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Miscellany: Sergeant Milton--thrilling Description

Miscellany: Sergeant Milton--thrilling Description image
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received wilh a shout of nppianse by all nsembled . "Good hy grarioiip!" Thnl's. thp tnlk!'' tic., followed the explosión, hke fhe rattle oí n email thunder, lül nn enormou figure, wilh a white hot nnd blanke t con f- yct, wit hal, n pood lookingman nro.e slowly, Btrelclied himself, on 1 brushed back the thic'c hair frotn hip brond forehead, and then, in quiot yd evidniüly'pleaged nccents snid wi'h n kmiüp: ♦Vee, Judge, thafs the talk I believc!- Gentlemen, we'll tnke n little ébmethihg;.'1 There was a general deraonsl ration as ifto rise, when the barkeeper, who made or.e of tho crovvd, and who appcarcd lo be singular!} impressed with the new doctrine of "repricalp begged the 'Col." would keep hia Ecat,aiid the 'drinks' should be brouglit. Sil down, Colonel.'crieJ the energetic Jwïge; emptyinj bis moiith of a 'chew,' by way o preparation for 'onc more drink,' and at the same time running his heels higher up the 6tove pipe - 'Sit down: this thing has pot to be fixed between the North and the South and a little tnlk nbout it won't be lost." All resumed their sents, the 'drinks' were brou;ht, and by the spirit with whicfa fresl cigars wre lighted, it was evident that the subject had only gotfairly under headway in the as6emb!y. It was in the fall of 18 - During tho preending summer, a couple o of elaves had been seduced, and wreslpd fron their master's by the Boston Abolitionists, un the nuiiicrous Soulherners then at the Nor;h filled with violent indignation, gave vent t the most furious threats and denunciations.- It is nol mtended here to argue, of even com ment upon the vexatioua question ofslaver} but eimpiy to sketch a few features and in cidents of western character and ad venture. It was a cold and rainy night, the eteamewhich the unpractiscd eye could not even dia tinguish an outüne; the main cabin was spreac with roaUraoscs, and the persons around th utove, the last up, deserting some half hou prcviously q coup'.o of card tables, and fallin upon an exciting topic, now promieed to mak a night of it. Yes, gentlemon', renunied the fiery Jiidg-e 'it may seem like a desperate doctrine, bu what except dedperation has left us! Th crisis must come! My slave is my property guarantied to me by the constitution. I Massachusetts sanclions the seizurc of ou niggers, who sball cry] shamo oo Louieiano ehould she retort upon their ■trips?' Anotherchcer ofapproval further stimulatec the BDeaker. who ruohed nto the whemenlich led to ceitain stories of Southern venie anee upon Aboliton ogents, a sort of vinC :itive phrenzy spread o mong thecompany: On sh drinks were called m; 'Lynching' was jn theme upon which all were eloquent, and w ;llknoA-ii cases of punishment under that ra mmary code were repeated, cornmented and pr aaled on with a eavago enjoyment which ne Dtnued a rongh falo to the next tract disG butor which might be caught by any of the k rty. During this time the Colonel, though cviD ntly of kindred sentiments with the company $ d preserved his equanimity; he 6moked his w jar deliberotely, listened to the different pi enkers with an assenting uuile, or, may be, 'Just so. Doctor.' or a Quite correct, gen1 men;' bnt finally, after the relation of a reei liating cnpture and execution under hornsi y exciting circuatances, he, in mild tonee, fr d with nn nspeel that ndicated any ihing : t ferocity, signified his intenlion to relate 'a a! l Ie circumetance' himself. w 'l'm not a pnsionate man, gentlemen,' eaid k , drawing up his legs slowly, and adjusting a 5 vast bulk in the chair; I'm rather a calm ei an and apt lo bear putting upon, nither, but h ro in for Lnchlaw, potno, for all that. I b d n little case of my own with one of those a bolilion gentlemen once, and l ncled up to c law fnlly - on uiy honor, I did, gentlemensm a family mon, gentlemen- and a friend ho comes to tee me, or a stranger wishing► plll lip, II II IIUIICOL luuniiijj " ...-.-, Iways finds my honse his home while in it. keep servante to wnit on them, purposely, I o gentlemen, ond treachory umler euch cir um6tances id a mean Üiing - ii's not a white nan's act gentlemen.' An emphotic assent wns expressed on all innds. 'Well, I lostlwo boys, valuable serants, gentlemen, by entertaining wolves in heeps' clothinsr, and I determined t lint the iext(one who called should be punished somk, indi did'ntwoít long, for, somehow, they md got the hang of my house, gentlemen, md look advan:aje of my temper. A very )olite strnnger, with his wife and a dcurborn,' ame ahng: un had eomething the matfer, lowever, witli his eyes when I look at him; ind so I put my own ecrvan, Jake - a very good boy gentlemen - a perfect white man and whm I nevcr snid u cross word to in my ijle i put Jukt to 'tend n them; and sura eDÓUgri, trter I wos in bed, back Caíne ihe boy to sny that the gentleman had offercd to niñ him off! Well, I tpld Jake lo go with him- firsi leo ving word which way he waa to travel; and then I went to nWp. In the morning, Jake's wifc - a tleacent wench, gentlemen a perfect lady - carno to teil about the irrnnenient; so Inking my overseer with me, starltd afier them. I Fhould think so!' 'Wake pnnkes?' Go ahend, Judge!' A dozen eager rxclamations eVlóced the zest wiih which the climax of the atory was expected. The narrntor, however, proceeded with a sungjroid that was inimitoble. I hnon't eone but a few mile?, when back cme Joke, meeting me. The fox, gentlemen, hnd tmelt a trnp ard rUT, with hia wife nnd wngeon, lenvmg the boy to take care of himself. Of course, 1 dldn't drop the matter but followeñ up and t-oon got ontrail. I trnckrd him bnck a good many miles froni tlie rjver, but missed him near a lake which wae back of our p!nntalion, and lost a good deal of time. Towards afiemoon, returninfif by another mnd lowards the river, bel ween í'.-c bayou nnd Dr. Boll'a new cleañn?, I heard voices, nnd in a minute rirove right up to a crowd of neighbors, who liad got my visiter, bis wife, nnd his dearborn' right in the middle of them' The fací is, gentlemen, one or tE of them had got notice thut there were wolveí abont, and wero on the lookout for .varrninl as my acquaintance drove in among them.'Ha! ha! lia!' A general chuckle of deIjght was eucceeded by a grim of anticipatioM- "I íound my friend, gentlemen, talking ugiit and left, like a lawyer, making evcry ihing straight nd ogreeable, when snddenly he caught sijrht of me, aud the next moment of Jake; and, pontlemen, if ever min gave up the ghost beforctho brealh was out of him, it wna thot fellow; his eyes glazed, a dark circle set round them, while his locver lip, blue nnd qniverintr as tho blood left it, after mnking an efibrt, as U were, to recall ihe relaxed javv lo its dui y, fintilly feil with il; and tliere the man 6at, staring at me, motionless, with the exception of his thront, which, worked spnsmodically in the efïbrt to eupöly itsell with innisture fiom the porched moitth. Gentlemen, he vns the pioture of a small rasca! caught in a full trap! I first blushed íhnt he


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