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gJSfbr6 FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CON'SUMPTtON &C, IMPORTAD TO ALL TIIOSB A"LICTED WTfH 0,'SKASKS OFTHK LUNGS AXÚ BKBAST. ■ Will Mirarles erer cnist? More evidente o ís stirjjussmg healtk rtsionttire vlrtueslü q ? ? ? ? [From Dr. Bnkcr. öifringficid, Wasíi. Co Ky.] SPBticoflKi d Ky., May 14, 1S45. Mesera. ÍSnnford &. i'ark: - Gknts - I inke i h is oppo'rtttnity oí infonuinc yon f n inost rcinnrknWe curo performer! upon ■' hy ihe use oí 'L-. Wistar's Balsam of W.lLChtrnjr I ti ihe yenr 1840 I waj tnken wiili nn Ii fl-mntion o I" the iiowels which I Iñbwrerj unfler oí weeks when I grmlually r?co'iercd. ín tlif f i 1 1 I ! of 141 I wíis ntmcked wiih b severe cold. wiiicli. sented iiself upoo ny lunas, ntul ío." the spnee of thrt-e yenr9 I waa ronfined ío niy bed. I iiii:d nll k'mds of medicines nd every voriety üf medien] i aid and wiiliotit bem C": nnt! thus I wenried nlnng unril ihe winter of lf-44. wíien heard of t;Wstar's Bnls-im of Wild Clicrry." My friënds pewnaded me to give it n trial, tlioush I hd íveatíjí nll hopes of n reenvery. nnd h;id orepore! myself for the chnngc f anotherworld. Thronh iht-ir solicit.nion I :wns índuced 10 niake of the iGeiHiinc Vistnrï R.lsnrnof Wild Cherry." The cfteci astonishine. Afier five yr,rs of offliction. p;iin nnrl ufierne: nnd ofter h:tving srn' fnr or hvvdred dollars to no nurpose. nnd the best 'nnd most r"spectnhleplivsci!ns hnd pmvod nnnvniling. I voasfQ'n ral -tu I lo rvt'rc lunik by t'ie. Messing rf God añil ihe isa of Dr. Wistar's Bulsam f Wild Chr.rry. I oni now er.joying cooH hcnUh. nnd such is niy nlicred nppcarance ihat I ani no longcr know when I meet my forrver ncqunlmanres. I have gtiineil rapidly in vt;icht, otid my ílesh is flrm andsJÜd. 1 enn now eni ns much nsnny nersin, nnd niy food sr-emstn ncrec with nic.-I hnve eaten more durinr the lnst six monilis than I had eotcn for five years heforP, Considering my case nlmost n mirncle. I deem it ni c 9:iry fr iho nnd of the. nfilified nnd a dnty I nwe :o ihe proprietors nnd my fellow mnn. fwho shonld know where niicf may bc had) lo make this 9!nt(!ment public. May the blcssing oí God real upon thc j)r"Piieiora of so vaiuable a medicine as Wistar'a Balsain of Wild Cherry. Vah ra riierirnt fiillirWILL1AM ÏI. BAKER. The follnvr'n? has jusl been reet v:d front Mr. Eilicurtl St'raitou. nf Leiiicton, Ulo., vohich Siows thd Covs nn-ption in is C0Tlt JT'ir'm canle.tvred by "Wistar's iialsum of WIL Chernj. Lv.xingtov, Mo., Jan. 21, 1845. Bmjnmin Phelps - Drar Sir: 1 t.iko grrat plcasurc in coinrnurr.cating io you whfti I cdnsider an exthaordinnry cuic. effect ed on my ilmigliter. nWul 14 ye.irsof iiLc. by Wis tnr's Baisnm .il Wii.l Clu-rty. Alwitt ilio Istoi September lnst. my dniighier wns ü.koníick. nnd was al tended ' Ijv seveiaï phyeicföna, whosc prescriptions proved neffectiial. or sec ncd lo do no gond. She wasnttcndcd wiih a constan; congh'. nnd pnin in ilic breist. lier pliysiciims nnd uil who saw her, cathè to tiic couclusinn that 8ip wns in a énhBnned btago of CoUU nption. ] mude no oiher caJciilntion ihni) for h-.'r to die. - Bm as sóo'n nsshu commenced tkin tiie Bnlsnm slio bejian to improve. and continucd 80 to do nntil lier hröl'h wna röstbred, nnd is now enurely vpcII, With a view of bom fitting tliosc who mny Bé mrnïlarly afflietcd; I thke piwistiri in . rccotiinicnriing tliis remedy to ilic ience of h ■ public. - Tonrs, with respect. EDWARU fiTRATTOy. . WIST A R' S BALSA M OF WÍLD CIIEHR I' cñ;i t nut n!y relieves bv.'. currs' [H'Piio ii pf-r bottlé. or sx botflps 'or $5. F'r siiii' in Cincinnati on!y by SANFORl) A# PARK, nnd n Anti Arbor by Maynards. pü!ü A en ís for'ihfsO'nniy. 2& n . I _ - - Pcrsian Pilis.


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