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The April Magazines

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T'.io Atlantic Atonthly-Snt to oome td our ta!,:■ opena with, Tha Eiploita of Edmüud Otea! et in the CJnited Statas, by James Prton, wlfiolj tokes JiíiV.iíon tbiough hia term ■:' Bervice af ííocretary of State, ir papéis are: TM Wood Lake, poem, by Paúl H. Haym ; Marj ,v Daw by T. B. Aldrich; St. Olaf 's PounUinj Ui Boyeson; Fredeiie l by Amanda R. Gare ; On Beucadia wliou Sippoem, by AlfredS. Louis; A Chance Acquaintanoe, rr., by W. D. Hovetls; : I, l. Soward Glyndon ; Thomas i son and liicholas ol Russia, another chaiitor of tlic aatobiography d Roberl Dale Owen ; At tlic WindoWi poem, by James Maurn'O Thoüipion; B -ion of London Social Liíc, by E. S. Nadal; Beethoven, poem, by Clia Thaxter; fhe SynH69 'íhsory of the Earth, by ■k ; Buby, by O-eo Ê. Waring, Jr.; mul , ;; i ' líoiitJQttl Xoles. A ntial najnber. Jami:-í I. Osoöod & Co., Young Folks, trom the Riraü house, hnq throe more chaptera of Trowbridífe8 öapil ry, Doinghis Bsat; Dacle Joe'a "Little Samaritaa," by Mra. - illus.; Clothes, six ïlius.; The Duy of Judament, bv olps; A talk '.; :iü I '; :: heap " of other good things. Happy is the boy or the gfcl who belougs to the i'üïiy . family. nl'in'i Monthly has: An hour amonf; the Greenbacks, illas.; Moscow and Southern Russia, by Eina Doan Proctor, illus:; An 9m-i pcror's Vacation at Vichy, by Edwin De Leou ; Song ; Arthur Bonnic&üile, chaps. vin. and ix., by J. ö. Holland ; Martin Lee's Story, by XurmanHolm; the Automaton Ear, by T. McLandburg ; TheTTnattained, poem, by Máry E. Bradluy; Clara Louise Kollogg, by A. C. ar, with portrait ; An Ancien Amerioan ('hili; i ia J. B. Browne, illus.; Tho Cruel Lord, illus. poem, by Sdward Konauil ; NTeeded Modiflcations of our Currancy and Banking System, byLyman 11. .twater; Hypatia,pooni, by ■ Linan ; The Elder's Wife, part i.; A Spiritual Song, in., trom :;; Goraian of Novalis, by Geo. nkl; Tho Floa and t'no Professor, by Hans Christiwi A,atlep5oii ; iviih readable lesser papera in Topics. of the timo, Oíd Cabinet, Home and Societj', Culture and Progresa, and Nature and Scieuce. The ütiúiber completos the fli'th volume. ScRin;.'ER & Co., New York. - Thii Eclectic has a fine stoel portrait of the distinguished Prof. Owen, and ifc) most noticeable papers are : Th? TTnpubHshed letters oí tbe na Charlotte; iEnaes Sylviua Piccolomiiü, the famous PopeJNus W litetinct, with original ohservationson youn; animils; The ïear of tfce Great Snow; Tho Great Faira and Marketa of Europe; Oli-rer OromweU ; Thoughts upoii ar Halps; Sea Novéis- Captain Maryatt; The Original Prophet, bya I Lake City ; Autuma Days va Stookholm ; . .e in China: and additional chaptera oí the striking story Too Soon, by tho íuithoí of Patty. The editorial departmenU are full tul entertainiug, and eintafalee LiMrry Notices of booka, i'ureign Literary Notes, Science unlArt, and Varietleá. Tho latter contains i ; iroiu huw books and foreign i . , IOS Fulton street, New --_ Godey's Tsiilys Booc is, as usual, profusely dlustrated, the rashion and rorking platea b:in;; seasonable and ju kes each numbeí a ■ iu th.' Ihjlu ■ mmi'k i"j 'in. Tlie co i HaïTsül- a Serial, S. Annie Frost, Augusta Riymoud, and other well■ i. The Worï and Domestio Departmonta, Beoipoa, Ao., will be welcome i in iewing and' eook room. L. A. Godey, Phüadelphia. Arthur's Home Magasinehas: Ilelics oï a Ttaditi ooutinuation of Crooked Placea, by EUwárd (Sarrett; tho Mistress of Abbeylauds; a sketch of Euidy FaithfuU, by Virginia F. Townsend í and a large number of lesser papera. T. S. Ahthub &, Sox, Philadelphia. Fronl tho same publishers comes The Chilllour with a capital f cast both in story Eor the children. - Galden Ilours has: Links of Kindness, chapa. IX. - xi., illiis.; (Jut of tbe Mud; April ; la f at Mosa Farm, by Mrs. C. A.Halbert; theAlg ';-;.; Ducks, Jllua.; ThD Forest Trees of Hindostán ; Lydia Colter's Trials, i., by Jlargie S. ïtiighes ; the Island of Jamaica ; aud nape of interest. Hitohoock & Wal: : M-lti, Ollio. - Au l last we havo The Nursery, attractive ín print, picture, story and verse, a number to maleo the iour, five, or si.v years oíd laugh and shout It.i puhlibher is a Ijciiui'actor. Joüx L. SHOEET, Boston, Mass.


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