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Our City Finances

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At a Spécial meeting #f the Common Obuncil lirid on Tutsiliiy CMiiilr, tteCordèr GbUNEE submitted tlio animal f'nmnoiol statement, tlie recaf itülïition oi whiöh rtunvs thB fcllnv.-iug to bê tho cotiditiou af thewvofal iuiida Fsbruory lst: GEXFXAL FUXD. Ovfr.íraás prior to April, 1871, as pir report; April 2, 187J, SS.Gl.1? 00 Överdraft by last Couiioil to April, 2, IS'-l, 751 37 AUuwed by lastCouncil, April 2, 72, 1,7I' ia 6,090 12 AllowSrt by present Coüncil to Febrw.ry l.'ls;::. C.Slfi 10 612,900 22 TSy appropriation undcr "charter, Y0,000 00 Bj licenee focs to Fob. 1, 1873, 3,982 63 9,982 (il Ov,r,lr;if( F-!.. 1, 18"3 2,923 W For which a 9 per ojút. warrant lio been issued due Feb. lst, 1874, (?:!,186 70). OKXIOEAI. STEEET l'ÜSD. Orcrilraft April 2,1 S72. $226 35 Orders to Feb. lst, 1873, 2,368 5(i e494 91 Cliarter appropriation Ü.ÜOO 00 Warrant ái&wn payable Fek Ist, 187-1, at 10 percent, int., {ot$6Si 41) The ttllöWSncM hiade since tlic flist of Fcbruary, both for the General and (Icncral Street Funds, and to bc made prior to the inconiin; of a new Council, vriïl not lcavc Timch from tho authorized ch;irtn" rU'prnprirttions for tho nxt Coimcil to ipend ; and the présent Council, as the figures show, had its general fund nllowance already overdrawn in the sum of 190.12 when it came into ofiice in April, 1873. Isn't it tims to stop overdraring. Tho fulfi sliould bo to spond the ;:ppropriations made by the Council imder the charter or by " Citiüens' Meetings " and not a cent more. The several Ward Street Fuuds, were Feb. lst, as i:lovs : lst Ward - balance in treaaury, ?57 48 2d " - overdrawn, 40 39 ■M " - balance in treasul'}', 8 '2G 4th " -overdrawn, 639 93 ötli " - balauce in treasury, 32 56 6th " -litilance in treasury, 337 lö In each Ward except the 4th there was a bftlanpp on lumd April 2d, 1872, and in each Ward 1000 was raised ior street purposes. Expcnditures from other fuuds have been : Fircmen, (340, approjuiution eimc ; Cistenis, 339.34 - just the bátame iu hand April 2, 1872 ; Artesian Well, S25.00, leaving 'wvlance in hand, S15.82 ; Oíd Cemetery, f 1.25, balance in hand, I 3.301 The Tower fuud has a balance to lia credit of $3.10. Thé statement shows the receipts for licOSsfes of saloons and billiard tables, to Feb. lst, S'1,672. 38 ; from circuses, öoncerts, liacks, drays, &c, $310,2"; and fröio miscellaneous sources, $167.47, of which sum SI 10.20 was for fines.


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