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The Salaries Steal

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The New York Timen is peouliarly savago in its attacks upon the salury stealing Congress, devoting two or threo paragraphs to it. In onc of these it says : "When the nation fully nnderstands how it has been swindled by its representativos in Uongres-s there will bc a storm which muy make even Ben. Butler questiou the wisdom of bis eourse. The Forty-second Congress did littlo or nothing tor the people. It simply tüstin guished itself by making a ' grab ' at the national exchequer on the evo of its separation. It is one of the most monstrous abuses of legislativo power ever perpetraled,. ad every man who took a part in it will be irretrievably disgraeed in the sight of the public." In another par.igraph on tho same subject it coinpliinents the sage of Massaehusett8 in the following equivocal style : " Time was when even such n taint of possible corruption would have killed a measure of this kind in the States Congrese. No one can imagino that James Madison or Gouverneur Morris would havo touched such a proposition. Nor would a Congress of the days of Clay or Calhoun have tolerated it. We have clianged all that. We have raisod a generatiora, af statesmcn who are content to f ello w thj? lead of Mr. Ben. Butler. That il.lus1sriou.s ' statesman ' is aocustomed to deny with muoh indignation that he stole spoomi in New Chleans. He need no longer trouble himself to deuy that chavge, or any other like ii. People will forget it in remembering that Mr. Butler íüd the raid on the treasury, in which ninety-nine Eei)rosentatives and thirty-six Senators captured $ö,öt)ü caeh for thomselvcs und their aissociates." A EocklanJ, Maine, riispatch saya tbeHurricano Island Granito Company bas been awaivled the contract for t'uruishing and cuttin stone for tho superstruction of tho St. Louis postoffice.


Old News
Michigan Argus