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TfLECTIüN NOTICE! To the Elector of the County of Washtenaw: Whereas, On the ft f teen th day of November, A. D. 1j"2, the Dottrd of' Hupervioro oí the County ot " Wasinenitw ndopted nnu pusst-d thu ioilowing preamblu and ïesuluuons, lo wit: p Whbbkai, Uur Oonnty ot Washtenirw in wealth : and itupuJation luiis uutyiuwn our Court, House and county ittttcee; and, Whkbeab, uur Courfc House and county otïictsdo x nol ntfoïd likepuod or sutiicu ut room or uu eommodationu for tliö i'unu, jwoxb, uud pames , gane doing bufeiuesa therein ; uud, WhxSkas, Xlie lRaltli, foiuiort and well being of the Court, jurois, uud partiet) at l.iw oud nieinbtra of . the bar una county otttcers uüöoiuttly requira btttter , aonommodution; and, Whkueam, The dilapidateti eondiliou oí the Oourt Houm and county o&ces ia an induo meut to iicmdiariMa uud crime ; ru&j w hk&eau, Jíy u tire ni said offices the county wou ld ' suüer not only a targer un.ount of losa ín tiuiiars mul j cents tiiau it wouid to build i good nre-proof j building, Uut would alao suilur an irreparable tosa in boots, pupeis and records ihui uever could Le , turned ; and, I iii.RKAs, Our county is abundantly tibie to build the ixeceosary nie-proüt building, beiag wnolly and entuxly out oí üeljt; theraiere, I Jif solved, Tlmt we, the iioard of Supervisors of said countv, wili take tiit; necMsary ateps ro providemeans toenel u building, to ba built n the ceutur of the Couit House Square, ttutiicient lor all necessary purposts, at a cost to the whole county not lo exeied J itü ■, provided tho city of anu Arbor, bendes poyiitg her shaie wf the general expenses, shaU ulso appropriute and raise the &um of $13,000, belugone-thii-d ui the above amount, Jor that purpoe, thereby lettYingiortne whole county, ineludiny the cily of Aun Albor, $Oi.0üÜ, and lur the city oí Aun Arbor, Jiesolved, That it ia the opinión öf thia Board of Supervisors that tho eounty and city should tenue bond lor those t-ü uevetHl umouuts, via.: County ., bunds tat $68,bO0, and city bondri lor $33,0UU, butnug j iutereat at seven pi-r OBltt. Meêohwtt TUaC the Uoartl appoint a Building Oommütce of threc of the county wiiOM umucdiHtu duty it shull be to procure plant and ettimatea of the cost of the nceessai y buildings : Piovided the city accept and ttgrue to the toregotag ; and, Wkbbsam, On tne iourtli day of Üccembi-r, A. D. 1872, baid iioard of Supeivip,orö paiftgd a íurlher re&olutiun in the word f ouowiny, to wit : JiesoU-ixl, Thnt the quciion of building a newC'ourt House shall be bubniitted to ihe eleciors of tiieCounty of "Wa-shu-iiaw at the next fciprinj election, tor thcir appioval or diapprovul [providtd the city of Aun Arbor accept of tlie piopoutiofi heretoiorn made by ttns Board to furnish one-ihird of tlie meani tor building sueh Court House, exclusive oí htr proportion of the taxes for the oiher two-thirda), and the mime sliall be subimtted in the folio wing mannprer form : M rfliall tíie ouniy makt; a loan tor thepurpoae uf erecting a Üie-Dioof building for the I tionof thü county ïecord.s, books, and papers, and tot ñ Court Houw and eounty oltices ï Furthe Loan." "iShall the County ma kc a loan for the purpose of erectxng a ftre-proof building for the protection of tlie county records, books and papi-rs, and Uv a Court House and county officen ! Against the Lmui." The County Clerk sliall procure a sufficient Tiumber of - such tickets and turni-h thtm to :ach and every tíupervisor in due sua-ion to be votcd at. such eketiou. If u majority of enen votea when counted, are " For the IiOan." as above tttated, the question ahall be deemcd farrud ; if " Arainst tl.e Loan," the queetion shail be deemed lovt. The votes shall be cunyaused and counted in the different towns and wards ín tha county in the saine mauner as voten for Circuit Judges and liegen tt$ of the L'niverstiy, nnd reported to the County Cleik. The rflieiiit ibttll pive Botice of the aubnii-ision of thia question to the electora of the county in the usual forra of giving notices of Ueneral Llections ; and, Whe&kab, The Common Council of (he city of Anu Arbor, on the tweiity-second day of February, A. D. 1H73, by resolutioa accepttd such propoai.ion oí the Bojii-d of Supervisor, and din I i?d that it be isubmitted to the property tax-payeis of aaid oity,who are electora to decide whether city ui' Aun Arbor r-hould issue the bonds of baid city, beaiing annual interest at seveii per cent, to theamount of one-ihird of the cost of sueh Court Houte, not exceeding the turn of thirty-three thousand dollars, pi.yable in eleven year.s fvom the riiat day of February next. for the purpoae of erecting iuch Court Howse in the city of Aun Arbor, as by sald resolution more fully appcars ; und, Wherkab, On the flrst day of March, A. I). 1873, in pursuanee of the resolutionof the Cotnmon Councilof said city, and under tlie authority of ;m Act of the Legiílaturc, ut a meeting oí the tax-paying electora of the city of Ann Arbor, held it the Court House in aid city, in ar.cordance withprevious public notice, the ptoposition to issue nuch bouds of said city lor the amount aJoresvid, and ior the puipose aforosaid, Waa Buhruitted to tho vol e of the toxpayina electora of Baid eity by ballot, and. as appeara by the certifícate of the Recorder of Baid city, was adoptid. Now, Thejïefoiïe, Nol ico is hereby giren, tlmt ou the flret Monday of April aext, at tlio 'minimi meeting of tv.fih townahfp and at the annual election on that day Ín ertch wiird or election district in each city uf said County of Washtenaw, in pursuanoe of the resolutions of said Board of Supervisors above set Ibrth, nd of tbc statate m such case made and piovided there wiil be subraitted to the vote of tlie electora of thf said County of Wasbtenaw the question whether eaid county wiil raise by loan the sum of eixty-six thousand dollars by the issue of tlie bonds oi' tlie county ftw that snm, bearing interest nt tcerateof even percent per annuna for the purpose of idilifi m the erección of a Court House for B lid county, in accordance with the resolutiong above ref erredlo, and tbt thoieperwins vnling Íot auch loan shall have writteti or print ed on their balloU the words: "Shall the eounty make a loan for the pnrpose of a firc-proof building for tho protection of the county records, books, and papers, and for Conrt Hoose and county offices? F r the Loan." And those voting artinst uch laan shail have writ tenor printed on tbeirbiillnts the words: "Shall the c untjmake i loan for the puipose of erecting a rire-prnof building for the protection of tlie county records, books, anti papers, and for Court House and county olüces l Against the Loan." By order of the Board of Supervisors. MICHAEL FLEMING, Sheriff of Washtenaw County. Shehiff's Office, Ann Ahkor, SÍtch., March jth. 1873. 1417 Mortgage Sale. OEFAULT haring been made in the bondition of a certain mortgage . executed by Josepb W. Wait, ot tho city of Ann Arboi County of Washteoftw, and State of Michigan, on the twènty-st-conrl day of June, A, D. 1863 lolíobert WcCormick, of tlie town.-hip of Ann -rlor, County of Washtenaw aforeSAid, and recorded in tlie oöice of the Kegister oí Deeda for the County cl Washtenaw nnd State aforesaid, on the twenty-eecond day ot June, A. I. Ït67, at 'A% o'clockP. M. of said day, 'in liber nuinbcr 86 Of : mortgiiges, on page "84 ; and that there in now claimed ' to be due and unpfud on said bond and mortgage tlie sum of tour hundred and forty-one dollars and ' ty-tívüceuts. alao an a:torney's fee of thirty dollars ' tthotild any proceedings be taken to foredose said niorigagü, and no proceedings in law or in equity lm ving been had to recover said sum of money or auy part thereof ; now, thertfore notice is hereby giren that by virtue of a power of sale in said mor&age contained, 1 shall nell at public auction to the highest bidder on the thirty-first d:iy oí 3tuy next, al fcwo . o'clock P. M. of said d;iy, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in the County i of Wnshtenaw, and 8fate oí' Michigan, that being the ( place where the Circuit Courts are held in said CiHinty. all those certain piecen or pareéis of land nituated ín the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw aforesuid, being Iota number one (11, two, three, aud four, , in block mimber six (GJ, Brown :tna Fullcr's adOition i to the villuye now city of Ann Arbor ; also a piece of 1 land eight rods square, bounded on the west by Pontiac street, south by the north line oí' bloek number i six, lirown and Fullei's addition, on the north by ] Und owned by Jamen, and on the east by the party i of the fint p:irt and Daniel Crawford ; also a piecj of í land lying between tli north cast corner of lot ( ber two and the north line of bloek number six, i Brown and Fuller's addition to the village of Ann t Arbor aforesiüd, ieing a triangular piecc of londlyinif between the nortli line of lois one nnd two, block i number sik, Brown md füller's additicn and the north line of siüd bloek. j Dated, March fi, 1873. "WITXTA?.! GEER, Ailininistrntor with the Wiil anncxed John N. Gott, of ihe Estáte of Hobort McOormick, i Attorney for deceased. i Administrator üf Mortgugee. 1416 Chancery Notice. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of "VVashtenaw, se.- The Circuit Court ior the County off Wash; tenaw : In Chancery. Francis M. Battles vs. "Wilson BattleH. It satistaetorily upon due prooi' l by ntlidait that the defendnnt. Wuson Battlca, U ot a resident of the state of Mif.higfin, but thut he re sidea at Öpringfleld, in the State ot Ohio : On mot ion j of K. E. Frazfr.solicitor forcomplninanant, it inordered thiit thedefendanif Wilson Battles, canse his ap] peorance to be entered in this cause within thiee 1 months from the date of this order, and thnt in case j of his appearanfp he cause his answer to the com' plainant's bill of complaint to be filfd and a cojy : thereof to be served on the complaint's solicitor with- in twenty days aftf r service of a copy of eaid bill and notice of this order, and on default thereof. that the J said bi:l be taken as confessed ly ihe said defendant, Wilson Battles. And it is further oidcred. that with in twenty daye the said complninjmt canse a cpy of { this order to be publitdicd in Michigan Aryus, a pnblic ' newspa per printed nd published in the City Oí Aun f Aror, Wiiuhtenuw County, Michie-nn, and that such pubheation be contiinied n said paproiifid ín ejieh week for six successive weeks, ortha: bhe cause n eojy ' of thia order to be persiiniilly serve - u the said de, f nd'int, WUsoa Battles, at least twenty days before the time above prescribed for liis appearunee. Dated, Ann Arbor, Jün. 31, 1873. ' J. F. LA.WRENCE, R. E. Phazee, Circuit Court Commissiooer, { Solicitor for "Washtenuw County, Mjchigan. j pluinfint. 1412 T - - - - ■■ - - _- , Sheriifs Sale. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cocntï ok Washtenaw, t O ss.- By virtue of a writ of executiou isstied out i of and ujuier the seal of the Circuit (,'ouiï for the C County of Washtemnv,aiid to mo directed and delivered atrainst tlie tjoods, chuttlea, land.s aud teneinents of Hoses Marks, and for the want oí' goods and ohitttlea to satisfy said execution, 1 did, on the twenty-Ürst J day of Janoary, A. 1). 1873, seize nnd Ievy upon all the right,titl and interest Moae Mnrka bas in and to the following desmïbed londs, to wl : Loisnuarter two (2) four (4), aix ((), eight [S) and ten il ), in block live north, range four cast in the city of Ann Arbor, County and btate aforoBaid Whioh above Á scribed propeity, 1 sh.ill expuse fot stile to thé biffhest -A bidder, at public mm ion at the south doorcf the 'i Court House, in the Ctyoi Ann A.rbor, in theí'outtty K of Washtenaw, on ihe aeeond day of April, A.D. 1873, t at one o'clock ly. M. of said day. f" Dated, this 7th day oi February, A. D. 1S73. l MICHA KL FLEMING. Sheriff. n 1413 ByMYEON WKBB, Under Sherilf. -1 Assignees' Xotice. VfOTICE is hereby t;iven that theassigneesof Hcnry y 1 öoodyear wiil meet at the Goo.iyearjHouae, in the v Villueoff Hiinohester, in thn County of VVashtenaw, j and State of Michigan, on Tuesday the sixth day of d May next, at ten o'clock in the forerioon, ti reoeive n fo statement of all cl lims affainst said Honry Goodyear, ,, existingat thedate or the BMi&fnment to the under f signed. and that iill perrons who desire to nceive any diatribution under said amignment, must give notice cot their claims with the vouchers or pioof thereof to v the uodsrfllgned at or befora said nevting, as it is in s tended to decbire a dividend among oredftora at that b time or soon thereaftt-r aa muy bp. n Dated, lanchester, Feb. 35, IH73. RAKSOM 8. RrTTH. ,i JOSKPH McMAHON, h A IC. H. CALKIX, j, 1415 Assignees of Henry Goodyear. tl pASH FOR BUTTEE ! }t lc For a few weeka I want to bny and pay the money for all the t( Cholea Holl EUTTEH i OFPERKD. U18w6 JOHN W. MAYKARD.


Old News
Michigan Argus