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Ann Abbob, ThtBSDAï, March 20, 1873. Aijplks - 7Oi80c per bus. BuTTEri- 22a25c. Beaxs- $1.50@1.75 per bus. Beef- j(a}6'L ets, per lb. by the qüarter". Gobn - Brings 45@50c per bu. Chickkns - DresBCd lle Dbessed Hoos- 4.!K@5.00 per hundrod. Eggs- Comraand 15c. Hay- $15@lti per toa, according to quality. ïïosey- In cap, 20@22c. Labd - The market stands at 8c. Oats- 30@31c. Poxatoes- S0@90c. . Tuukeyö- 12aC. Wheat- We quote White at $1.60@1.75; amber .50(81.05. Detroit Produce Market. Latest quotation for leadint articles of country proluce- March 20th, are as follows : white, il.30@1.80 ; nmber, $1.58. Babley- $l.'!(.@1.70 per cental. Kye- 75@8uc per bu. Cojín- 4ö@47c. Oats-3-@41c. PoTATOIiS- 70 00. Oxions- 1 .ïö@l.-;6 !. DIIE8BED HOGS - ÍÍÍ.0C @6i30. Hay-$15@$22. Butteb- 18@30c. Eoüs- 18@20c. Labp- 74@9c. Honey- :oa33o. Detrrtit Live Stoelt Mnrket. From the Detroit Free Press. MifcHiGAN Centbal Yards, Möndoy, March 17; The receipts at these yards ior the week, and also for the previous two weeks, were as follows: Cattle. Hoïs. Sheep. W(!ek endin? Mnrch 3 117 642 1,0 Weok endins Mnich 10 21 26-2 2 056 Week ending March 17 S9U 777 1,379 Total 767 1,681 4,525 Through cattle sliipped East, 1,790 heaJ, against 2,341 on the previous week. CATTLE. ïhe tone of the market wm firmer, shippers buying lots at'sight, something that has not occurred at these yards for weeks. The lots that had arrived during the week were all ljought up and shipped to Eastern markets, aiul Sundays market was confined to thé exchange of local lots. These lirought á figure quite satisfaotoiy to drovers. Shippers that left this market with lots last Slonday returned and bought whát théy cou'.d at spcond hr.nds. The future of the' cattio market looks more favorable tlian it hcis betín this year. Ünder alcs made we quote: Cliuico topxtra. svenfrinft l,oiOtol,2CO lli--., in trnod ilesh mul huild ... {4 50(Sl5 50 ütnxunon to ehtnop, ivrri)rinir to 1,200 !ts . in in"(liiim tk-sh and huild., . . 4 00 4 7 Li(,'lit Oiittlc fnr fcedcTH 00(ö3 5 Soos'. There is no noticeablo changr, thn demáíicj ci ceediug the supply, and piicts ruling ac:ording ly. Wö heavy hogs "re to be found, and nice store hogs are a. scarcity. We quote : I„ots nveinftlng ISO lo 2U0 lbs. nice hbnpe and koixJ for store $4 75(3 5 00 Lots averuinoL' 10U to 150 Iba suitnble for pückcrs, $4 4C@i CO BHEEF. A contiuual decline is manifestad in the sales uring the week. The long wiuter compeis mony to dispose of Iota that would have otherwise been retained on the fann. Tliough the Hunlity has been good, the later lots indicute a deterioration of quality, showing tlie effeeta of the sevore winter. It is safe to say that there iü a decline of 75 cents on the hundred poiind during the last three weeks. A very choice lot, for which the owner once rcfxiscd $5 50 in the farm yard, were sold in the yards at ?1 95. We quote : Lots avc-ruinní? S0 o 00 lhs, choice grilde anti in exculk-ut oom li; ion $4 65@5 00 Lots tveragiBK Sn to 90 lbs, meilium ffl:idci anJ orJer 4 50(34 75


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