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tSissölütion" The co-partnerhip existinf? between CRAAIEK & WALDltOX, ia tbis day dissulved by mutual consent. D. CBAMER. Marrt 1% '73. [1418w3] H. C. WALDRON 1 CE ! ICE ! ICE 1 am now picpured to furnish ICE OF THE BEST (JUALITY, And in any qnantity desired the season. Leave Orders at Fostoflicr. 14l7m3 TOTIOEL J. I1A1STOI1 & SON, PRACTICAL CQNFEC1I0NERS, "Wi&li toinf&rm the eitiziens of Ann Arbor and vicinity thai tlitiy iie uut iaaji-uLat uring daüy lino FRENCH CONFECTIONERY And when persons wish Pure and Fresh Cimdies this is the onlj place in the city to get them. Cali and Soe Our Larg-e Assorlmcnt. 1L1Sw4 Chancery Order. mEE Circuit Court for the County of Wnshtenaw. 1 In Cliancery. Kllnoru Tasco, comphunímt, v. Eeuben Taaco, defendant. On the 13th duy of ]Vinrch, 1873, on prooi' by tiihdavit on file that the eaid defeudant, fieuben 'I'aeeo, reside ot of the Stute of Michigan, and does reside in the Dirttiiet of Culumbia. It is on motion of 11. E Friwer, soLieitor toe ü;iit: comrpUiinant, ordered that the said defendant, liuuben Taaoo, wppear in this snit nnd nnüwer the bilí of cboiplaint ht-rem, within three monllia frora thisdateranc also that tliis order be publíshed once in each week for six weeks in suceession in the Michigvn Argus, a new8paper p .iuted and publislied in faid couuty, theürst püblivatian to be within twenty days t'rom this date. Dutetl, Marchl3,llj;3. J. F. LAW1ÏEXCE, Ch'cuit Coort Commistíioner, AVashtenaw Lawrence & FnAZF.R, County, MichissK. Bolicitors for ■ omplainant. 1418 CECOND APí NÜAL DSSTRIiUTION. 75a73O Premiums, Ranginff in value from $10 TO #5,000 GIVEN AWAY! TO THE SUB SC III BE HS OF Ö0RFIRESIDEFR1ID Every Subacribeï U sure of one premium nuy way, aud also has m equ;il chanco of ri-ceiviiijj aCASa l'rftiuium, or a PIANO, 0H(iANt WATcH, tib.VING MACHINE, 4cc, &e. FIRST GRAND CASH PREMIUM 05,000 OUR FIRESIDE FKIKJID -Eight PaffM, Lang Sim.Illwtratwljthe Family Ww kly.isin iis'J'lIlliD VOI,UMiü and has attiuncd tM LABGJiST CiituVLAT1ON ot uay pLpcr puWislu'd in tlie Wt-ut. It ■ucoau ENAHLKS the muiuieti'rs to iunnsli THE BEST, MOST ÜEÍÍIKABIiK AND MOST UBEFUf(JKIUINAL BEADIKU JIAJTKR IX QBtSAT VAKIE'l' V, tliat inouey o;m buy, and to make it a HOME WKEKLY snited to the wants of every fiimily. Bubscriiüou pvite, $3 per year of 5 nuinbera. "3?lio 3Bloariaa.t Chromo "CUTE," Size 1 6x20 inches, 16 colar. Aekmmiedped bynllto bo the HAND80M1.BÏ and fcOBT VaLIAMK premium picture in America. KVKliY 8U1ÍS( :li I lilOit is presenteil with thia Chrumo at the time of Kubscribinfc'. (us wsitins), nd also reooiv,,, n NUMHEHEI) CERTIFÍCATE ESTITL1NQ TUK HOI.HEU TO A SHAKE in tliu distnbutiou of Ï25,O' 0 in ensh awl ether prt mium. TUE DISTBIBUTION lAKES PLACE on the Sfcond Tuesdny in Jui' next. The Ohromo mid I ertiticiile sent, on rneipt of priee. 8PEC1MEM QüPJKÖ, PKKMICM LIST, &c., UIVUUI'U.L PART1CTTLAK8 sent free ny addiei. i {! lVPV Either local or Cïnvassin in iVVJrJi- A k5 every town. Lui fi[ casi W A VTFn Pa' alld 'lle ct out" TT ivll J J-iJ-' tit. Send ut once for terms. Addrcss OUR Fl RESIDE FK1END, IJlSmii Chicago, ]ll. TEAL ESTÁTE F0E SALE. THE VOLNEY CHAPÍN HUMSSTEAD, Near the north east corner of the Conrt House pqiiiro Tliis pjoperty wil! be sr.M at ïeasonable nricos, in lotasultable for reritfence, or for biisi. uess pnrposos . Also lots on Milier A Tenue east ol Toms' green house. AlaO rt Fium of 1G0 Acres, Well W!tcrel and fenced, with good orchnrü and hiIrbnlMlDg. withinamilo ol the i'ourt Bonte In St .IoIids. Mk"bi,-an. anrtseveral hundred acres ol piiie ml oak timbered lauds iu Sajiiuiiw County, Mii'hi'Kan. Inauireoí B. W. CHEEVER lllTmu V. A. C'ilAl'li.


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Michigan Argus