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- ït is ehargod t.hat Messrs. Hibbard and I'arker, uiemberg of tho luto Uongrcss trom New Hanipsbire, and who voted ngainst tha increased back pay swindled and paraded tbeir virtue before their constituents preceding the recent, eleotion, at which they wuro candidatos for re-electiofl, giving out thr.t they not proflted by tho steul, msdé baste to draw eaoh his $8,000 as soon at Uu aleo tion is over. If this bo true the insulttd voturs of their districts Rhoidd exolaim : " O for % whip ín every honest liaml To lash thü radcais uakod tlirounrli tlie land. iíessrs. líibbard and Parker both cali themaolvos Demócrata. - Chaplain Nowman wanting tu voyaga aruund tho world for recreation and amusement got tho President to commispion him to "investigóte" the cunsuis on tho lino of bis journeyinajs ; and the fat salary aiSxed to the sinecure position not satisfying him his wife was oommissioned as bis olerk. The Northwexlern Christian Advocate cught to put up nnother prayer - and not in deriaiou, either - for some other denominntion to supplant tho Mothodista, in " favor and abuse " at Waslnngtorii - " Me too ! " Tüat's what Tweed said after rcadiog U. S. Senator Caldwell's resignation, snd so a New York Senato investigating committee found its pation gone, and it is to be presuuied that the name of the " Hon. Williara M. Tweed " was stncken from the rolla. It had only been kept there to prevent tho practically vacant seat from being filled by a Democrat not in sympathy with the " Senatorial Ring." - The New York City charter being under discussion in tho New York Sen ato on tho 27th uit., one Senator Woodin declared that ho thought that Eepublicans could as well govern New York as Demócrata. Which means that New York must be govornad from Albany, there not being Bopublicans enough in the foriner city to do so. - During the discussion of the backaction incrcase of salary bill in the Senate, Zack Chandler, " our Zack " protested that the old pay, $5,000 a year, was more than the averago Congressman could earn. Did Chandler refuso to pocket the littlo gratuity, or does he conaider himself more than an average Congressman, and claim the increase as earned ? - And now comes tha Cincinnati Commercial and proposes a Congressionul boarding house, with suites of rooms to be let " at cost" toimpecunious raen who can't live on their salaries, and have do other incomo. If it would malee them proof against the lobby and backpay steals we would say amen. - The death of Kcar-Admiral John B Montgomery is announced as having taken plaoe at Carlisle, Pa. Ho entered the navy in 1312, served twenty-one years at sea and seventeen years on land, since which ho lias been for some years on the retired list. - The ííew York Eocning Post spoaking of the " wiso men" now playing legislation at Albany, saya : " We have had occasion to complain of idlenoss in legislativo bodies before, but for downright laziness and inefiicienoy the present body in this State may carry off the palm." - It is now said that Gov. Dix, of New York, refused when U. 8. Senator to take mileage for a called session for 4th of March 184Ö, and that the game remains in the trensury to this day as an unexpeotod appropriation. - President White, of Cornell, is credited with addressing a letter to Gen. Dix, congratulating him for his firmness and decisión in resisting the pressure for tne ooniuiutation of the sentence of Foster. - The Toledo Council has " settled the hash" between the Columbus and Toledo and Toledo and Columbus railroad panies by pledging its $200,000 (city bonds) to the former or East lino. - The next Indiana State Fair is to be held at Indianapolis, c.omraencing September lOth and endinsr Oetober lOtb. Liberal premiums are offered. - The Legislatura of Pennsylvania has passed a bilí appropriating $1,000,000 in aid of the coming Centennial Exhibition. - Ex-U. 8. Senator James Dixon, of Conn., died at Hartford on thu 27th uit., aged 58 years. - A monument to Sir Walter iscott ia to be orected in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. The Ypsilanti Sentinel thinks that $1.50 a head is too much for Washtenaw Countx to pay for a new Court House. What of that? How much a head did it cost the good peoplo of Ypsilanti - men women and children - to build the Union School house in that city 'i " A dollar and a half a head" ia a small outlay for such a building as the county of Washtenaw absolutely needs. - The Sentinel also magnifies the Council room and ono office asked for by this city, in consideration of that forced loan of f:53,000, into a " City Hall, Council room, Clork and Treasurer's office, Polico Court room, &c." Now lot the peo pie undorstand the clap-trap. Ann Arbor is required by the Board of Supervisors to gke $33,000 in excoss of ita portion of tho tiix, for which it only asks the uso of tvvo rooms. Thoso rooms will cost our city an annual rental - the loan being made at 7 per cent.- $2,310, or at their vory highest possible cost to tho county ovtir 60 per cent annually on any' extra iuvestment it may be compolled to make, concediug that the Court Houso will contain a sqixaro toot more of room ander such conditions than without them. - Tho Sentinel also says : " f 50,000 is as much as we ought togo. Toss up and let us scramble for it." And right there is the animus of the Senlinel't opposition. " Let us scramble for it :" that is let us put up tho county seat at auction. If tho proposition was to build a $40,000 or even only a $20,000 Court House, tha sarae cry would go up " let us scramble for it." And then if ever destroyed by fire again it would be " let us scramble for it." Are tho mass of tho voters of Washtenaw County to bo influenced by such petty jealousies ? If so when the proposition shall havo been votod down wo hope that it will be a long time before another such liberal proposition is made to the county. Tho city will be callea on to pay $42,781.21 of the $99,000 called for, and that sum will build a City Hall which will be an ornament to our city and subject to our own control. The Senate has passed a bilí requiring all the ternis of the Supremo Court to be held at Lansing : which will greatly inconvenience inuch the largor uumber of tho bar of the State. B. B, RioitMOND, of tho firm of ili TtKOÏTBS & Backüs, Detroit, was n passenger on the wreelied steamer Atlantic. His name did not appear in tho flrst list of cabin passengers saved, hig family and friends knowing that he was to come home on the lost steamor were greatly relieved by the recoipt of the follosving dispatch : "Hai.ifax, April 2. " To A. Richinond, Detroit : " HaTod. " B. B. RicmroxD." The Supremo Oourt of Illinois has made a decisión important to telegraph companiea and business men. The boCttllod contracts on messago blunks are held void and companies liable for damages caused by defectivo instruinents and ignorant or curelosa operators, and this without extra paymont for " repeating." Receifing a message and pay for it is a oontract to aend it correctly. Vote for Charles J. Kintxetï, the Democratio candidate for County Superintendent of Schools. His qualifications are undisputed and if eleoted ho will infuse now lifo into the schools of the county. He is a gradúate of the University and vouched for aa thoroughly confident. The Oonnecticut State election is set down for Monday next. The Democrats have a very popular ticket in the field, and hope to elect two menibera of Congress and give the Stato ticket a close rub. Tho Republican candidate for Governor is very impopular, but his friends claim his election suro. Sexatou E.mersox has resigned his seat, and left Lansing for homo on "VVednesday. On Monduy next ho is to start for Salt Lake, having been appointed Associato-Justice for Utah. Tho Overland Monthly for April has in its list of papera the foEowing : AgrieuHural Capaeity oL California- Overflow and Drought, by J, Eoss Browne ; Catohing a Butterfly, by Clara B. Conant; Tho California Indians- Xo. VII. The Moewocs, by Stephen Powere ; Lady Uniger by Laura Lyon White ; The Pectens, or ScallopShells, by B. S. C. Steams ; Cape Ilorn in 1701, by Bt. Rev. Willim Ingraham ; A Geologist's Winter Talk, by John Muir ; Napoleon III., second period, 1865 to 1872, by John Dwiuclle ; TJltrawa,- No. VII, -The Lnke and the Lovers, by Eugene Authwise ; Sierras, poem, by Joaquín Miller; Current Literatura, etc. Johu H. Cakmant & Co., San Francisco, Cal.


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