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CAN any one teil me where I left a GBAY SHAWL. ,, . S. P. JEWETT; Maich 13, 1873. 14I7wl pABMlFÖk SALE ! Cbcap f sola soon. Situated in tho Town of DexTWi)1 HUNDRED ACRES. Known ns the Lillibriage farm at Porta Lako I am anxious to sp,1 .wi g,ve a persóa a good bargáin. tall on me fur paiticulars. Aun Arbor, Mareh 13, 1S73. " " ' 14i;tf " jOR SALE ! On Wanlitenaw Avenue, One nndiinuarfer miles f rom Post office. Ten acres wood land, rest m high state of mltivation. Will be OW 111 lots of 10 acres or more as buyers may dosire One lot of ten acres bas on it house, bnrn, nnd wt-11 of pood water, ferms easy. per furt],er partieulars, 'i'"f J. fébdo, ' 141 ■ v;i State Street, Ann Arbor. I EPOET Of tlic Condition of tïio First National Bank! Of j.nn Arbor. At Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, at the close of business on the 8th diiy of Febrnary, 1873. EEBOUEGES. Loen and Discoimts (seo echedule), ?139iOR2 74 Uverdrafts, - - - - . . ;i31 J1 U. S. Bsnda to secure Cireulation, - 150,000 00 Othor Stocks, lïondn, and Wortgages (as per Bchedule), - - - 18,400 00 Due froni onnored Rodeeming nnd llescrve Agents (as per scliedule), 20,07(5 52 Duo from other National Banks, - ; 330 71 Duo from Sta'e Banks and Bankcrs (see soliedule), .... 71 Banking HouBe, . $1O,1C; 75 Furniture and Fixturos, 3,096 15 $10 "01 9(1 'nnvnt Expenses, - - ' 018 18 um iiiiL-i Mitran íujiusj [;ts per schcdule) - ggg Ï6 BiSa of National lïanks, - 3 072 00 Fraotkmal Currency {inelu&ing Nickelsj, 1.512 42 Legal Tender Notes, - 30 s-_'i 00 Bills in Transit, - i$ 55 LIABILITIES. Cnpitii] Slook paiü in, .... $1W;,OOO 00 Surplus Fimds, ----- 30,000 00 Kent, ----- Rg i5 interest iincl Exchango, - 0,49142 Prflt and Loss, - - - 6,144 77 11,704 94 Circula ing Notes received from romptroller, $13J,C00 00 Amount on hand and with Comptroller for burning, 1,026 00 Amount onlst:mding, - 133 00-1 00 Dividends unpaid, - '45 po Individual Dejiosita, - 144,á;o % $170,404 90 I,JoBHSosW. KwiffHT; Cashier, of tlie fint Na. tionnlBanli of A nn A.rbor, do solemnly Bwearthnt the ftbove .süitemeut ia truo, to tlie best ol iny knowlede and belief. J. W. KNIGHT, CiiBhier. STATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 Connty of Washlennw. ( Brórn to and subscribed before me, tliis lith day of Mareh, 1873. J W. A. TOLCHAIiI, Correct.-AtteSt, E. WELLS "? PuWCJAMES Ol, KMENTS, Directora. 1417 PHILIP BACH, j T300T AND SHOE HOUSE. C. A. LEWIS, (SUCCESSOÜ TO FlliLEY & &KWI8,) SOLE -A. E N T fBURT'S" CELEBRATED HAND-MADE WORK Is now opening some elegant lince of Lacües' Button & Lace Boots, And vcry gcnteel SLIPPERS TIES! Vietorla's, Parepa's, Iilsson's, Wewport's, &c, &c. In varioiis grades. Also a fasMouablo line of Gentlemen's WO1E! Togethor vith all vario ties in eheiip goods. AU bouyhl f or CASH and to be sold at low down lirices. Come in and Look at Them No. 2 EAST HURON STREET. 1-U7m3 T IVE oEESEYEATHtíRS Lá FIBSTQTJALITT, Cotietn lyonhandandforsnlcby BACHêf ABEL, T?LËCTION NOTICE! To the Elector cf the County of Wasfitendw'! WmBEi.8, On thenfteenth day of November, A. IJ; ISï, the Uourdoi Supervisors t the Coonxi oi f'wi pawcd the foUowin?w' anit resolutions, tovit: '"mmm, pre' ounty oí Washtenaw inweaHh coun H. ÏÏÏnaSiÏÏ ., w,'" ' ■ ;""1 wellbeingoi 2Ü5S ..lutolyrequi, ,,Uj: : ilapidated conditiou of the Court oenta than it would i,)3l i„ buiW a KUla lir.-mo of bmkimK, but t ld oko Kuflér an toSSSbUtaSta tim'd ■PÍmdl'S rC1;Olda thUt MT#OM borc■WHZBIA0, Our oounty is tibundantly able to bnild ow:;:;-,,1;:;,.!:;;:,!;:;:! b- 7 7ieoiMd , That we, the Board'of SuperrlfOM of eaia couutT, WÜJ take the ntoewary stops to proride means tpewot a bieding, to ba baüt ta tha center oí the üourt Houw Square, suffloieut lor all neocseary purposejj itaoo tp tho wholo oounty not to exeeed a ,0uO, provided the city of Aun Arbor, besidos pavIngheröiawoJ the general expense, sliall nlaoa'p', TMt H Is the opinión of ttis Board of Wrvisors that the county and city Bhould issue bonds íor thosu tiro leraral mrount, Tl. : Coi.nty bondsfor6S,M,anaeity boud for33,OOü bsanoi interest at seven per cent. y.'. ■..,.,-.■ á, That the Boarf appoint a Building Committee at .thMecitiwn of th. county whose nninedi;','" (1" ;y ■' !''" be to procure plans and estiraatea of ■ 1 iiu neeeauury buiMings: l'jovided tho city acoept and agrce to the foregoinf: and, y WHjtMM, On tne fourth day of JJccember, A. D. 182, snid Board of Snpervisors passed a lui -thei resolution in the wordfollowing,tot ' luiel reb0 . 1'',,'lv1.mlt!'e.l!"i: V"'.'. oi bnildlng a no Court of W ashtcnaw ; ut tho next Spring eleetion, iortheir approva] oí disapproval [provided the city of Aim Albor "OOeptoOf tlic proposition heretofora made by thM Boud to itornhh orie-lhird oí the means for bufldinguoh Cour Honse, exclusive of hei propoïtion ot the taxc fur the otker two-thinls), and the a""!l;i'; -;"it1cdinthe iollowing matare form: " Shall the t ounty make a loan lor the purpose of meeting a flro-piwf building for the proteclouof the county records, book and papéis, nd tor Cottrt House mdoounty offices 1 Fot the Loa ■shan the County mako a loan for the purpose of erecting a flM-prouf building lor the protectiori of the wuñty reoords.books and papers, and for a Court andoountyofflceii! Against the Loan." ïl e Oounty Olertí tóáU procure a iraffloient numher of sucnlielielsaiidlurnishthemtoeach and evcry Su!rvls"' (llt0 b voted at sueh eleetion. II amajontyoi such votes wüen eounted, "lor teeLoan," as aboye Btated, tbe noestion shall be deeml oamod ; lfAgamM tte toan," the questaon ghall be deemed tost. The votes shall bo canand oounted in the different towns and varrii unty m the same mauner as votes lor Circuit . and rejjorted u' tnè ' ■ The Bherifl nhali give noticc of the subnussion of tJiia queetion to the cieotors of tlie unty ni the usual form of giving notices of (icneral üiections ; mi'!, Whebeas, The Common Council of (lic city of , -V;1"1'1,"" tht' twonty-secönd day of Febrmuy, a. J). 1878, by n ointion aecepted such proposition of the Board of Supervisors, and dirocted tkat it be subIZi, , a LropeiJyt-P.ayers of said city.who are ulectors, to decide wJicther city of Ann Albor sliould Issue the honds of said city, baaring anim.,1 interest at sevea per cent, to theamomit oí ono-thjrd of the cost of auci Court Kouse, not exoeeding the um ot thirty-thioe thonsand dollars, ii.yal,lc in eleven yearsfromthe flrst day of Februari next for the purpose of ereeting such Court nouso in the city óf nïl" ' as by Sllid resolution more luily nppears ; Whbbeas, On (ho flrst day of A D 1873 in pursnance of the resolution of the Common Coun' ei. ot said city, and nndsr the stithorüy of an Aot of the Lesnslature, at a meetinR of tiie tax-payinp electora of the city of Ann Arbor, held at theCotirtïlouse m Bind city, in accordance withprevious imblie notice tno proposition to ïsaue such bonds of said city for I hé amonnt aforesjid, and for the pteposo aforesnid, was submitted to the vote of the tai-paying elector, of wiaötyby ballot and an appenrs by the certifícate of the Recorder of said city, -was adopted the flrst Monday of April, at the ununl meeting ot each township and nt the annual eleotion on that il.iy 111 earh ward or clection district ín each city of said Connty of Washtenaw, in pursuanoe of the resolutions ot said Board of Supervisor. above set forth and oí the statute m such oase made and providcd ' there wffl be mibmitted to the vote of the elcctors of the said Connty of Washtenaw the question whether said coimty will raise by loan the sum of sixty-six tliousand dollars by the issue of the bonds of the j .„, ..,...,. nul, uinMutg ïiiteresii iic tue rnte ot aoven per cent per annum for the purpose of aidlng in the ercction of a C'ourt House for snid eovmtv in accordance with the resolntions above referred to ,md tlwt tuose persons voting for reoh loan shall have written or printed on their ballots the " Shall tlio oounty make a loan i.jr the purpose of roctine a Hro-proof building for the proteetion of the countv records, books, and papers, and for Court House and county oftces .' For the Loan." And those voting asramst aiieh loan shall have written or printed on their ballots the Words: "Shall the countymake a loan lor the pnrpoao of erecling a fire-proof'bnilrtiutior the proteetion of the errnnty records, books, and papers, and for House and county offices ' Agaiaat the Loan." By order of the Eonrrl of Supervisors MIÜHAEL FLEMING, Sheriff of Washtenaw County. Shkkht's Office, Aas Arboii, Míen., ) Jlarcb öth, 1873. j 1417 Estáte of John Miller. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, OountyofWashtcnaw ss i At i SOS81OH of the l'robnte Coart for tho Countv of Washtonaw, holden nt ihe Probate Office, inth'e City of Aun Arbor, on Wedncsday , the iwelfth day of Jtarch, inthoyearone thonnaiid ej.-ht buiidred and BeveBtT three. Prcseut.Noah w. Cheever, Jiulgpof Prohatc In the matter of the Estáte of Jühu Miller de ceasetl. Oureadingandflllngtho petition, aaly veriflei of Jacob Millcr. prayiiiü that John Eamor or eome other siutable person may be appoiuted Adiniui-trator of ihe estáte of snitl deceaped. Therenponitisordcrcd, that Tnesdav, the elehth day of Apri! next, at ten o'dock in the Torenoou be assigned for the hearing of said petition and that the heira at law of sakl deccased and all other persons iuterested in said estáte! arerequired to appear at a session ofsaidConrt then to be holden at the Probate Office in the' City ot Ann Arbor, and show causeif any therebe, why the prayer of the petitioucr should r.ot be grameu; auo ïsmrincr oruorcu, Hint saidpetitionerKivenoticetothepprftmn Interested in said estáte, of the pendency oi'said petition. and the hearincttlereof, nycausinga copy oit.'iis order to bc puhlislied ii tbo Michigan Avous,tí newsp&per printed and dren latín g in said Óonnty, three successiYe weeks previous to said da} of liearinp CAtruecopy.J NOAÍI W. CHEEVER, ]41? .Tilde e of Probate. Estáte of Sophia Green. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waehtamwr, se. At :i sesaïonof the Prolmte Court lor the County r( "Waahtenaw, holden ut the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arhor, on Mondüy, the tenth dny of March, in tiie year one thousaud ciyht hundred and Bevcnty-Tiirtw Present, Nonh W. Cheever, Judgt; of Probate, lii the mutter of tile estáte of Ëophiu Urccn deeeascd. On reading and filiiig the petitiou, duly verified, of EleazerHall, praying l!mt Charlea 11. 'Wallaoe or eome other suitable person may be oppointed udministrator of the es1 atü of Bftid deceae d. Thereuponit is ordered, that Mondny, the severfth day of April next, at ten o'cloek in the fmenoon be assigned for the hevriag of siil petitiou, and lieirs at law of said aéceased,ana allotberpersonsinierested in said estatÊ,are requixed toappearat a eeí aii m of s.-tid Court, then to be holden at the Probate i i ■ üyof Aiiii Arbor, and show canse, if ai. y tbere bo, the pruyer of tho petitioncr shonld n,,; begranted: And tfe further ordered, that said petrrioner sive noiice to the persons interestt-tl in said cstaic. ut thepeudeney of said petition, and the Jieariun' Üiereof, 1 y causirjg a eopy of tiiis order to be pnblished in the Michigan Árgus, a néWBpaper.printei ■:iatiní in said oonnfy, three auc-. previous to said (iay of he;., " ' t-rx uujjy.j 1 KJjill . l,iLÜ,j'J V i-;iL, 141? Jmlse of Probate. Estáte of Patrick McMahon, Senior. STATE OF MICHJGA-N, Counly oi Washtenaw, as. At n Bession of the Probate ('O'.irt for the County of " tubtenaw, holBen t thé Probate Office in the City of Ann Arljor, ou Monday, the tenth diy of ïtarcb, in the year oue thouaand eight hundred and seventy-three. Present, Nosh V. Cheevcr, Judpeof Proato. In the matter of the eatatefflf Patriot McMahon, Senior, deceased. John Clancy, ndniinisij ator of aaid estáte, comes into eourt and represents that he ia now prepared to rendcr liis ünal acconnl as uch admimstrator. Thereupon it In ordered. thnt Mondny, the sovcntli day of April next, at ten o'olock in the forenoon, : :!!-d lor examinili and allowiüg such acocunt, and that the beirs at law of iaid deoeasea, and sil tber perwma intcrestcd in said are required to axioar at a Rossion of aaid Conrt, then to be bolden at tbe Probate Office, in Lhe City of Ann Arber, va Baid eounty, and show cause, il ' imy thi-re be, wliy the said account should not be allowed: Andit i.1 íuiíher qrdercd, that aaid administratorgiTenofercetotheperBcnis interested in eaid ■ i iliejipihlt ni y of aaid ac XRmt, and tbehearfng thereof, by oausmg a i opy of üiis order to be pubüüsbed in the Michigan Irg ï,am spaper printed and circulatingin said County, threo . .-, . eka prcvious to aaid (iay of bearia, (A true copyj XOAH W. CHEEVEI!, H17 Judge of Probate. Slieriffs Sale. OTATE OF Mirmn AN", County of Washtenaw, ss. j u iiliiv ui u wni or execunon ïBBueu uui ui nuu under the scal of the Circuil CcrarÉ tor ihe Connty of ected and delivered, afrainst the goods, chattels, landa and tenements of William M Brown, (i-. AV. Brown, .V. Granger, and A. Conklin, I have this twelfth day of December, A, D. Ï872, seized and lovicd uptni all the right, title and interest . V". Brown has n and to thefoilowing lands, to wit: A pieoe of land commenoing twi.-nl y roda vest of the Routheast córner of section twenty-nine, thence west on the south b'ne of said scctioii fourteeu roda, tiiencc north parallel with the rast line of said section tweni --niiie to Uie south bank of the river Raiam, tlienre iid Boutl). bank te a northeasterly dircctiou to a point twenty roda ? ■ ■ aid eeotion, thenee sonth parallel wfth the east line of said sectioo to the place of bEffizwrag, oontaiaing ono :wre and onc-tliird of land, be fche same more or íess ; aleo the foBowfng deserifted piece of land on whioh a flouring mili now Btands, comxnexteing at a point twextly five and one-hnlf rods north of tlie south line of Baid section twenty-nine and tweníy roda west of tlie cast line of said Rontion, thence rtïnning1 north parallel wil ti the east line of eaid eeotion tíven roda, thtmce east parallel with the soutb Une cf s;ud soction nine rods, thence south paralU-l with the eaetline of sald BGotíon eleven roda, thenoo west parallel -with the soutb Hu1.1 of aaid section nine roda to the place of N(finning, contaJ nfneroda of land, be the Bame moxe ot toss al] of the above deecribed property tuaüjd iu Uie townahh) of Bharon, Ctmoty of oaV, and State of Sfiohigan, which above desonbed preperty I shall exptwe for palo at public auotion to the 1 ■ ■ at th Bouth dooi of the Court Hotiso, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the twcli'ih day of Mnrch, A. 1) 1873, at ten o'eloot A. M. Datedi Üafs Sd day of Janaary, A. T. 1M3. 1407 MYUÜX WJUïi;, Sheriff. 'Dio abovfl ntífl ta ftdjourned to the twentietíi day of Mflrpii inst., at the same time of day aiul placo. Dated, March 12thj 1873. M17 MTEON WE3B, Sheriff. 4-Nlsr aebob TRADING ISSflCIATIOll Will eell all of their FALL, AND WINTER Dry Coods! AT- - - NEW YORK COST CARPETINGS AH those wiBhing to purchasa CARPETING THIS SPRING "WiU do well to cali at once and make thelr pureSamw. "We mean just what we say. GOME AND SEE! TT e have the most oompiet ASSORTMENT GOOBS To ba found in tha CIT-Sr OP -A.3ST2ST AEBOR, G. W. IIAYS, Supt, March 10, 1S7Ï. Ulj: DEAL ESTÁTE FOE SALE. ' THEVOLNEY CHAPÍN HüMESTEAD; Near the norlh cast corner of the Court Ftoun iqnarè. Tliis pjoperty will be sold at reasimabié pncos, in lots suitablu for a residence, or for business parpóse. Also lots on ililler Avenue cast of Toniö' green house. Also a Farm of 160 Acres, Well ivatered and fenced, with good orchard anS fair buildings, withinamlle of the Conrt HoueinSt.JobDS, Michigan, andseveral hnndred aeree oí pine and oak timbered lands in Saginaw Count,. Miehifran. " Inauire of B. W. OnEEVER.or Ulm6 c. A. CHAPÍN. T)EST THING IN THE WEST. Atcliison, Topeka & Santé Fe R. R, THREE MJLL1OJV ACRES Situated in and near the Arkansas Vulley, the l'int'st I'ortion of Kansas ! Eleven years' Credit. Seven per Cent. Interest. 22L per cent. redueiion to settlers who improve. A FUI PASS TO LÜB BUÏEBS. TIIC F ACTS nboiittliisGrantnre- Low Trices, Long Credit, and a Iteüate to settlers of nearly onel'ourth; u Hicli Soil, and Splenilid Climate ; short and mild Winters; eaily planting, and no winlering of Stock; plenty of Jlainfall, and just at the right scuson ; Coal, ötone and Brick on ihe line ; Cheap Ratea on Lumber, Ooal, 4o. ; no landa owned hy Spcculators; Homestead and l're-emptions now abundant ; iv first-class Railroad on the line of a great Throuph Route ; l'roducts will pay for Land and Improvements. It is the best opportunity ever offered to the public, throngh the recent completion of the Road. For CirBUlaH and Uoueral Information, Addross A. E. TOUZALIIT, Manager Land Dep't. Or, Topeka, Kansas. E. B. POJin, Ask Aniion, Mlctf. 14l0mo3 Q O-PAHTNEESHIP ! O. H. MILLEX has assomtpil -with Mmwlf I II business liis sou, CHAIÍLE8 s. MIELEN. Iiereafter llic style ;nid mime of the tírm wili be C. H. MILl,LN &SON O. H. MILLEX, Ann Arbor, Feb. 2e, '73. CHARLIiS S. MILLEX, All persona having unsettltd account! or who are ire any way iudebted to C. H. MILLEN will ploase scttle the same at once, either with ïnyself or the new tirm C. H. MILLEN. CAED OF THANKS. I dcsire to rxpress niy thanks to oíd frienda nnd patroñe [bomeoi theva. oí muiiy years standing) f r theix patronage, and hope for u contiinmnce of t wii; the npw tii'in under the cash systom of doing busines , knowing we cua uud will make it un object for them. to do so. C. H. MILLEN. TJTTE AEE NOW Eeceiving a lare stock of BLEACHED & BROWN acx3Li3siTi3xrc3-s r AND 2 CASES OF NEW SPRING PRIM TVhich we offer at the Lowest Cash 3?rioes I AT C. H. MIILEN & SON'S 1411 Cash Dry Goods Store. AJËW CASH DEY GOODS STOEE. O. H. MÏLLEW & SON JIavq tletermïned to con! tiet the bïtsinese of buying and etflling Dry Goods! On CASH ritTNCTPLES: It needj no argument these rt;iys to Biitisfy ntl thnt the CASH SYSTEM Is grcatly to the advantngc of both buycr ttncl seller. C. H. MILLEN & SOK.


Old News
Michigan Argus