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Boutwell And Grant

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Wasuixgtox, March 17. - The following is the oorrespondence ou the occasion of Secrutary Boutwells resiguation : MR. liOFTWELL TO THE PRESIDENT. SlR : Having been elected to the Senate of the United States by the legislature of Massachusetts, I tender niy resignation of the office of Seeretary of the Treasi'.ry. In severing my official relations with you, it is a great satisfaction to me that on all occasions you have giveu me i'uU coufidenoo and support in the discharge of my public duties. Iu these four yours ïny carlier acquaintnncc with you has ripened into eamest personal friendship, which I ara eontidant will remaiu unbioken. I hui yours, very truly, GJ2O g, BOTJTWKH,, THE PRESIDENT TO MR. BOUTWELL. EXECUTIVE BÍAKSIOW, ) Washington, I. C, March 17. f Hon. Gtorge S. Boutwell : Dear SlM : In accepting yoaï osignation of tho office of. Stcretary of the Treasury, an office whieh you have fillud for four years with such satisfuction to the country, allow me to express the regret I teel at seveiing the oniciiil relations which have been at all times so agreeable to. me, and as 1 am assured by your letter of resignatior, to you also. Your administration of tho important trust confided to you four years sinoe has been so admh'ably conducted as to give the greatest satisfaetion to me, because, as I rea,d public judguvjnt and opinión, it has been satisfactory to the country. The policy purtued in tho office of the Secretary of the Treasury by your successor, I hope, roay be as successfal as yours has been, and that no departure i'rom it will be made except sueh as experienco and chango of ci-cumstances may make necessary. Among your new official associat 'S I trust you will find the samo warm frieuds and co-workers that you leave in the exeeutive branch of the Government. You tako with yon iny most sincere wishes for your success asa legislator and as a citizen, and tho assttrances of my desire to continue the warm personal relations that have oxistod between us during the whole of our official connection. Very traly yours,


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