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Ann Aruob, Thuksday, March 13, 1873. AfíLiís- 10@80o per bus. BUÍTM- ÍÍIWSiO. Bkans- $1.501.75 per bus. JiuF.if- Jíu)(i)í ets, per lb. by tho quarter. ' Cobn- lirings 45@50c perbu. C'hickens- Uressed lic. Dbessed Hoos- S4.90@5.00 per hundrea, Eggs- Commnnd 15c. Uay- $l.i@16 per ton, according tö ijuallty. Uo.NKY- In cap, 20Zí2c. Lajjd -The mitrket standsat 8g. Oats- 30(á31c. l'OTATOES- SOSOflC. TuitKEÏS - 1'ÍG. Wheat- Wc quote White tit $1.55@1.7O; amberi 1.40@l.i,o. Detroit Produce Market. L,ate5t}uotation for leadini artieles of country producu-'Mureh 13 til, ure us follows : ■Vheat- white, fl.-4O(á,l.2 ; amber, $1.56. Baei.ey--$1.251.70 por cental. Iíyk- 75@80c per lu. Oats- 36&BÜ Poiatoes- 7O@8O. 0HI0H8- 1.0B@1.)0. Dhessed Uogs- $;i.90@$G.7S IlAY- $10@$20. 1ÏUTTEP. - 17@2S)C. Eggs- 'C2Oc. Laüd- 7@8}c. IIoneï- 1S@22c. Detroit Live Stock Mnrkek From the Detroit Freo PreM. Michigan Centhal Yí-itns, Monday, llarch 10. The receiptB at these yards llave incrcased eomewhat this weck, though mest all of the pens, íis on the fo'rmer week, contained through cattle. Below wc give a showing of the receipts íor the two weeks in this month : Cattle. Hopa. Sliecp. 'eek cntlitif March 3 Ílr) 042 1,090 WuLk L-iidingMaichlO Ü51' 262 2.056 Total 363 904 3,UG ThroUgK cattle shippod East, 'Ifiii head agaiust 1,642 on tho previous week. CATTLE. Sume very fine lots wero offered by local Srovers, but the disposition on the part of home buyers was to cling to previous quotations. Advices from the Enst in the eatly pnrt of the day sliowod the markets thorö a shade firmer consequently shippers feil to buying lots to fill up. Though tliere was but little increase in the prices, yet the sales in mostinstances werequickly made. Some very choice light cattle, aver. nging 800 lbs. brought ?3 50; medium weight, about 1,100 lbs. $iö0a4 7ü; heavy, $5 OOaü 25. We quote : Chuice to extra, averaginp I,2ö0to 1,500 lb., in good llesh anU build $5 25@5 75 Cominoii to cholee, averaging 1,000 to 1,200 lijs , ia medium ttesh aud build... . 4 25@4 75 Lifjht eattle ibr fcedere 4 50O3 50 IIOQ8. K"ono in the pons. Few lots were in during the week, and the tendency continúes upward. We quote : T.ots aveining 200 to 230 lbs. nica ahape and good Itir store $5 00@5 75 Lots avtrngint; 100 to 150 lbs. smtable for packn-H, , l 50@4 75 imimf Therö is no improvement in the market or prices, which is attrïbutablë to a Slight decline in fleeces. The handling of lots is very precarious, and but icr operatol'8 darc td füce tin; probabilities of a venture. The grado of shecp in the yards mi inferior, indicatiug that farmers hold on to the beat; lint two lots changed hands yestrnlay, and Bold ander the following prices: Lots f'v. i apiug B0 to 'M) lbs, í-hoice gr; a n i iu excoUcnt condition -- ; . $5 00@í 25 T,ots :ii''i.iviii;; mi to 'Ju lbs, mediiim gradea and order i Sjijn ío


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Michigan Argus