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Cltizena' Meeting-.- The Coinmittee appointcd by the citizpiw of Ann Arbor, to report u plan ior supplying the city with water, would herehy culi a mnitiiit; of tho ritizims to be held in the Oourt House on tlw Hh d7 of Uatcb next, at 7 o olock v. m., to heul the report 01 the Cimuilittee. PB A WKtltf CATE, Chairmun. Ann Albor, Feb. :6th, 1873. 1415V.2 My Klnffdom taf a Horae.- Wlmt the puru oí Kiug Richard coultl not then piocuro, uil can n.nv purcliiise for il son;. Tlio CeiHiiur I.iniment will not ruino the deiid horse of u king, uut it ivill cure u lumo one, and- moï-e thftn that- it is the most reniarkuble thing for awellings', stiff jolni, caked breasts, atings nnd bruise, the vrorld luis ever seen. A DU oujfht to suiter with the Ehoumatism who has nut tricd tliis liniment. Cliildrcn try- for Pitcher" Cnstoriit. ItrcRntMf ihe ïtomach, cures wind colic, and cnuses naturnl sleep. lt is a tnbstitutc for castor oil. H10W2 PHysicians' Tcstimony.- The undersignod, practicing physieUms and surgTOiiH, certify th:it n havo BMd and prescribed Dr. Uaneom's Hive Byryp and Tolu, or Uoney Syrup, and finí it un excellent remedy for ordinary Cough, HoarBenesB, Broncl.iiil and Luuy Áffcctious : J. A. KessegUu, K. S. Lymn, Georgo Munger, H. Slead, Theo. Meud, X. H. Oray, F. W. Koot, O. B. Wilcol, J. Mott Throop, I.evi P. Greenwood, residents of Madisou County, New York. Ur, ittillcrS Ifinsrnctic Balm is purely vegetable and hua no equal aa a puin curer. It cureö o promitly that many clnim that it contaiuB maguetidra. 25 cents per bottlo. öee advertisement in this paper. H1G MieiIKJAX CENTBAX Il.VILROAD. WINTER TIMK TABLE. L sengei trninsnow leave the sovenrl tations, us ;Oj1o-m: going west . &L it I itï.A 6TATIOXÍ,. -J W 'S g : U . i o ! 'S ! I ! -V ! % "- % ", O C M a ( a. m. a. m. r. m. r. m. r. m. p. m. Detroit, lenve, i 7 Ij 'J 40 4 fía 5 t 1 46 9 W Vpsilnnti, ! 8 45 10 47 S 38, 7 12 2 6.1 11 "7 Vnn Arbor. 9 10 11 06 6 M 7 45 3 15 U 55 Uaxier, 9 40 1 6 su! 8 1" 3 40 - - Cheleen, 9 58 1 1 8 30 3 55 - - Or.-iSiLake, 10 25: 9 00 4 23 A. M. Jitckaon, 111 00,12 20 9 35, 6 00 12 40 v. mJt. m. a. m.' Kuliimiizoo, 2 201 2 58 12 25 8 00; Ohiiaigü urrive, Jl 45 8 dUl . ■'. .. ' 3U I 8 0 1 m T t ' úoini; EKTj Jj I ■ IffflM i 1 [3? S1 a " 3 ! . Q F. M. 1'. M. A. M. A. 1. lUlic.igü.leave, I 5 15 9 00, 5 30 '■ 00 A-'.'m.) .'a.,m. ■ -r. t. KiiluVlto, I -i 2 21 ÏK,lrW2 t6 ■ ■ ÏIJSLj A-Jfci -A_ Jt. i fuckioii. 12 40 4 V? I 8 05 2 55' 4 40 anueLaka, 8 32 3 js _- Chelseii, a. M. 8 57! 3 55 - H Doxter, 6 Ï5 l 15! 4 10 - tAm. Arhor, 1 58 6 00 f. 55 9 45 4 4(1 5 24 Ymilaiiti " ' ï VI ff 20 filólo 5 05 5 43 Detroit, in-ive, ' 3 35J 25__8 45 1 1 SO t 25 6_45 Tlie Atlnntic and ruciflc Express run belweea Jadü-ui) iind Nil'fs he Air L](. . D.ite.l, km. l!. 187.t. ■■ - .-r Í'T ";vr tí i. i Jl !T rr fETROIT, HILLSÜALE & INDÍI 9 ANTA, asü Detroit, Eei. ltivEit and Illinois Railboads. GOING WEST. -1873- GOISG EAflT. ■IATIOHB. Mail. Ace. stations. Muil. Acc. A. M. T. M. A. M. Detroit, dep... 7:15 4:00 j Lojfunsport 7:45 Yiisihinti ():00 6:00 Denver.. 9:00 Manchester. ..SW7 7:45 ColumbiaCity 10:40 Hillsilale 11:45 lf:34 Bankers 12:00 10:50 r" "" A' M' Bankers 2:27 4:50 MHillsdale B:8!l 5:10 Oolumbia City, 3:45 Manchester.... 4:25 8:25 Denver :21 Ypsilanti 5:43 10:10 Logansport 0:35 . ... Detroit 6:45 11:30 Trnins run by Chicago time. All traius run daily (8unriayi excepted). Str& Palivce yleeping coaches aro run on night express trains. H. C GOODELL, Sup't. Eobert R1LI.1E, Gen'l Ticket Agent.


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