 cntcrprisíjlg Drutrfriftís ni 25 cents a bottle Do not allow any dmggist to induce Ton to tako anything else tliat he may cay is just as good as my Pellets because bn makce a larper proflt on thftt which he recoramends If your drnggist cannot Bupply thcm, endose 85 cents and roceive them by return mail from L Jt. V. riMItCE, M. D., rropr, BÜFFALO, N. Ï. No Pcrson can talte these Bitters accordlng to directious, and remain long unwell, provided tUeir bones are uot destroyed by mineral poiaon or other mcaus, and vital organs wasted beyond te point of repair. Dyspojisia or Indigestión, Ileadache, Pain In the SnODlden, CoukI's, Tightness or the Chest, Dizziness, tiour Eruciations of t!ie Stomaeh, Bad Tasto in tlie Month, Bilious Attaeks, Talpitation of tho Heart, inflanimation of tlie Lungs, Pain in the región of the Kidncrs, and a hnmlred otlier painful eyniptoms, are tlie on"-spriugs of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits tUan a iengtliy advertisemeut. For Female Cmplalnt8, In young or old, married or single, at the rtawn of womanhood, or the turn of lite, thcne Tonic Bittera display so decided an Inünence that improvement i9 soon perceptible. . For Inünmraatory and Clironic Rheumatlsm and Gout, Bllioas, Remittent and Intermitteut Fevere, Diaeases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, tliese Bitters have no equal. Such Diseasea are caused by Vitiated Blood. They are a ciitlc Purgatlve as well as a Toiiic, possessing the merit of acting as a powerful ai?ent in relieving Congestión er ïnüammation of the Liver and Visceral Organa, and In Biüons Diaeases. For Skin Diaeases, Eruptions, Tetter, SaltKUeum, Blotehes, Spots, Pimples, Pustyles, Boila, Carbunelea, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Eore Eyes, Eryeipelaa, Ilch, Sonrfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Hamóra and Eisease3 of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are iterally dug up and carried ont of tli e eystem ui a BUort time by the use oí these Bitters. Grateiul Thousands preelaim Vinegab Bittek3 tne most wonderful Invigorant that ever Busuiined Mie Binking system. k. h. mcdonald & co. Drnggiats and Oen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal., A cor. of Washington and CharltGn Sts., N.Y. SOU) BY ALL DBüGGiars & DE.ÜEBS, 3111 JKÉ51T 'ÊLWWMi& Dr. Cox's Blve (Cronp) Syrup has been aioivn and used by the medical profcssion over 100 'ears, and as a remedy for Colds and Conghs has an older and bctter roputatiou thon any other Cougb Qedicine ever ofl'ered to the public. It is known aa he Compound Syrup o Sqmlls, and a formula may e found in cvery medical dispensatory. Dr. Jiaiisom' Hlve Syrnp and Tolu, n addition to the ingrediente for Cox's Hive Syrup, ontains Balsam offoln, decoction of SkunkCabbage toot and Lobclia, a combination that must commend t to every one as a superior remedy for Cronp LVIioopinc Cougli, . nI1iiii:i, Bronchitis 3oushs and Colds, indeed for al] aflectious of he Throat and Lmngs where a Congh Medicine is necessary. Tbls Syrup Is Carefully Prepared nnder the personal direction of a regnlar Physician f over twenty years' practice, whose eignature is atached to the directiona on the bottle. lts tante is very pleasant and childrcn liko Evcry famil j shonld keep it as a rcady remedy or Croap, Colas, etc., among the childien. f_DEAN8OM, Son & Co., Propr's, BuiTalo, N. Y. DR. J. R. MILLER'S UKIVEBSAL RE AGNETIO BALK Tlils medicine may ivlth proprlety be called an " Universal Kcmedy," as it is ast supersoding all othera as i general lamily mediine. It cures, as if by MAUNET IC INFLUENUE, Neuralgia and all pain, and is therefore very properly ermed "Magnetic Balm." It is purely a vegetable reparation. It has no equal as a remedy for Iholevtif Cholera Ulorbus, Dlarrhcpft Dysntery, Colic and all JBowel Coniplalnts. lts tlmely use Wlll cure Colds, Croup, Diphheria, Qninsy, and all Throat aflections. TVliu properly used, Fever and Ague, and ther complaiuts incident to our western and southern limates, are easily broken up. Pfervous Pain, Sick-Ucadachc, and Rhenmatsm are cured by this medicine when all others hava ailed. Toothache, Earache, Burns, Chilblains and mises are relieved at once by its use. TIi'c aenuïno bas D. Bauaom Si Co.' rivate Revenue Stamp on the outside, and Dr. J. TS liller's Magnetic Balm blown in the bottle. lüxainiiic closely, and buy none but the genuinev Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 cent per bottle. " D. Bakbom, Son & Co., Propt's, Buffalo, N. Y BOOKS. BOOKS J. R. WEBSTER & CO. NEW BOOK STORü Ut il EXPRESS OFFICE," E TO ÏOUR INTEREST AND CALL. BOOKS. I fHEliilAimi FOR SALE. HENEY GOODYEAR, of Hharon, having iwsigned 11 bis propeity to us lor the boneüt of his credilors, e now ohijr the pvoperty fer sale in pareéis to suit lurchasera. The lanáa aro iirst elasa - none belter in ie State. Over one thouaand acres of improved hmd n a body. Persous t-iying can assumo mortguges for part of the pnrchoee money. All huving claims gainst the Kiid (iooüyear are reo.uested to present ïrm to the :i: Uated, September 2Cth, 1872. R. S. 8MITIT. W. H. CALKIN. W9 JO8. MoMAHOW. yiIEBE TO BUY BLEACHED COTTDNS ! IV3ACK & SCHMID Have just received a large stock of the 8E8T AN9 MOST PSFULAR .... . New York Mills, Wamsnttas, Utica, Nonpareils, Tuscarorae, FRUIT OF THE LOOM Lonsdale, Huls' Semper Idem, Cabots, &c. AI.SO, 1H As well as in other linea of our goodn, we re enabled to mIiow the Largest and Best Assortment In the city, nt tlie LOWE8T PRICE8. ttdil SnccoBBor to COLGROVE & SON. %ffiA__r-la il t ,: , ;■■ ■ r-dm.i ysS ■■ ■■■■■■'? Gj' ■ ríy DRÏJGGÏST AND CB1ÍÜST IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, Ko. 12 E. HUEON STKEET, DEALEK IN i)Ri (s, nEnicinrES, SWUilCAL nSTRITJEÍTS, PIRE WISES 11D MQrORS, tFOR MKDICAL PURPOSES ONLT.) Fimcy Goods, Periumery, PAIBfTS, OILS, VAUNISHES, it,ASS AND PÏTTÏ, PHYSICIANS' PBESCRIPTiOSS Carofally componnded at all honrs. I PE OP OS NOT TO BE UHDES.SOLD BT ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHO PURNI H AS GOOD AN AaiICLE. E. B. CIDLGV. 1307tf IS NOW . BEADY FOB TOB FALL IK Having Receivod a Large Stock of FALL Si WINTER G-ooms, 1NCLODING OLOTHB, OA8SIMERE8, VE8TING8, &.G. of the BEST STYLES and GÜAIITIEPi WHICH HE W1LI, MAKT 17 F AOTURE on terms to suit. Also a full line of READY-MADE OLOTHING AND Gents' FURNISHIKG Goods. BEST J3"37-S-IjEJ ALSO LADIES1 AND GENTS' MOROCCO SATOHELS No. 21 Sonth Main Street,- EastSidej' OALL AND SEE THEM. WILLiAM AVAWtB. Ann rbor, Octobcr lst, 1&T2 MOTHERS! MOTHERS!! I . OTHESS ! ! ! Don't fail to procure AIRS. tVINSL.OWS SOO'IIIIIVO SYttUP FOK tJIIIIiMUKÏÏ XEUTIIINft. Thls valonólo preparation hfis been nsed with NEVER-FAIUNG SUCCtSS IN THOUSANDS OF CASES. It no t only relieves the child from pnin, imUniigoratea the stomnch and bowels, coryects rfcidily, and gives tone and energy to tbe whole sysLem. Itwill also inataully rtjieve Griiting' in the Howels and Wind Colic. Webelieve UtheBKST and SUREST REMEDY IN THE WOIÏLD, iu all cases of DYSENTERY AND DIARKIMA I CUILUIiEN, wlielliiT IlSin from teethin?; or any other casi;. Depend upon it motliers, it wiU give rest to yoiirelvcH, and Eelief and Health to ïour Infants. Be 8ure and caJl for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothiu Syrnp." navinü tlio fac-simile of "CÜRTIS4 PÏREINS' on the ontside wrapper. Sold by Diuggists throaehout the world. ly A Rave Chance TO XETA 1ar?e and modera new Grocery Store in Buchoz Bloek, Detro t Street. Undoubtedly the best location in thiit part of the city for tmid business. A Looil large cellar and ncw barn attaehed to tho prcmises. The rent is $ííOü yearly, to be Uikeu ín roceries for íay fanuly ase. Also a fine new Ment Mavket, nll compTetGTjoining my blor.k, with modern improvemcnts, marbíó table &c, largo new amoke house, lare brick cistern and cellar, new barn and all ready for nw, with thre; family rooms above. Store reñís for $J30 yearly ; taken in ment for my family uae. Also a Kinall store in my block, houaea, rooms, &c, to letFORSAr.E Three good largo earrine or farm horses, one flne new C&rrlaffe, bugies-, wagons, inrmíug toóla. Alao tJireo goodcows. HüOtf Xuquire of t. B. BÜCHOZ. - TEN HEA8OM8 WHY No Family should be without a lottte of WHITTLESEY in. the house. t.- Itwill relieve the worst case of Bil i OU Ch o! er Cholera Morbusims minute 2d, - It will cure the most obstinate case & Dyspepala and In digestión in a fui weeks. 3 d - It is the best remedy in the worlcl fni Slok Headaohe, as thousands can teslify, i taken when the first symploms appear. 4th. It is the best diuretic ever put bcforf the public; curing those distressing cumpiaims, Diabetes and Cravel and other Urinary d fficultles. Bth.- It is a most excellent Emmenil' gogue, and to tho Toung Cirls. middle aged Wpmen, and at the Turn of Life, tliis remcdy is of incalculable valué. 6tn - It will remove wind from the bowels, nd henee a few drops in some swectened water given to a babe is better than a do?en cordiaïs tdRelieve n nel make it Sleep. Containing no anpdyne. 7th. - It is a sure relief íor adulta and children affectcd with Worms and Pin Wotmsi It will bring away the worms. 8th.- Itwill cure the Pllesand Hemorrhodial difficulties. 9 th.- Itwill cure Constipa tlon and keep the bowels regular. It will also cure the worst case ofSummer Co mplalnt and Dysentery. lOth.- It will cure Sour EtomacM, Stlmulato the Llver 11 l.ealthy action. Relieve Heart-Burn and act as a general Regulator of the iystem. WhenTaken dihite the dosc with Sugar and Water to a Win C laas full and you have a pleasant tonio. Whittlesey (Dysycpsia Cure) $t.oo per bottle. Whittlesey Agüe Cure 50c. per bottle. Whittlesey Cough Gramdes 25c. per nottie Sold by all drüggists and warranteil. tflütüesey Prop. Med. E0., Toledo, Ó. l J. JOEiOI H ATT ER ! HAS HECBIVE HI9 PAU k II1T1R STOCK Hats and Caps, IN LATEST 8TYLES, LADIE8' FTTHS, GE5TS' FIE3ISHIÏ 09S, ETC, wnicn ns troposes to sell at pkIces WniCH DEFY COJ?PETITION. 7 Eouth Main St., Ann Arboi. WISIIART'S JITSTE TREE NATURAS GR E AT RE5IEDT FOR III E THKOAT AiND JLUÍSGS. It is ío tía to inforra the public that Dr L i'l. v. Wishart 's Fine Tree Tar Cordial, for 'ï'hrfmt and Lu ng Hijeases, haa gained as enviable reputation from the Atlantic to the Pacifie coast, and from thence to .me ofthefirst faffilfea of Enropo, not t rongta the presa alone, but by persons throughout the States actually beneflted #nd cnred at his offlee. While he publiahes leas, so say onr reporters, he is unable to pupply the It gains and holds its reputauon- First. Not by stopiinvcough, bot "oy lóoefenïng au . HftBlstilkg ïinturc to throw off the unhealthy matter collecte, tbo thctbroataiulbroiichial tubes which causes irriüxtíon . i Second. It removes the canses of irritation (which produces cough of the mucons membrane and bronchiai tube, assteta t:;e langa to act and throw off the unhealthy secretions, and pa rifles the bteod. Third. It is free fn-m squills, lobelia, ipecác and opiam, oí which most throat md taftg remedies are coniposed, which allay oongb only, and disorganize the stomach. It ha's a soothiug effect on the stomach, acts on the liverand kidneys, and lym pathic and n rvous regions, thus reaching to evcry part of the system, and in its iüvigoratiug and pur;ifying effectslt has guined artputation which it must hold above all others in the market. NOTïCl'. THE PIME TREE TAR CORDIAL, 6BEAT AMERICAN DISPEPSIA PILLS. AND WORM SUGAR DROPS Being nnder my Imnsedlaato diicctiun, tbey shal notloose their curative qualitics by the use o cheap and ïinpure articles, HENKY R. WI0Í1RT, ÏROHEIETOK, FREE OF CHARGE. Dr. L. Q. C. Wtshart's Oilice Parlón aio open oa Mondays, TuesOays and Wednesdiya from 9A. M to 5 P. M., for consultation by Dr, W-n.T. Magee. Wiili .iim aio assooiatci two conaultlng physicians of acknowledged ability. This opportunity is not offtired by any oilier inttitutiou ia thocity. All letters must be addressed to L. Q. WÍSHAKT, M. 1)., Pío. 232 N. iecoiitS St., PHILADELPHIA. tme i ARGUS BULLETIN ! Wanteü 2000 NEW SUBSCRÍBEOS M Moc Merchante ánd Business men, who knowing their own interests will advertise in the Akgus. GÜT YOtílt BAL CAEDS, BUSINESS GARDS, VlSITING CAEDS, WEDDING CAEDS, At the Argus Office. j GET TOUR BILL-HEADS, CIRCULABS, LETTEE-HEADS, STATEMENTS, At the Argus Office. GET YOÜÉ LAW BLANKSr &A1V BRIEFS,ÍiAW EECOEDS, PROGRAMMES, AT THÉ ARGUS OFFICE. New Type Best Pressesy Good Workiiïibïi, AND EEASONABLE PRICES ! ÖP" A WÖÉD f O THE WÏSÈ, Fur Scrófula, Scrof'tr uIoiih Dímuhcn of IX " Eyes, or Scrofh A la In jjiiy f'orni. Jjlf Any disease or eruption ! $s f e Skin, disease of the ' vJjïï Iiver, Rheumatiflm, PimV ples,OldSores,ÍJlcers,Broksr _ en-down Coastitu t i ons, - Syphilia, or any disease de.Sj@, pending on adepraved'eonjÈ dition of the blood, tiy T DR. CROOK'S JimSr syrüp or f! POKE ROOT. 5ö9 It 'ias Che medicinal propWfá&t ertyof Pokecombinedwith gjy a preparationi of Iron which" tlJp goes at once into the blood, TO- performing the most rapid ■iHr and wonderfnl curea. Ask yonr Druggist for Dr. Crook's Compound Syrup of Poke Boot - taka itand behealed. TVriHTMOBE LAKE. Having recentiy refltted and furnished the CLINTON HOUSE! Iamnowprepared to recoiye and entertain pleasure, flshiug aud dancing partios, at one of the most attractivc, pleasant aud hcaltby watering places in the west. Myboats are new, lftrije and comraodious, and well adapted for the use of pleasimvReekers. Angkrs wU flud a ful! and complete equipmeut alwuys on hand. Special atcentiofl given to ïfte wants and comfort of t'hose who wisli to Fpend a few 7eekS" in riicreation dürinff the warm suiiiraer monthe . Nopains will bo epared to make WIIITM'nRK ,AKK,iu the future aeinthepast, a favorite summer resort. D. F. SMITII. Mortgago Salo. DEFATJÍjT haring bun made in the conditions of aecitam in kil ilie livat day of March, A: D. 1868, made and executed by John Diehl and Margaretta Dn hl, ot the ciiyof Aun AiW, Michigan, to Kenry L. Jamea, of Williamburgh, in the State of Mossaohusetta, and recotiied in theofnceof the Kegister of Deeda tor the Couniy of Washtenaw, SUiteoi Michigan, on the thirS day of March A i) 18B8, m líber 30 of mortgage, at page SZ, whioh Biud mortgage was on the twenty-sixth day oí' Di s A. I). 1872, Bold and aaaigned bi Baid He'nry I,. Jamea toLeonard Uruncr. which raid assignment wna on the thirtietli day of January, A . 1). JS7;(, recorded in the office of the l!;i ■ il öesds afWresaid. in liber 3 of aaaignmefel of mbrtgages, on page 604; and wheroa, théie is due and unpaid on said ïnortgnge ut the date of tlii notiee the sum of twenty-six ! dolían [19600.00) and no snit oi proeeeding at law hai boen instUuted to recover the same or any part thereof. Notico is hereby given that on Mondar, Hay twelfth, A. D. 1873, at 12 o'clook noon of that day, at the front door (soulli side) of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor.Washten&w Count; virtue of the power ot gale mtalned i:i saiamortgage, I shall .-.■!) ot public auetion, to the highest bidder, the p] rib d In Baid mortgti rnueh Hwreofae may be neeeaaaxy losatisfythe amount dne on Baid mortgage at the date of tliis notice, with interest, aud ilie oost and expenses allowed by law, and also an attorney fee of $30.00 as provided ui said mortffiific. The tollowing is a description of tin: land and premisefl aa given in said mortgage, and to be wil.! in putstiance of the above notice, to wit : All those certain pieces oí parcela of land situated iri the city of Ann Arbor, Cotinty of Washtenaw, and State aforesaid, known, bounded anddeaeribi lows, to wit: BeiogloMntuuberafiveandsix (5 and 6) in block number nine, in O-rmsby and page's addition tl) thé Tülage (now cityl of Ann Arbor, and also thal part of lol iinnii jghi in saiil block, lying south of a direct Hm: from tHe east ooi ner of said 'lot iive to tho southeast corner of said Mock mimbëi niue, with the appurtenancea thereunto belonging. Dated, Ann Arbor, l'ebruai y '!3, 1873. i LliONAHB (ililTNER, Fbsdibioz Pistobtd, Assignee. -Htorii&y for Assignee. 1413 Mortgage Salo. DEFAULT having been made in the condilion of a certain mortgag-e, made and executed by Kdward Byan; ál liortliflem, Uounty of Waabtenair, and State of Michigan, to William S. Barry, oí tl place on the Bist day of August, A. D. lSfili, and recorded iu olhce ol the Kegister of Deed I Courxty of Washtenaw, on Ilie fourlh day of 1 1 ber, A. D. 18C6, at flve o'clock 1'. M. of said day, in liber 37 of mortgages, on page 228, which said inovtgage, wasduly asragned by said William S. Barry to Lnther James, of the "ity of Ann Arbor, Cooni and State aforesaid, on the foürth day of December, A. D. 1800, and recorded in the office "f the Register of Deeds lor said County of Washtenaw, on the fonrth day of Deceabar, A. 1). 1800, at live o'clock 1' II. of said day, in liber 36 of mortgages, on page that thero is claimed to be duo at the dftte iiereof, the sumofsix hundred and tifty-seven 97-100 dollars ; also an atlonieys' fee of thirty dollars ahonldany proceeding be had to foreclose the same, and further instalraents to become due on said mortgage, and no suit or proceedinga at law or in equity having been had to recover the debt securcd by said mortgage or an y part thereof . Notice is hcreby given, that by virturë fff 1 hfl power of ale in said mortgage contained, I shnll sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on thetwenty-ninth day of March A. D. 1873, at two o'cloek iu the afternoon ot' that day, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, find State of Michigan, the premises described in said mortgage, as all those certain pieces or pareéis of land described as follows, to wit : Tho west half of the northwest quarter of seotion twenty-eight and four acres of the east half of the northtfest quartev of said section, heretofore deeded by sai'l party of the fint part to said party of the second part, all beinp iu township one south of range six east, in said towilship of Xortlineld, ia the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan. Uated, Jaanuary 3, 1873. LUTHER. JAMES, John N. Gott, Assignee of said Mortgage. Attorney for Assignee. 14O7td Sheriff's Sale. OTATE OV 1IICHIUAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. J By virtue of a writ of execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of Wa8htenuw, and to me directed and delivered, against the goods, chattels lands and tenements of William M. Iïrown, GK W. Brown, N. Granger, and A. Conklin, I have this twelfth day of Beeember, A. B 1872, seized and levied upon all the righttitle and interest ü. W. Brown has in and to the íoílowing lands, to wit : A piece of land commencing twenty rods west of the southeast corner of section twenty-mne, thence west on the south Hne si said ewtion fourtoen rode, thouce nó't'i tT'irallel with the east line of Baid section twenty-niuü to tho sonth bank of the river liasin, thence along said south bank in a northeasterly direction to a pomt twenty rods west of the east line of Baid section, thence south parallel with the ettst line of said section to the place of beginning, containing one acre and one-third of land, be the same more Or less, alao thefollowing deseribedpieee of l:jnd on vli"!i intr nill now stands, commenfiing at a point tiientyfivö and one-half rods north of the south line of said section twenty-nine and twenty roda west of the east line of said section, thence running north parallel ■with the east line of said section eleven rods, thence east parallel with the south line of said section nine rods, thence south parallel with the east line of stúñ section eleven rods, thence west parallel with the south line of said section nine rods to the place of beginning, contrtimng ninty-nine rods of land, be the same rtfoTe ot ïess; all of the above deseribed property beins? sitmued in the township of Sharon, County of Wasatenaw, and State of Michigan, which above deseribed property I shall exposé for sale at public auction to the highest bidder at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, on the twelfth day of March, A. ï). 1873, at ten o'clock, A. M. Dated, this 3d day of January A. I). 1873. n MYROX WEBB, Sheriff. SherifiE'9 Sale. Q TATË OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, v ' ss. By virtue of one execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, to me directed and delivered, against the goods, ehattels, lands and tenements of Charles C. Church, and for the want of goods and ehattels to satisfy the same, I did on tho lOth day of August. A. p. 1872, seize and levy npcii al tbc right, title and interest Charlea C Cfinrdi has in the following deseribed real estáte, towit: Lot number 34 in 11. i : Smith'süvst addition to the city of Ann Arbor, t gelher with all the iraprovements and tenemen thereón, which above described real estáte being situated in the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan ; which aboYedescribed real estáte I shall sell at the outer south door of the Court Home, in the city of Ann Arbor, at puhhc auction to the bighest bidder, on the elerenth day of March, A. 1). 1878, at 1 1 o'cloek, A. II., of said day. ; Dated, January lStll. A. D. 1873. MYRON WEBB, Sheriff. 1410 By Jortin Forbes, UndeT Sheriff. Shcriff's Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CoOMí OF Vasïitenaw, O ss.- By virtue of a wi-it of execution issued ont of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw,flKil to me directed and deln-er-1 od against the goods, chattles, lands and tenernents of Mosea Marks, and for the want of goods and ohattli I to satisly said exccuiion, I did, on the tTrenty-first day of January, A. D. 1H73, seize and levy upon all the right, title and interest Mose Marks has in and to the" following deseribed lands, to wit : Lota number two (21. fmir (4), six(fi), eight M, and ten (!■ ■], i.i blócl tive north, range four east in the city of Ann Arbor, County and Btate aforesaid WbJch above described property, I shall expose for sale to the biffhest bidder, at public auction at the south door of the , Court House, in the Cty of Ann Arbor, in thé County ' of Washtenaw, on ihe second day of April, A. D. 1873, at one o'elock P. M. of saiíl d iv. Dated, this 7th day of February, A. D. 1S73. MICHAEL FLEMING, Sheriff. 1413 By MYRON WEBB, Under Sheriö'. Wswiñíoftab" vk 10 YEARS vk _of ggy. PUBLIC TicöT J3$$? H;i8 proved i k ' CrOOk'S To liaTC mrt e " ,?', _orSi than smy S '' sSssiilar )rojiar:f %iaaiiLJ tioii cvor olicrcd the publi. ït is ricli in tïts inortiPinal nnnliiisof 'far, anl iineqnaled for (lisiases of the Throüi aid Lang, peribrming tbe most remurk able cures. Coughs, Colds, „. Chronic Coughs. It eílecttially cures them all. Asi!iii;:i and BroneUitisk Has eured so m:ny x%2k cases it has been pro-1 L. noiinced a specific fot '"öi these complaints. 'or paias in Breast, Side ( Back, Gravel or Kidney Disease, Diseases of ilie Urinary Organs, Jauudice or any Liver Complaint, It has no eqnal. It is also a superior Tonic, llestores the Appetite, Strengthens tho System, Kestores the Weak and Debilitated, Causes the Food to Digest, Keiuoves Dyspepsia and Indigestión Prevenís Malaríons Fevers, Gives tone to your System. V - .■ !■ I I II A GENTS' WANTED FOR B0OK3 NEEDE9 BY ALL FARMERS! The best book-s pnbllshcd on the Iforse aml the Con, Liberal term.-, m. ■'■;.' madenipiilly bj AgeDls sel lili" these booits. Sené for circu lars, P oit'iER & COATES, ToaUMtMtt. Phlladeiphla, Fa pASH FOR BUTTEE! For a few weeks I want to buy and páy the möney for all tho Choice Roll BüfTER OFPEBKD. 1413wO JOHN W. MAYNARD. Estáte oí' Jacob Beutlcr. STATE 01' MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, sí. A.1 a Hcssion of the Probate Court for tlic County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in thí ■ilyiil 'Aun Arbor, un Thmday, the thirteenth ly oí' February, in tne y ear oue thousaud eíght hundrod and seventy-three. Pneent, NoahW. Oheever, Judgcof Probate. In the matter of ij Jacob Beutler, de-' hn G. Andrea, Administrator of said . i mos into eourt and representa thut he is now d to render Me final account as such Administra lor. Thereupon il sordered, thftt Monda?, the seventeenth das of H arch next, at ten o'olock in the foro"!"" ' ' !") examining and allowine such account, and that tlio hein at law of Od and all other persons iritetestiid in said estáte, aro requlred to appear at a se. fion ut asid Court, then to be holden at tho Pröoate Oince, in the City of Aim Arbor, in srtiS Cbunty, and show canse, if any there be, why thé Said account slionld not be allowed : And it is further . hat said Administrator give notiee to the jtMb te, oí pendeney of said of, by causinga cojrir of this order to be publi.-hc d in tho Michigan Argns, jnews] i and circulating in said County, three suecessive wel I Uy ofheanhi (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHKEVER, l'11 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Frederick Yungfar. OTATE OF MÏCSlGA X, County of Washtenaw, ss U At a sesBlon of thè Probate Court for the C'ountT of Waahtenaw. holden at the Probate ifttoe, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, tbc mneteenth day of February, in the year one thousand eight hnndrM i enty-tnree. Present, Noah W. Cjieever, Jndgeof Probate. In tho matter of th-i estáte of FreSeiick Yungfarj deoeased. On ronding and fllinf? ÚS péUtion, duly verifled.of V-'iu. Nebel, Administrator, praymg tliat he may be 1 to sell the real ePtate whereof said deceasetfl died seized. Xhereupon it ig ordereff, that Monday, the twerityfourth day of March mxt,'i1 ten o Vloek in the Rtfènponj rned tor thehearinjtíf said petition,andthatth li' irsal law of said deceaièd, and all otber persons in' terested in said estáte, are required to appaj at ion of said Court, i!in to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show canse, if any there be, why the prayerof thepetitionershouldnöt bc granted: And it is further ordered, that iaid petitioner give nnticc to the persons int ei csled " estáte, of the pendèncy of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by cauping ri copy of this order to bc publfehed in tiie Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and cïrf-nlating in said County, four successive weeks previous to said da of hearing. ' (A truc copy.) K0ÁH W. CHEEVÉB 1414 Jude of Probate. Mortgage Sale. flEFAULT having been Jnade in tbe condition of a' I 'certain mortgage made and executed by Tole McDivitt and Elizabeth McDivitt, of the city of Anrf Arbor County of Washtenaw, and Stwtc of Michigan, to Luther James, of the eaïrie city, on the twentyfourth day of Jnnuiiry, A. D. 1865, and recorded in tbe office of the Register 6f Deeds for snid County of Washteaaw, on the twenty-sixth day of January, A.: D. 1665, at seven o'clock P. M. of said day, in liber 3S of morlgages, on page 2 12 ; and that tlure is claimeá tobe due at tie date hereof, the sum of four hundreix and fourtesn dollars Mul tifty cent, alsoan attorney's' fee of thirty dollars gjiónld any proceedhif? s be had tö foreclo&e the same, and no R.iit or iroceedings at law oi' in ;quity having been had to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof ; notiee is hcreby given that by virtue of the power of sale in saitl morteage conta'ined, I shall sell at public auctiori to the highest bidder, on the seventeenth day of May, A. D. 1873, at two o'clock ín the afternoon of that day, at the front doür of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan', that being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said counfy, the premises áeseribed in said mortgage, as all that certain piece or parcel of land situated ín the_ city of Ann Arbor, County of Waphtenaw, and State of Slichigan, known and denjribed as followe, to wit: Lot number fifteen (15) in block number two (2 south, of range twelve' Í2), eastern addition to the TÜlage now city of Annt Arbor. Dated, Fcbruary 21, 1675. LTJTHEK JAME; John N. Gott, Mortgaifte. A4torney for Mortgagee. 1414 íteal Estáte Éa Sale. STAÏE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, ss. - In the matter of the estáte of Mary I.uick, Emanuel Luick, Amelia Luiek, and 1-ydia l.uick, minors. Notiee is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigñed, Guarüian of the estáte of said roinors, by the Hou. Jñdge of Probatff for the Oonnty of Washtenaw, on the twentieth day of January, A. D. 1878, there will be sold at publio' vendne, to the highest bidder, at the eouth door of tho Cóurt House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the County of AVasbtenaw, m said State, on the nineteenth day of March, A. 1). 1S73, at ten o'clock in the' forenoon of that day (subject to all eneulnbrances by jnovtrige or otherwise existing at the time of the sale," and alfo subject to the richt of dower of the widow of Ilenry Luick, deceased, therein), the following describe1!! real estáte, to wit : The unilivided (4-5) fourfiftbs of the nortlieast qnarter of flié southeast quarteï óf Bèetion thirty-foux, and the undivided fourfifths óf tne west half oi' tho west half of the west half of the Southwest quarter of seftion thirty-flve in township two south of range five east, in said State, containing sixty acres, more dr less. Dated, January 20, 1S73. AUGUST HUTZEL,, 141 Guardian. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. - In the matter of tbe estáte o? Harriet E. Bordine, Levi Bordine, and Lovina Bordine,ninors Notiee ís herelry yiven, thatin purs'-iiince of an order granted to thQ OOdersigned, Guardian of the estáte of said minors, the Ilon. Judge af Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the srüi -.1 day of January, A. D. 1873. there will besold at publié vendue, to thíf highest bidder, at the horoestead on the premisetf heieinafter described, in the tount' Gf Washtenaw,, in said State, on wednesday, the twelith day o March, A. 1). J873, rt tn o'clock in tbe forenoon of thai day [stebjedt to all ènéunibrances by mortgage or othorwise exieting at tlie time of sale), the following described real estáte, to wit : The undirided threeelerentlis (3-11) of tlie eust twenty-flve acres of the northeast quarter of scction thirty-three, the west halt o# the norih'-iist tjuaiter, and the Northwest quarter' íá the Southwest UArter of seclxn thirti--four, and the northwest quarter of the norlheast qnarter oí section thirty-üve, all in township four sotith of range" seven east, containing oue hunrïfed aïid eighty-üvo acres, more or less, iu said State. Dated, Jannary oth, A. I). 187S. ASA M. DAELING, MW Guardian. Eeal Estáte for Sale. UTATF, OF MICHIGAN, Couaty of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of tieorge E. Gooding,deceased. Notiee is hereby given, that in pursnance of an order granted to the undersigned, Executrix of the last will and testament of said deceased, bythe' Hon. Judgeof Probate for tlie Ciranty of Washtenaw,on tlie tv.'iiiu th d.iy or January, A. D. 1873, tbere will be s'-M it public vendnef to the highest bidder, at the dwelling house on the prtmi-, sos. in the County of Washtenaw, in saiff State, on the twelftli day of Mareh, A. D 1873, ;rt one o'clock in the aitcmoon of that day (subject to' all encumbrances by moïtgage or ótherwise existing at the time of the d'eath of said deeeased) the tollowing described real estete, to wit: The south fiveeighth of the wesl half of the soatheast quarter of section t"Pór.ty-ninein township to south of range Beven'eaat iu s;iiü Btte, and atao the east half of the' Southwest quarter of said auctiotl twenty-nine, (excepting ten acres out of the noííh"ast corner of said las described parcel of land in tbe form of u par-r" allelogram about sixty rods in length from north to' south!, containing in all one hundred and twenty aeïes, more ör less. Uated, January 20, 1SÏ3. ANXIS S. H. O9ODING,1410 ExecutriT. lïeal Éstate for Sale. qTATBOF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. O In the matter of the estáte of ilenry Mcl'liillips. deceased. Notiee is hereby given, that in pursance of an ordeïgran tedto the undersiened, administra trix of the estáte of suid deceased, by theHonJudge of Probate.' for the County of Washtenaw, on Ihè 13th day of.jMiuary, A - 1 1W8, there will be s-ld at public ven-" due, to the higrbest bidder, at the wuth door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in the County' of WaflhtettKW, in said State, on Wednesday, the 5th day of Maren, A. 1). 1S7S, at 10 o'clo;k in the forenoon of that day (subject tq all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the death of said deceased . and also subjeít to the right of dower of his widow, therein), the following described real estete, to it : All of the east half of the northwest qnarter êi section twenty-four, in township one south of range h've east (except a strip nine chains and forty links in width at the north end, and nine chains'; and thirty-seven links in width at the south end ex- tending along the west ide of said east half of said northwest quarter), containing fortf and 90-100 acres, . more or less. Alsó, all that part f f the east half ox tlie southwest quarter of said peetiön twenty-four, wlüch lies east of the land in said section whicb was-" heretofore set off and partitionrd to Ellen E. Latson, under the de: ree of the Circuit Court for the County of Vahtenaw, in Chancery. and north of the lauda of suid seótion set off to Williani C. I.atson, by said' decree, being twenty chains andseventy links in lengih-' and ten chains and 26 links in width, and containing.' twenty-one and -1-Í-V-U acres, more or less, all in said State. UateJ, Janasry 13th, A. D. 1873 MABGARET McPHILLIPS, 140 xLdministratrix. Chanoery Notioe. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. - Tbe Circuit Court for the County of Washtena-w: lrfChaucery. Francis M. Battks vs. Wilson. Battles. It satisfttfetorily appearing upon due proof ïy altidavit that the defendant, Wilsoïr Battles, is not a resident of the State of Michigan, Bwt that he résxles at Springlirfd, iit the State of Ohio ■:■ On motion of R. E. Frazer,soliiitof fqreoinplainaiiant, it is ordered that the dcfcndant, Wilson Battles, causi bis appearance to bc entereá in this cause withia three nonths from the date of this order, and that in caso f his appearanoe he cause his answer to the comïlainant's bill of conrplft'int to be ñkd and a copy bcreof to be served on the compluint's söKcitor withn twenty days after servwe of a copy of said bill an nntifè of this order, and on ilefault thereof, that the' said bill be taken as confessed by the said defendant, ■ Wilsm Battles. Andit is further ordered, that withn twenty days the said complainant caus a copy of bis order to be published in" Michigan rfus, a pnblic' icwspaper printcd and puSlished in the City of Ann "Lrbor, Washtenuw County, Michigan, and that suchmblicfttion be continuad in said paper once in each weck for six Buceessive weéle, or that she cause a copy of this order tobe personally served on the said defendant, Wilson Battles, at least twenty days before 1,. time abovo prescribed fiT his appearance. "i;ulA!1"J"H)vlJil'm1v!mE, R E. FnAZP.n, Cirsuit Court Commissioner, Solidtor for "Waïhtenaw County, Michigan.plainant. .U1S . Cominissioners' Noticë. -irTK OF MICHIGAN, connty of Washtenaw, SS.; O The undefsitnea, hvh(g been appomted by tne Probate Conrt tor said county, Commissioners to re-'. ,1 ■ examine, ana uljust allelann.s ana demanda or 11 persons sgainsi the eafate of George Voung.Semsir,; ite of siiid cóunty, deoeóliBd, herebr give nötice. hatsix monthstïom ditte Bie allowed, by order of aid Probate Couit, forcfcditorsto present their claims. tainst the estáte of wM deceased, and that they will ieetai theresidenee .'t Thofiaö Vuun;, 111 tlio townliinof I.viulnn. in sidd (oui!ty.oASatur(lay,t.hetentrr a !of Mñv, and on Saturday. the nliïth day of Aufrust ext, at ten o'cloek a.m. of each of saidd.iys,to receive,' xaniine, mul adjustsaid claims. ■WASHINGTON BEAMAN, j413W4 Commissioners.H (ïih per a7 ' Agcnls wantod I Alt, ?a 10 W {.uissus of working people, of eithcr sex, young or oíd, malte more inoney _ work for us in their sparu moments or all t ie time, thanatin.ytlm.KelK-. l' -.


Old News
Michigan Argus