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jjJSIggSS DIREOTORY. NB. COI.E. Denior in Coftl. Offlfo wUIiFelcii . AGrakt, om -la ii & Sous1 Store, di , Foarth and fluron St. iRASTCS THATCHËR, Attorncy nnd li Counselor at Law, Ho. E.wt Hurón Steet, Ann Arbur, Mich. 1386 MF. FA1CIVEI.I-E, II. . Offlcn over . K. l'-rrys -tore. Reuldeuce Washington Street, four door east of State 1373jrl ASTX iH!)R SII!VKAI SPKISiCS. Morris Uilo, M. I)., SupjriutiMident. Oftlce a liailJiul, curnar Mtnti and Vest Huron Street. WI!fES êc 1VORDEV, 20 -outh Main Street, Ann Arior, Mich, Wholesale aud retail dealra In Dry Ömtds, Carpeta and Grocuriee. 1331tf M4CK A SCIX.HID, Dealer in Dry Gooda. rocerles,Cr:kery,&c. No. 64 couth Main Str.ct. Wil. JM'KSUJi, Dentlt,ucceortoC. B. Purtcr. Offlce comer Main and Huron treets. i rer the tore of R. W. Ellln "'o , Aun Arbor, ■.uestheticaadminiatered if reqaired. ES. JOUTtHON, Dénier in Hat and Caps, farn, Straw flunda. Gents' Kiirnishing Goods. kc. No 7 South Main -treet. inu Arhor.lüch. TrriilïKLAN Sc WHEDOS, Life and O FlïwljMUranct taents, aud deleriu ttealKatate. itttoeon Hurón Street. l AC!I tl Alïli, Dealers in "ry Goode Gro IÍ ccries.ic te.,Nü ï6 outh Main Mreet. Aan Krhor . SI.AW'SON Sc Sï, Gr'Cer, Provisión and Oom'.aiiiitiin Merchante, aad dealen in Waíeí at:n.Land ('laster. aud Planter Paris. No. 10 East ïluron sireet ïili)iIElTI, ffkolesale and Ketail Dealer O iu it ■ : i i y 48 lotblnK, Ulotbs, Cassimeres, füttoiti.aodaenfi Furuisliim; Oo-de. No.aSouth Wain Streel. WAliJfEIl, Dealer In B-ady ÉduCIoth in" 'lotbs. (is-iineros Vestlii(rs, Hals, Caps, Trunkü, ■arpet Bag, &c 21 iSalh Main street. rlt1I9E & FISKE, Bookellert audStaVF tiou -rs tf dicil Lw and College Text Bo"ka. Schout rd MIoelUneon Ho.iks. No. 3 North Main jtreet.Gro.ïoiy Block, Ann Arbor. XTuAti W CliEEVEK, A1T0ENEY AT LAW ! OUíc withE. W. Morgan, EaetsideorCourtHoust Sqaire. UHJ. F. SCHAEBBRLE, Teacher .f Music. G'"es inutruction on the PIAMQ, VIOÜN AND GÜITAR, itfiie ofüce, S. SI Sotiih Wnls strect, (Moore'é illdlDg).orat the feeldeace of the pupil. PIANO TÜNlixG, ade neeUnt; and satisl'.iction jruurunteed I34yl C Et) CKK Y GLASSWAEE & GltOCEIUES, J. & P Donnelly H ivo iiMtore !-ir;iMi')ck 'f 'roi-.ker. GlaMwnre, atod V:irn, '■.'.'.!c-ry arnccflen &c, 4c. all to bc oldat uims'ially low prioes N'ii li üast Iltir.m Street. Ann Arlior. llJStf J. & f. DOJiSEltï. fOHN G. QALL, DBALEB IN" FRESH AND SALT MEATS, L1KF). SUSMlklS. KIe, Otdrfiolicitd and promptly filled with thebnat aeats iu the market. 31 BMt Washington strot Aon Arbor, lth, 1S09. lilSStf Mnu!acturcr of 0arria?3?, Bagies, Wagons, AND LBt'.mS, of crry tvts. oude "f the bet m ittí, and w:wrinled. Repalriíi done prompt ïy ind pricus reasonable. Detroit -truet, ucr H K Uup t, Ann rbor, .lich. 1384yl. IR C. A. LKITEK CONTINÜES TO POT OP AND FILL Physicians Prescriptions, At all honre, at Nu. 1 Oregory Black. C A LKITfiK & 00 Ann Arbor.Dec. 2{i 1871. S54 "R.C. B. PO UT KR, JDJEISTXXSX. ■11üla the3AVINO8BAKK3I.0CS, Aun Albor. Vil Jperationi on the Jiatural Teeth pearoRWEV wiru CAtts. J JÍ3rJRPa.d3BD PACILITIES AWD 3XP3RrBNCI. SBTTlWi ARTÏFÏCÏ4L TEETI!, TO (MtfE RACH INIIVIIüaL, ííirí of the proper utre , fk&pt ,-olr, ñrmnrtaa t ... a a fltore#ifm 12-4 4 HÜRRY UP! PAIt rf i:S wi-hlng Wall Paper. ShnnV H.lUud, Wiivlow Plïtares. Co-ds, ' Ta-ïo'.s, &; . -ill w 9tïle r rtitMuctorj Pi-ieaa. ij J. tt. Webstar A: Co., UokSt r . ncar the B-pisaaOOec. " 'i 1 1 - " LOVEJOY, TOBAOCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuif, Pipes, &c, AT XO. 7 E.VST HUIK STREET, ïiext to the Express Office, A.NN AUSiOII, JIKII. 134r,tf TTOUSE FOE SALE! TIn Mi lence of the tabMribtr on tiorth itrcct PoesioaTven Imraedlatdy. AUe, tho h.vuitif'i tuiHlnï niti, na the hill juat east ol (Jol. Ornt' redifience. Ternnveryem. p-ood blrjain can be Inquiro oí Zika P. K-sc. Ann.Vrbor,Jan.W. lVs " C"


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