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The Detroit Park Bill Has Passed Both

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branches of the, Lcgislature, and as it was log-rolled through by Gov. Bagley there is no doubt that it will receivo (if not already signed) his aignaturo and become a law. This bilí forces a park upon the peoplo of Detroit, leaving no option or discretion to the great body of citizena who will havo to pay for the neccssity or luxury, whichever ono pleases to term it. It also leaves the people nothing to say as to looation or cost, giving the absoluto selection and purchase to the Park Conjmissioncrs, subject to the limita m the bill to 500 acres and $300,000, unloss generously disposed and public spirited Haratranick donizens or upper city residen ts shall contribute to crease the breadth of acres and swcll the figures. The Commissioners select the lands, fis tho bounds, agree upon the price, and certify their doings to the Coinmon Council, which. body has nothing to do but issue tho bonda on which tho money is to be borrowed to pay for tho lands. And sothe Comrnissioners are also to control the annual expenditures for iraprovement and determine the amount, koeping within $50,000, and the Common Council s7ia.ll saiso the sum so dotermined and expended either by tax or loan. Without expressing tnj opiniones to the merits of the disgraceful park squabble or quarrel which bas been pending in Detroit for a yoar or two, wo are freo to condeinn sucb. legislation as objcctionable, obnoxious, and an outrago upon the reservcd rights of the pcople. It destroys n uu Buii-guvornment, suDjects local iniprovements to tho control of strangers, and will broed wholesalo corruption as surely as legislativo rulo over New York City. Mako it tho policy of the State, and every town and villago will bo the prey of designing men having influonco at Lausing. It ia the aping of Congress in attempts at centralizaron, and violates tho ground principies underlying our govt-rnment. It is a dangorous precedent. Ilf the New York Constitutional Commission, in session at Albany on Tnesday last, thü section prohibiting the granting of licensos for the salo of liquors was rfijected; tha Commission probably consideringprohibition or the non-license systom but another name for free trado The section prohibiting appropriations in aid of sectarian institutions was also considorcd and the following substituto adopted: " Neither the credit nor the money of tho Stato ehall be given or loaned to or in aid of any association, Corporation or privato undertakin o-." Good aa far as it goos, but in view of the bondcd indebtednoss of tho several lages ana towns ot tno Ktate, - aggregating ,27,372,481.80 and mostly issued in aid of railroad corporations, - wouldn't it bo well to insert in the eection after the word " Stato," tho words " or nny county, city or other municipality ?" And if not inserted what ia to prevent the city of New York making " sectarian appropriations " the same aa heretof ore ? The Senato has passed a Lili directing the several County Clerks to furnish lorm tickets lor d udgcs and Kegents. We havo not seen the bill itsolf, but the title makes no reforence to the County Superintendent of Schools, requh-ed by the creating statute to bo votel for upon the san e ballot. Perhaps it niakes provisión for the case. - Is not tho Legislatura pandering to the grced of a few partigan and greedy publishers.who have wircd thcir way into legislativo scats,iu a most unwarrantable marnier ? Next we shall hear of a bilí directing the County Clerks to furnish "uniform tickets" for other elections, and that officer will havo the manipnlation of the tickets of the opposing party making a freo and fair election next to impossiblo. There is no reason for the saddling the expense of political tickets upon the public treasury, except to fecd impecunious Eepublican printers and placo tho Dcmocracy at the feet of Eopublican officials. Such logislation is simply an outrago. In the Senato on Thursday of last weck a bilí was passed by a vote of 25 to 5, ontering tho Kegonts to ajjpoint two professors of homeopathy in tho University, suca appoiiitments to bo made before tho lóth day of July noxt. Tho IIouso has not yet acted on the bill. - ïho County Superintendeey of Schools still agitates the Legislatura, and the last action of the IIouso dirocted an amondment to one of tho numerous bilis giving tho appointment of tho Supcriutendenta to tho Boards of Supervisors. Buttor ubolish tho oilico at onco.


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