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Extension Of Territory

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nounccl oy me nwny uiousnnus wuu uo usu. t. the best rernedy in the worU. OBe sure to get Dr. Wntu's Balsam of Wild Cherry - thete me imiiations! % Tlie gunuinc Wistur's Dnlsain issold only l,y MAYNARDS. (tThe rfccipts of Hio Signo! of Liberty lor tlie present week wiil b; published n ilie next nmnber. On the ISth inst., by Rev. S. Miles, Mr. Warukv A. Millard, of Cnmme!, Sieubcn County, New York, to Mrs. Minerva Becklkt, of ihis place. m_ _...„ , , i DXX2D, In l!ie villa-je of Ann Arbor, wasljlwiaw 1 Co., on tlie 12ih inst. Ciiarlrs Mo.ntgomRitY, infant Lon of Wilüam M. and Eliza Siu1 clair. 1 Leoni Wcsleyan ln#titute. ïpi-JlS Instituiiüii will comtnence ils Winiei X Term on iho firsi day of December iitixt. Wc expcoi i have iwo terms in successioti nul then havo a three months vacauoü ín thi Summer. so ilini Femn'.es can tench school urn c young men cñn labor in the most productivo sea son of the ye:r. Our School is ín nflourishing condition. Wi have 71 s'cholnra the present term, nnd can accjminodaie about ihirty more. Tuition fron 2.5J to $5.1)0. slu;' dents can have Kiiiion free. Bonrd one dolln per week Rooni cm bc had for on w'ui clioose to board theV)iselve9. Wc hnve tn-is far lornished tlie School wi'l Hoüks. S uiie of onr ]3-oks. however. nre get ting caree sucli ns Davj-'s Antlunelic. Brown' Grammar, ComstocU's Philosopliy. Andrews Í Siodd.iril'a Latin Lessuiis. Cn. Thoso who ca supply themsolvos hnd Imtier do so. CHARLES GALl'IX. Principal. MISS HARK ER. Assrsiam. Leoni, Nov. 17, 1315. 2C9- 3w ülcdical Notice. THE undersigacd. in oflu-rin his services t VVnsluenaw and the adjoining Cj'innes, a 14 .,,.,,,1,.11'irii i , tilu'wM'rm UMll ! . i KftV. tiint H t I Í'e tX:c. &c. hnve no.v tlieir cortnin lenn-dies. ï íhpsy. manin, pnrnlysia. iiciirnlin, b'oñohUii a liv!rnmi Ring tl;senses: scurlet ("ever. choleii black measles, midlgmnt sore tiiroit. erysipeln or hlnck tonnu'!. croup, nfinmnintions of th J bia'ii, 6iomncli. bowels. &.c. S.c. nrn only n fc ) ihe mnny ï lis, tliat have been strijïl of thei tenors by [ie tiinely application of lionicnoQthi mel cnments. VVilhont furllier rssny, the unilerss:ncc] woul leave ii tij ilic nfflictcdto s:iy. on of thrren it cdies, wheiher IIomcEonnlIiy is whai it claims t v be or noi. He wonlil olso stnte lint lic hns jnst rcturne from New Vork and PhiWelphia. wiih a con s ptete nssortment of MEDIGAMENTS, jnst in ' portcd from Leipsitf. to ihisplnec. %'!ice he wi " a.lend 10 all cnlls, und lurnish medicament! ) books. &c. at the lowost prices From tlie clos


Signal of Liberty
Old News